MKX will be the last MK game I follow from beginning to end to avoid disappointment like this again
posted07/26/2015 01:53 PM (UTC)by
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07/17/2003 05:56 PM (UTC)
I have followed each and every Mortal Kombat game from the beginning of development until it's release since Deadly Alliance, and I have shared each journey with a few of you, whom which I have made friendships (no pun intended) with, Minion and Casselman to name a few.

However, after MKX, I can no longer bring myself to following another game from beginning to end. Perhaps it's because I'm just not into video games as much as I used to be but this game was an utter disappointment to me. There are so many things in this game that didn't come anywhere near living up to my expectations.

1)The story - The story in this game is absolutely dreadful. People complained about MK9's story mode and how it rehashed everything told in MK1-3, but I would have killed for a rehashed MK4-Deception over this garbage. And I never thought I would complain about there being too many cutscenes, but in a 5 hour long story mode, 3 1/2 hours of cutscenes is brutal.

2)The fighters - I understand that as a company you need to have the big names in the game that are good for marketing and selling a video game, but even before I put the game into my console, I was extremely disappointed with this games roster. Other than Shinnok, there were no surprise appearances; just the usual suspects. And Netherrealm has made it clear since Deception that they have no idea how to create new characters. And why is Ferra/Torr even in this game? What is their point? The one character I was actually interested in the backstory of and they get the rush treatment. Which surprises me seeing as she/he was one of the initial 6 shown for this game. And the DLC I could give two shits less about any of them. When I had MK9, I couldn't WAIT to get my hands on the next DLC. After playing Jason and then Tanya and then seeing the Predator's Fatalities via Youtube, my interest was killed in DLC.

3)The Krypt - This was just a damn shame. From what I've heard from various websites who have reviewed this game, is that they jacked up the price on all the Krypt's contents in order to get those microtransactions in there. Honestly, I expect more from NRS.

4)The variation system - This didn't play out at all how I expected it to. Basically all they did was create each character, and then nerf them 3 separate times with minimal changes to each nerfing. I'm not a fighting game expert, but I never found an instance where "Raiden A might be bad against Scorpion C but Raiden B is good against Scorpion C". Whoever the better player is at there respective variation with whatever character, will win. I never found myself even remotely curious enough to try to attempt to learn more than one variation for each character I used. I found my niche and stuck with it.

5)The Fatalities - I feel like they are just trying too hard nowadays. Some of them are good, but overall after seeing each Fatality two or so times, I don't care to see it again. Nothing gave me the feeling that Sektor's "Scarecrow" or Noob's "Make A Wish" gave me. I felt like every time I watched those it was always just as epic as the first time I saw it. I understand there gets to be a point where you've pretty much already done everything you could do, and I feel Mortal Kombat is treading that line right now.

Just as an honorable mention to things I don't like this this game, the Faction Wars. There is no point to this system at all. They made it seem like it was going to be some epic mode, but it's there for virtually no reason for it. They could have focused their efforts elsewhere.

I know I'm going to get hate and blasphemed for this, and people won't care, and why should you care? I'm just putting this out there for anyone who shares my sentiments on this game.
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07/23/2015 10:18 PM (UTC)
I'm right there with on pretty much all points. I actually liked Injustice more. I want to believe I won't follow the next game, but we'll see.
07/23/2015 10:21 PM (UTC)
The variation system actually works well for some characters. I cant remember exactly but in EVO foxygrampa was using Tempest Lao, and he got spanked by Sonic's Kitana, so he switched to Buzzsaw Lao which he won with, which forced Fox to break out his Erron Black, which won Sonic the tournament. Or at least I think that's what happened lol it could have happened a bit differently (Maybe someone who remembers can clarify?)
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/23/2015 10:24 PM (UTC)
You're complaining about TOO many cut story mode?

Sorry, but I get enough of fighting in every other mode of the game, nothing wrong with have as many cut scenes possible in story mode as that's what actually tells the story, not boring fights. MK9 had nothing but fights after fights after fights, very little story.
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07/23/2015 10:26 PM (UTC)
If the story was any good and could be beaten in more than one sitting, I wouldn't have minded all the cutscenes. But more than half of story mode was cutscenes. This isn't Metal Gear, it's Mortal Kombat. I expect to fight.
07/23/2015 10:40 PM (UTC)
4 months in and im still dedicatededly playing on a daily basis, my.skills have actually gotten better and the online community is still quite active with a healthy variety if characters and variation all in play.

