Li Mei
posted01/08/2015 11:17 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
Wonder how Li Mei will get involved in the Netherrealm saga?

Like she's got skills and sparkling powers like Jubilee's. A lot of kung fu anyway.

Any thoughts? Like true she got her soul transplanted into a dead soldier by Shang Tsung AND swore allegiance to the Dragon King. But... THERE'S GOTTA BE SOMETHING BETTER TO KEEP HER GOOD!
06/09/2014 10:07 PM (UTC)
Hellz YA!
06/09/2014 10:09 PM (UTC)
Can we give her a kung fu of Black Tiger & White Crane representing her yin-yang? Something to help her with her sparkling chi?
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/09/2014 10:10 PM (UTC)
My favorite character in MK...I don't know if she'll even be included but I hope she is. That's about all I got right now on this topic.
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06/09/2014 10:11 PM (UTC)
Li Mei was one of the better new characters post MK4, so I would welcome her back with open arms. :)
06/09/2014 10:11 PM (UTC)

I don't know. But if she gets involved (I would love that to happen), I hope she still dresses like a samurai warrior.
06/09/2014 10:12 PM (UTC)
Perhaps she can get involved with Kai.

And team up with Sonya and Sareena if possible.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/09/2014 10:22 PM (UTC)
I love Li Mei. Such a simple character but her story arch was definitely interesting.

I liked how she went from a woman fighting to free her people but then turned into this weird, possessed, sexy villainous. If she comes back I hope she maintains a bit of her dark edge. I know Deception hasn't happened at this point but maybe it could be due to something else?

At the end of the day- Deception Li Mei > Deadly Alliance Li Mei.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/09/2014 10:29 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I love Li Mei. Such a simple character but her story arch was definitely interesting.

I liked how she went from a woman fighting to free her people but then turned into this weird, possessed, sexy villainous. If she comes back I hope she maintains a bit of her dark edge. I know Deception hasn't happened at this point but maybe it could be due to something else?

At the end of the day- Deception Li Mei > Deadly Alliance Li Mei.

That's actually what I'm most curious about. Without the Deadly Alliance how is Li Mei going to get thrown into the fight against evil? Her entire story balances on the DA enslaving her village and their fake tournament and her nearly getting transplanted into one of the Dragon King's soldiers...

I am super excited to see how she gets included - if she is in the game.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/09/2014 10:34 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I love Li Mei. Such a simple character but her story arch was definitely interesting.

I liked how she went from a woman fighting to free her people but then turned into this weird, possessed, sexy villainous. If she comes back I hope she maintains a bit of her dark edge. I know Deception hasn't happened at this point but maybe it could be due to something else?

At the end of the day- Deception Li Mei > Deadly Alliance Li Mei.

That's actually what I'm most curious about. Without the Deadly Alliance how is Li Mei going to get thrown into the fight against evil? Her entire story balances on the DA's fake tournament and her nearly getting transplanted into one of the Dragon King's soldiers...

I am super excited to see how she gets included - if she is in the game.

Yeah, they'll have to think of an alternate way of including her and with the way NRS feels about MKDA/MKD characters that may seem like too much effort to them. I doubt she'll make the cut sadly but I'm still hoping. She was definitely my favorite character to use in both Deception and Armageddon.
06/09/2014 10:39 PM (UTC)
It could be included in history since something is threatening your village. And when something is threatening your village. Shinnok.
06/09/2014 10:59 PM (UTC)
I think Li Mei's story can easily be re-worked. If Shinnok's goal involves taking over Outworld, I could see her naturally want to step in to help protect her people. She and Bo' Rai Cho can then be recruited by Raiden to help stop Shinnok's forces on the Outworld end of things.

But at this point, her inclusion is 50/50 but I wouldn't be opposed to seeing her in MKX.
06/10/2014 03:57 AM (UTC)
I'm just going to copy and paste what I said about Li Mei from another forum bc I wrote a lot.

