Jax and Sonya are the final nail in the coffin - Im not buying the game
posted02/09/2015 02:48 AM (UTC)by
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07/23/2014 08:00 PM (UTC)
I apologize if my message accidentally insults anyone. Everyone is entitled to their own favourites and if you like Jax, Kano and Sonya, that's fine.

I'm not a pussy and I don't like to complain. I'm just stating what I believe without trying to put my head in the ground and beg the NRS to care for the 3D characters many of us love and grew up with.

It started with Kano. One of the least used characters in MK9. But I had patience. And don't tell me "the roster isn't final. why don't you wait until the game is out?" This IS the roster. Between 25-30 slots without DLC. That means 14-18 returning characters, at best.

We have 13 spotted so far. It's safe to say that some of Johnny, Shang, Kenshi and 1cyborg will be filling in the ranks (I mean come on, it's obvious we're getting the kids of the original characters together with them in the game. Who says Jacqui is not in is lying to himself).

What I would have done had God given me the right to decide at NRS headquarters:

Retire Raiden. Yes, you heard me. Right after MK9, have him killed by a vengeful Liu Kang Fire God or striped of his powers and locked away in a prison by the Elder Gods who name Liu Kang the new God of Earthrealm (completing the game frees him).

Only keep the most iconic, relevant and almost immortal characters from MK9:
Scorpion, Sub-Zero (Bi Han), Liu Kang, Seido Johnny Cage, Kitana, Mileena, Ermac, Rain, Quan Chi- that's a total of 9.

And until 16-18 characters I would have made the 3D ones that were good back then amazing with today's technology:
Tanya- self proclaimed Queen of Edenia, allied with Rain
Reiko- Quan Chi's thousands of years old enemy, Queen Mileena's consort
Fujin- new leader of Earthrealm forces
Havik- Chaosrealm cleric devoted to misterious Kochal
Shinnok- unbeatable this time, unlike the pussy they made him in MK4
Kai- new Earhrealm wanderer hero
Sareena- Bi Han's link to the Brotherhood of the Shadow
Daegon- Red Dragon's 10.000 year old god leader, brother of Rain
Taven- new Edenian hero and protector, brother of Rain and Daegon

Add in Demon Smoke and you got yourself a game that takes the franchise further.

TLDR: This is MK9 2.0. That game was already boring back then. I had already known inside out pretty much all those cutscenes and characters from MK 1, 2, 3, Trilogy and Shaolin Monks. I didn't like it one bit. But hey, I was glad that MK started selling again and they could take the game further with a retelling of MK4, Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armageddon. They didn't. I'm NOT buying their game.
I AM buying the comic. It's miles better.

MK fan forever, over and out for the next 3 years
02/07/2015 12:25 PM (UTC)
Lol.. Yea ok
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02/07/2015 12:25 PM (UTC)
YES!!!! Another thread about someone bitching with it leading to them saying they're not getting the game!!! It's not like we've had 20 of these threads!!!
02/07/2015 12:29 PM (UTC)
Lol whatever, you'll buy it.
02/07/2015 12:30 PM (UTC)
You're still buying the game, no one believes you.
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02/07/2015 12:31 PM (UTC)
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

02/07/2015 12:31 PM (UTC)
He'll buy the game and just tell us he hasn't lol
02/07/2015 12:35 PM (UTC)
Are Sonya-fans always that bland and boring?

I agree with some things in your post, but not all.

Yes Sonya Bland and Jax should sit every game out, but still they are freakin favorites of Ed Boon & Co, so they probably here to stay anyway...
02/07/2015 12:36 PM (UTC)
kamouniyak Wrote:TLDR: This is MK9 2.0. That game was already boring back then. I had already known inside out pretty much all those cutscenes and characters from MK 1, 2, 3, Trilogy and Shaolin Monks. I didn't like it one bit. But hey, I was glad that MK started selling again and they could take the game further with a retelling of MK4, Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armageddon. They didn't. I'm NOT buying their game.
I AM buying the comic. It's miles better.