The cast has grown and is more varied than when the game was released, characters also have been given new finishers and brutalities, which is something very much appreciated.

I've played through story mode twice and whilst it does have its shortcomings it's still superior to any other fighting game and the cut scenes were well animated.

I absolutely hated injustice, and believe MKx is a step in the right direction for the series.

In terms of popularity according to NPD in June MKX is biggest selling game of the year.

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PSN: manu_erizo
07/23/2015 10:44 PM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
If the story was any good and could be beaten in more than one sitting, I wouldn't have minded all the cutscenes. But more than half of story mode was cutscenes. This isn't Metal Gear, it's Mortal Kombat. I expect to fight.

Then play any other mode that isn't story mode? I mean, it's not like the game lacks fighting.
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07/23/2015 10:56 PM (UTC)
My disappointment for this game clearly goes beyond story mode.

And I agree, Joe-Von-Zombie, I enjoyed Injustice more as well. And at least that game had characters that interested me.

The characters that I did like in MKX I ended up caring less about because they've been shoved down my throat for the past 11 years. I thought they were going to take a chance like Deception did and bring back some underused characters from the franchises history and introduce new characters. Clearly NRS has no idea how to create new characters at all, with the exception of maybe Erron Black in this game, and they've been proving that for quite some time now. They have a few gems in there, but they are few and far between.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/23/2015 11:27 PM (UTC)
Its always sad to see interest in the series wane, especially for a long time fan. Though I enjoy the game, I can see where you're coming from on some points.

The story's focus on the next generation and especially Special Forces involvement in nearly every detail was off putting. That along with old standards of the series being broken was rough to watch. I can imagine RazorsEdge shitting himself watching good guys walk in and out of the netherrealm like it was a fucking amusement park.

Longer cut-scenes I suppose were a necessary evil. They tried to tell more of a story this time, for better or worse.

Variation system amongst the common man I believe is a bust. Most people find a variation that suits them and sticks with it. I've never seen a variation switch online. No, this is more of a tournament friendly feature. To watch someone counter pick with a different variation and turn an uphill battle into something more manageable is something special. But only tournament level players are really gonna dig that deep.

The faction system...was an interesting experience, but I can't really see what the pay off is. I suppose it was to try and make you feel a bit with the Mk universe? I don't know, certainly not a big selling point for me either.

The krypt wasn't a huge deal for me. While the micro transactions are a bit sad to see, I never once felt pressured into buying anything. Didn't really notice the koin earn rate. I was too busy grinding away anyway, so I was going to earn it sooner or later anyway.

Eh, its weird. I can't remember if it was Shadaloo or someone else that said this, but i have to agree, the more I come here, the more I see how much the fan base has changed. MK1 is not peoples first exposure to the series around here anymore. There are outright praise for some of the stranger decisions the series has made...and outright indifference to stuff the fandom used to hold dear.

This game is probably the biggest evidence of that generational shift. Sure, there's nostalgia for days, but Cassie Cage(millennial brat) is now the hero of MK, old story tropes are being thrown away for an easier to digest story, hell, even the gameplay is a twitchy, in your face offense fest compared to the more measured and defensive MK9.

Things dun changed for sure. I've enjoyed this series for a long time, and thus far, I've yet to come to the crossroads a lot of long time members have come to. I recognize the changes, sure, but nothing's really made me less passionate yet. Hopefully the next game proves you wrong and reels you back in. If not, remember the good times friend.

EDIT...I think I may have swerved off topic slightly, maybe I'm just making sense of shit around any case, I do hope you find your passion for Mk again.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/23/2015 11:29 PM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
If the story was any good and could be beaten in more than one sitting, I wouldn't have minded all the cutscenes. But more than half of story mode was cutscenes. This isn't Metal Gear, it's Mortal Kombat. I expect to fight.

Then play Arcade. MK has the deepest story when it comes to fighting games, if you know the series so well you'd know that.

