Looking forward to MKX, but Story Mode hype is dead
posted04/06/2015 01:47 AM (UTC)by
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02/04/2015 12:45 PM (UTC)
I gather a large majority of people know what happens in story mode. If you don't, then I'd leave if you don't want to know spoilers.

So, MKX's Story Mode has only 12 Chapters compared to MK9's 16. This in itself is extremely disappointing, but the final nail in the koffin is the fact that more than half the roster won't be getting a chapter of their own, including several of the resurrected characters. I just recently saw the ending and it's very 'meh' and the mid-credits scene is also 'meh'. Shinnok is the big-bad and is also the unlockables character. Again, a lack-luster attempt ar trying to be 'creative'.

These faults have 100% killed my hype for Story Mode, but I'm still incredibly excited to play the game and find all the other secrets. I was wondering if anyone else felt the same way so that I know I'm not the only one de-hyped sad
04/05/2015 12:42 PM (UTC)
How and where have you seen full story mode? Could you link it?
04/05/2015 12:42 PM (UTC)
I think its a disgrace myself so lazy, next gen consoles, you would think there would be a bigger story, and as for the unlockable character? Absolutely criminal.. And the final chapter being Cassie is scandalous..
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04/05/2015 12:45 PM (UTC)
KotalKhan Wrote:
I think its a disgrace myself so lazy, next gen consoles, you would think there would be a bigger story, and as for the unlockable character? Absolutely criminal.. And the final chapter being Cassie is scandalous..

How, exactly? It's been clear she was the protagonist since the story trailer....

They wanted a new generation of fighters... made them... inevitably that new generation would feature the next 'champion' of sorts... Cassie was the first of that generation and has been the most promoted.... She's the daughter of two loved characters, and has obviously had a lot of effort put into her...

Where's the scandal exactly? Is it because you don't like her? confused
I think I'll hold off until Tanya, Or A Second Pack with Baraka (who got a shit deal in this game but can be rectified by playing as him one last time) and Dead Man Talking Havik.

Or if Reptile has a couple more alts that includes those concepts that were shown.

......So I think I'll just wait until Tanya.
04/05/2015 12:51 PM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
KotalKhan Wrote:
I think its a disgrace myself so lazy, next gen consoles, you would think there would be a bigger story, and as for the unlockable character? Absolutely criminal.. And the final chapter being Cassie is scandalous..

How, exactly? It's been clear she was the protagonist since the story trailer....

They wanted a new generation of fighters... made them... inevitably that new generation would feature the next 'champion' of sorts... Cassie was the first of that generation and has been the most promoted.... She's the daughter of two loved characters, and has obviously had a lot of effort put into her...

Where's the scandal exactly? Is it because you don't like her? confused

Please explain to me what gives Cassie the right to be the hero of the game and why she would even posses such power to defeat shinnok? Please enlighten me.
Better than the others. I just hope this gives Cassie enough credibility to fully replace Johnny and Sonya.
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04/05/2015 12:57 PM (UTC)
KotalKhan Wrote:
samuhai Wrote:
KotalKhan Wrote:
I think its a disgrace myself so lazy, next gen consoles, you would think there would be a bigger story, and as for the unlockable character? Absolutely criminal.. And the final chapter being Cassie is scandalous..

How, exactly? It's been clear she was the protagonist since the story trailer....

They wanted a new generation of fighters... made them... inevitably that new generation would feature the next 'champion' of sorts... Cassie was the first of that generation and has been the most promoted.... She's the daughter of two loved characters, and has obviously had a lot of effort put into her...

Where's the scandal exactly? Is it because you don't like her? confused

Please explain to me what gives Cassie the right to be the hero of the game and why she would even posses such power to defeat shinnok? Please enlighten me.

The right to be a hero?

Dude... it's a fictional story. The writers get to pick whoever they please to be the hero and 'possess such power'. Nobody gets the 'right' to be a hero - they just decide who they want to be the protagonist.

If Cassie isn't your cup of tea, good on you. I never cared for Liu Kang but still like the story, both old and new. I'm sure you'll survive the utter scandal of Cassie being the final victor.
04/05/2015 01:01 PM (UTC)
I told everyone this game would suck dick, everyone called me negative...its rubbish

from the shit house fatalities, to the fucking horrible roster, to the unimaginative shit house storymode...


About Me

-sig by MINION

04/05/2015 01:02 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Better than the others. I just hope this gives Cassie enough credibility to fully replace Johnny and Sonya.
Same. I think the story and the game in general is transitional. They definitely eased us into it with the roster but like MK2011 the set up for the next game is huge and promising.

