Lets Discuss The New Characters - Discussing Ferra Torr Page 13
posted08/03/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
I figure we can discuss about the new characters in one thread and try to figure out what they could possibly be in this series. I'll add more to the discussion once we have a clearer understanding of them and if we get more. We have:

New Character #1: D'Vorah

*What I think* Personally, she reminds me of both Magdah and Adria's boss form in Diablo 3. Clearly she's going to use bugs to her advantage as well as sharp, bug-like blades coming from underneath her wings (I believe). Maybe she and the giant brute are rivals seeing the conversation they had before the fight?

New Character #2: Ferra / Torr

*What I think* I have to say, this is very interesting to have. Some people were wondering how the fatalities are going to pan out. Such as, who's going to get killed and such. Very interesting to figure out how that's going to play. But other than that, I think it's really cool to see them and I cannot wait to see more of their special moves.

New Character #3: Kotal Kahn

*What I think* Can't really say too much here seeing how he was only seen at the very end of the trailer. But I would like to know is if that symbol on the back of his sword belongs to a clan we know that has that kind of symbol... Hmm? Also, people are mentioning that he could be a God? Who knows, but I dig what I saw even if it was just a little time.

New character #4: Cassie Cage

Thoughts and how do you think this might play into the game? (Of course we have like a day to figure out before we get some real news but I thought this would be fun to play a guessing game)
06/10/2014 03:43 AM (UTC)
Third character bears a striking resemblance to one of the Elder Gods, as someone's picture pointed out.

I'm most excited to see more of bug lady.

Midget/Giant combo I'm least excited about, mostly because even in just that 2 1/2 minute video the midget was able to annoy the shit out of me with her voice.
06/10/2014 03:45 AM (UTC)
Honestly if the trend continues, it will feel like a Non MK with Scorp and Subby as guests.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/10/2014 03:46 AM (UTC)
Bug Lady seems so fresh(lol can they please release her name? I feel silly calling her that LOL) I mean compared to the likes of Skarlet she's a HUGE win for those of us who's been wanting more original female characters. She's already a favorite of mine and I'm extremely interested in her story. I can see her becoming a lead character in her own right. Watch out Mileena, MK might have found it's new poster girl.
06/10/2014 03:46 AM (UTC)
Bug Lady seems reminiscent of Q-Bee from Darkstalkers just toned down. Biggie Smalls reminds me of Judgement from House of the Dead 2, except the hulking fella has a head.

No fucking clue about the guy who looks like Poseidon from God of War 3.
06/10/2014 03:46 AM (UTC)
Bug Lady: Looks really good!! can't wait to see what her moves are and her backstory! her fatality on sub was so sick and disgusting! has really great potential to be awesome!!!!

Big guy/Midget: Not my favorite but i think ill grow to like them!

Blue guy: reminds me of an aztec warrior! and when he cut out the heart in his fatality it made me really think he was cause of how the aztec people use to do sacrifices on people for the gods by cutting out peoples hearts!

I wonder what their names are? got any suggestions?
06/10/2014 03:49 AM (UTC)
I wonder if Midget Girl was raised by or idolizes Tarkatans or something.
She definitely has a Baraka vibe with the wrist blades.

Of the three, I suppose I'm most interested in Sadira (Bug Lady), then Master Blaster, then Ancient Ogre.
06/10/2014 03:49 AM (UTC)
Visually the "war god" character looks pretty cool. I agree the midgets voice is super annoying . I'm kinda on the fence with the bug girl.
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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

06/10/2014 03:50 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Bug Lady seems so fresh(lol can they please release her name? I feel silly calling her that LOL) I mean compared to the likes of Skarlet she's a HUGE win for those of us who's been wanting more original female characters. She's already a favorite of mine and I'm extremely interested in her story. I can see her becoming a lead character in her own right. Watch out Mileena, MK might have found it's new poster girl.

As a fellow female character lover, I'm right with you on this one. Bug Lady is well-designed, dark, and looks like she could be taken seriously as a character. (I struggled to do the same with Kitana in MK9.)

There's still an entirely different place for Mileena though. :) Mileena is comedic demented sex appeal, and Bug Lady seems like she just wants to tear out some throats.
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06/10/2014 03:51 AM (UTC)
I feel that Bug Lady is too comic-book like. She might as well have been created by Stan Lee or something. Don't like her. However, I am all for new things so I should be able to adjust to her by the time the game comes out. She's WAY better than some stupid ninja girl like Skarlet, but I think she could have been designed in a way that wasn't so comic-book like. Maybe her alternate costume will make me feel better about her.

