07/20/2014 05:58 AM (UTC)
razz2d2 Wrote:
I didn't realize people actually liked Johnny's ending... now it's gonna be sad if it doesn't come true

Icebaby Wrote:
I seriously hope the whole King Jerrod ending for Ermac's doesn't come true. One soul just happened to be more dominating than all of the other warrior souls? Come on.

Same... It kind of takes away from Ermac's uniqueness if one of his variations would be dedicated to another character. If Jerrod comes out like once or twice during story mode sure but Ermac has enough powers, his variations should be based on HIS powers.... or 'THEIR' powers if you wanna be all technical.

If Jerrod is going to have any importance he might as well have his soul split from Ermac and become his own being. None of this internal conflict mess please.

On an unrelated note, I hope Shang Tsung is at least alive. It's not like Quan Chi has his soul or anything. I'm sure his soul was freed when Sindel died and in Mortal Kombat terms that means you still have a chance of being alive so hey

I didn't realize that so many people liked Johnny's ending either. I think it has hints of truth in it, but....I still don't know if he will be in because of Cassie.

Also, I'm sure Shang's alive somewhere. He's Mk's resident sneaky bastard. He's like a roach you can't get rid of him. I mean that in the best way possible too because next to Noob he's my favorite villain.
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07/20/2014 06:14 AM (UTC)
I liked it better when Ermac was just random Outworld souls instead. I don't want Jerrod taking over.

I did like Sektor's, Cyrax's and Goro's ending though.
07/20/2014 12:58 PM (UTC)
Then what about my idea of Jerrod taking over Ermac randomly during the storymode, not the entire time.

Giving him some chaotic-behavior as Jerrod is kind, but the rest of the souls are chaotic.
About Me

07/20/2014 01:56 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Then what about my idea of Jerrod taking over Ermac randomly during the storymode, not the entire time.

Giving him some chaotic-behavior as Jerrod is kind, but the rest of the souls are chaotic.

Essentially Blitzwing from Transformers? That would require some decent explanations, as to why that is happening.
07/20/2014 05:31 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Then what about my idea of Jerrod taking over Ermac randomly during the storymode, not the entire time.

Giving him some chaotic-behavior as Jerrod is kind, but the rest of the souls are chaotic.

Essentially Blitzwing from Transformers? That would require some decent explanations, as to why that is happening.

Well they figure out something, I think it would be better if Ermac stayed a wildcard, we have a good telekinetic character already in Kenshi, no need to turn Ermac into another good character.

But Jerrod taking over the body in some cutscenes or fights (maybe when you play like Ermac) would be interesting (at least for me) but Jerrod can control the soul-herd for only so long and then Ermac shifts again and turns into a chaotic wild card.
07/21/2014 12:03 AM (UTC)
Time for the next batch of characters. This time I am going to talk about m
who got background knowledge in their endings, but it really doesn't mean anything for the character returning

First is Sonya Blade. Sonya has a toll taken on her mind after so many of her allies deaths. She goes into seclusion and is visited by an apparition claiming to be her father. Her father then guides her to defeat what is left of Shao Kahn's forces. Now, this ending is TRUE. However, will it mean a return for Sonya?

Next is Smoke, In the course of Smoke's ending he is shaken to his core which dislodges his earliest memories as a boy. He was sacrificed by an obscure cult, but returned to the living realm as an enenra. He then killed his kidnappers. Smoke's destiny is revealed (whatever that is). I think this is a really good backstory, however it's background information. It really doesn't hint at anything he's going to do in the future. So, while this is TRUE, I wouldn't hedge my bets on him returning in MKX.

Next I will cover Kabal. Kabal's ending actually has me curious. In Kabal's ending his respirator is heavily damaged. Therefore, he seeks out Kano and locates the cyberneticist who developed Kano's eye laser. He repairs the respirator, but at a price. Kabal moves faster and better after his enhancement, and he will need to in order to repay his debt. So, basically Kabal becomes a cyborg. That's fine and dandy, but honestly this is the one I can't read True or False on. I'm honestly leaning towards TRUE. If Kabal returned from the netherealm, his respirator could very well be damaged and he may need repairs. So, I say this is TRUE. However, I can't really see this leading him to anything meaningful for returning in MKX.

Next is Sindel. Sindel's ending could be TRUE if she manages to escape the netherealm. If Ermac did turn out to contain Jarrod it makes it even more plausible. In Sindel's ending she breaks the magic which bound Outworld and Edenia together. She then begins rebuilding her realm. See, that part could be plausible. The next part involves all of the Shokan, Centaurs, and other races of Outworld respecting Sindel for defeating Kahn. That did not happen though. So, I will say Sindel's is MOSTLY TRUE. If Sindel is freed from the netherealm then she may find a way to resurrect her realm. However, something tells me not to hold my breath fro a playable Sindel in MKX.