I haven't seen the entirety of story mode but I loved everything I did see. We can't expect every single character to get a chapter when all they consist of is four fights and hardly any deaths. I think they did a great job with the story, personally.
04/05/2015 01:02 PM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
KotalKhan Wrote:
samuhai Wrote:
KotalKhan Wrote:
I think its a disgrace myself so lazy, next gen consoles, you would think there would be a bigger story, and as for the unlockable character? Absolutely criminal.. And the final chapter being Cassie is scandalous..

How, exactly? It's been clear she was the protagonist since the story trailer....

They wanted a new generation of fighters... made them... inevitably that new generation would feature the next 'champion' of sorts... Cassie was the first of that generation and has been the most promoted.... She's the daughter of two loved characters, and has obviously had a lot of effort put into her...

Where's the scandal exactly? Is it because you don't like her? confused

Please explain to me what gives Cassie the right to be the hero of the game and why she would even posses such power to defeat shinnok? Please enlighten me.

The right to be a hero?

Dude... it's a fictional story. The writers get to pick whoever they please to be the hero and 'possess such power'. Nobody gets the 'right' to be a hero - they just decide who they want to be the protagonist.

If Cassie isn't your cup of tea, good on you. I never cared for Liu Kang but still like the story, both old and new. I'm sure you'll survive the utter scandal of Cassie being the final victor.

A fictional story? No shit I didn't say it wasn't, alls I'm saying is that they have picked the wrong character to conclude the story on. Your clearly a sonya/Cassie fanboy so i guess your happy with how it's all panned out
04/05/2015 01:02 PM (UTC)
I've only seen the first 2 chapters of MKX and in my opinion i thought it was pretty incredible. I really like what I've seen so far. Not sure why there's so much butthurt in these forums the past couple of days.
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04/05/2015 01:06 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Better than the others. I just hope this gives Cassie enough credibility to fully replace Johnny and Sonya.
Same. I think the story and the game in general is transitional. They definitely eased us into it with the roster but like MK2011 the set up for the next game is huge and promising.

I haven't seen the entirety of story mode but I loved everything I did see. We can't expect every single character to get a chapter when all they consist of is four fights and hardly any deaths. I think they did a great job with the story, personally.

I'm not being a dick when I say this, but what is exactly the set up? I honestly don't know where MK11 is going and I'd love to know what the mid-credits scene means for future MK games. If I knew where they were going I might appreciate story mode a lot more.
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04/05/2015 01:12 PM (UTC)
KotalKhan Wrote:
samuhai Wrote:
KotalKhan Wrote:
samuhai Wrote:
KotalKhan Wrote:
I think its a disgrace myself so lazy, next gen consoles, you would think there would be a bigger story, and as for the unlockable character? Absolutely criminal.. And the final chapter being Cassie is scandalous..

How, exactly? It's been clear she was the protagonist since the story trailer....

They wanted a new generation of fighters... made them... inevitably that new generation would feature the next 'champion' of sorts... Cassie was the first of that generation and has been the most promoted.... She's the daughter of two loved characters, and has obviously had a lot of effort put into her...

Where's the scandal exactly? Is it because you don't like her? confused

Please explain to me what gives Cassie the right to be the hero of the game and why she would even posses such power to defeat shinnok? Please enlighten me.

The right to be a hero?

Dude... it's a fictional story. The writers get to pick whoever they please to be the hero and 'possess such power'. Nobody gets the 'right' to be a hero - they just decide who they want to be the protagonist.

If Cassie isn't your cup of tea, good on you. I never cared for Liu Kang but still like the story, both old and new. I'm sure you'll survive the utter scandal of Cassie being the final victor.

A fictional story? No shit I didn't say it wasn't, alls I'm saying is that they have picked the wrong character to conclude the story on. Your clearly a sonya/Cassie fanboy so i guess your happy with how it's all panned out

I hate to use the phrase 'butt-hurt' but it's one of the few times I find it appropriate...

If all you wanted to say was 'I wish someone else was the protagonist'... you wouldn't have said 'right to be the hero'.... 'Right' implies something far more than just 'I don't want her to be the protagonist', and it's very odd to read. Again, they're fictional characters, none of them have the 'right' to anything.

And as a Sonya fanboy you'll find I"m not happy with how a lot of things have turned out, but I"m not fussed that Cassie is the protagonist, nor that I'll ahve to play as plenty of characters I don't like to do story mode. I'll survive gringrin
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Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/05/2015 01:22 PM (UTC)
KotalKhan Wrote:
samuhai Wrote:
KotalKhan Wrote:
samuhai Wrote:
KotalKhan Wrote:
I think its a disgrace myself so lazy, next gen consoles, you would think there would be a bigger story, and as for the unlockable character? Absolutely criminal.. And the final chapter being Cassie is scandalous..

How, exactly? It's been clear she was the protagonist since the story trailer....

They wanted a new generation of fighters... made them... inevitably that new generation would feature the next 'champion' of sorts... Cassie was the first of that generation and has been the most promoted.... She's the daughter of two loved characters, and has obviously had a lot of effort put into her...