Can't believe you're bitching about not fighting enough in story mode when ITS A FUCKING FIGHTING game. Every other mode is dedicated to that. The story mode is dedicated to...the STORY. It's not rocket science.
07/23/2015 11:44 PM (UTC)
As someone who likes a lot of the 3D era newbies like Quan Chi, Bo, Mavado, Ashrah, Frost, Dramin, Molach, Havik, Hotaru, and Onaga, I defiantly feel as though the newbies in MKX are the best new batch of characters since MKII. Jacqui was pretty cut and dry and Ferra/Torr had no importance to the plot, but they are miles ahead of Stryker, MK3s Ermac Rain and Noob, Kai, MK4s Reiko and Fujin, Jarek, Hsu Hao, Nitara, Li Mei, Darrius, Dariou, Shujinko, Kira, Kobra, Taven, and Deagon. I'm not even counting Meat, Mokap, and Blaze. I would have loved to see some of the underused characters or other characters redone, however adding a strong cast of newbies makes up for it by far.

Overall, I see MKX a lot like MKII. The story is very thrown together, but they focused on the mechanics, and making it feel like a new game by building up new characters. Jacqui is riding on Jax's reputation just as much as Jax did on Sonya's. Ferra/Torr didn't add much to the story, but Baraka was just a Outworld kombatant. Kung Lao to Cassie. Kung Jin to Kitana. Dvorah to Milleena. Kotal to Shao. I guess Takeda to Smoke/Jade then. All of this with the "hey, some of the the OG guys are back, too!"
07/23/2015 11:51 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Its always sad to see interest in the series wane, especially for a long time fan. Though I enjoy the game, I can see where you're coming from on some points.

The story's focus on the next generation and especially Special Forces involvement in nearly every detail was off putting. That along with old standards of the series being broken was rough to watch. I can imagine RazorsEdge shitting himself watching good guys walk in and out of the netherrealm like it was a fucking amusement park.

Hell I was shitting myself seeing that!

Like since when has it been so easy to walk in and out of Hell? Raiden shouldn't be able to do that and the heroes...okay I get it these people have killed but...does that really mean they are tainted with enough "evil" to be able to walk in and out of the Nethrrealm like it's no big deal?

Bi-Han being able to go there was supposed to be a big time revelation meaning he was harboring some major corruption within him that allowed him to sustain his presence in the Neathrrealm. Give it to Vogel and the guys to throw that right the fuck out the window now right?!

Earth has outposts in a realm of the after life...Just dsjfhsdjgyoishgkjdnaas WHAT?!
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/24/2015 12:05 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Its always sad to see interest in the series wane, especially for a long time fan. Though I enjoy the game, I can see where you're coming from on some points.

The story's focus on the next generation and especially Special Forces involvement in nearly every detail was off putting. That along with old standards of the series being broken was rough to watch. I can imagine RazorsEdge shitting himself watching good guys walk in and out of the netherrealm like it was a fucking amusement park.

Hell I was shitting myself seeing that!

Like since when has it been so easy to walk in and out of Hell? Raiden shouldn't be able to do that and the heroes...okay I get it these people have killed but...does that really mean they are tainted with enough "evil" to be able to walk in and out of the Nethrrealm like it's no big deal?

Bi-Han being able to go there was supposed to be a big time revelation meaning he was harboring some major corruption within him that allowed him to sustain his presence in the Neathrrealm. Give it to Vogel and the guys to throw that right the fuck out the window now right?!

Earth has outposts in a realm of the after life...Just dsjfhsdjgyoishgkjdnaas WHAT?!

And let's not forget that Night wolf had to consume the sins of his people, just to walk around the fucking place. That was the whole point of the netherrealm. A place of absolute evil, where good could not thrive, and then boom...fucking marines are running around with machine guns and shit...

Haha. It actually made me squirm when they just decided to storm hell. It just turned everything on its ear. Then once its over, well hell, Jax is just gonna chill out at Quan Chi's pad and wait for D'vorah to show up. You know...for shits and giggles.
07/24/2015 01:15 AM (UTC)
To each their own, but even if I knew nothing about MKX prior to launch, I would still be aghast and ashamed of the horrible "plot" in-game. The Cage family aura defeating an elder god, then a super elder god, is so laughably lame it erased any further interest in the MK lore. I used to really like MK's story, character plots/purpose, but now it is shit. Here is hoping MK11 is a totally separate game that has nothing to do with the train wreck that is MKX's plot, story, and fighter roster.
07/24/2015 01:28 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Its always sad to see interest in the series wane, especially for a long time fan. Though I enjoy the game, I can see where you're coming from on some points.

The story's focus on the next generation and especially Special Forces involvement in nearly every detail was off putting. That along with old standards of the series being broken was rough to watch. I can imagine RazorsEdge shitting himself watching good guys walk in and out of the netherrealm like it was a fucking amusement park.