Finally we reach Kung Lao. Kung Lao's ending tells the story of Kung Lao visiting his ancestors grave. During this quiet reflection Kung Lao sees memories of another warrior culminating in his death at the hands of Goro. Raiden theorizes that Kung Lao is the reincarnation of The Great Kung Lao. I will go ahead and say this is TRUE. However, it's like Smoke. It gives him some background info, but doesn't really hint anything for his future.

TRUE:Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, Cyrax, Johnny Cage, Ermac, Sonya, Smoke, Kabal, Sindel, Kung Lao

FALSE: Sheeva, Kitana, Mileena, Baraka, Reptile, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, Jax, Kano

That leaves Noob Saibot, Jade, Quan Chi, Stryker, Cyber Sub-Zero, Kenshi, Rain, and Skarlet.

About Me
07/21/2014 12:10 AM (UTC)
Kabal's ending was just a reference to the Six Million Dollar Man...
07/21/2014 02:24 AM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
Kabal's ending was just a reference to the Six Million Dollar Man...

Oh wow! I can see that. However, it doean't stop it from being taken seriously. Some of MK's jokes have turned into storylines themselves.

I don't realistically see Kabal being back in MKX honestly, but who knows?
07/21/2014 05:08 AM (UTC)
Scorpion & Sub Zero forming an alliance. I whether this is cannon or not, i hope they go along with this bc its been revealed to both characters that Quan Chi is the true enemy to both parties. Also at one point didnt scorpion vow to watch over the Younger Sub Zero once he found out it was the Older one? Either way i think its time for their feud to end and kick Quan Chi's ass.

Jade's mystery woman character. Even though Jade died in the story this would be an interesting turn of events to see this woman to come to fruition.

Liu Kang- Even though i hope he does not return. I do think it would be interesting he did survive he does challenge Raiden and becomes a "Malevolent Protector" of Earthrealm.

Reptile- I like his ending but with Shang Tsung dead he will need to find another way to have his Race restored and become their leader no longer serving as anyone's Enforcer/Lackey!

Cyrax- Story line wise he is still with the Lin Kuei, but I would like to see the events leading up to him joining the Forces of Good.

Sektor- Becoming the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei and going after Cyrax and Sub Zero. Also aligned with Quan Chi. That would be interesting!
07/21/2014 05:29 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I seriously hope the whole King Jerrod ending for Ermac's doesn't come true. One soul just happened to be more dominating than all of the other warrior souls? Come on.

It also says basically that Ermac is completely useless unless Kahn is bound to him. What, so any creature basically made for Kahn, the moment he's dead, they're all done for? Come on. Ermac isn't like that. Neither should Scarlet.

I can see where you're coming from, but at the same time I feel like if you look at Ermac's character, it would get lonely being just a group of souls all the time(I know sounds crazy right). It's good to have someone give him peace. I don't want the character of Ermac to become Jarrod, but even his ending says it wouldn't be the same as having Jarrod there. I just think we need to give that storyline a chance before we hate it. I feel like it gives a reason to why Ermac is so wise, and why he sides with good ya know?

Well, yeah, perhaps, but he accomplished that independently in Deception and not because of the little voice in his head (Jerrod) telling him to. Okay, he has Jerrod's soul inside him. Fine. Leave it at that and have Ermac still be able to think for himself; even revise his Deception storyline to some degree if necessary. Otherwise he'll be essentially reduced to just Jerrod in a different body like in the movie Ghost, and I'm not down with that at all. It'll basically erode a great deal of what NRS did in increasing his popularity tenfold in the first place.

And lest we forget, Ermac was also essentially useless after Kahn's death in Deadly Alliance until Kenshi snapped him out of it.
07/21/2014 04:42 PM (UTC)

See, how you said it is completely fine though. Just have Jarrod be one of the souls who helps keep peace within Ermac. Maybe have a few of Jarrod's motives (like helping revive Edenia?). I just think it would be difficult from a writing standpoint to do a lot more with Ermac unless they can give him motivations for doing so. Thousands of souls are going to have different motivations. I'm sure some of them want free of the being that is Ermac. Some want to do harm or cause evil. However, Jarrod calms that and steps up az leader. Don't make Ermac Jarrod, just give him some of Jarrod's motives.

