07/25/2015 03:59 AM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
Thank you for those who either took the time to intellectually argue my points with their own reasoning and to the people who have the same feelings as I do.

To everyone else, if all you are gonna do is come in here and throw everyone's opinion back in their face, why even come on a message board? You must be great in social situations.

I really wish I didn't feel the way that I did about this game. And further more, I do hope that my faith in Mortal Kombat is restored in the future, but this game really knocked MK down a few pegs for me.

I seem to be one of the few who actually liked MK9's story. It was a reboot, or a re-imagining of sorts, of Mortal Kombat. But it followed the foundation that was laid out over 20 years ago (for the most part). It told a story that I couldn't wait to see what happened next. MKX, I couldn't wait for it to be over so I could just get the damn trophy for beating story mode. It was just...awful. I have come to expect a lot more from this team. The comics tell a MUCH better story than this game did.

As far as my problems with the krypt, I will admit that I didn't spend a shit ton of time on this game, grinding for coins. Because I don't HAVE a shit ton of time to grind for coins. When I go through arcade mode with whatever character, and I end up only being able to afford 1 Brutality and a concept art, shit is too expensive for the casual gamer. I don't have all the time needed to dedicate towards unlocking everything in the krypt. Which is where the microtransaction comes in as far as paying $20 to unlock everything. They knew that the casual gamer either wouldn't have the time or wouldn't want to spend the time to unlock everything, but the hardcore MK fan would want everything so they might spend the money. I refuse to give any more money towards this game. Kombat Pack 2 can be Havik, Reiko, Fujin, and Rain for all I care and I won't buy a single one of them.

The core fighting mechanics in the game are great, other than a few things that are only personal preferences that I don't like. But everything else about this game leaves such a bad taste in my mouth that I can't find the enjoyment in it that I found in pretty much every other Mortal Kombat I've played, and it really pains me to say that. This is now the second series that I cherish and have fond memories of from my childhood that has disappointed me this much.

I agree, I played the MK9 story mode so many times on X360, PS3 and even on PSVita. It was much for fulfilling than this. And the game felt a like true homage to the MK1-3 like it was intended. I was so excited and eager for MKX as well. But now I'm just worried for the series. Sales wise, they'll probably do well coz of WBgames and Ed who are smart at marketing and building hype, but as far as the future of the story and lore of MK?, that's left to be seen.

Yeah the Krypt really pisses me off, coz it feels like the pacing for getting Koins doesn't feel justified. In MKDA or MKD/U it felt like it was worth the time and effort. Acquiring koins in the MKD/U various modes was fun and rewarding at the same time. Those games made me feel I was getting my money's worth. Shame coz the MKX krypt looks amazing and is rather fun to explore. Having an option to buy all the unlocks in the krypt for $20 just hurts my soul sad

WBGames and their DLC practices are only gonna get worse. They're slowly increasing the prices for DLC for each game. At least there was a bit of an uproar for Batman Arkham Knight's $40 Season Pass. If gamers don't speak up, the Next Pass for MK11 could end up being $40-$50 sad . I actually like the idea of DLC, but not how it's being delivered now. At least the Witcher 3 took a step in the right direction by giving people a tonne of free DLC first.

Gameplay wise, MKX is fun to play. I do like the Prefight intros and I think that's a step up for Fighting games. The graphics are really good. I especially love watching the waves in the Kove. But it sadly this game does leaves a bad taste in my mouth as well. A painful feeling to have after 23 years sad

Hey man, what's the other series you're dissapointed with?
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07/25/2015 01:48 PM (UTC)
I'm glad you brought up the fight Intros. When they were showing videos before this games release, I was very excited about hearing everyone's interactions with each other. Then I got the game and it turned out that most of the interactions made me laugh at how cringworthy they were. I hope they drop these for the next MK, or at least spend more time trying to write better dialogue.

And the other game that has gone down the trail of shit is Resident Evil. Given MKX isn't nearly bad as RE6, but I still can't help make a comparison in my own mind because of the fact that they came nowhere close to living up to the expectations and both games made me lose faith in the series. Also made me feel that each company doesn't know what to do anymore and has forgotten what made their game stand above the rest in their respective genre.
07/25/2015 02:23 PM (UTC)
Throwing-Dissabled Wrote: I still personally miss Tobias' cool art style and design sensibilities and it'll always feel to me like there's something important missing from this series without it; but overall I've been thoroughly won back over into the fold since 2011.

Good post in general, but this specific part is a big issue for me and appearantley for others aswell. So far we can say that some elements were a part of Tobias influances. MK mytholgies, MK1-4 and the lack of it since he left the team proved that.

At the 3D era, i took MK for what it was, cared less for the series. The gameplay felt kinda stiff compared to some other fighters at that current time. But than again, some of the representation was still there to furfil my MK needs. Secrets, konquest etc.

Than MK9 came, and i was back at MK like in 1992. Followed the forums and MK kast. i was stunned by the re-representation on the classic characters. Shang tsung, Noob saibot, Ermac, Kung lao, smoke, nightwolf the cyborgs. And not to forget the great stages, klassic cheats, the kryp, it all was there. Still loving Mk9.

But than to realise it was all there to reboot the series, dishing most of these elements i loved so much of the series :(

its unfortunate that the current team doesnt seem interested in this perspective anymore and rebooted the game into what MKx is. I have no nostaligia goggles on, i was just a big fan of MK's representation in the first 4 games. i hope its all temporary now
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

07/25/2015 02:34 PM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
I'm glad you brought up the fight Intros. When they were showing videos before this games release, I was very excited about hearing everyone's interactions with each other. Then I got the game and it turned out that most of the interactions made me laugh at how cringworthy they were. I hope they drop these for the next MK, or at least spend more time trying to write better dialogue.

