MKX Dump-A-Thought
posted04/01/2015 10:16 PM (UTC)by
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Member Since
05/19/2006 11:48 PM (UTC)
I thought we could try having a thread where everyone can just occasionally drop by and post a random MKX-related thought that isn't necessarily called for in an existing topic. This is assuming most of you guys are, like me, finding yourselves autonomously thinking about this goddamned game every ten minutes...

Post any thought that pops into your head while you're here on the boards. The only rules are 1) Must relate to MKX somehow, and 2) Be Respectful!

I hadn't really noticed Scorpion's face-slice Fatality until I saw it in an old gameplay video earlier today... That shit was just terribly off-putting. I can't believe I hadn't paid proper attention to it this whole time.

...Also, I'm thinking I need to allocate some time to a new hobby. Last morning, I was actually angry when I found out it was the 17th. I thought it was the 19th, and I was that much closer -_-
03/18/2015 06:13 AM (UTC)
I told my sister who is preggo, if she have a daughter name her Kitana or Cassie lol
03/18/2015 06:17 AM (UTC)
Hi my name is Jorge

And i'm an MKAholic

The first step is admitting we have a problem guys and gals

03/18/2015 06:20 AM (UTC)
I still occasionally go back and watch the "Who's Next" trailer.

Also some people find it surprising that D'Vorah will be one of my mains.
About Me

03/18/2015 06:26 AM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
I told my sister who is preggo, if she have a daughter name her Kitana or Cassie lol

Hahaha is she considering this? Catana and Kissie are also acceptable.

Reptile_896 Wrote:The first step is admitting we have a problem guys and gals

I think this thread is admittance enough tongue

Darkhound74 Wrote:Also some people find it surprising that D'Vorah will be one of my mains.

Not too surprised, myself. Those combos look sick. And that Bug Brutality is my favorite one from the trailer. Also, you obviously like yellow!

Now rewatching MK9's Story Mode. Jax had a thing for Sonya. It wasn't all professional. His little quips and smiles are very flirtatious. "Gonna keep an eye on you! You're sticking with me!" And let's not forget, "She's nobody's property!" Also, the "It ain't like that!" to Johnny was very defensive.

Speaking of which... this chick enjoys all the attention from the guys. She reciprocates just enough to keep them going. Looked really pleased when Johnny said he and Jax had a fight.
03/18/2015 11:38 AM (UTC)
I'm actually taking a dump right now so this dump-a-thought thread is really living up to its name.

It's kind of a minor thing, but I'm really excited for having more skins than normal. I want a healthy mixture of klassic and new skins. But what I would do for a MK3 Jax skin...

About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/18/2015 12:09 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
I still occasionally go back and watch the "Who's Next" trailer.

Also some people find it surprising that D'Vorah will be one of my mains.

Me too man! Lmao best trailer ever!

One of the guys I work with is a "casual MK fan" and is almost as hyped as I am for this game. Anyway, everytime he sees me he brings up MKX because he knows that it's all I ever talk about lol

When I get up in the morning, I immediately go to MKO and look at Ed's tweets for new info. It's pretty bad really lol
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/18/2015 12:14 PM (UTC)
"Here's Johnny!" Fatality.....on Cassie Cage.

*laughing out loud in my head*
03/18/2015 12:21 PM (UTC)
I'm gonna try to main Jacqui. I think that her potential is off the charts. All of the new characters look fresh and exciting, but Jacqui intrigues me the most. Maybe because we haven't seen much of her.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/18/2015 12:29 PM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
I'm gonna try to main Jacqui. I think that her potential is off the charts. All of the new characters look fresh and exciting, but Jacqui intrigues me the most. Maybe because we haven't seen much of her.

We haven't seen much of Erron Black either. So much mystery with that guy. Love the guns/missles(?) on Jacqi's arms though.
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03/18/2015 12:30 PM (UTC)
kvath072 Wrote:
I'm actually taking a dump right now so this dump-a-thought thread is really living up to its name.

Thanks for that bit. /thread
About Me

'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

03/18/2015 12:31 PM (UTC)
I was thinking this morning that seeing the Kahn armour picture in some kind of library stage, that stage was one of the faction background I believe, possibly for the Brotherhood of Shadow. Now didn't Reiko have dealings with Shinnok in the old games before becoming one of Kahns generals?

So yeah more Reiko obsession
03/18/2015 02:06 PM (UTC)
Because this games take place in the future. Will other characters like frost, Kira, kobra ect.... Be aged now?
03/18/2015 02:11 PM (UTC)
Johnny looks like he moves differently from everyone else. Everyone else seems relatively realistic in the movements, Johnny seems.....cartoony.

Also, on a completely separate note, I'm really hoping for the next several games Kotal Kahn replaces Shao. He seriously needs a rest until they can come up with something better than angry, stripper, bdsm looking Emperor who wants to conquer realms just for the hell of it. He hasn't been menacing since MK3 and that's a shame as I originally loved him as a character but he's grown so stale.
03/18/2015 02:12 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Because this games take place in the future. Will other characters like frost, Kira, kobra ect.... Be aged now?