Anyway time to continue. I forgot to mention Nightwolf up there so I'll start with him. Nightwolf's ending sees him lose touch with his spirit animal after Kahn's death. After performing a ritual to bring it back, the wolf returns. However, the wolf comes back possessed by Shao Kahn. Now tainted by Kahn Nightwolf turns into his animality a lycanthrope. Through this wolf Shao Kahn will rule the realms. Okay, so it should be sais that Shao Kahn is dead. He's dead dead right now and not coming back for a while. Therefore he can't possess anything. So, this is FALSE.

Next is a personal hatred of mine Cyber Sub-Zero. Here we see Cyber Sub-Zero fall to his knees and become possessed by Shao Kahn. At least that's what I'm assuming happens since there is no narration. Anyway, this shit is false for the same reason Nightwolf's is false. Kahn is gone. The elder gods made him cease to exist. Therefore there will be no possession of Cyber Sub-Zero.

I'll cover Stryker last here today. Stryker's ending involves him becoming seriously famous after Shao Kahn's defeat. He gets book deals, action figures, and is hounded by Paparazzi on a daily basis. However, when approached by Hollywood for the rights to his story Stryker put his foot down. Never would he allow himself to be portrayed by Johnny Cage. So, while this ending is hilarious, it's FALSE. Nobody has reason to follow Stryker for anything because he didn't do anything. Plus, we all know Stryker would kill to be portrayed by Johnny Cage.

TRUE: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, Cyrax, Ermac, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Smoke, Kabal, Sindel, Kung Lao

False: Sheeva, Kitana, Mileena, Baraka, Reptile, Jax, Kano, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, Nightwolf, Cyber Sub-Zero, Stryker

That leaves Noob Saibot, Jade, Quan Chi, Kenshi, Skarlet, and Rain
07/21/2014 04:55 PM (UTC)
And that's my dear minions, is why Ermac should NEVER be good again.

Its not sane to give a character that has 10.000 opinions in one body the good-status.

Ermac should be extremely chaotic and destructive.

The only way Jerrod could take over is when all 999 (or whatever the number is) souls in Ermac would be released and Jerrod's soul stayed behind.

But I wouldn't like that, as it would kill Ermac, Ermac is cool because he's many and you are but one.

And we have Kenshi to be the good-natured Telekinetic.
07/21/2014 05:44 PM (UTC)
Except Ermac is everlasting. Kenshi is Human. His time is limited. This should be Kenshi's last hurrah.
07/21/2014 05:51 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Except Ermac is everlasting. Kenshi is Human. His time is limited. This should be Kenshi's last hurrah.

Well then when Kenshi dies of old age, his last act of purity would be to blast all souls from Ermacs being, leaving only Jerrod behind, so Ermac can take the good-side and Kenshi can die in peace? :-p
07/22/2014 01:43 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Except Ermac is everlasting. Kenshi is Human. His time is limited. This should be Kenshi's last hurrah.

Well then when Kenshi dies of old age, his last act of purity would be to blast all souls from Ermacs being, leaving only Jerrod behind, so Ermac can take the good-side and Kenshi can die in peace? :-p

Oh so you kill two iconic characters with one stone? That makes a lot of sense.

Listen, Ermac can still be Ermac even while having Jarrod possess him. Wanna have a really screwed up character? Write it so that Kahn is one of Ermac's souls now as well. THAT would be awesome. An all out war going on in Ermac's body.
07/22/2014 02:43 AM (UTC)
TRUE: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, Cyrax, Johnny Cage, Ermac. Sonya, Smoke, Jade.

maybe: Reptile, Baraka.
07/22/2014 03:07 AM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
TRUE: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, Cyrax, Johnny Cage, Ermac. Sonya, Smoke, Jade.

maybe: Reptile, Baraka.

I don't see Baraka's being true at all. I could see other Zaterrans being out there though or a Reptile descendant coming forth. So, his ending wouldn't be completely false then...However, I still think mainly false.

I'm really looking forward to discussing Jade and Noob Saibot's endings. It's part of the reason I have left them for last.
07/22/2014 03:15 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Listen, Ermac can still be Ermac even while having Jarrod possess him.
Wanna have a really screwed up character? Write it so that Kahn is one of Ermac's souls now as well. THAT would be awesome. An all out war going on in Ermac's body.

07/22/2014 03:32 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
TRUE: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, Cyrax, Johnny Cage, Ermac. Sonya, Smoke, Jade.

maybe: Reptile, Baraka.

I don't see Baraka's being true at all. I could see other Zaterrans being out there though or a Reptile descendant coming forth. So, his ending wouldn't be completely false then...However, I still think mainly false.

I'm really looking forward to discussing Jade and Noob Saibot's endings. It's part of the reason I have left them for last.

