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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

06/13/2014 10:01 PM (UTC)
RocketBoy Wrote:
I really just don't get why people are so butthurt. The fact that MK is still going is great and really they need a change. They made the last game to please all the fans who can't accept change, now it's time to the creators make something they want.

This is why I'm accepting MKX with open arms.
MK9 was practically PERFECT for me. It's been such long YEARS since there was a good Mortal Kombat fighting game, in my opinion, and we FINALLY got it. I even got my friends into that game, and they're not MK players at all. That's when you know you did a good fucking job. We got all our characters back in one last hoorah in a good fucking game. That's all I ask for all these years. And since we got it, the creators can do whatever the fuck they want with the franchise, as long as the gameplay remains. I can't stress that part enough.

I never say this about any media, and usually when other people say it, their reason for it is heavily invalid. But if I want my old characters back, there's MK9.
I am practically the first person to complain about almost anything, but even I out of all people welcome this new change, and I mostly hate change. And to see the shoes on the different foot is weird to me. Even my friend said if Johnny Cage isn't in, he's not getting it.

Seriously people. The creators know already that people are going to want to see familiar faces, but at least wait until the game is done. And then you guys got to realize the possibility of DLC characters.
06/13/2014 10:01 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Awww...methinks someone's a little buuutthurt... wink

Yep. Your momma! Gotta be more careful with her next time.
06/13/2014 10:05 PM (UTC)
Yeah...you're butthurt. grin

Kids these days...
06/13/2014 10:05 PM (UTC)
Every game would be a poorly balanced mess like trilogy and Armageddon if every fan got their wish. Personally as long as it's a good fighting game that's gory and in the spirit of that it could feature no new characters or no returning characters and still be good as long as the characters they do have are fun.
06/13/2014 10:06 PM (UTC)
SweetPea Wrote:
Every game would be a poorly balanced mess like trilogy and Armageddon if every fan got their wish. Personally as long as it's a good fighting game that's gory and in the spirit of that it could feature no new characters or no returning characters and still be good as long as the characters they do have are fun.

This. smile
06/13/2014 10:12 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
This. smile

A mindless follower agrees with someone's opinion. What a 'surprise'. smile
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

06/13/2014 10:17 PM (UTC)
Both of you knock your shit off and be done with each other. Couple of 10 year olds.
06/13/2014 10:19 PM (UTC)
Agreeing with someone and allowing them to influence your decisions are two different things, cupcake. wink

Now run along, kid. Let the real MK fans talk. grin
06/13/2014 10:20 PM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Both of you knock your shit off and be done with each other. Couple of 10 year olds.

As you wish...
06/13/2014 10:26 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Agreeing with someone and allowing them to influence your decisions are two different things, cupcake.


You know nothing about my decisions and whether they're influenced by someone, so you owe me an apology. Unless you're a troll, of course. Seems to be the case with you.
06/13/2014 10:35 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Agreeing with someone and allowing them to influence your decisions are two different things, cupcake.


You know nothing about my decisions and whether they're influenced by someone, so you owe me an apology. Unless you're a troll, of course. Seems to be the case with you.


Didn't get the memo, huh?
06/14/2014 10:30 AM (UTC)
just me perosnally im really kinda picky. some characters i never even tried out or played as unless i forced to through story or something just because the way they looked. just personally the way i am and i dont use none of the femal characters really much at all so i guess i always have little to look foward to.
06/14/2014 11:30 AM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
They'll all come crawling back once a few months pass and more classic characters are announced anyway. Who cares?

Essentially, this.

You guys gotta remember, if memory serves me correctly, we didn't even see Liu Kang until a couple months before MK9 came out. We're in probably one of the closest fan communities outside of Warframe, the developers interact with us and they've talked about looking at forums before. They know who we want, what worked and what didn't work. The game was literally just announced a couple weeks ago, who knows what will come in the months ahead.
06/14/2014 12:25 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Agreeing with someone and allowing them to influence your decisions are two different things, cupcake.


You know nothing about my decisions and whether they're influenced by someone, so you owe me an apology. Unless you're a troll, of course. Seems to be the case with you.

He is a troll. He gets butthurt and makes insults when people don't think mk should be the way he thinks it should.
06/14/2014 12:37 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Agreeing with someone and allowing them to influence your decisions are two different things, cupcake.


You know nothing about my decisions and whether they're influenced by someone, so you owe me an apology. Unless you're a troll, of course. Seems to be the case with you.

He is a troll. He gets butthurt and makes insults when people don't think mk should be the way he thinks it should.

^ *threatened not to purchase MKX if Fujin isn't included...*

Hello, Pot! Have you met my friend Kettle? wink
06/14/2014 12:42 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Agreeing with someone and allowing them to influence your decisions are two different things, cupcake.


You know nothing about my decisions and whether they're influenced by someone, so you owe me an apology. Unless you're a troll, of course. Seems to be the case with you.

He is a troll. He gets butthurt and makes insults when people don't think mk should be the way he thinks it should.

^ *threatened not to purchase MKX if Fujin isn't included...*

Hello, Pot! Have you met my friend Kettle? wink

Thats my personal choice. did i insult anyone for getting it and im not. thats not my choice and you got so butthurt over it. and i said if hes not in it i wont be in a rush to buy the game.
06/14/2014 12:45 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Agreeing with someone and allowing them to influence your decisions are two different things, cupcake.


You know nothing about my decisions and whether they're influenced by someone, so you owe me an apology. Unless you're a troll, of course. Seems to be the case with you.

He is a troll. He gets butthurt and makes insults when people don't think mk should be the way he thinks it should.

^ *threatened not to purchase MKX if Fujin isn't included...*

Hello, Pot! Have you met my friend Kettle? wink

...and i said if hes not in it i wont be in a rush to buy the game.

Splitting hairs. wink

A true MK fan would buy the game anyway, not shun it because an obscure character he has a hard-on for isn't immediately available.

Sounds like you're more a fan of Fujin than of MK as a whole...
06/14/2014 12:47 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Agreeing with someone and allowing them to influence your decisions are two different things, cupcake.


You know nothing about my decisions and whether they're influenced by someone, so you owe me an apology. Unless you're a troll, of course. Seems to be the case with you.

He is a troll. He gets butthurt and makes insults when people don't think mk should be the way he thinks it should.

^ *threatened not to purchase MKX if Fujin isn't included...*

Hello, Pot! Have you met my friend Kettle? wink

...and i said if hes not in it i wont be in a rush to buy the game.

Splitting hairs. wink

A true MK fan would buy the game anyway, not shun it because an obscure character he has a hard-on for isn't immediately available.

Sounds like you're more a fan of Fujin than of MK as a whole...

i like mk but i never claimed to be an MkFan. Only game id truly say im a fanboy of is GTA
06/14/2014 01:05 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Listen to totalmk. he is pissed. alot of people are.

I'm sorry, but that guy is a blubbering fool and a fanboy. He wouldn't like the addition of any character to the game and he actually was upset that NRS took tournament player opinions into account when designing MK9.
Assuming this phenomenom wasn't just an abbaration that was happening at your Gamspot (which is a possiblity) then I would assume it's for other reasons. Perhaps they thought the game would look closer to the CGI trailer, or maybe they expected it to release this year?
There could be many reasons this happened, but I suspect it's the latter; hell I think it is most probably an abbaration.
06/14/2014 10:37 PM (UTC)
The term is actually 'aberration' but I get what you're saying. These are probably just kids whining (who probably didn't pre-order the game to begin with; that would be their parents...).
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