Where's the scandal exactly? Is it because you don't like her? confused

Please explain to me what gives Cassie the right to be the hero of the game and why she would even posses such power to defeat shinnok? Please enlighten me.

The right to be a hero?

Dude... it's a fictional story. The writers get to pick whoever they please to be the hero and 'possess such power'. Nobody gets the 'right' to be a hero - they just decide who they want to be the protagonist.

If Cassie isn't your cup of tea, good on you. I never cared for Liu Kang but still like the story, both old and new. I'm sure you'll survive the utter scandal of Cassie being the final victor.

A fictional story? No shit I didn't say it wasn't, alls I'm saying is that they have picked the wrong character to conclude the story on. Your clearly a sonya/Cassie fanboy so i guess your happy with how it's all panned out
They picked the wrong character? Lol Who the HELL are you?
04/05/2015 01:30 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
I told everyone this game would suck dick, everyone called me negative...its rubbish

from the shit house fatalities, to the fucking horrible roster, to the unimaginative shit house storymode...



Man you seriously need to shut the hell up.everyone gets that you don't like the game even though you never played it.but understand that nothing changes because the biggest whiner on a forum say such derogatory things about a video game,most of which is just an absurd opinion.everyone else will enjoy the game while you and the league of excessive whiners continue bitching and crying on this forum and other social media outlets.if you are a grown man/woman ranting this bad over a video game then God help you.we know you're going to buy the game anyway so whatever.
04/05/2015 01:32 PM (UTC)
im actually not....i have no intention of spending money on a game i find no interest in...

i wont touch half the roster, and the roster is the replayablity.

i wont touch jax, kitana, lk,kl,cassie, jacquie, sonya, cage, ermac... its just a huge cluster fuck...

im a massive fan of the franchise, hence why im so salty, they fucked up what could have been the best mk ever...
04/05/2015 01:34 PM (UTC)
When I found out Mileena was killed by none other than D'Vorah, I was most certainly done.
04/05/2015 01:35 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
im actually not....i have no intention of spending money on a game i find no interest in...

i wont touch half the roster, and the roster is the replayablity.

i wont touch jax, kitana, lk,kl,cassie, jacquie, sonya, cage, ermac... its just a huge cluster fuck...

im a massive fan of the franchise, hence why im so salty, they fucked up what could have been the best mk ever...

Better for YOU.

I'm definetly going to play with the characters you mentioned, and I know a lot of people who will as well.
04/05/2015 01:36 PM (UTC)
if the roster and story, and a lot of decisions where not indeed shit...the community wouldnt be so divided.....

yet is is, what does that tell you?

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Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/05/2015 01:38 PM (UTC)
AN ONLINE FORUM does not even represent the community or Mortal Kombat fans as a whole. Just because half of this forum or another doesn't like the game doesn't mean the MAJORITY of fans who don't post on forums like it. The game is already gold so no, THAT TELLS YOU SOMETHING.
04/05/2015 01:38 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
if the roster and story, and a lot of decisions where not indeed shit...the community wouldnt be so divided.....

yet is is, what does that tell you?

That there are people who will play with the characters you just said.
04/05/2015 01:45 PM (UTC)
you think its just this forum? HAHAHA check TRMK, check TYM, check IGN, GS, Twitter, GAMEFAQ

EVERY place has the same divide....The game is fucking shit...

its a rushed out product with a rehashed roster, full if pointless content that amounts to fuck all...

come on, 13 stages? HAHAHA 12 story chapters? HAHAHA

Fuckin mk9.5 roster.... Same shitty slice point fatalities...except for boons love child scorpion....

stop riding the NRS dick, admit their faults...this game is half assed rubbish....built for fat fuckin losers like that kitana loving nub on the stream, so they can show off at EVO... so instead of making new characters an a worth while story they made characters to meet tourney players needs....the games a fucking joke
About Me

Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/05/2015 01:46 PM (UTC)
Then don't buy the game you fucking troll. lol
04/05/2015 01:49 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
you think its just this forum? HAHAHA check TRMK, check TYM, check IGN, GS, Twitter, GAMEFAQ

EVERY place has the same divide....The game is fucking shit...

its a rushed out product with a rehashed roster, full if pointless content that amounts to fuck all...

come on, 13 stages? HAHAHA 12 story chapters? HAHAHA

Fuckin mk9.5 roster.... Same shitty slice point fatalities...except for boons love child scorpion....

stop riding the NRS dick, admit their faults...this game is half assed rubbish....built for fat fuckin losers like that kitana loving nub on the stream, so they can show off at EVO... so instead of making new characters an a worth while story they made characters to meet tourney players needs....the games a fucking joke

All those sites you mentioned together won't even be 1% of the people who will buy the game, and these people sure love Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Kung Lao, Kitana and Jax.

And get ready because they will all return in the next game.
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