Just my $0.02.
posted06/14/2014 10:37 PM (UTC)by
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06/13/2014 09:07 AM (UTC)
So far, I really like what I'm seeing. I'm loving the new kombatants, especially Cassie and D'vorrah. Judging from the demo videos they look like a blast to play with. The graphics and the obviously next-gen game mechanics look superb to my eye. The fatalities have been gruesome so far. So this is most definitely Kombat 2.0 for the new gen systems, therefore my check is already in the mail (not literally.)

My only gripe? The only iconic characters mentioned thus far have been Scorpion and Sub Zero, it's obviously made a lot of us in the fan base nervous (myself included), thinking that some of the characters we grew up with and future generations have obviously embraced, might be phased out in favor of cheap clones.

Don't get me wrong, I've always wanted new, interesting characters to expand the MK myth, but without guys like Sub Zero, Scorpion (both obviously in the game), Kitana, Mileena, Liu Kang, Reptile, Raiden, Baraka, then it wouldn't truly be a Mortal Kombat game. These are characters most of us are familiar with and identify as being integral parts of the Mortal Kombat storyline.

Ed Boon & Co. knows where their bread is buttered and it would be ridiculous and suicidal to throw some of these icons away for good. They bring in fans young and old, are constantly used in merchandise and are often the main characters in the movies, cartoons, and TV shows.

NRS has clearly made a huge mistake of revealing the new blood this early in marketing. What they should have done was reveal part of the returning cast first, then start revealing the new guys.

What brings me to this conclusion is what happened yesterday. When I went to Gamestop and pre-ordered MKX, the lady that took my money asked me if was going to just "turn around and cancel my pre-order in a week". We talked for a while and from what she told me, a lot of people who've preordered MKX back when the first trailer was released, have been cancelling those preorders.
06/13/2014 09:13 AM (UTC)
If fujin isnt in the game i wont buy it till it becomes half off and i will just play my cousins. ill seriously be devastated if he isnt in. put him in then i can live if my other favs dont make it.
06/13/2014 09:21 AM (UTC)
Do people really not buy a game if their favorite isn't in? Interesting.
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06/13/2014 09:25 AM (UTC)
They've made a huge mistake by drawing people's attention with the new characters? Scorpion and Sub Zero are enough to keep the familiarity right now, these new characters should help to generate some buzz (no D'Vorah pun intended). Showing off the same old characters that we've been seeing for 20 years isn't going to amaze anyone, especially when we just had a whole entire game dedicated to them. Some of the NRS have already confirmed that there will be classic characters in there, stop worrying so much.
06/13/2014 09:26 AM (UTC)
@RoyalChakra-Apparently, because at my local Gamestop, a lot of people have been cancelling their pre-orders and buying (or preordering) other games instead.
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06/13/2014 09:51 AM (UTC)
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Do people really not buy a game if their favorite isn't in? Interesting.

Happened to Street Fighter 3. MKX is a bit different I guess. Even if Sub and Scorp were the only returning characters, I'm sure MKX will do significantly better than that game did, but I think it's important to remember why people play fighting games in the first place: to immerse themselves into an alter ego. I don't need to buy the game for anything else. I can youtube the fatalities and story mode.

SCV is another recent example of a game adopting a huge roster change and then losing cash because of it. Granted, it finally met it's financial goals in the end, but it had to drag itself to the finishing line with two broken legs.
06/13/2014 10:00 AM (UTC)
Listen to totalmk. he is pissed. alot of people are.
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06/13/2014 10:19 AM (UTC)
First of all, there will still be classic characters in the game other than Scorpion and Sub-Zero. They can't get all pissed when their favorite character might be in the game away. Even if they aren't, these people have no right to be pissed when they have 8 or 9 other games with those same characters they can go play. How many times do they want Ed Boon and them to make the same game?