This is what I have to disagree on. Sure there were some fight dialogue that was not all that impressive and consisted of:

character a: you wanna fight?
character b: let's fight
character a: okay, we'll fight

but there was a ton that were awesome. There was some cool easter eggs thrown in with character name drops (Kobra, Shang, Chameleon etc), and characters just straight up insulting each other (I love everything Kano says) and I felt a lot of them were not that forced and were always refreshing to hear. I never skip any of them.

Besides, It's always gonna be loads better than "WHERE THERE IS SMOKE THERE IS FIRE". Just my opinion, though.
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...And Justice For All

07/25/2015 03:06 PM (UTC)
Did anyone else catch the fact the OP complained about all the MKX fatalities yet his signature IS an MKX fatality? Hmm I sense a hint of hypocrisy.
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07/25/2015 04:35 PM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
Did anyone else catch the fact the OP complained about all the MKX fatalities yet his signature IS an MKX fatality? Hmm I sense a hint of hypocrisy.

So sorry that my lack of desire to find a new signature bothers you and makes me a hypocrite.

@killswitch: some of the intros are truly great. My favorite being Johnny Cage and Goro. But it's just that if the two characters really have no history together, the intro is crap. And usually when me and my friends would play, it would be between 2 characters with no history and I get shitty intro dialogue.
07/25/2015 07:10 PM (UTC)
The intros are good for the first time you play the game. It's fun to hear all the intros everyone has with eachother, but alas, you're left with the feeling of wanting more. The DLC characters are a big culprit of this. Hell, Carl Weathers Jax and Tremor don't even HAVE dialogue. Some of them are great for sure, but I just wish they would have recorded a lot more. I'm guessing if there is future DLC down the line that their intros will be severely lacking, unless they bring in the voice actors again, which is not going to happen.

I agree with you guys on the krypt as well, I seriously hated getting everything in there. Getting the koins wasn't annoying because I enjoyed playing the game, but I hated navigating through it. It also doesn't help that you have to unlock brutalities in the krypt and you can't perform them if you haven't unlocked them. I guess more incentive to buy the $20 krypt unlock. Just seemed like a giant gimmick, although I did really enjoy the concept art/notes that they put in for the characters/stages. I really wish they would have released concept art for the DLC characters too, but maybe we will see that at a later date.
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07/26/2015 03:58 AM (UTC)
Other than just the game itself, the way it was handled by NRS just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I am speaking in regards to the microtransactions and them attempting to force people into buying it. It's just a shame because with MK9 and Injustice NRS set a reputation for themselves to treat their fans better. Meaning they didn't charge people for characters that were already on disc. With this game, they clearly took a step back in that aspect and just wanted to try to cash in on their fans' love of the franchise.
07/26/2015 04:21 AM (UTC)
I can agree that the story mode was a little off. I don't think it was bad, but it didn't have the same "feel" all the other main MK games have had. I want to say its because of the focus on the Special Forces, maybe its just be but a lot of it was a little too military like or something, I preferred the more mystic based feel with Asian influences (Which this game had) just not as much to give it that Klassic MK feel.

Even so, I cant say I dislike or think any less of MK after it. I love this game, I am still having a blast playing it and will continue to follow the series just as closely as I always have.
07/26/2015 04:42 AM (UTC)
Would the people who are upset about Goro be upset if he was on the disk, but you didn't have the option to get him? Because technically MK has had locked on disk characters since day 1.

We are rarely given a chance to play a Sub-boss, and when we do they are usually broken. Goro being the sub-boss instead of Ferra/Torr is the real travesty.
07/26/2015 05:24 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I can agree that the story mode was a little off. I don't think it was bad, but it didn't have the same "feel" all the other main MK games have had. I want to say its because of the focus on the Special Forces, maybe its just be but a lot of it was a little too military like or something, I preferred the more mystic based feel with Asian influences (Which this game had) just not as much to give it that Klassic MK feel.

Even so, I cant say I dislike or think any less of MK after it. I love this game, I am still having a blast playing it and will continue to follow the series just as closely as I always have.

This. To each their own, but this is one of my favorite MK games after MK 2 and MK 9. And no it didn't feel like MK at all, I have to agree with that. It disappointed me, I understand that they wanted to try something different, but sometimes trying something different don't always come with positive reception
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07/26/2015 01:53 PM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I can agree that the story mode was a little off. I don't think it was bad, but it didn't have the same "feel" all the other main MK games have had. I want to say its because of the focus on the Special Forces, maybe its just be but a lot of it was a little too military like or something, I preferred the more mystic based feel with Asian influences (Which this game had) just not as much to give it that Klassic MK feel.

Even so, I cant say I dislike or think any less of MK after it. I love this game, I am still having a blast playing it and will continue to follow the series just as closely as I always have.

This. To each their own, but this is one of my favorite MK games after MK 2 and MK 9. And no it didn't feel like MK at all, I have to agree with that. It disappointed me, I understand that they wanted to try something different, but sometimes trying something different don't always come with positive reception

But this game was a stretch as far as trying something different. It felt like they still had Injustice on the mind when writing this story. I haven't mentioned it myself because a few other people have, but Special Forces in the Netherrealm with guns shooting at demons? Come on now... That's one of the most ridiculous things I've seen in an MK game since I saw a monk get stabbed through his head by Baraka to which Liu Kang asked, "Are you ok?"

In terms of storytelling, I feel the team has forgotten what makes Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat. I just hope Raiden can send another message to himself to retcon this tragedy of a story.
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