Hell I was shitting myself seeing that!

Like since when has it been so easy to walk in and out of Hell? Raiden shouldn't be able to do that and the heroes...okay I get it these people have killed but...does that really mean they are tainted with enough "evil" to be able to walk in and out of the Nethrrealm like it's no big deal?

Bi-Han being able to go there was supposed to be a big time revelation meaning he was harboring some major corruption within him that allowed him to sustain his presence in the Neathrrealm. Give it to Vogel and the guys to throw that right the fuck out the window now right?!

Earth has outposts in a realm of the after life...Just dsjfhsdjgyoishgkjdnaas WHAT?!

And let's not forget that Night wolf had to consume the sins of his people, just to walk around the fucking place. That was the whole point of the netherrealm. A place of absolute evil, where good could not thrive, and then boom...fucking marines are running around with machine guns and shit...

Haha. It actually made me squirm when they just decided to storm hell. It just turned everything on its ear. Then once its over, well hell, Jax is just gonna chill out at Quan Chi's pad and wait for D'vorah to show up. You know...for shits and giggles.

Ooooh my god you reminded me all about that god damn- just...what the flying fuck NRS!?

Remember what happened to Ashrah when she cleansed her soul? The Netherrealm spat her out because in the words of the definition of evil itself (Quan Chi) "You could not exist here, unless your soul was tainted with evil"

Smoke was malfunctioning because of the good that resided under his programming which was conflicting with the evil of the Netherrealm.

Instead in MKX they treat hell as if it is just any old realm like it's no big deal that that place is HELL!
About Me


07/24/2015 01:30 AM (UTC)
The story is a letdown and slightly the roster but the game is still great imo.

The krypt complaint sounds like you don't even play the game.

The variation system I like for the most part, I'm hoping for MK11 they just cut it down to 2 per character though.

The "they're trying too hard" complaint about fatalities is something I've actually heard since I was like 7, you remind me of a grumpy old guy.

The faction wars shit is pretty lame besides just being able to pick your menu background. They needed to give better rewards to make people actually care about winning. NBA2k had something like this where after a month the group in 1st got a special park to play on made for them. NRS needed to do something cool like that.

Talking about Deception in a positive light and then saying NRS now doesn't know how to create new characters is funny. The new characters in this are much better than deception besides Havik and Ashrah imo.

I expected more out of the story and a bit better of a roster but this game is still fantastic. NRS just needs to cut their writers because it seems like they just don't give a fuck anymore.
07/24/2015 01:46 AM (UTC)
I agree with you on most points. MK9 did a good job at rejuvenating the franchise and brought a lot of the old fans back, but the transition from MK9 to MKX was just too big imo. They feel so different and they changed a lot of the things that I felt didn't need to be changed. I agree with you on factions as well, they were a complete waste of development time. They add NOTHING to the game.

The story has gotten worse for the most part with these two games, and it's undeniable. The presentation of the games has been amazing, but with the cost of telling a good story. I'm not going to bother with giving a shit about the story anymore after this game because it's obvious that NRS has stopped caring about it. I feel like they're trying too hard to make a story that will be easy to understand and appeal to the casuals. At the same time they throw in a few 3D era characters as cameos for the "hardcore" fans to show that they actually remember that they fucking exist.

Gameplay is better in this game, but the balance hasn't been very good at all. Variations obviously aren't working as intended, so many characters have useless variations that haven't been addressed yet. Gunslinger Erron Black, Spectral Ermac, Ruthless Ferra/Torr, the list goes on. It just seems like a gimmick that I hope doesn't come back for the next game. I do like some aspects of the variations, but I would prefer if they fine-tuned it or narrowed it down to 2 variations instead of three. I believe the gameplay is a step in the right direction with MKX, but it does need some fixing.

DLC - two guest characters, 'nuff said.

The Online - absolutely atrocious. This might be the reason that I don't buy the next MK. It's 2015 and we still don't have a good functioning online. Xbox One players can barely even connect to the fucking servers. This should honestly be their #1 priority for the next game, but I bet we will still have the same issues honestly. They have no incentive to fix anything because people will still buy it.
About Me


07/24/2015 02:08 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
I agree with you on most points. MK9 did a good job at rejuvenating the franchise and brought a lot of the old fans back, but the transition from MK9 to MKX was just too big imo. They feel so different and they changed a lot of the things that I felt didn't need to be changed. I agree with you on factions as well, they were a complete waste of development time. They add NOTHING to the game.