I don't like the Big Man/Little Person. Big Man looks freakin cool but I hate how he has to be a typical dumbass controlled by some aggravating thing that we don't even know if it's a little boy or a girl or a dwarf or a kid. Get that mess outta here. They should have just given Big Man his own mind and he'd be cool. WHY does he have to be dumb? Why can't he have his own mind? A brute like that with a methodical thinking mind would be interesting in itself.

Aztec Man is certainly inspired by War Gods. Gotta be. He looks like a new Elder God character. I dig that. Looks a bit too much like something from Tekken (a mix between Yoshimitsu and Ancient Ogre) but I love Tekken so I guess that's okay.

I'll feel very disappointed if these are the only new characters. However I will say that I love the direction they're going with them. I just personally don't like the characters themselves (except Aztec War God Elder God).
06/10/2014 03:52 AM (UTC)
If all the new characters look like this, I'm all for more of them. Would like if MK turns into a freak show.
06/10/2014 03:56 AM (UTC)
I absolutely love the bug lady, out of the 3 she's my fave so far.. need to know her name! she gives off a Sadira vibe from Killer Instinct, with her bug powers / abilities..

The Mayan looking dude in the fatality part looks pretty awesome, would like to know more about him and see some gameplay. Maybe he's a fallen Elder god like Shinnok from the Netherrealm?

The brute dude with the little midget on top, I didn't expect a character like this, but let me tell you guys something, I believe this was made to please all the fans who wanted tag team fatalities. They came out with a tag team fucking character! Although right now I have some mixed feelings about this character(s) I am sure I'll like it more as time goes on.
06/10/2014 03:57 AM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
I wonder if midget girl was raised by Tarkatans or something. She definitely has a Baraka vibe with the wrist blades.

Of the three, I suppose I'm most interested in Bug Lady.

Well imo, the girl and the big guy are kinda dressed similarly to a Shao Kahn type of style. And hey, the big guy's face is covered...maybe he's a Tarkatan variant? There were like tons in Baraka's ending that looked pretty different from one another. They do have an Outworld or even Chaos Realm vibe imo.

Actually, Bug Lady gives me a Chaos Realm vibe for some reason. Or a whole different world. Considering there's a land for Vampires, I wouldn't doubt there'd be a whole other land for the Bug Lady.

The Aztec warrior guy looks really interesting. After seeing that one pic with Raiden and the Elder Gods, I would love to see a new god like character. If the story has anything to do with Shinnok vs. Raiden, I think it's believable if we see more gods besides Fujin.
06/10/2014 04:02 AM (UTC)
It's clear though that they are bringing some Greek inspired stuff here. I am all for change, but they need to balance it well with the old guys.

I absolutely don't want this to feel like a God Of War fighter with Scorp and Sub.
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-sig by MINION

06/10/2014 04:03 AM (UTC)
Design wise they're definitely a departure but I don't think that's a bad thing necessarily.

Bug Girl-Looks good. She's giving me a little bit of Shino Aburame and I'm loving it. Two things give me pause though; she has Tanya's color palette and Killer Instinct had a new insect themed female as well.

Biggie Smalls-They're the most interesting to me design wise, not that I like the design but from what I could see of it looked very different. Like they could be in a game that wasn't MK. Like a few people mentioned I'm wondering how the mechanics with those characters will work. Like Carl Clover from BlazBlue? Can you hit the girl? Will she just lie down unconscious during fatalities? Is she a kid or just tiny? Story and background wise I'm most interested in them.

Not Ogre-No opinion on him really. He seems to be another God taking part in MK and if Shinnok is in this game that makes at least three considering Raiden will probably be around as well. I wonder about his connection to Fujin and Raiden.
06/10/2014 04:05 AM (UTC)
Lady Vorpax, as I am calling her, is truly the best of the three.

She is astonishingly well designed, fitting into the MK universe quite well. I love her fighting style as well, though I couldn't help but notice a borrow maneuver from Sinestro in Injustice, regarding his Arachnid Sting. Overall, she looks amazing, and I cannot wait to see more of her.

The Twins, as I am calling the brute and midget, seem very new and different, but highly refreshing. I am in awe at their fighting style, something that has never been seen in MK before. To be honest, I've never seen anything like it in any fighting game. I love it so very much. Their appearance is the most refreshing of all. It's so not MK, but it's dark, and that's what I love about it. It demands the game to move into a newer direction but doesn't keep it from being MK.

Aztec God, as I am calling the blue-clad fighter, looks very interesting. I'm enjoying his appearance, and it too isn't MK either. It's quite refreshing as well. I hope he fights in an equally unique way as Lady Vorpax and the Twins. Hopefully, I come to love him too.

As of right now, I am very pleased with them.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/10/2014 04:08 AM (UTC)
ErmaSco Wrote:
It's clear though that they are bringing some Greek inspired stuff here. I am all for change, but they need to balance it well with the old guys.