I don't understand your logic.

You found MK9 boring because you knew how it would play out because it was a re-do of the original Trilogy. Yet you want a re-do of the next part of the story. Wouldn't you find it boring since you already know all about it?

So you've decided to buy the comic because "it's miles better" even though you know nothing of the games story yet. You are not going to buy the game and miss out on the BRAND NEW CHAPTER of the story that will not appear in the comics, the fun that challenge towers will bring, the fun that Faction Wars will add as well as the brand new characters and places the game will have... just because you don't like 3 of the returning characters.

Okay, cya bro!

02/07/2015 12:39 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
YES!!!! Another thread about someone bitching with it leading to them saying they're not getting the game!!! It's not like we've had 20 of these threads!!!

So I'm bitching...
Whay are you bitching about my bitching then?

They disregarded my opinion, gave me the game THEY wanted, not the game I asked for in thousands of posts, tweets, polls, wasted seconds of my free time trying to make my opinion and that of thousands more like me be heard: that 3D characters MATTER.

I have the right to advice people NOT to buy the game. Just like you have the right to advice them to buy it if you open a thread about how great the gameplay feels or how cool the characters are.

I'm sure you would have done the same thing if 0 (ZERO) of your favourite characters were in the game.

You are a member of an opinion forum and a MK player, just like me, and I respect you, but don't judge my opinion because you think you know better.

Enjoy your MK X game. Do so in silence or in your own thread if you so hate mine wink
02/07/2015 12:41 PM (UTC)
JustinRex Wrote:
Lol whatever, you'll buy it.

I'll most definitely try with all my powers not to grin
02/07/2015 12:44 PM (UTC)
kamouniyak Wrote:
swerzy Wrote:
YES!!!! Another thread about someone bitching with it leading to them saying they're not getting the game!!! It's not like we've had 20 of these threads!!!

So I'm bitching...
Whay are you bitching about my bitching then?

They disregarded my opinion, gave me the game THEY wanted, not the game I asked for in thousands of posts, tweets, polls, wasted seconds of my free time trying to make my opinion and that of thousands more like me be heard: that 3D characters MATTER.

I have the right to advice people NOT to buy the game. Just like you have the right to advice them to buy it if you open a thread about how great the gameplay feels or how cool the characters are.

I'm sure you would have done the same thing if 0 (ZERO) of your favourite characters were in the game.

You are a member of an opinion forum and a MK player, just like me, and I respect you, but don't judge my opinion because you think you know better.

Enjoy your MK X game. Do so in silence or in your own thread if you so hate mine wink

Don't even try dude.

You know you have two kind of people here in Holland.

Left-sided politics
Right-sided politics.

The left-sided are the people-huggers that always think they are right because they are positive, they are the countries traitors, they are the horrid people and they cuddle the rainbow while doing so.

These people like everything in MK and think that they are the good-guys here and that everybody else who has an opinion (not counting myself as i'm a hateful rich bastard that just loves to feed on hate and negative energy) against the game is bad.

Really the same as the politics in holland, left-politics think they are the goodguys, but in the end they are the badguys, ruining the country.
About Me

02/07/2015 12:45 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
kamouniyak Wrote:
swerzy Wrote:
YES!!!! Another thread about someone bitching with it leading to them saying they're not getting the game!!! It's not like we've had 20 of these threads!!!

So I'm bitching...
Whay are you bitching about my bitching then?

They disregarded my opinion, gave me the game THEY wanted, not the game I asked for in thousands of posts, tweets, polls, wasted seconds of my free time trying to make my opinion and that of thousands more like me be heard: that 3D characters MATTER.

I have the right to advice people NOT to buy the game. Just like you have the right to advice them to buy it if you open a thread about how great the gameplay feels or how cool the characters are.

I'm sure you would have done the same thing if 0 (ZERO) of your favourite characters were in the game.

You are a member of an opinion forum and a MK player, just like me, and I respect you, but don't judge my opinion because you think you know better.

