06/13/2014 02:14 PM (UTC)
People aint do that for gta 5 though
06/13/2014 02:15 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
your dumb. a books cover doesn't reveal anything about it but the name retard. MkX has showed us much more the name. and i went on a rant about other people. lol not the game. nice try though.

*clearly has never seen a book, nor heard of cover art. Lacks deductive reasoning...*


Seriously though, if "kids" at gamestop are canceling their pre-orders over a lack of "iconics", after only 6 characters out of TWENTY-FOUR (currently) have been shown, then good-fucking-riddance I say. Better for MK to evolve and create something new than be held hostage to the Trilogy era (and its cast). I honestly wouldn't shed a tear if NO ONE returned from MK9, and I've been playing MK since 1992.

Love Reptile (MK1-4 version), but I won't cry a river if someone new takes his place and moves the story forward.
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06/13/2014 02:33 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Listen to totalmk. he is pissed. alot of people are.

A lot of people are not.
06/13/2014 02:37 PM (UTC)
im not pressed for people form mk 9 either except maybe kenshi or raiden. also he gave hints to what the story would be about and gave some hints to the roster and it looks like alot of chracters wont make the cut and he already confirmed some that wont be in the game like mavado even though about him i could care less but he could be somone's favorite.. i think everyone was expecting an mk4 story. what was the point of showing shinnok in the end of mk9 if you were going a different direction in 10. thats whats making people so mad. thats like showing venom at the end of a spiderman movie in the credits and then in the next movie dont mention venom at all and he fights Chamleon from the comics who isnt as popular as venom to the average viewer.
06/13/2014 02:39 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
They'll all come crawling back once a few months pass and more classic characters are announced anyway. Who cares?


I'm glad they showed just new characters at E3. Now every time a classic gets revealed it'll be a fun little suprise. "They made it in yippee!" Of course others will put in there $0.02 that it wasn't there favorite character revealed and push for them to be shown and maybe claim that character doesn't deserve to be in the game and thats fine.

Basically I don't feel there is a need to get the tissues that your fan favorite isn't in yet until 90% of the roster has been revealed and your characters haven't been shown.

Then after waiting the many months you've been waiting for MKX to release you can cancel your pre-order. tongue
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

06/13/2014 02:45 PM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
"Wouldn't you guys like to see how these characters look and play in a game that looks this good?"

Hm.. i have also a question.. Do you think this is the last Mortal Kombat game?

No. No I don't. Sure I could wait another 2+ years after this installment for the next MK game but that still doesn't guarantee the inclusion of certain characters in that game either.
06/13/2014 02:47 PM (UTC)
It's not about waiting for it, it's about your point with the grafik :) Sure, there is only a Chance. Well, i played MK2 and i loved Baraka. Then MK3 came out - no Baraka. I buyed it and i played it. After a few years MKT had him in the game. I was pleased. Now MK has 60+ Fighter? The chance that every fan get her favorite in the game is just ridiculous small. Of course i can blame Netherrealm every time my favorite is missed or i can except the fact that they can't fulfill every wish the fanbase has. This is impossible. So i get over it and be happy that i see some new faces in the game. And maybe i get a new favorite :)
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06/13/2014 02:52 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
your dumb. a books cover doesn't reveal anything about it but the name retard. MkX has showed us much more than the name. and i went on a rant about other people. lol not the game. nice try though.

Heh, our recent anthology book pretty much gives away the final moment of my short story.

So much for that reasoning.
06/13/2014 02:52 PM (UTC)
The name calling in this thread is getting really annoying. Stop it.

Look, Mortal Kombat has ALWAYS introduced new characters, every single game has had new characters. Sub-Zero and Scorpion will always be the poster boys to this game. I get that there are people who do not like that, but the problem is, you're gonna have to get use to it. There's nothing I can say, or anyone else, that's going to make them not show off these two fighting per Mortal Kombat that comes after this. It's just how it's going to be.

I am not asking you to like them, I could care less if people hated on Sub-Zero, but I really don't understand why people still have this much of a hard time that they show Sub-Zero and Scorpion first before anyone else. They have announced that there are going to be characters returning, not everything is set in stone. I still will continue to say that it's still way too early to judge so quickly before making a decision in getting the game or not. We don't even know half the roster yet. I'd say at least wait until like maybe September or October to make an actual decision rather than judging immediately after the first reveal of this game.