I absolutely don't want this to feel like a God Of War fighter with Scorp and Sub.

Even though I'm liking the newbies so far I agree. As I've said a million times I'm hoping this isn't just Sub & Scorp and 20 new characters. A roster similar to Deception's is perfect, it was well mixed with new characters, returning Deadly Alliance vets, and classic characters we hadn't seen in a while. It was near perfect.
About Me

"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

06/10/2014 04:10 AM (UTC)
GodlyShinnok Wrote:
If all the new characters look like this, I'm all for more of them. Would like if MK turns into a freak show.

So with you on this. MK has always been a merry band of bizarre misfits. I'm not at all afraid of new characters now that NRS has moved beyond the blandness of MKDA/MKD/Armageddon.
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06/10/2014 04:11 AM (UTC)
I already said this in the other thread, but the concepts do nothing for me (Aztec dude aside; there is hope for that guy). Bug Lady seems a bit on the bland side (that could be due to all the yellow and brown), and Master Blaster is Master Blaster.



Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Master Blaster.
06/10/2014 04:11 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
ErmaSco Wrote:
It's clear though that they are bringing some Greek inspired stuff here. I am all for change, but they need to balance it well with the old guys.

I absolutely don't want this to feel like a God Of War fighter with Scorp and Sub.

Even though I'm liking the newbies so far I agree. As I've said a million times I'm hoping this isn't just Sub & Scorp and 20 new characters. A roster similar to Deception's is perfect, it was well mixed with new characters, returning Deadly Alliance vets, and classic characters we hadn't seen in a while. It was near perfect.


I'm not big on bug lady or the duo but as was stated a while back, this kind of does give off a bit of a Legacy vibe. I wonder if the newer characters were inspired by the dark, gritty feel the trailer/web series had? Certainly looks that way.
06/10/2014 04:12 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
ErmaSco Wrote:
It's clear though that they are bringing some Greek inspired stuff here. I am all for change, but they need to balance it well with the old guys.

I absolutely don't want this to feel like a God Of War fighter with Scorp and Sub.

Even though I'm liking the newbies so far I agree. As I've said a million times I'm hoping this isn't just Sub & Scorp and 20 new characters. A roster similar to Deception's is perfect, it was well mixed with new characters, returning Deadly Alliance vets, and classic characters we hadn't seen in a while. It was near perfect.

I also agree. While I'm digging these new characters, I do want to see a good balance between new characters, MK9 returners, and returning MK4-MKA characters.

Anyway, who thinks that the small girl is voiced by Tara Strong? Because it sure sounds like it. I wonder if she has anything out online that hints at her involvement with the new MK game. And Sub-Zero seems to be voiced by Steven Blum this time around.
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-sig by MINION

06/10/2014 04:13 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Lady Vorpax, as I am calling her, is truly the best of the three.
That's brilliant. I forgot all about her.
06/10/2014 04:13 AM (UTC)
MK176 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
ErmaSco Wrote:
It's clear though that they are bringing some Greek inspired stuff here. I am all for change, but they need to balance it well with the old guys.

I absolutely don't want this to feel like a God Of War fighter with Scorp and Sub.

Even though I'm liking the newbies so far I agree. As I've said a million times I'm hoping this isn't just Sub & Scorp and 20 new characters. A roster similar to Deception's is perfect, it was well mixed with new characters, returning Deadly Alliance vets, and classic characters we hadn't seen in a while. It was near perfect.

I also agree. While I'm digging these new characters, I do want to see a good balance between new characters, MK9 returners, and returning MK4-MKA characters.

Anyway, who thinks that the small girl is voiced by Tara Strong? Because it sure sounds like it. I wonder if she has anything out online that hints at her involvement with the new MK game. And Sub-Zero seems to be voiced by Steven Blum this time around.

If that's not Tara Strong, I'll eat my shorts. It's gotta be, it sounds a little like Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls.
06/10/2014 04:15 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
Lady Vorpax, as I am calling her, is truly the best of the three.
That's brilliant. I forgot all about her.

I sure as hell didn't. lol

I've been lobbying for her inclusion since before Mortal Kombat Conquest went off the air, and this new woman reminds me a great deal of her, particularly in the insect department.

God, I hope it's Vorpax.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/10/2014 04:16 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
Lady Vorpax, as I am calling her, is truly the best of the three.
That's brilliant. I forgot all about her.

I sure as hell didn't. lol

I've been lobbying for her inclusion since before Mortal Kombat Conquest went off the air, and this new woman reminds me a great deal of her, particularly in the insect department.

God, I hope it's Vorpax.

I LOVE Vorpax, but for some reason I just don't see NRS using characters outside of the core fighting games, despite there being a ton of great MK characters in the Conquest series and even the comics.

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