Look to MK9s endings for MKX clues?
posted07/30/2014 03:51 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/19/2010 11:17 PM (UTC)
Okay while the endings are non-canon for the most part, that is not always true.

Some endings end up being true and some have bits of truth in them. I think we can all look at MK9's endings to get a clue of WHO may be included character wise.

Some MK9 endings flat cancelled each other out. Some were flat out goofy. Some revealed character details without really giving them a future. Finally, some left you wondering "Will this happen?" Let's break it down shall we?

I will rule each ending as True/False/or with some being mostly true/mostly false.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero's endings could very well intertwine. Scorpion finds out his family is murdered and Sub-Zero forms a team with Scorpion to bring down the Lin Kuei. Some thought this may not happen because of a certain cyber character. However, what's a big hint? Sub-Zero is wearing Lin Kuei gear AND Sub-Zero has a playstyle called "grandmaster". I'll let you be the judge but I rule Scorpion and Sub-Zero's as TRUE.

Raiden is another one who has an interesting ending. It basically involves him spreading his essence across four characters to fight for the side of good. Now, Idk about you guys, but does this remind anyone of a certain new character named Cassie Cage? I rule Raiden's as partially TRUE. While Raiden won't be seperating himself anytime soon, it can be assumed he will form a new group of four fighters for Earthrealm. Cassie is just the first of this group.

Sektor's involves him taking over the Lin Kuei. That also happened in the old timeline before Sub-Zero came along and took the grandmaster title. Since there is nothing stopping him from taking the Lin Kuei and since we can assume whoever this Sub-Zero is may take the title from him as in the old timeline, I rule this as TRUE. Will Sektor be on the main roster? I assume one of the cyborgs will, but that leads to the next cyborg

Cyrax ending in MK9 involved him joining the forces of light to help defeat Shao Kahn. However, since Kahn is dead let's just assume he joins the forces of light. He is also asked by Raiden to join the forces of light. Well, who is kind of low on fighters right now? That would be Raiden. Cyrax's old timeline story suggested he started remembering his old life as a result of malfunctioning in the desert around the timeline of MK4. So, while I don't know if Cyrax will be joining the Wu Shi academy anytime soon, I am going to go ahead and rule Cyrax ending as MOSTLY TRUE.

So Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, and Cyrax all get a True grade. I will be back with more breakdowns later, but for now discuss whose ending you think may come True in MKX
07/19/2014 02:08 AM (UTC)
Johnny Cage.

I really liked how he looked in his ending. He needs a twist, instead of being the same 'ol guy. He would fit good in with Seido.

Ermac with a variation of Jarrod? As the variation, he could use Edenian Powers.
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07/19/2014 02:37 AM (UTC)
Shinnok, Fujin, BoRaiCho & Havik making cameo appearances...Returning in MKX?
07/19/2014 04:10 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Shinnok, Fujin, BoRaiCho & Havik making cameo appearances...Returning in MKX?

I pray your right. FUJIN FTW
07/19/2014 04:15 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Well, who is kind of low on fighters right now? That would be Raiden.

I don't know why, but that made me laugh.

DarkenedSoul Wrote:
Johnny Cage.
I really liked how he looked in his ending. He needs a twist, instead of being the same 'ol guy. He would fit good in with Seido.

Ermac with a variation of Jarrod? As the variation, he could use Edenian Powers.

1. Yeah, I particularly dug Cage's ending, especially after catching the mention of Seido. It'll never happen in a billion years, of course, but I would loooove to see him mix it up with The Fantastic Four that Nobody Cares About (Dairou, Darrius, Havik and Hotaru, all treated PROPERLY this time around, natch). It would give a complete kick in the rear to a storyline that had potential but fell on its face.

2. That was a nice twist to his ending, but I DON'T want him to be manipulated by Jerrod like some remote-controlled puppet. He needs to keep that air of mystery about him-which is essentially the lifeline of the character- and be his own man (so to speak) while making his own decisions a la Deception.
07/19/2014 04:37 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Shinnok, Fujin, BoRaiCho & Havik making cameo appearances...Returning in MKX?

