07/23/2014 03:57 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I kinda hope that Scarlet makes it in. Technically in a way, she's indestructible. But I'm not taking that into consideration for her return. Despite that her ending would most likely have nothing relevant to do with the main story, I'd like for her to somewhat be hidden in the shadows, like how Reptile was for Mortal Kombat and Jade/Smoke/Noob for Mortal Kombat 2. It's just, I'm hoping she's not one of those newer characters that has nothing for her anymore and just gets scrapped.

I mean, they made a big fuss about her before her reveal, I think they would have to do something with her other than toss her immediately out.

I'm in the same boat as you. I think Skarlet should come back for MKX. She was the only new character in MK9 and deserves to be developed.

I think a point to make with Skarlet is that if there is a certain number of returning "classic" characters then Skarlet isn't included in that. Skarlet isn't classic so her returning wouldn't take away from the speculated 8 slots for trilogy characters.
07/23/2014 05:38 PM (UTC)
Time for the final 3 in this discussion. While it is the final 3 this discussion is not over and I will explain why at the end.

First we start with Quan Chi. Having brought about Shao Kahn's demise, Quan Chi was now to grow the ranks of the brotherhood of shadow. Many warriors had perished during Outworld's invasion of Earthrealm (true even in story mode). Quan Chi stole their soul's and remade them to serve Lord Shinnok. Shinnok repaid Quan Chi's service by ordering his execution, therefore eliminating any threats to his throne. Quan Chi had anticipated this and had resurrected Shao Kahn as his warrior. Quan then struck down the brotherhood of Shadow and Shinnok with Kahn's assistance. So, there is no reason at all that this is not TRUE. Yep, in fact nearly everything that happens in Quan's ending happens in story mode. The only false part of this ending is having Shao Kahn as his minion. Shao Kahn is gone and it needs to stay that way for a minute. However, is it out of the realm of possibility that he has another warrior help slay Shinnok? Liu Kang anyone?

Next is Noob Saibot. Quan Chi never should have resurrected Noob Saibot. The revenant that he had created had broken free of his control. Noob had formed an alliance with a cleric from the realm of Chaos and opened a portal for him to the Netherealm. Shinnok, Quan Chi, and the brotherhood of Shadow were unprepared as the forces of Chaos overwhelmed them, leaving the underworld weakened. Satisfied with his work, Havik returned to the realm of Chaos. Noob Saibot remained to seize control of the Netherealm. I believe that this ending is completely TRUE. NRS have been hinting this since Deception I believe. Also the fact that most likely Shinnok will be brought down in MKX leads me to believe that there will be an opening for the ruler of the Netherealm. Noob Saibot could fill this role perfectly. It also forces Noob Saibot to form a temporary alliance with the forces of light. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Noob Saibot alliance anyone?

Last, but certainly not least is Jade. WTF was up with her ending? Jade defeated Kahn, but the intense battle left her unconcious (a parallel for her being dead might I add). She slipped into a dreamlike state and found herself in an unknown realm. As she explored, the surroundings shifted and changed. Jade approached a lone figure standing in the distance. A shimmering woman. She did not reveal her name, but spoke with an heir of regal authority. Through the minds of countless mortals, the woman had been watching events as they unfolded over the centuries. She informed Jade that Shao Kahn's death was an outcome that must be reimagined. Jade was defenseless as the woman possessed her body and emerged in the waking world. Now, if that last part doesn't sound like emerging from death then I don't know what does. Out of all endings in MK9, Jade's gives her a "get out of death free" card. I just can't see NRS giving her such a meaningful and strange ending not to follow up on it. Mix with the fact that her rival Tanya will most likely be in MKX and something just tells me that Jade's ending is TRUE. Whether this woman is The one being, delia or some other entity remains a mystery. Jade may not even retain her personality (what little she had). However, I see Jade making an appearance in MKX.

So, there you have it.

TRUE: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, Cyrax, Johnny Cage, Ermac, Sonya, Smoke, Sindel, Kabal, Kung Lao, Skarlet, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Jade

FALSE: Sheeva, Kitana, Mileena, Baraka, Reptile, Jax, Kano, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, Nightwolf, Cyber Sub-Zero, Stryker, Kenshi, Rain

The TRUE batch gives you a pool of returning characters to choose from.

Add Liu Kang to the returning pool as well because the MK9 story gave him more of a chance than the other characters in the false category. I would also say add Kenshi to that list as well because he wasn't involved at all in MK9's story and he was only DLC in MK9.

I myself am eliminating both Johnny Cage and Sonya from my list as well because of Cassie. Smoke and Kung Lao are out for me too because their endings gave them background info, not any hints at the future yet. I also eliminate Kabal and Sindel simply because I myself do not think they hold a very high chance.