This series has over sixty characters, so of course not everyone's favorite will make it in the game. I do find it silly to be bent out of shape all because your favorite character might not make the final cut, though. I'm sorry but I have to say that. Just wait until we get more character reveals. We're going to get returning characters. So let's just not jump to that immediate conclusion that we might not see so-and-so because they're focusing on the two iconic characters as well as the new guys for right now. We're gonna get the info we're looking for probably during the next convention Netherrealm Studios goes to. And I'm sure we're going to get more character reveals rather than just having one. So, be happy people.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

06/13/2014 03:29 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
I am sick and tired of people saying "oh well there's 9 other games to fall back on so you don't have the right to be pissed if your favorites don't make it" that's BULLSHIT.

No, it isn't.

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
This is a new MK game coming out for next generation consoles with better graphics, better and faster gameplay, and better FATALITIES. Now while it is way too early to tell, you mean to tell me that if they didn't include characters like Reptile, Noob Saibot, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kano, Cyrax, Sektor, Fujin, Kitana, Sindel, Jade, Tanya, Kabal, all of these classics in favor of a bunch of newbies, that fans shouldn't be pissed??

They can be pissed, it is their own souvbereign right to be so. Also, what about those people who are tired of the classic characters? Who are literally putting down the game because, hey, it's the same old thing I have played?

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Wouldn't you guys like to see how these characters look and play in a game that looks this good? Why should newbies get this kind of treatment? They haven't been through hard times like MKA where you had to freakin "Kreate-A-Fatality (worst MK decision ever). They haven't paid their dues dammit! Lol

No. Personally, I have no intention, no preorgative, no time to see what Reiko, Tanya, Rain, Noob Saibot, Cyrax, Sektor, Liu Kang, Kitana would look like. These characters do not interest me in the slightest. Some of them did once. Now they don't.

There are people from the gaming circuits of my town who explicitly complained that this game is not 3D! They didn't exactly disliked it, but weren't interested as much because to them, and to a smaller extent me, I HAVE ALREADY SEEN this.

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
But in all seriousness, I don't mind new characters at all. D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr are awesome and I don't really care for Kotal Khan and Cassie Cage. I also don't agree with the game having "the most new faces in any MK game" because it leaves room for a lot of hits and misses when you can enhance a lot of great characters that we all ready have.

The moment you said in all seriousness.. so, we are to assume all that you said is invalid from this point onwards? And new characters are not there to glorify preexisting ones. At least they should not be.

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Like I said, it's too early to tell (cancel a pre-order off the game) and in time we will see what this game ultimately becomes. If it turns out to be balanced then great, but if feels like a "brutal fighting game guest starring Scorpion and Sub-Zero, I'll have every right to be pissed.

Yes, you have. But you do not have the right to have a say in what way the creators want to take their games next. You can freely choose to play or not. You do not get to tell the creators what they should do. That is their privilege.

1- I meant every single word in this post. The part when I said "they haven't paid their dues dammit" I meant it but was saying it in a joking matter hence "dammit" and hence going on to say "in all seriousness"

2- Don't make it sound like you have some kind of connections to NRS, you don't have a say in what direction they decide to take either.

3-I'm a die hard MK fan so I'm playing this game regardless

4-You have opinions and I have opinions. Simple as that?

Out of curiosity though, which MK characters DO you care about?
06/13/2014 04:06 PM (UTC)
The way I see it, if you play MK for 1 specific character and that's it, you are a fan of that character, not of MK. I enjoy most of the characters as a whole (mainly. MK1-3 ones with some from MK4 on), but my favorite character has been left out multiple times, and I still buy and enjoy each game. It's about the gameplay, the story, and the characters in general. If I don't have Cyrax, I have Sub-Zer and several others I can enjoy playing as. If one character makes or breaks your interest, I don't consider you much of a fan of the series as a whole.

MK needs to move forward and progress. It needs to feel fresh as well as provide nostalgia. It's a balancing act. But you can't expect every character in every game. Because just about every character has one die hard fan, so someone is gonna have to deal with it. There's always future games.

Lastly, the new characters look fantastic. The more open minded and willing you are to see that, the happier you'll be.

This is silly.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

06/13/2014 04:25 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
The way I see it, if you play MK for 1 specific character and that's it, you are a fan of that character, not of MK. I enjoy most of the characters as a whole (mainly. MK1-3 ones with some from MK4 on), but my favorite character has been left out multiple times, and I still buy and enjoy each game. It's about the gameplay, the story, and the characters in general. If I don't have Cyrax, I have Sub-Zer and several others I can enjoy playing as. If one character makes or breaks your interest, I don't consider you much of a fan of the series as a whole.