I'll go ahead and say Yes to all of those. I've already discussed in another game that Bo Rai Cho, Tanya, Kenshi, and Li Mei made multiple appearances after their debut. They along with Fujin (highly requested doc in MK9) along with Havik (one of the most popular 3D era characters im general) will most likely have spots in MKX. I will throw Sareena and Hotaru in there as wild cards as well. That makes 8.

Anyway, I seen that Ermac and Johnny Cage were mentioned.

Ermac's MK9 ending revealed to us that after he was free from Shao Kahn the souls within him went into disarray. That was until Jerrod stepped in to calm them. Jerrod then helped rule Edenia alongside Kitana and Sindel. While he may not necessarily rule Edenia with Sindel and Kitana, I see the Jerrod ending being completely TRUE. It gives Ermac a reason to turn good, and who knows maybe they will pull through on their Deception arc and resurrect their beloved wife and daughter? I do believe Ermac will be in MKX.

As for Johnny Cage, His ending implies he was overwhelmed by his powers and sent to Seido to train. I am iffy on this ending, but I will give it a TRUE. Johnny needs some development outside of being a joke character and this is probably the time to do it. While he didn't defeat Kahn and have power overwhelm him, it could be stated that Johnny was having trouble controlling his power in general. Thus, Raiden sent him to Seido. Plus, it's a great way to include Seido in the mix. Also, with Boon mentioning that the game takes place five years after MK9 and then spans a 20 year gap I would assume that gives Johnny a good five years to train and master his skills. With the inclusion of Cassie Cage this leaves me wondering if Johnny won't take a back seat til MK11. I say his inclusion in MK9 is up in the air.

Scorpion TRUE
Sub-Zero TRUE
Raiden TRUE
Sektor TRUE
Cyrax TRUE
Ermac TRUE
Johnny TRUE

There's a whole lot of Truth's there. I think I'll cover some False next time.

07/19/2014 05:05 AM (UTC)
I would absolutely love Johnny's ending to come true, it would be awesome to see how his powers evolved, as well as his demeanor.

Seido Johnny Cage's potential...

07/19/2014 06:44 AM (UTC)
Jade's ending was quite interesting too, there was a mysterious lady in a mysterious place that told her that events of Shao Kahn's demise must be undone.
We can maybe see Shao Kahn again and even learn who the mysterious lady is.
07/19/2014 06:53 AM (UTC)
Interesting thread. I will agree with everyone that mentioned Johnny's ending. Him and Seido just clicked. However I believe Jade's was the most famous (or infamous?) ending in MK9. It got a lot of people talking so I don't think they would just leave it at that.
07/19/2014 06:54 AM (UTC)
Interesting thread. I will agree with everyone that mentioned Johnny's ending. Him and Seido just clicked. However I believe Jade's was the most famous (or infamous?) ending in MK9. It got a lot of people talking so I don't think they would just leave it at that.
07/19/2014 11:57 AM (UTC)
I'm mostly interested in
Jade's mysterious woman ending,
Smoke's Enenra ending,
Johnny Cage's God-form ending.
Kabal's Smith Ending.
Noobs Havik ending.
Nightwolfs evil werewolf-kahn ending.
Rain's vain master of outworld ending.
Sektor and Cyrax ending.
Jax and Kano's cyber-war ending.
Kung Lao's merge with his ancestor ending.

I hope some of these are true. I forgot some of the others like Baraka and Reptile (shame on me) they probably weren't that interesting.

Ermac's Jerrod ending. I do hope Ermac stays evil, but Jerrod sometimes takes controll of the soul-herd and then Ermac can be reasoned with, I would like Ermac as a wildcard.
07/19/2014 01:31 PM (UTC)
What about Sheeva's ending? Sure, it was meant as a joke, and there's no way she murdered Shao Kahn, but her deserting Outworld and becoming an ally of earth could end up happening. I'd certainly like that.
07/19/2014 02:25 PM (UTC)
Anndd with the mention of Sheeva it's time to cover another batch

Sheeva's MK9 ending involves her allying with Earth and securing an entire continent for the Shokan on Earth. I fully believe this ending was a reaponse to Australia banning MK. Needless to say, Sheeva won't be taking Australia anytime soon. This ending is FALSE.

From one female to a couple. Kitana and Mileena are the female Sub-Zero and Scorpion. Kitana's ending involves her allying with her enemy sister and jade to make a female fighting force that will protect the realms ala Charlie's Angels/Powerpuff girls. I don't think I need to say that this is false.