That leaves me with a pool of

Scorpion (Confirmed), Sub-Zero (confirmed), Raiden (confirmed), Sektor, Cyrax, Ermac, Skarlet, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Jade, Liu Kang, and Kenshi.

What do you guys think?
07/23/2014 06:30 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:

That leaves me with a pool of

Scorpion (Confirmed), Sub-Zero (confirmed), Raiden (confirmed), Sektor, Cyrax, Ermac, Skarlet, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Jade, Liu Kang, and Kenshi.

What do you guys think?

Damn, you've put a TON of effort into this thread. I salute you.

I don't know about Liu Kang, though, based on the story mode alone. He'd need a drastic revamping to make it into the game.

If he was left out of MKX I wouldn't mind in the slightest. Life went on even when he was omitted from Deadly Alliance. Plus, we're way overdue for a new Earthrealm champion.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/23/2014 07:34 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Listen, Ermac can still be Ermac even while having Jarrod possess him.
Wanna have a really screwed up character? Write it so that Kahn is one of Ermac's souls now as well. THAT would be awesome. An all out war going on in Ermac's body.

United States of...Tara Ermac.

JAX007 Wrote:
Shinnok, Fujin, BoRaiCho & Havik making cameo appearances...Returning in MKX?

Yes to the max!

I also liked the Seidan portayal of Cage. Twas a fresh turn that didn't lean on narcissism.

Although I'd personally love to see Reptile fulfill his desire for Zaterra, I doubt they'll make a big fuss over it. (If he does, that is) Unless they plan to make him a big baddie again, but I don't see that happening.

Noob - The "understanding" with Havik was a neat trick. Also if he seized control of the Netherrealm, Havik would catch wind of that sooner or later. Havik return? Bringin' down the Saibot? Also in story mode, that mysterious disappearence into the soulnado was interesting. I never settled on whether that was a grand death, or a huge "?".

About Me


07/24/2014 12:34 AM (UTC)
Noob Saibot's ending shows Havik, this gives me hopes that he could be in, and Havik might siege the Netherrealm like they did in the ending.

Possibly true
07/24/2014 01:09 AM (UTC)
Havik is far more appealing than Noob. He genuinely looks like someone who could be in charge of the Netherealm.
07/24/2014 02:18 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Havik is far more appealing than Noob. He genuinely looks like someone who could be in charge of the Netherealm.


Swingbatta I agree with you on a lot of things, but not on this. Noob is one of the best villains of MK.

On the Subject of Liu Kang though, I mean I don't like him. However, if Quan Chi has possession of the other Earthrealm souls then he most certainly has control of Liu Kang. I would think that he would want to use him seeing as Liu Kang is the champion of Mortal Kombat. Honestly, I could do without him though.

I gave such weaksauce reasons for why I think Sindel and Kabal won't be there.lol. I really don't see them as popular enough or relevant enough to be though. Kabal maybe, but his ending was kinda reminiscent of Smoke and Kung Lao's in that it was just his own thing that really had nothing to do with anyone else in particular. So, I guess that's why I don't think he will be there even if I do think his ending may be partially true. In the case of Sindel, she is one of the least popular characters from Trilogy so I'm pretty sure she won't be missed a whole lot. Plus, her ending could come true with her being nonplayable.

I stand by my pool of characters though

Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, Cyrax, Ermac, Skarlet, Jade, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Liu Kang, and Kenshi.

I still say in the case of Skarlet that she wouldn't take a "Classic" characters spot though.
07/24/2014 05:14 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Swingbatta I agree with you on a lot of things, but not on this. Noob is one of the best villains of MK.

Yes, I have sinned, I realize that. But personally Noob does nothing for me nowadays.
07/27/2014 03:50 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
That leaves me with a pool of

Scorpion (Confirmed), Sub-Zero (confirmed), Raiden (confirmed), Sektor, Cyrax, Ermac, Skarlet, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Jade, Liu Kang, and Kenshi.

What do you guys think?

Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Raiden are confirmed. So if the are going to be 5 other returning, I would like to see (from the list).

Cyrax/Sektor (one of the two or a merge)
Quan Chi

I would take Johnny Cage from his ending!

07/27/2014 03:52 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
TRUE: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, Cyrax, Johnny Cage, Ermac, Sonya, Smoke, Sindel, Kabal, Kung Lao, Skarlet, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Jade

The Jade ending is not true, at least I hope not.
07/27/2014 04:07 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
TRUE: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, Cyrax, Johnny Cage, Ermac, Sonya, Smoke, Sindel, Kabal, Kung Lao, Skarlet, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Jade

The Jade ending is not true, at least I hope not.