Of course we have not Shang Tsung. But Shinnok can bring the race of reptile back in return for this betrayal to Mileena. And creating an ecological imbalance in Outworld to shake the power structure. Baraka also can turn her against the dominant force in Outworld. Except that I think it is either.
07/22/2014 04:23 AM (UTC)
Truth be told, Reptile's "resurrection" angle has long dried up like Scorpion's tiresome revenge quest. It's been nearly two decades and he's gotten nowhere.

Time to drop it already.
07/22/2014 04:34 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Listen, Ermac can still be Ermac even while having Jarrod possess him.
Wanna have a really screwed up character? Write it so that Kahn is one of Ermac's souls now as well. THAT would be awesome. An all out war going on in Ermac's body.

Oh no no no no no no no... No Kahn in other bodies. I saw a theory on a different Mortal Kombat site about how he could be occupying another character's body. No. Oh no no no no no. No god no please no.

The only Kahn in this should be Kotal Khan. That's it. No other Kahn.
07/23/2014 02:23 AM (UTC)

I know what you're talking about and don't worry I don't think that will be happening anytime soon.

Anyway, time to continue with the next to last batch. I am going to cover the DLC this time around of Kenshi, Skarlet, and Rain.

Kenshi's ending involved him joining the Outerworld Investigation Agency again. Jax gave Kenshi access to a device which created portals to Outworld. Using this device Kenshi found Shang Tsung and plunged his sword, sento, deep into Shang Tsung's chest leaving the sorcerer alone and powerless. While I think Kenshi may join the OIA again, I see this ending as FALSE. We don't know whether Shang Tsung exists or whether or right now. I DO think Kenshi will be in MKX, but as part of the returning 3D era characters. He will forge his own way that doesn't involve this ending (although he may very well keep searching for Shang).

Next is Skarlet. Skarlet's ending involves her killing Shao Kahn(which we all know didn't happen) as a result of Quan Chi's trickery. After his sorcery subsided she learned of Quan's plans to bring ruin to Outwotld. Using the power of Kahn's blood as a newfound powersource, Skarlet went after Quan Chi. Brotherhood of Shadow member swarmed her, but their blood only strengthened her. Using all of this power she brought death to Quan Chi. With her master avenged she disappears into the shadows awaiting her master's rebirth. So, I am going to go out on a limb and say that this is TRUE. No no, she isn't going to kill Quan. That's Scorpion and Sub-Zero territory. However, Skarlet will find out about her master's death and it's not out of the realm of possibility that she learns Quan Chi's part in it. That in itself could make her side with the forces of light. So, yeah I give it a TRUE.

Next is Rain. Rain was promised his own army by Kahn, but Kahn did not meet his end of the deal. Therefore Rain drowned Kahn in his own blood. Raiden thanked Rain by informing him of his heritage as a demi-god. Rain's divinity confirmed he knew his path. He would use Kahn's army to rule not only Outworld, but all of the realms. His first target is Earthrealm. This is another ending I am torn on. I could see Rain finding out about his demi-god status. That part is officially true. However, many people are going for the throne of Outworld and it's not just going to be handed to Rain. Thus, he has no army and won't be taking over realms anytime soon. So, this is FALSE. I LOVE Rain, but Idk that Boon does. I hope to see him in MKX, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

TRUE:Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Cyrax, Sektor, Johnny Cage, Ermac, Sonya, Smoke, Sindel, Kabal, Kung Lao, Skarlet

FALSE: Sheeva, Kitana, Mileena, Baraka, Reptile, Jax, Kano, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, Nightwolf, Cyber Sub-Zero, Stryker, Kenshi, Rain

All that's left are Jade, Noob Saibot, and Quan Chi.
07/23/2014 02:33 AM (UTC)
I kinda hope that Scarlet makes it in. Technically in a way, she's indestructible. But I'm not taking that into consideration for her return. Despite that her ending would most likely have nothing relevant to do with the main story, I'd like for her to somewhat be hidden in the shadows, like how Reptile was for Mortal Kombat and Jade/Smoke/Noob for Mortal Kombat 2. It's just, I'm hoping she's not one of those newer characters that has nothing for her anymore and just gets scrapped.

I mean, they made a big fuss about her before her reveal, I think they would have to do something with her other than toss her immediately out.
07/23/2014 03:04 AM (UTC)
If she's in the game, they'd better do something with her because she basically had no reason to be in MK9.

Re: Ermac, who says that Kahn being in his body has to be made clear right off the bat? Save it for the ending as a way to explain his erratic behavior. Not that it's going to happen anyway, but whatever.
07/23/2014 03:27 AM (UTC)
Skarlet has reasons for revenge on Raiden and Quan Chi. That would make it neutral. However I believe that the Grand Prize for her would be the River of Blood Vaeternus.
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