As for Mileena, her ending involves Shang Tsung instilling power within her to defeat Shao Kahn. Afterwards Shang Tsung tries to take that power which she received after defeating Kahn which he fails at horribly. Go ahead and chalk this one up as FALSE as well. The main reason being we know Mileena didn't heat Kahn. Others endings involve beating Kahn, but can exist without it. Mileena's ending can't exist without the defeat of Kahn.

Another character who has a pretty iffy ending is Baraka. Baraka's ending tells us that Baraka killed Shang Tsung while Tsung was posing as Shao Kahn attempting to take Outworld for himself. This one is completely FALSE. Why? Baraka didn't kill Shang Tsung, and Shao Kahn is definitely dead.

Speaking of Monsters, Reptile had a pretty interesting ending as well. His ending involves having Shang Tsung create Saurians in the flesh pits after his defeat of Kahn. I will go ahead and say this is FALSE as well. Zhang Tsung is nowhere to be found, and even if he was he would have no reason to fear reptile.

So Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Cyrax, Sektor, Ermac, and Johnny all fall under TRUE.

Sheeva, Kitana, Mileena, Baraka, and Reptile are all FALSE.
07/19/2014 02:31 PM (UTC)
Sheeva's entire ending doesn't have to be canon. Just the part about deserting Outworld and allying with Earth. It's not hard to understand.
07/19/2014 02:50 PM (UTC)
I think endings revealing info from the past are true, as they don't touch future stuff and just reveal background details.

For example, if you take out the "defeat Shao Kahn" part from Smoke's ending, I think the story about that ritual is mostly true and that's how they'll explain his powers, and maybe with all the variation styles we could even see that part of Smoke making him survive the netherealm experience and becoming a part of his fighting techniques.

I also think Sub-Zero and Scorpion will end up teaming up and helping each other, specially against Quan Chi once Scorpion reveals the truth (my favorite part of MK4 was connecting the pieces of that story with the different endings).

Sektor should end up taking over the Lin Kuei as his ending states, but as Sub-Zero is human AND has a Grandmaster style I'm assuming Kuai Liang scapes the netherealm fate and takes the clan to join the forces of light.

And I really really hope Johnny is sent by Raiden to train in Seido. That would be the best possible scenario for the character's evolution. Once he can control his powers he can proceed to train his daughter. And if they want to keep some jokes in, his ending could tell how his "old/veteran age 40s/50s form could participate in some of the Expendables movies with all the age 50s actors or something like that, stating how at that age he's still in fighting form, specially after the Seido training.
07/19/2014 03:16 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Sheeva's entire ending doesn't have to be canon. Just the part about deserting Outworld and allying with Earth. It's not hard to understand.

Oh I know. It could contain hints of truth. Hell, I think Reptile's ending may hint at new Zaterran's coming forth besides Reptile. However, I'm trying to judge them as TRUE/FALSE as closely as possible and Sheeva's as well as Reptile's seem like two of the endings which just seem iffy to me.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

07/19/2014 03:19 PM (UTC)
I'd take Jonny cages Seido ending where he learns to control his shadow powers better, would make for an awesome variation and could fit into the Story nicely.

After one of the time jumps, an older Cage returns, more powerful, maybe a little more serious, but still rocking those shades.
07/19/2014 03:51 PM (UTC)
I hated Ermac's ending. Back in MKD he was really interesting because despite being so many souls he was not in dissaray, now in this timeline he suddenly can't do that and just one soul takes control, I don't care if it's Jerrod or not, it just takes the interesting out of Ermac.
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07/19/2014 08:22 PM (UTC)
I hope to see one of them come to life in story mode.
07/19/2014 08:31 PM (UTC)
I seriously hope the whole King Jerrod ending for Ermac's doesn't come true. One soul just happened to be more dominating than all of the other warrior souls? Come on.

It also says basically that Ermac is completely useless unless Kahn is bound to him. What, so any creature basically made for Kahn, the moment he's dead, they're all done for? Come on. Ermac isn't like that. Neither should Scarlet.
07/20/2014 01:21 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I seriously hope the whole King Jerrod ending for Ermac's doesn't come true. One soul just happened to be more dominating than all of the other warrior souls? Come on.