Why? Do you not like Jade?
07/27/2014 04:10 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
TRUE: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, Cyrax, Johnny Cage, Ermac, Sonya, Smoke, Sindel, Kabal, Kung Lao, Skarlet, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Jade

The Jade ending is not true, at least I hope not.

Why? Do you not like Jade?

I like Jade. Thats why I hope it doesn't happen.
07/27/2014 04:16 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
TRUE: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, Cyrax, Johnny Cage, Ermac, Sonya, Smoke, Sindel, Kabal, Kung Lao, Skarlet, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Jade

The Jade ending is not true, at least I hope not.

Why? Do you not like Jade?

I like Jade. Thats why I hope it doesn't happen.

Yeah, but it's not like this being completely rules Jade. Jade has say so, but the being guides her (at least that's what I take from it). It would also give her something AWAY from Kitana which is exactly what she needs to become a great character on her own. It will also stop the Jade naysayers from saying she's just Kitana's sidekick.
07/27/2014 04:25 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
TRUE: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, Cyrax, Johnny Cage, Ermac, Sonya, Smoke, Sindel, Kabal, Kung Lao, Skarlet, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Jade

The Jade ending is not true, at least I hope not.

Why? Do you not like Jade?

I like Jade. Thats why I hope it doesn't happen.

Yeah, but it's not like this being completely rules Jade. Jade has say so, but the being guides her (at least that's what I take from it). It would also give her something AWAY from Kitana which is exactly what she needs to become a great character on her own. It will also stop the Jade naysayers from saying she's just Kitana's sidekick.

"Jade was defenseless as the woman possessed her body and emerged in the waking world" that sounds like the woman is gonna be stealing Jades body, which is exactly what I hate in it.
I'll quote myself from another thread

martin_m95 Wrote:
Theres lots of ways to keep her off Kitana. Having some chick jack her body is not the way to do it.

Call me crazy, but the reason I like her is because she is always so caring for Kitana and always watches her back.

07/27/2014 04:39 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
TRUE: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, Cyrax, Johnny Cage, Ermac, Sonya, Smoke, Sindel, Kabal, Kung Lao, Skarlet, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Jade

The Jade ending is not true, at least I hope not.

Why? Do you not like Jade?

I like Jade. Thats why I hope it doesn't happen.

Yeah, but it's not like this being completely rules Jade. Jade has say so, but the being guides her (at least that's what I take from it). It would also give her something AWAY from Kitana which is exactly what she needs to become a great character on her own. It will also stop the Jade naysayers from saying she's just Kitana's sidekick.

"Jade was defenseless as the woman possessed her body and emerged in the waking world" that sounds like the woman is gonna be stealing Jades body, which is exactly what I hate in it.
I'll quote myself from another thread

martin_m95 Wrote:
Theres lots of ways to keep her off Kitana. Having some chick jack her body is not the way to do it.

Call me crazy, but the reason I like her is because she is always so caring for Kitana and always watches her back.

Yeah, I see what you're saying. I want more for Jade than just caring for Kitana though. If the woman possesses her body, that would suck. However, it does mention Jade was defenseless, meaning Jade is still in there in her mind. I think this concept could work better if the woman spoke through jade, but didn't erase jade. Either way, I still would like to see this ending as True. Although I like what little personality we have from Jade, I'm not convinced it's enough to separate her from Kitana.

She needs a storyline which really defines her. Maybe this woman causes an internal struggle Idk. However, I am fine with seeing this ending move forward.
07/27/2014 05:13 PM (UTC)
I'm for 100% body control of Jade, Jades entire friendship-with-kitana-blabla story is boring.

I just want Jade's appeareance, her special moves + a different personality and storyline.

This woman could do that to Jade, if jade would have her mind still, she would search for Kitana again, and I don't want that.
About Me

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/27/2014 05:40 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:

That leaves me with a pool of

Scorpion (Confirmed), Sub-Zero (confirmed), Raiden (confirmed), Sektor, Cyrax, Ermac, Skarlet, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Jade, Liu Kang, and Kenshi.

What do you guys think?

You should receive dragon points for your great effort. Very well done!

Playing through MK9 all over again now, just finished the Ladder with Kabal. Interesting, I always wanted to know who gave Kano his cybernetic eye. Finally some kind of answer. They could keep Kabal in and create a fresh new story element with this enhancing doctor and all.

some new type of villain perhaps?

As for Jade's ending, that was the most WTF of them all. I don't care much for Jade at all. This ending made me curious. I hope to see some more about the mystery woman. Maybe not necessarily via Jade, as long as the new lady has an impact.
About Me

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/27/2014 05:42 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:

I just want Jade's appeareance, her special moves + a different personality and storyline.