MK needs to move forward and progress. It needs to feel fresh as well as provide nostalgia. It's a balancing act. But you can't expect every character in every game. Because just about every character has one die hard fan, so someone is gonna have to deal with it. There's always future games.

Lastly, the new characters look fantastic. The more open minded and willing you are to see that, the happier you'll be.

This is silly.

You know what, that was very well said. And yes I do love MK as a whole, glad you put it that way. Kudos to you friend.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

06/13/2014 04:36 PM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
It's not about waiting for it, it's about your point with the grafik :)

Sure, there is only a Chance. Well, i played MK2 and i loved Baraka. Then MK3 came out - no Baraka. I buyed it and i played it. After a few years MKT had him in the game. I was pleased.

Now MK has 60+ Fighter? The chance that every fan get her favorite in the game is just ridiculous small. Of course i can blame Netherrealm every time my favorite is missed or i can except the fact that they can't fulfill every wish the fanbase has. This is impossible. So i get over it and be happy that i see some new faces in the game. And maybe i get a new favorite :)

You have a good point there. Thanks for not being a jerk about it, you have gained an ally ;)
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-sig by MINION

06/13/2014 05:00 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
They'll all come crawling back once a few months pass and more classic characters are announced anyway. Who cares?
I mean people are obviously speaking in grand hypotheticals. IF being the operative word.

And truthfully I get it because I said something similar even before we saw all the new characters and were privy to how new this MK would be. But actually I'm surprised people are shocked that people would have less interest in a game that didn't have their favorite character(s). Most people wouldn't buy a CD with songs they didn't like or go to a restaurant that didn't serve food they enjoyed. To me it's a similar principle, you could get something else or listen to something else but most people would rather wait for a sure thing.

I'm a life long MK fan, I've literally been playing since before I was in school and the idea that MK fans are resistant to change is kind of ludicrous considering how drastically the roster changes every single game. Almost every game has half the roster from the previous game missing so this is hardly new territory we find ourselves in.
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06/13/2014 05:01 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
I am sick and tired of people saying "oh well there's 9 other games to fall back on so you don't have the right to be pissed if your favorites don't make it" that's BULLSHIT.

No, it isn't.

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
This is a new MK game coming out for next generation consoles with better graphics, better and faster gameplay, and better FATALITIES. Now while it is way too early to tell, you mean to tell me that if they didn't include characters like Reptile, Noob Saibot, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kano, Cyrax, Sektor, Fujin, Kitana, Sindel, Jade, Tanya, Kabal, all of these classics in favor of a bunch of newbies, that fans shouldn't be pissed??

They can be pissed, it is their own souvbereign right to be so. Also, what about those people who are tired of the classic characters? Who are literally putting down the game because, hey, it's the same old thing I have played?

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Wouldn't you guys like to see how these characters look and play in a game that looks this good? Why should newbies get this kind of treatment? They haven't been through hard times like MKA where you had to freakin "Kreate-A-Fatality (worst MK decision ever). They haven't paid their dues dammit! Lol

No. Personally, I have no intention, no preorgative, no time to see what Reiko, Tanya, Rain, Noob Saibot, Cyrax, Sektor, Liu Kang, Kitana would look like. These characters do not interest me in the slightest. Some of them did once. Now they don't.

There are people from the gaming circuits of my town who explicitly complained that this game is not 3D! They didn't exactly disliked it, but weren't interested as much because to them, and to a smaller extent me, I HAVE ALREADY SEEN this.

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
But in all seriousness, I don't mind new characters at all. D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr are awesome and I don't really care for Kotal Khan and Cassie Cage. I also don't agree with the game having "the most new faces in any MK game" because it leaves room for a lot of hits and misses when you can enhance a lot of great characters that we all ready have.

The moment you said in all seriousness.. so, we are to assume all that you said is invalid from this point onwards? And new characters are not there to glorify preexisting ones. At least they should not be.

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Like I said, it's too early to tell (cancel a pre-order off the game) and in time we will see what this game ultimately becomes. If it turns out to be balanced then great, but if feels like a "brutal fighting game guest starring Scorpion and Sub-Zero, I'll have every right to be pissed.