I know Scorpion is my favorite and he'll never be excluded from another MK game but even if he was, I'm still a fan of the Mortal Kombat franchise and one character will not change that. There's a way to enjoy a game without your favorite character. It's called "adapting and moving on". With a game of about 30 characters, there's gotta be SOMEONE in there you like. To be honest, I didn't even use Scorpion THAT much in MK9. I used him the most, but I played with all the other characters very often. I'll be doing the same with this game.
06/13/2014 10:27 AM (UTC)
I'd still buy the game even if Mileena isn't in it. I bought MK3-MKA despite her being in just 3 games. I am sure they will bring many old characters back. It's just that they don't wanna announce everyone so soon. Subz and Scorps are enough for now. The only thing I hope is that there are no more than 2 new characters in the game. 6 is more than enough and if there are 24 playable characters, I sure hope at least 18 are brought back.
06/13/2014 10:29 AM (UTC)
but im hoping its not the same old same old. but thats the whole point. someone like scorpion who ed boon nut hugs will never be out. but some people who were intresting like Bo, Drahmin, Kai and others who arent as popular wont get in. im sure fujin will be in but im still have my doubts. but i bet the kano's, baraka's, reptile's and ermac's of the world will be in instead of others who with just osme tweaking could be fan favorites. thats what people are meaning. tired of boon showing favroritism what was the point of ever introducing the character.
06/13/2014 10:30 AM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
@RoyalChakra-Apparently, because at my local Gamestop, a lot of people have been cancelling their pre-orders and buying (or preordering) other games instead.

If this is true, I want you to walk over to these people and hand them a copy of either Duke Nukem: Forever or Sonic 06, for those are the only two games they deserve to play, because they apparently don't know how video games work.

Christ on his throne, are people really this fucking dense that after we've seen 6 characters, pretty much no story, or any of the setting they're already declaring it unsavable. Really, because Kenshi wasn't one of the first fucking characters announced you're going to jump ship? They fucking left all of Flash's rogues gallery from INJUSTICE, one of my favorite heroes, mind you, and I still bought and loved the game.

They way MK fans and SSB fans are acting, you'd think it was Armageddon. OMG, DEY PUT IN KOTAL KHAN/PAC-MAN before _______ DEY DNT NO DA FANS! DIS GAYM SUX

I swear, this place when a game comes out is a double edged swords; we get awesome super creative users, and fools. Not that I'm call you a fool Captain Chivalry, it's just you're post about other people got me fired up and I sort of used you as springboard to a rant.
06/13/2014 10:42 AM (UTC)
why does everyone keep saying oh you have to see the story before you say if you like it or not? what? a game is just like dating or a movie. you dont have to go on a date or sit down with a person and get their whole personal background to say if you like them or not. you can tell by looks thats always the first attraction and its also natural for humans to dissaprove of things not attractive to the human eye. You dont have to see a whole movie to see whether your intrested in it or not you can be turned off from it by footage or even just by the name.
06/13/2014 10:44 AM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
@RoyalChakra-Apparently, because at my local Gamestop, a lot of people have been cancelling their pre-orders and buying (or preordering) other games instead.

Well at my Gamestop it's quite the opposite. For the past two days that I've worked, customers have been voicing their excitement for these brand new characters. I mean yeah there's been a few who thought they knew what the game was going to be about, but I soon as I mentioned characters like Cassie Cage and other possible relatives.......they were sold.

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06/13/2014 10:54 AM (UTC)
Long post.

SF3 vs MKX

So, what will prevent MKX from becoming the greatest fighting game of the series while being a financial failure?

A few things: what SF3 brought to the table was an especially acute mechanical game what is still considered the best iteration. HOWEVER, the game did away with most of the cast and replaced them with characters that
-important- FELT OUT OF PLACE.

So what does OUT OF PLACE mean in this case.

-SF was based on multinational recognizable stereo/archetypies. Big Russian, Swami indian yogamaster etc. The newcomers mostly lacked defining traits, and were not easy to identify. This is even more pronounced with the newcomers of SF4. They returned to somewhat national stereotypes, or stayed within the usual anime-reality that SF works with.

-MK so far deviated twice and not to the same extent. The most nondescript characters were found in MK4 and MKA. HOWEVER these characters did not comprise the majority of the roster. MK4 had many classics (almost all of them if we consider Jarek-Kano, Shinnok-Shang Tsung, special cases Reiko-Noob Saibot, and Tanya who almost was Kitana)

These characters were not exaclty well-defined. However they somewhat fit into the overall atmosphere, and visually they were not as far, as for example Necro was to the previous Dhalsim. Also, MKA's Taven-Daegon were pretty much blank states again.

MK stayed true to the starting point of mildly dark asian aesthetics-centered fighting game throughout MKDA and MKD, which were VERY asian based considering the stages and newcomers.

What MKX brings is still FAMILIAR to the overall design and atmosphere of MK, and frankly MK went over more aesthetics change, so THIS IS ALREADY something the fanbase is familiar with. What were these?:

-MK1 to MK2: MK2 clearly shifted to a pseudo fantasy/far eastern mixture from a clear cut Chinese/Japanese (with some American aliens) feel. Mileena and Kitana did not have defining Asian traits until UMK3 (buns),a dn Kitana's ending showed a European medieval-looking ruin too.

