04/05/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
Honestly, the gameplay and other aspects of the game are what I'm most hyped about. Story is important to me and cool and all but it's never been my go to thing so all the hate for it is quite comical to me.
You know what killed my hope for Smoke and Sektor? When they were shown in their MK9 outfits. And that was fine If they're not coming back for certain I'd like a visual indicator than whatever was going on with Baraka and Rain.

Unless that means they're planned for DLC later joining another NPC. Than I suppose it made sense in a way.

swerzy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
swerzy Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
The tears must certainly be delicious if you're licking them off your own face.

You seem to have everything you want yet you take time out to cry about other people finding faults with various parts of the game?

Who's this directed at?

The guy with the Takeda sig, you know, the guy who keeps saying things that don't make sense.

Ah, that's fine. I was the post above so I thought it was aimed at me and I was really confused.

Nah. I try to use add original to reply to people specifically

Except when I don't.
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04/05/2015 09:42 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Emotions are runnin high.

I don't really care about story mode (surprise people to know I'm not that salty about Mileena and Barakas fate) but it barely affecting characters like Kung, Liu and Kitana who stay dead but get costumes to imply otherwise and are still in the roster while Baraka and Rain also play a part in story but get reduced to NPC cameos with new costumes BUT the other revenants and Sektor are copy pasted from 9...

You know it might be emotions but I don't think I'm the only one. Everywhere I go I see people saying the story sucks and I 100% agree that this is probably the worst story yet. Compare it to MK9 and you'll see MK9 as a masterpiece.

Here's what's shitty about it other than Sektor dying, I'll forget about him dying and I won't count him because that might be biased.

The shitty thing is like you said, Liu Kang/Kitana/Kung Lao get human OLD forms and yet they stay fucking dead. WHY? JUST FUCKING TELL ME WHY?

Rain could have taken a spot, Baraka deserved one in this supposed "Brutal" game and dark tone they are going for. FUJIN, WHERE THE FUCK IS FUJIN? You fucking kidding me? Seriously? Were they like "Umm we should probably get back Liu Kang/Kitana and Kung Lao, get them old human forms even though they stay dead and please, PLEASE leave the character who deserves a spot the most out" Fuck whoever thought of this shit.

It's really stupid, those 3 spots could have went to someone better and Liu Kang/Kung Lao/Kitana could have been made fightable NPCs and later on came as an undead DLC pack.

That's not really a good enough reason to say the entire story sucks.

Yes, it's odd and fan servicey to include characters as 'alive' when they're actually dead... And we can argue about roster into eternity...

But story mode isn't good or bad depending on character mechanics and roster arguments. Liu and Kitana being presented weird doesn't ruin the whole story, just like the horrible representation of mileena in MK9 didn't ruin the whole thing.

What ruins a story is the whole narrative. I've not spoiled it for myself yet, but it'll take a lot more than 'that's stupid about the revenants' to ruin it for me.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

04/06/2015 12:13 AM (UTC)
If "Story Mode hype is dead" it's your own goddamn fault.

All you turds can never get enough...you always need to know EVERYTHING before the game comes out, then you bitch and moan about there being "nothing new" in the game on launch day.

Hype dead? Stop spoiling yourself.

Take it from me. I see all these threads on this turd forum, all of which have links to a full stream of story mode, all the secret characters and surprises and whatnot. AND I DONT CLICK THEM. SImple as that. Spoiled? Your own fault. Sorry kiddo.

As for NRS themselves, yes...they absolutely SUCK at keeping shit secret. They are by far, the absolute worst development company in the history of gaming when it comes to keeping things a surprise for launch. Despite all the MK turdbase going out of their way to seek out spoilers and leaks, NRS contributes to more than 90% of that spoiling from their own damn inability to keep their mouths shut.

And so here we are again. One week before launch, and the typical bitchbitch whinewhine MK turdbase crying is going on. Every one of you who has been spoiled? Your fault. You have the option not to be spoiled. No one is grabbing your hand and forcing you to click link to threads that contain spoilers, or links showing all of story mode.

This is why, from the very bottom of my heart and with all my soul, I absolutely HATE the Mortal Kombat fanbase with all the hate I could possibly muster.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

04/06/2015 12:18 AM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
I told everyone this game would suck dick, everyone called me negative...its rubbish

from the shit house fatalities, to the fucking horrible roster, to the unimaginative shit house storymode...



Everytime you post I just laugh, I swear you're the main reason why I come to rant threads.
Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

04/06/2015 12:23 AM (UTC)
I'm not going to be thrilled either. I read a little bit of stuff on the story. Didn't spoil myself too much, but man I feel like I'm not gonna be a huge fan.

That being said...They played this story to be huge. Doesn't seem like it.
04/06/2015 01:47 AM (UTC)
There are two things that genuinely boggle my mind when it comes to the reaction to this game.

First up is this idea that some characters "deserve" something more than others. As if they are living beings and not simply constructs of someone's mind to be used to tell a story. We all have our favorite characters, but I'm not going to burn NRS down because certain ones aren't in this game. I'm also not going to call NRS lazy, or say they hate us fans because look at this freaking game, it looks great! If they wanted to really send a middle finger to fans, not including a certain character would be a weak attempt. Releasing a broken game? Now that's a "F" you that I would really feel, and that doesn't seem to be the case here.

Second is the prioritizing of the story mode over the actually fighting aspect. MK has always had an interesting story and characters, but it was always something to explain why this hodgepodge of characters would have reason to fight each other. Keyword there being fight. I remember going to the arcade to fight against my friends and see who was the best. I never went to the arcade to read Scorpion's bio and see what he does in his chapter.

The story mode is a cool addition to the fighting genre and NRS put great effort into it. However, that shouldn't take the place of what MK truly is at its core and that's a fighting game. It's a mode, one of many, and that's all it is. It's awesome to see the story play out as opposed to reading bios to piece things together, but the gameplay should reign. It's really disheartening to see people checking out of this game because they don't like what happens in one mode. That's just my two pennies though.
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