The story has gotten worse for the most part with these two games, and it's undeniable. The presentation of the games has been amazing, but with the cost of telling a good story. I'm not going to bother with giving a shit about the story anymore after this game because it's obvious that NRS has stopped caring about it. I feel like they're trying too hard to make a story that will be easy to understand and appeal to the casuals. At the same time they throw in a few 3D era characters as cameos for the "hardcore" fans to show that they actually remember that they fucking exist.

Gameplay is better in this game, but the balance hasn't been very good at all. Variations obviously aren't working as intended, so many characters have useless variations that haven't been addressed yet. Gunslinger Erron Black, Spectral Ermac, Ruthless Ferra/Torr, the list goes on. It just seems like a gimmick that I hope doesn't come back for the next game. I do like some aspects of the variations, but I would prefer if they fine-tuned it or narrowed it down to 2 variations instead of three. I believe the gameplay is a step in the right direction with MKX, but it does need some fixing.

DLC - two guest characters, 'nuff said.

The Online - absolutely atrocious. This might be the reason that I don't buy the next MK. It's 2015 and we still don't have a good functioning online. Xbox One players can barely even connect to the fucking servers. This should honestly be their #1 priority for the next game, but I bet we will still have the same issues honestly. They have no incentive to fix anything because people will still buy it.

Maybe it's only PS4 or something but the online has been fine for the last like two months.
07/24/2015 04:00 AM (UTC)
There are two points where I heavily agree with you but with a slight twist, Grimm.

Grimm Wrote:
1)The story - The story in this game is absolutely dreadful. People complained about MK9's story mode and how it rehashed everything told in MK1-3, but I would have killed for a rehashed MK4-Deception over this garbage. And I never thought I would complain about there being too many cutscenes, but in a 5 hour long story mode, 3 1/2 hours of cutscenes is brutal.

I think the length of the game is fine. If anything, it should have been even longer only because they needed to have every character serve a purpose. No, I don't mean that purpose should be "Ferra/Torr enters like a hulking brute, lumbering toward Kung Jin for battle. Insert quicktime event here."

They've had four cracks at Story Mode now, they need to have EVERY CHARACTER make an impact on the story. It's not that hard. They managed it quite well with just two paragraphs or less of bios in every game since the beginning of the franchise yet somehow when they figure out a way to expand upon the story, the ACTUAL storytelling of all of the core characters in the game somehow becomes sacrificed to spotlight a certain few? I'm sorry but how the hell did they manage to fuck that up exactly? You can still have characters that the story revolves around mainly and still focus on every other character that's involved and give them juicy, meaty things to do plotwise. It IS possible to have your cake and eat it too in that respect, so what the serious fuck?

Another thing they fucked up is the amount of fights. I'm sorry but when you have characters who share the exact same amount of fights as the NPC's in your Story Mode and yet some of them have even LESS screentime and plot relevance than said NPC's, you REALLY need to work out how you map and plan your Story Mode. That's not how that's really suppose to work. It's suppose to showcase the story you want to tell by highlighting the fighters YOU put in the core roster, not the fucking NPC's you left behind for the next game or DLC.

So basically, make the Story Mode longer. Flesh it out. Put in more depth. Focus on all the core roster characters, while still having your main players (Yeah, it's entirely possible). Put in more battle encounters to balance out the cutscenes, making it more interactive and assisting in making every character feel needed for said story. It's really REALLY simple.

Grimm Wrote:
2)The fighters - I understand that as a company you need to have the big names in the game that are good for marketing and selling a video game, but even before I put the game into my console, I was extremely disappointed with this games roster. Other than Shinnok, there were no surprise appearances; just the usual suspects. And Netherrealm has made it clear since Deception that they have no idea how to create new characters. And why is Ferra/Torr even in this game? What is their point? The one character I was actually interested in the backstory of and they get the rush treatment. Which surprises me seeing as she/he was one of the initial 6 shown for this game. And the DLC I could give two shits less about any of them. When I had MK9, I couldn't WAIT to get my hands on the next DLC. After playing Jason and then Tanya and then seeing the Predator's Fatalities via Youtube, my interest was killed in DLC.