MK3-UMK3: the most jarring shift. Styraight comic book action, probably my least favourite entry just before MK4. So why didn't we abandon it? Easy. The game was somewhat novelty with the combo system and the abundance of extras and goofy humour made us laugh. REMEMBER: the majority of the defining fanbase of UMK3 wasn't 20-30 or so people back then.

MK4 didn't do a shift, as much as it rather lacked defining traits aesthetically. The arenas and the newcomers lacked cultural or aesthetical traits that would have linked them to the previously eastablished entries. The fact that the game was rushed, didn't help.

Perhaps the only defining trait in MK4 could be the metallic, very 90's steel/dark broody "thing" that was going on. MKDA and MKD are clearly Asian inspired. Dairou, Hotaru, Nitara clearly show Japanese/Chinese aesthetics.

In c onclusion: MK has had gradual changes overall, and SF3 did one BIG whatthehell turn, since it relied on game remakes, instead of gradual sequels.

squirt007nc Wrote:
Listen to totalmk. he is pissed. alot of people are.

Sorry if i come over as an asshole, but that guy is a real dipshit, have you ever played against him online? Complain complain complain, the music is fucking shit im going to cancel my pre-order haha srsly.

Its your life and your own decision, if someone doesnt like it doesnt mean you should automaticly not like it.

Also people, stop kicking yourself in the balls "MY KHARACTERS ISNT IN OMFG AINT GUN BUY IT NAAOO" we dont know anything else but these 6 characters, people saying differently its JUST speculation.

Im a 100% sure NRS isnt going to let anyone down, but its difficult to please EVERYONE, if my cyrax or sektor aren't in the game I will be disappointed but im sure i'll get into another kharacter.

So just be patient and be grateful we got so much media, they could've just shown 2 kharacters and said to you; wait untill 2 weeks before release until we show anything else.
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06/13/2014 11:49 AM (UTC)
I am sick and tired of people saying "oh well there's 9 other games to fall back on so you don't have the right to be pissed if your favorites don't make it" that's BULLSHIT.

This is a new MK game coming out for next generation consoles with better graphics, better and faster gameplay, and better FATALITIES. Now while it is way too early to tell, you mean to tell me that if they didn't include characters like Reptile, Noob Saibot, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kano, Cyrax, Sektor, Fujin, Kitana, Sindel, Jade, Tanya, Kabal, all of these classics in favor of a bunch of newbies, that fans shouldn't be pissed??

Wouldn't you guys like to see how these characters look and play in a game that looks this good? Why should newbies get this kind of treatment? They haven't been through hard times like MKA where you had to freakin "Kreate-A-Fatality (worst MK decision ever). They haven't paid their dues dammit! Lol

But in all seriousness, I don't mind new characters at all. D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr are awesome and I don't really care for Kotal Khan and Cassie Cage. I also don't agree with the game having "the most new faces in any MK game" because it leaves room for a lot of hits and misses when you can enhance a lot of great characters that we all ready have.

Like I said, it's too early to tell (cancel a pre-order off the game) and in time we will see what this game ultimately becomes. If it turns out to be balanced then great, but if feels like a "brutal fighting game guest starring Scorpion and Sub-Zero, I'll have every right to be pissed.

P.S Scorpion and Subby for now is NOT enough for now being that they are the poster boys of MK and are therefore EXPECTED to be in. Rant over.
06/13/2014 12:41 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
why does everyone keep saying oh you have to see the story before you say if you like it or not? what? a game is just like dating or a movie. you dont have to go on a date or sit down with a person and get their whole personal background to say if you like them or not. you can tell by looks thats always the first attraction and its also natural for humans to dissaprove of things not attractive to the human eye. You dont have to see a whole movie to see whether your intrested in it or not you can be turned off from it by footage or even just by the name.

6 characters revealed.
18 slots still unrevealed.
Character Select screen still not concrete...

Your argument = invalid.

And your butthurt = premature. smile
06/13/2014 12:52 PM (UTC)
"Wouldn't you guys like to see how these characters look and play in a game that looks this good?"