Yes, you have. But you do not have the right to have a say in what way the creators want to take their games next. You can freely choose to play or not. You do not get to tell the creators what they should do. That is their privilege.

1- I meant every single word in this post. The part when I said "they haven't paid their dues dammit" I meant it but was saying it in a joking matter hence "dammit" and hence going on to say "in all seriousness"

2- Don't make it sound like you have some kind of connections to NRS, you don't have a say in what direction they decide to take either.

3-I'm a die hard MK fan so I'm playing this game regardless

4-You have opinions and I have opinions. Simple as that?

Out of curiosity though, which MK characters DO you care about?

Before we fuck the quotation boxes up even more...

No. I do not have and should not have a say in where MK goes, unless they offer me or anyone the chance. I have the option to quit the series any time, or to come back to it when I choose to.

As I chose to, after MK4. And I did come back for it around MKDA. I reusmed playing it since UMK3 when MK9 came out for the PC.

Characters I care about... I don't exactly care about them, I do enjoy the MKDA and MKD characters a lot more than the first ones mainly because that was the only time MK returned to it's roots of far-oriental martial arts war/tournament.

Yes, I like Kobra better than any one of the ninjas, save perhaps Sub-Zero. I like Dairou Hotaru, I welcomed Bo'rai Cho and frankly that's the best point of the series to me so far. The brooding, invisible dread of Deception where there were stakes. The classic heroes have fallen, Shao Kahn has fallen (fuck the clone, the DA should have finished him off) new characters, new paradigms have taken the front.

Not the neon woodland-animal like characters in the second to fourth games. UMK3 gave me epilepsy, MK4 was just boring and unispired. Not to mention broken as hell.

Aside the mechanics, those were unbecoming of a fighting game. But the package had potential.

06/13/2014 05:05 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
If fujin isnt in the game i wont buy it till it becomes half off and i will just play my cousins. ill seriously be devastated if he isnt in. put him in then i can live if my other favs dont make it.

LOL, I call bull shit.
06/13/2014 05:14 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:

And truthfully I get it because I said something similar even before we saw all the new characters and were privy to how new this MK would be. But actually I'm surprised people are shocked that people would have less interest in a game that didn't have their favorite character(s). Most people wouldn't buy a CD with songs they didn't like or go to a restaurant that didn't serve food they enjoyed. To me it's a similar principle, you could get something else or listen to something else but most people would rather wait for a sure thing.

I'm a life long MK fan, I've literally been playing since before I was in school and the idea that MK fans are resistant to change is kind of ludicrous considering how drastically the roster changes every single game. Almost every game has half the roster from the previous game missing so this is hardly new territory we find ourselves in.

Personally, my advice to anyone who has 1 character they like so much that they make or break the game: Find more characters to like.

Putting all your eggs/chips on one character, especially if they aren't one of the 2-3 only gurantees(Sub, Scorpion, maybe Raiden)...just isn't going to ensure your happiness and content. If you want to ensure your content and satisfaction, learn to love more than just 1 character. This is a series where not even A listers are guaranteed, so if your favorite is a C or D lister, in terms of popularity and importance, I'd invest in an A or B lister to latch onto just in case.

The MK cast is so diverse and filled with awesome characters, surely there's more to love and be excited for than just 1. I have come to appreciate and enjoy just about every character from MK1-3, and a few from MK4-MK:D. So if Cyrax doesn't make it, I can still rely on Sub-Zero, Liu Kang, Raiden, Reptile, Baraka, Ermac, Noob etc. Point being, the more you like, the happier you'll be. That way if several if your favorites make the cut, that's just more to be excited about.

Same factor could apply to anything in life. If you're a fan of MK, not just 1 character from MK, you'll get so much more from each game.

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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

06/13/2014 05:16 PM (UTC)
@ Chrome

Very well then, I respect that. We did screw up the quotation boxes pretty bad though lol
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/13/2014 05:17 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
They'll all come crawling back once a few months pass and more classic characters are announced anyway. Who cares?
I mean people are obviously speaking in grand hypotheticals. IF being the operative word.

And truthfully I get it because I said something similar even before we saw all the new characters and were privy to how new this MK would be. But actually I'm surprised people are shocked that people would have less interest in a game that didn't have their favorite character(s). Most people wouldn't buy a CD with songs they didn't like or go to a restaurant that didn't serve food they enjoyed. To me it's a similar principle, you could get something else or listen to something else but most people would rather wait for a sure thing.