It also says basically that Ermac is completely useless unless Kahn is bound to him. What, so any creature basically made for Kahn, the moment he's dead, they're all done for? Come on. Ermac isn't like that. Neither should Scarlet.

I can see where you're coming from, but at the same time I feel like if you look at Ermac's character, it would get lonely being just a group of souls all the time(I know sounds crazy right). It's good to have someone give him peace. I don't want the character of Ermac to become Jarrod, but even his ending says it wouldn't be the same as having Jarrod there. I just think we need to give that storyline a chance before we hate it. I feel like it gives a reason to why Ermac is so wise, and why he sides with good ya know?
07/20/2014 01:56 AM (UTC)
Kratos ending was the best
07/20/2014 02:36 AM (UTC)
Time to give another batch. This time it's the interwoven edition. I will cover Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, Kano, and Jax.

First, Kano. Kano's ending involves him upgrading his cybernetics so that he can control computer networks using his mind. Doing this he tries and succeeds at accessing the OIA's database and becomes a one man army using all of their weapons. I will say that this is FALSE. However, we have to discuss Jax's ending to see why.

In Jax's ending he goes out searching for Shao Kahn's remaining forces using a database scanner. Here, he accesses Kano's brain and the two do battle through cyberspace. Ultimately, Jax defeats Kano and traps him within the OIA database neutralizing Kano once and for all. Basically, these two endings cancel eachother out. In Kano's he succeeds, and in Jax's ending Jax succeeds. Neither one of these endings really have anything to do with anything. So, while they very well may be true they have no significance. However, I just choose to see them as FALSE.

Next is Liu Kang's ending. Kang's ending has been one of those that are heavily debated because so many people see him becoming the main antagonist of MK9. In his ending Kang demands that the Elder Gods give him Raiden's position as protector of Earthrealm. Here, Liu Kang defeats the thunder god and takes his position as protector of Earth. Now, I'm going to go ahead and rule this one as FALSE. Why? Well, here's the thing. Why would the elder gods grant him this? As of now Kang is dead. While I could see him turning a bit darker in MKX's story, I just don't see him becoming a God. It's kind of out of left field. Not to mention, how does he beat Raiden? MK9's story mode proved that Raiden can pretty much fry Kang with a handshake if he wants to. Therefore, I see this as FALSE.

Shang Tsung's ending involves him absorbing the immense power of Shao Kahn after his defeat. As he is about to commit suicide Bo Rai Cho comes to him and asks him for his help to stop the new God Liu Kang. After rigorous training Shang Tsung succeeds in stopping Liu Kang. See the parallels here? Kang's and Shang Tsung's are much like Kano's and Jax's. They just kind of cancel eachother out. It's like it would make a neat little side story, but it did not happen. Shang Tsung had no immense power to suck in because he did not kill Kahn. Where else would he get this power? Also, why would Bo Rai Cho come to him? Why would Kang suddenly become Evil when he was actually right about Raiden being crazy? That's why I say both Shang Tsung and Liu kang's endings are FALSE.

There's another batch guys. I hope more people contribute. The endings have always been kind of a testing the waters for the next game type of situation. So, I take them seriously even if some may not.

If you're keeping score that's

TRUE: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sektor, Cyrax, Johnny Cage, Ermac

FALSE: Sheeva, Kitana, Mileena, Baraka, Reptile, Jax, Kano, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung.
07/20/2014 05:15 AM (UTC)
I didn't realize people actually liked Johnny's ending... now it's gonna be sad if it doesn't come true

Icebaby Wrote:
I seriously hope the whole King Jerrod ending for Ermac's doesn't come true. One soul just happened to be more dominating than all of the other warrior souls? Come on.

Same... It kind of takes away from Ermac's uniqueness if one of his variations would be dedicated to another character. If Jerrod comes out like once or twice during story mode sure but Ermac has enough powers, his variations should be based on HIS powers.... or 'THEIR' powers if you wanna be all technical.

If Jerrod is going to have any importance he might as well have his soul split from Ermac and become his own being. None of this internal conflict mess please.

On an unrelated note, I hope Shang Tsung is at least alive. It's not like Quan Chi has his soul or anything. I'm sure his soul was freed when Sindel died and in Mortal Kombat terms that means you still have a chance of being alive so hey

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