That might actually work. If she returns (which I doubt very much) I hope she's gonna be like that.
07/28/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)
Zwulle Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:

That leaves me with a pool of

Scorpion (Confirmed), Sub-Zero (confirmed), Raiden (confirmed), Sektor, Cyrax, Ermac, Skarlet, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Jade, Liu Kang, and Kenshi.

What do you guys think?

You should receive dragon points for your great effort. Very well done!

Playing through MK9 all over again now, just finished the Ladder with Kabal. Interesting, I always wanted to know who gave Kano his cybernetic eye. Finally some kind of answer. They could keep Kabal in and create a fresh new story element with this enhancing doctor and all.

some new type of villain perhaps?

As for Jade's ending, that was the most WTF of them all. I don't care much for Jade at all. This ending made me curious. I hope to see some more about the mystery woman. Maybe not necessarily via Jade, as long as the new lady has an impact.

Hey man thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.

As for Kabal, he did have an interesting ending. I think the cyberneticist thing was awesome. Idk if he will be in MKX, in fact I doubt it. However, that would be a neat little story to give him.

As far as Jade goes, She's my second favorite only behind Sub-Zero. That being said, I'm not going to act like she is one of the better developed characters because she's not. However, this does give her a chance to shine on her own without any trace of Kitana whatsoever. I say have Jade still be present, but this woman could possess her and I would be fine with that. Jade can even be neutral instead of good. I don't want her going bad though because I want to see a rivalry develop between Tanya and jade.
07/28/2014 12:32 AM (UTC)
I haven't posted one single thing in here, and the thread became about Jade. Kinda glad I don't need to influence the thread for that to happen. XD
07/28/2014 12:34 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
I say have Jade still be present, but this woman could possess her.

Only problem with this is that it would mirror Ermac's ending. I don't think there's going to be room for two similarly "possessed" characters in the new game.
07/28/2014 12:57 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
I say have Jade still be present, but this woman could possess her.

Only problem with this is that it would mirror Ermac's ending. I don't think there's going to be room for two similarly "possessed" characters in the new game.

There's a key difference between the two though.

Ermac consists of ALOT of warrior souls. That's what he is. He isn't a man possessed by souls, his whole being is made of them. However, King Jerrod just proves to be the strongest of them and allows Ermac to contain the control over all of them. Ermac didn't become Jerrod and Jerrod didn't possess Ermac. Ermac IS Jerrod, amongst many others.

Jade, however, would be a woman possessed by a foreign spirit.
07/28/2014 01:21 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
I say have Jade still be present, but this woman could possess her.

Only problem with this is that it would mirror Ermac's ending. I don't think there's going to be room for two similarly "possessed" characters in the new game.

There's a key difference between the two though.

Ermac consists of ALOT of warrior souls. That's what he is. He isn't a man possessed by souls, his whole being is made of them. However, King Jerrod just proves to be the strongest of them and allows Ermac to contain the control over all of them. Ermac didn't become Jerrod and Jerrod didn't possess Ermac. Ermac IS Jerrod, amongst many others.

Jade, however, would be a woman possessed by a foreign spirit.

Hey, Agreed Jaded!

So, what do you think about Jade being possessed? Some people think that it would erase her personality. I just don't think that it would though. I openly backup this theory because I think it could do so much with it. I'm honestly still hoping that it's just another version of the One-being who instead of going through Shujinko decides to go through other characters. Perhaps this time he wants Jade to retrieve the Edenian Kamidogu?

Whatever it is, I'm open for it. I feel like it can only give Jade more character development.
07/28/2014 01:34 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
So, what do you think about Jade being possessed? Some people think that it would erase her personality. I just don't think that it would though. I openly backup this theory because I think it could do so much with it. I'm honestly still hoping that it's just another version of the One-being who instead of going through Shujinko decides to go through other characters. Perhaps this time he wants Jade to retrieve the Edenian Kamidogu?

Whatever it is, I'm open for it. I feel like it can only give Jade more character development.

If he mystic woman completely takes over, then it would no longer be Jade. It would be her body and moves, but it wouldn't Jade - you know what I mean?

However, if Jade struggled with the mystic woman, fighting to get her body back, or even if Jade is still Jade, but shares her body with the mystic woman who guides Jade as a voice in her head and such... that would actually be rather interesting.
About Me

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/28/2014 07:57 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I haven't posted one single thing in here, and the thread became about Jade. Kinda glad I don't need to influence the thread for that to happen. XD

It's not all that strange. Jade's ending is just something which needs to be discussed wink

I'm on board with her being posessed but keeping her own moves. Jade is one of those characters with no real development storywise. This could be something. I would be a shame to drop the ball on this ending. It gives so much potential, really hoping to see more of the mystery lady in MKX.
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