" Li Mei is IMO, one of the better characters to come from the series post MK3 for many reasons. I think she has a unique look-esp her Deadly Alliance Primary and her Deception Alternate (no I don't see nor did I ever see her as a "Mileena clone"), a great moveset, character development which lead to much potential story wise in the old continuity. I even think she has potential to be a big time player in the new storyline continuity if she is added to it.
However before I get into that last point, I must say that while her Deception ending made sense based on her storyline at the time, I still didn't like it because at that point, it was no longer a unique thing. I mean the whole turning against the good guys and becoming an evil vixen had been done before in the two previous games with Tanya (MK4) and Frost (MKDA). There was no reason to repeat the formula again with Li Mei, who IMO was better off as a woman of good or at least neutral with her balance facing more towards the good side (as she would be fighting an inter conflict based on her morals vs being tainted by the DK's army). I mean I'm happy Armageddon made that ending non-canon because in the old continuity, not including Li Mei, there were only 4 women (Sonya, Kitana, Sindel, Jade) that were good. The rest of them are either evil (Mileena, Sheeva, Tanya, Frost, Kira) or Neutral (Khameleon, Nitara, Ashrah, Sareena). If the old storyline would have continued, I love have liked to see her be good (which I think she would have been, as adding her and Kitana's Armageddon endings together suggest this) or even neutral which would have been slightly more interesting because then we could have seen her develop even more as a character.

In the new storyline, I would like to see her come in with Bo Rai Cho. I think he should be a Raiden like figure for her in the sense that he is the mentor and teacher (similar to Deception), with Li Mei being his best student. Bo Rai Cho and Li Mei (along with others) after being asked for help by Raiden, decides to help Raiden, Sonya, and Cage repair Earthrealm and as a personal goal for her and Bo Rai Cho, attempt to save Outworld and turn the place back to something that's good. This can lead her into a rivalry with Mileena (who I think should be the new Empress of Outworld). Mileena could use a new rival (and a storyline that doesn't revolve around Kitana) and I think Li Mei would be an interesting one, as she is would be fighting to not only repair Earthrealm, but to save Outworld from Mileena's (and thus evil) control. I also want to see her interact with Kano (just like Deadly Alliance) for a bit. Maybe she fought him once before and lost and once she sees him, is looking to redeem herself. This would also lead to her and Sonya becoming closer allies due to their mutual dislike for Kano. There is no need to just keep her all under Bo Rai Cho. This is assuming they make her good (please don't make her evil). for Kano. There is no need to just keep her all under Bo Rai Cho. This is assuming they make her good (please don't make her evil)."
06/10/2014 05:04 AM (UTC)
She is actually one of my least favorite characters in all if MK. Nothing about her look, moves, or back story does anything for me. She's right there with Kobra, Darrius, and Dariou as far as throw away characters go imo. Sorry fellas, I don't ever want to see her again.
RyanSeabass Wrote:
She is actually one of my least favorite characters in all if MK. Nothing about her look, moves, or back story does anything for me. She's right there with Kobra, Darrius, and Dariou as far as throw away characters go imo. Sorry fellas, I don't ever want to see her again.

Same feelings, man. I hope she won't ever return.
06/10/2014 05:31 AM (UTC)
I love Li Mei. She is probably my favorite from the new generation.

And seriously, if you liked bug bitch from the trailer and don't like Li Mei. Wtf is wrong with you? As far as I'm concerned Li Mei can carnival kick her ass any day.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/10/2014 05:39 AM (UTC)
Well everyone is free to have their opinions. Us Li Mei fans will just have to hold out hope to see her again! On a side note I kind of like the bug chick which is bizarre since I hate bugs...ah well. I'll definitely main her,
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New sig on the way
06/10/2014 05:57 AM (UTC)
Li Mei is my second favorite character in the fucking series. 'Nuff said.
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Thanks redman for the sig!

06/10/2014 09:48 AM (UTC)
Yes plz. Li mei IMO is my favorite post mk4 character. If she made the cut I'd be a happy panda.
06/10/2014 02:08 PM (UTC)
I swear that before joining any MK forum I thought Li Mei was an extremely popular character. I thought she was because she was one of the few new characters (and the only new female) and one of the few characters from Deadly Alliance period to make a playable appearance in Deception. I thought Boon brought her back bc he figured the fans loved her so much.

Then I join the forums and come to find out she's not as popular as I thought she was. She really seems like a base breaker on all the MK forums I've ever visited. Her fans and ppl who dislike her are about even and that really surprised me. I really thought her fans outweighed her dislikers by like a mile.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/10/2014 03:04 PM (UTC)
The butt hurt started with her first appearance where everyone flailed about saying she was a "Mileena rip-off" because she wore purple clothes and had sais...I distinctly remember being pretty much the only person keen on seeing her return for Deception along with Temp here haha. After Deception and Armageddon though she developed kind of a cult following. Not a super large fan base but among the biggest of the newer characters.