I'm a life long MK fan, I've literally been playing since before I was in school and the idea that MK fans are resistant to change is kind of ludicrous considering how drastically the roster changes every single game. Almost every game has half the roster from the previous game missing so this is hardly new territory we find ourselves in.

I just don't understand the line of thinking based on what we've seen so far. We're barely a month out from the game being announced, and seen maybe a quarter of the total cast, probably less. I'd get being upset if the entire roster was known and it was mostly new faces, but we're not at that point, not even close, and they've confirmed that a bunch of old "classics" are gonna make the cut. Hell, either Sonya, Johnny or both are already as good as in.

This is basically like your favorite band coming out with a new radio-friendly single and just writing the whole forthcoming album off before you've properly sat down and given the rest of the track previews a shot, because that first single doesn't sound exactly like all your old favorite non-hits from their past. I don't know what people expect anymore. You can miss out on so much, thinking like that. Where's the patience?
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-sig by MINION

06/13/2014 05:29 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
The MK cast is so diverse and filled with awesome characters, surely there's more to love and be excited for than just 1. I have come to appreciate and enjoy just about every character from MK1-3, and a few from MK4-MK:D. So if Cyrax doesn't make it, I can still rely on Sub-Zero, Liu Kang, Raiden, Reptile, Baraka, Ermac, Noob etc. Point being, the more you like, the happier you'll be. That way if several if your favorites make the cut, that's just more to be excited about.
I agree. I love a lot of MK characters and most of my favorites are the sacred cows. More than likely there will be characters in MKX that I don't like like but that I love. But people typically don't control what they like.

Shadaloo Wrote:
This is basically like your favorite band coming out with a new radio-friendly single and just writing the whole forthcoming album off before you've properly sat down and given the rest of the track previews a shot, because that first single doesn't sound exactly like all your old favorite non-hits from their past. I don't know what people expect anymore. You can miss out on so much, thinking like that. Where's the patience?
Which is why I said people are speaking in grand hypotheticals. Sure it's hyperbolic but this is MKO, hardly anyone comes in another flavor. MK itself doesn't.
06/13/2014 05:33 PM (UTC)
I hope the roster is 90% new characters just to piss people off, and also because most of the old characters are lame as hell.
06/13/2014 05:41 PM (UTC)

Do you have a link to TotalMK's thoughts on MKX? For some reason, I've been really curious to hear his opinion on MKX. Can't find any Youtube videos.

Thanks in advance man :)
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

06/13/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
If fujin isnt in the game i wont buy it till it becomes half off and i will just play my cousins. ill seriously be devastated if he isnt in. put him in then i can live if my other favs dont make it.

I don't understand how a character who was playable in two games could have such an effect on you.
06/13/2014 05:56 PM (UTC)
Well this is what I think on the subject. I am all open arms into letting newcomers into the game (loving D'Vorah), and allowing some of the old ones finally take their leave. I don't want to play a game with the same uninteresting characters that we had for decades. This is just my opinion, but characters like Baraka and Sheeva, and any other character that just follows orders from who ever is in charge need to go for new, more interesting characters. Should we allow characters from MK4 and beyond have their time to shine? Sure, we can allow the ones that were NOT clones or mixtures of different character (*cough* Kira *cough*) back into the game. (Seriously, don't add Kira.)

Personally, I like complex story lines and back stories from everyone. Not the usual "this character is one of the strongest of their race, and thus they were picked by Shao Kahn and all the other people who came into power to fight for them." Like no. If Baraka had a secretly agenda to. . . make his race more powerful and eventually dominate, so they no longer have to follow orders from someone superior, and it shows that he is going to such lengths to make this happen (a basic concept I expressed before, it's just an example) then he would seem much more interesting then him just following orders constantly from whoever.

If they are going to keep the majority of the cast, they could at least make them slightly more enthralling and not just another lackey is what I am getting at, and I can't stress it enough. Otherwise, they could start over with a new character (maybe even the same race) to add more character to them.

I know the chances for the characters that I like to be back in the game are slim, but am I not going to buy the game because of that? Fuck no. It's time for change.
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-sig by MINION

06/13/2014 06:19 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
I don't understand how a character who was playable in two games could have such an effect on you.
Again I can see where the disappointment would come from. MK4 is pretty much the only time Fujin does anything. If your a fan that's all you've got.
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