I don't think Frost ages the same way as our regular humans. And we probably won't see Kira or Kobra anyways.
03/18/2015 02:14 PM (UTC)
Bllake Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
Because this games take place in the future. Will other characters like frost, Kira, kobra ect.... Be aged now?

I don't think Frost ages the same way as our regular humans. And we probably won't see Kira or Kobra anyways.

Didn't subzero age?
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03/18/2015 02:25 PM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
I told my sister who is preggo, if she have a daughter name her Kitana or Cassie lol

No. Empress Mileena is the ONLY name option.

Windice Wrote:
Bllake Wrote:
Windice Wrote:Because this games take place in the future. Will other characters like frost, Kira, kobra ect.... Be aged now?

I don't think Frost ages the same way as our regular humans. And we probably won't see Kira or Kobra anyways.

Didn't subzero age?

SubZero has had many different maskless/hoodless looks over the years. MKDA was the first time we saw him with grey hair, and in MKD it was white, but that may not be an age thing since Frost's hair has always been white.

I'm wondering if they will age the characters in the story. Like how Johnny, Sonya and Kenshi are all seen straight after the events of MK9. Assuming they survive to the end, will we see them in 25 yrs time all with crow's feet and grey hair?
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/18/2015 02:35 PM (UTC)
Johnny Cage vs Cassie Cage

I hope they make some mention about the fact that they both have "nut punches".

Cassie: "First one to get punched in the crotch loses!"
Johnny: "No hitting below the belt, princess, okay?"
Cassie: "No promises"

About Me

03/18/2015 03:36 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:Also, on a completely separate note, I'm really hoping for the next several games Kotal Kahn replaces Shao. He seriously needs a rest until they can come up with something better than angry, stripper, bdsm looking Emperor who wants to conquer realms just for the hell of it. He hasn't been menacing since MK3 and that's a shame as I originally loved him as a character but he's grown so stale.

Sad, but true. I don't think I can withstand another sojourn in a world where MK9 Shao Khan exists.

PickleMendip Wrote:I'm wondering if they will age the characters in the story. Like how Johnny, Sonya and Kenshi are all seen straight after the events of MK9. Assuming they survive to the end, will we see them in 25 yrs time all with crow's feet and grey hair?

Yeah, definitely; Johnny is rocking some grays in his hair and Sonya's trying to hide her looming crow's feet in the shadow of her hat in the Cage Family Trailer Haha

I'm having a hard time deciding whether or not to read the Story script if it leaks this time...
03/18/2015 03:47 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
I told my sister who is preggo, if she have a daughter name her Kitana or Cassie lol

No. Empress Mileena is the ONLY name option.

Windice Wrote:
Bllake Wrote:
Windice Wrote:Because this games take place in the future. Will other characters like frost, Kira, kobra ect.... Be aged now?

I don't think Frost ages the same way as our regular humans. And we probably won't see Kira or Kobra anyways.

Didn't subzero age?

SubZero has had many different maskless/hoodless looks over the years. MKDA was the first time we saw him with grey hair, and in MKD it was white, but that may not be an age thing since Frost's hair has always been white.

I'm wondering if they will age the characters in the story. Like how Johnny, Sonya and Kenshi are all seen straight after the events of MK9. Assuming they survive to the end, will we see them in 25 yrs time all with crow's feet and grey hair?
03/18/2015 03:55 PM (UTC)
I want to know more about the green energy seen throughout the series. We know Johnny and Cassie can use it, but we have seen others such as Shao Kahn, Nightwolf, and Jade use something similar, Nightwolf and Kahn actually take it a step further by making weapons out of it (Bow n arrow for Nightwolf and Spear for Kahn) Not to mention their green charge attacks (Kick for Jade)

Idk I would like to know if this is just a coincidence and NRS likes green or if they are all tapping into a similar type of energy and is something most people that aren't average humans can eventually learn to use. EDIT Just realized this technically isn't MKX related lol my bad.
03/18/2015 04:02 PM (UTC)
why does Reiko hate Quan Chi so much
03/18/2015 04:07 PM (UTC)
All this talk about "Blood Magik" and "Blood Gods" is making me think " what exactly IS Skarlet doing?" I'd imagine this would be a good time for her to shine, since she pretty much IS blood magic.

Will she play some sort of role in MKX?
03/18/2015 04:42 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
He seriously needs a rest until they can come up with something better than angry, stripper, bdsm looking Emperor who wants to conquer realms just for the hell of it.

Shao Kahn wasn't conquering realms for the hell of it. I think it was mentionned eventually that he was being unknowingly influenced by the One Being to combine the realms so he could come back to life. Same as Onaga.
03/18/2015 04:48 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
He seriously needs a rest until they can come up with something better than angry, stripper, bdsm looking Emperor who wants to conquer realms just for the hell of it.

Shao Kahn wasn't conquering realms for the hell of it. I think it was mentionned eventually that he was being unknowingly influenced by the One Being to combine the realms so he could come back to life. Same as Onaga.

Until MK9 stripped all of anything interesting about him anyway and literally just made him into a manipulated pawn in a bigger scheme thus eliminating any threatening vibe completely from him, at least in my eyes. That whole Quan Chi angle fucked him in the new timeline and made him look like a buffoon.
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