Ah well.
06/10/2014 09:21 PM (UTC)
She was always my favorite from the 3D era, along with Kenshi. Her gameplay was amazing and worked really well in 3D, she was the only character whose moveset didn't feel clunky and slow. Plus she has a rich and interesting storyline, and progressed more as a character in 5 years that other 20yo characters.

I love Li Mei so much, i hope she returns, but i'm not expecting that to happen. I also thought she was much more popular than she is.
06/11/2014 04:59 AM (UTC)
"The butt hurt started with her first appearance where everyone flailed about saying she was a "Mileena rip-off" because she wore purple clothes and had sais...I distinctly remember being pretty much the only person keen on seeing her return for Deception along with Temp here haha. After Deception and Armageddon though she developed kind of a cult following. Not a super large fan base but among the biggest of the newer characters.

Ah well."

Boon and co did kind of screwed her by giving her those Sais in DA (which they rightfully rectified in Dec). However, even with the sais and purple clothes (although purple seems more like Li-Mei's color. I mean both she and Mileena were in Dec and Mileena was rocking Pink to Li Mei's purple. Even before then Mileena switched between purple and fuschia in earlier games), I never saw her as a "Mileena clone" bc there were just far too many differences between them.
-Mask vs No Mask
-Completely different movesets
-Completely different storylines
-No facial resemblance whatsoever
-Tarkatan Teeth vs Normal Teeth
-Outfits were completely different from each others.

I agree Li Mei was an interesting character. Her storyline progressed greatly just between 2 games. I feel she only would have developed more. She still had some potential to grow into. Hopefully she can make an appearance in MKX even with the time skip occuring. If not, I'll take a character that has her moveset. I'd miss her character but the moveset being there would ease the pain so to speak.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/11/2014 05:15 AM (UTC)
SparklingRoyalty Wrote:
"The butt hurt started with her first appearance where everyone flailed about saying she was a "Mileena rip-off" because she wore purple clothes and had sais...I distinctly remember being pretty much the only person keen on seeing her return for Deception along with Temp here haha. After Deception and Armageddon though she developed kind of a cult following. Not a super large fan base but among the biggest of the newer characters.

Ah well."

Boon and co did kind of screwed her by giving her those Sais in DA (which they rightfully rectified in Dec). However, even with the sais and purple clothes (although purple seems more like Li-Mei's color. I mean both she and Mileena were in Dec and Mileena was rocking Pink to Li Mei's purple. Even before then Mileena switched between purple and fuschia in earlier games), I never saw her as a "Mileena clone" bc there were just far too many differences between them.
-Mask vs No Mask
-Completely different movesets
-Completely different storylines
-No facial resemblance whatsoever
-Tarkatan Teeth vs Normal Teeth
-Outfits were completely different from each others.

I agree Li Mei was an interesting character. Her storyline progressed greatly just between 2 games. I feel she only would have developed more. She still had some potential to grow into. Hopefully she can make an appearance in MKX even with the time skip occuring. If not, I'll take a character that has her moveset. I'd miss her character but the moveset being there would ease the pain so to speak.

You're preaching to the choir man haha. The Li Mei haters got absolutely silly with their bias against her during the post-DA early Deception time frame. There were so many goofy things people got pissed about in addition to the color and weapons thing. People even went so far as to say that she even copied her name because if you swapped her name around it became "Mei Li" which sounds like Mileena (also why people thought before DA's release that Li Mei was somehow Mileena in is about as stupid of an argument anybody could make.

The MK fanbase is odd sometimes...I mean we're seeing the same kind of weirdness happening now with all these crackpot conspiracy theories and ideas on the forums haha.
06/11/2014 01:33 PM (UTC)
Okay that whole switching the name around thing just sounds ridiculous to me and it takes reaching to a whole new level. I kind of wish I was around during that time to talk to people like that, but oh well.

The thing is, did people really think that this....
became this?

If we are calling characters ripoffs because of something small, I guess
-Kitana was a Sonya ripoff in MK2 because she used the Square Wave Punch and had a Fatality involving a kiss (granted there was face contact with hers but it was still a kiss at the end of the day).

See how silly this sounds. If anyone said this about Kitana, most of us would think such comparisons are reaching, and that's exactly how I feel with the Mileena-Li Mei comparison.
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