Completely agree with you on the base roster being a bit asinine and some (not all) of the new characters lacking that special something. Kenshi, Quan Chi and Shinnok totally deserve to be there (bias obviously aside) because they've been setting these characters up and retconning them to be more involved with the storyline earlier than originally plotted for several games now. We SHOULD have had a lot of the revenants sit out and be Story Mode NPC's and DLC. If I had had control over this, based on the overall plot we received, the final roster should have been;

Cassie Cage, D'Vorah, Ermac, Erron Black, Ferra / Torr, Fujin, Jacqui Briggs, Jax, Johnny Cage, Kano, Kenshi, Kotal Kahn, Kung Jin, Mileena, Quan Chi, Raiden, Rain, Reptile, Scorpion, Shinnok, Sonya Blade, Sub-Zero, Takeda and Tanya.

DLC 1 should've been a revenant pack; Kung Lao, Kitana, Liu Kang and Sindel.

DLC 2 / Finale should've been a grab bag assortment of fan-requests and the guest; Predator, token female, token cyborg, token ninja. If I had my choice, it would have been Sareena, Cyrax and Tremor (Yes, I actually like what they did with Tremor).

But alas, we got what we got and I'm okay with it. I'm not as fed up as you, but it definitely put a strain on me and has weakened the excitement I have for future installments knowing that their risk taking days in terms of roster are pretty much over.
07/24/2015 04:30 AM (UTC)
I would quote a few people, but that would take up a lot of room.

I do agree that the chapter system was poorly planned during this game and many characters got cheated out of any real significance.

I also agree that the roster was WAY too safe, and had zero risk to it at all. I swear some people act like leaving original trilogy characters out is some form of blasphemy.

Hopefully some of the character endings imply that new and hopefully good things will come.......eventually.
07/24/2015 05:13 AM (UTC)
I don't even know why the dead characters were in this game in the first place. Of course because of fan demand, but hell I was hoping seeing 3D characters. But people keep saying the roster need to take a risk, so I guess maybe scraping Scorpion, Sub Zero and the classic characters for future games is taking a risk?
07/24/2015 05:25 AM (UTC)
Story mode should be a choose which character on the roster you want to follow type thing. An example would be, I pick Kotal and I see the story through his perspective and play as him during a few fights that logically proceed with it. He won't be the one who beats Shinnok or suddenly be able to beat 5 guys in a row who probably will or already have beat him. Hell, you could even do flashbacks to add content if they are really lacking, but everything should be relevant. This way you have to play every character to get the whole story, every character does something (even id it's unimportant to the main plot), and the story has an actual flow instead of a structured jumble. Characters like Cassie would obviously have more in her chapter than say Reptile, but at least we will be able to see Reptile did something as opposed to just being there. Also, generic NPCs would go along way.
07/24/2015 05:35 AM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
I don't even know why the dead characters were in this game in the first place. Of course because of fan demand, but hell I was hoping seeing 3D characters. But people keep saying the roster need to take a risk, so I guess maybe scraping Scorpion, Sub Zero and the classic characters for future games is taking a risk?

I'd say the risk was more like killing Liu Kang(The Golden Child) in Deadly Alliance or having majority of the Earthrealm warriors under the Dragon King's control in Deception.

Things like that opened the door for other characters, but NRS wasn't consistent with the 3D era.
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07/24/2015 05:41 AM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
I don't even know why the dead characters were in this game in the first place. Of course because of fan demand, but hell I was hoping seeing 3D characters. But people keep saying the roster need to take a risk, so I guess maybe scraping Scorpion, Sub Zero and the classic characters for future games is taking a risk?

No classics is just a dumb choice imo. I would think the very very large majority always want some classics in, I 100% do. MKX just had too many, I think 15 of 25 are from mk9. If they just cut out 5 of them and replaced them with mk4/3d characters it would be the best roster to date(again, in my opinion).
07/24/2015 06:11 AM (UTC)
lanoitarnu Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
I don't even know why the dead characters were in this game in the first place. Of course because of fan demand, but hell I was hoping seeing 3D characters. But people keep saying the roster need to take a risk, so I guess maybe scraping Scorpion, Sub Zero and the classic characters for future games is taking a risk?

No classics is just a dumb choice imo. I would think the very very large majority always want some classics in, I 100% do. MKX just had too many, I think 15 of 25 are from mk9. If they just cut out 5 of them and replaced them with mk4/3d characters it would be the best roster to date(again, in my opinion).

Agreed, would love to see that
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