Hm.. i have also a question.. Do you think this is the last Mortal Kombat game?
06/13/2014 01:41 PM (UTC)
why should i be butthurt? i like mk an all but i wont die if i dont play it its not even top 5 in my list of games for 2015. my point is you dont have to see a finished product before you judge something idiot did you not read a thing i said? you can judge by just of right now weather you want it or not.
06/13/2014 01:44 PM (UTC)
if they just showed sub and scorpion i would have been better with that tbh. also no lol ive never played him online i didnt play mk9 much once i beat the challenge and story mode which took me about a month or so i really didnt play it much. hope they add unlockable characters so i could play the game longer.
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06/13/2014 01:45 PM (UTC)
They'll all come crawling back once a few months pass and more classic characters are announced anyway. Who cares?
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06/13/2014 01:52 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
I am sick and tired of people saying "oh well there's 9 other games to fall back on so you don't have the right to be pissed if your favorites don't make it" that's BULLSHIT.

No, it isn't.

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
This is a new MK game coming out for next generation consoles with better graphics, better and faster gameplay, and better FATALITIES. Now while it is way too early to tell, you mean to tell me that if they didn't include characters like Reptile, Noob Saibot, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kano, Cyrax, Sektor, Fujin, Kitana, Sindel, Jade, Tanya, Kabal, all of these classics in favor of a bunch of newbies, that fans shouldn't be pissed??

They can be pissed, it is their own souvbereign right to be so. Also, what about those people who are tired of the classic characters? Who are literally putting down the game because, hey, it's the same old thing I have played?

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Wouldn't you guys like to see how these characters look and play in a game that looks this good? Why should newbies get this kind of treatment? They haven't been through hard times like MKA where you had to freakin "Kreate-A-Fatality (worst MK decision ever). They haven't paid their dues dammit! Lol

No. Personally, I have no intention, no preorgative, no time to see what Reiko, Tanya, Rain, Noob Saibot, Cyrax, Sektor, Liu Kang, Kitana would look like. These characters do not interest me in the slightest. Some of them did once. Now they don't.

There are people from the gaming circuits of my town who explicitly complained that this game is not 3D! They didn't exactly disliked it, but weren't interested as much because to them, and to a smaller extent me, I HAVE ALREADY SEEN this.

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
But in all seriousness, I don't mind new characters at all. D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr are awesome and I don't really care for Kotal Khan and Cassie Cage. I also don't agree with the game having "the most new faces in any MK game" because it leaves room for a lot of hits and misses when you can enhance a lot of great characters that we all ready have.

The moment you said in all seriousness.. so, we are to assume all that you said is invalid from this point onwards? And new characters are not there to glorify preexisting ones. At least they should not be.

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Like I said, it's too early to tell (cancel a pre-order off the game) and in time we will see what this game ultimately becomes. If it turns out to be balanced then great, but if feels like a "brutal fighting game guest starring Scorpion and Sub-Zero, I'll have every right to be pissed.

Yes, you have. But you do not have the right to have a say in what way the creators want to take their games next. You can freely choose to play or not. You do not get to tell the creators what they should do. That is their privilege.

06/13/2014 01:53 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
why should i be butthurt? i like mk an all but i wont die if i dont play it its not even top 5 in my list of games for 2015. my point is you dont have to see a finished product before you judge something idiot did you not read a thing i said? you can judge by just of right now weather you want it or not.

*Claims not to be butthurt, then lashes out like a butthurt 10 year old...* grin

Also, it's "whether", not "weather".

Your argument remains invalid. You cannot judge a book by it's cover, kid. And MKX has only shown us its cover. wink
06/13/2014 01:56 PM (UTC)
your dumb. a books cover doesn't reveal anything about it but the name retard. MkX has showed us much more than the name. and i went on a rant about other people. lol not the game. nice try though.
06/13/2014 02:01 PM (UTC)
10 fans lost, thousands coming in, isn't that what they say? In my case i'm really looking forward to all the new stuff they seem to be adding to the game. And i'm glad with news like that 3 variations for each character it seems like it could help the lasting appeal.

This was to be expected though that with the new being given the credit so far instead of the classic a lot of fans would take it rather with the whole salt and pepper instead of only a grain. But i was not too fond of MK9, and that only showed once i played the game. Patience is a virtue and if i love the game as much as i love what i'm being fed yet, then good since they're doing what i was waiting NRS to get back at: A lot of new which each game or new generation consoles. And it was about time since the last generation lasted forever!!

People are like that though, some will threaten to leave the boat every time a stronger wave hits it. Hell, as a fan of MK, violence in games and movies, i can tell that a lot of fans dream about their fav franchise becoming mainstream and once it is they cry that it's a prejudice!

I'm happy with the new stuff yet. Can't wait to test D'Vorrah and Ferra/Torr. To the fans that will give this installment a chance, high five. To the other Vets or new fans that are about to jump off the boat because their little cage starts moving, too bad. But this was MK's mark before.
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