Enjoy your MK X game. Do so in silence or in your own thread if you so hate mine wink

Don't even try dude.

You know you have two kind of people here in Holland.

Left-sided politics
Right-sided politics.

The left-sided are the people-huggers that always think they are right because they are positive, they are the countries traitors, they are the horrid people while cuddeling the rainbow while doing so.

These people like everything in MK and think that they are the good-guys here and that everybody else who has an opinion (not counting myself as i'm a hateful rich bastard that just loves to feed on hate and negative energy) against the game is bad.

Really the same as the politics in holland, left-politics think they are the goodguys, but in the end they are the badguys, ruining the country.

Congratulations! You are the biggest fucktard I have ever met!
02/07/2015 12:47 PM (UTC)
My pleasure, peasant. Now work for my money.
02/07/2015 12:57 PM (UTC)
while I will buy the game and play the hell out of it, I agree with many points of the OP. I'm also sick and tired seeing my favourites taking the shaft so we can see sonya, AGAIN, jax, AGAIN and so on. I also believe they could have come up with new characters out of the blue instead of giving us the kids and cousins and second cousin's aunts of the older characters and I don't see how the hell this is 'the new generation' of MKX if it's just the kids of those overly tired and tiresome characters.

I also have my doubts for the whole 'a ton of new characters' thing, seems like all they did so far was reveal just four of them and that's it. probably even cut some of them out so more sonyas can come back in this game which is pathetic.
02/07/2015 12:58 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
kamouniyak Wrote:TLDR: This is MK9 2.0. That game was already boring back then. I had already known inside out pretty much all those cutscenes and characters from MK 1, 2, 3, Trilogy and Shaolin Monks. I didn't like it one bit. But hey, I was glad that MK started selling again and they could take the game further with a retelling of MK4, Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armageddon. They didn't. I'm NOT buying their game.
I AM buying the comic. It's miles better.

I don't understand your logic.

You found MK9 boring because you knew how it would play out because it was a re-do of the original Trilogy. Yet you want a re-do of the next part of the story. Wouldn't you find it boring since you already know all about it?

So you've decided to buy the comic because "it's miles better" even though you know nothing of the games story yet.

You are not going to buy the game and miss out on the BRAND NEW CHAPTER of the story that will not appear in the comics, the fun that challenge towers will bring, the fun that Faction Wars will add as well as the brand new characters and places the game will have... just because you don't like 3 of the returning characters.

Okay, cya bro!

Retelling means new things, as I explained in the original post about where the stories should take the 3D characters (Tanya- self proclaimed Queen of Edenia etc). MK9 was the same stuff that I saw in the 1995 movie, in the first cartoon, in Shaolin Monks, in MK Legacy......I'm just so sick of it that I'm gonna throw up.

MK4 to MK A didn't have all this media related to them, that's why the characters aren't that well known outside of the nerdy fans community (which I'm part of tongue )

But, 10 years from now, if Reiko, Tanya, Fujin, Havik or Daegon have been in as many games as Jax, they'll be the icons of Mortal Kombat. There has already been a gradual increase in their fanbase over the years. When they came out, people hated Tanya (in 1996), didn't care about Reiko and Havik and some still despise Daegon (he deserves it, the ladykiller ).

It's all about what the NRS chooses to do with the franchise. They keep selling me the same human warriors who combat every threat in the known universe every 4 years. It lost all believability at this point. Jax and Sonya are mere humans. They should be stamped on by sorcerers, thousands of years old edenians and gods.

They did their job in the MK tournament, saved Earthrealm, it's time to retire them.
Just my humble silly opinion
02/07/2015 01:01 PM (UTC)
I'm a Nightwolf fan and he didn't appear after his initial appearance until 2 games later. I'm also a fan of Mavado, and it's not a bother to wait at least 2 or 3 games until he shows up again. There are more 2D characters who have been left out of games longer than 3D ones. Stryker has only been included in his introduction, armageddon, and the retelling of his introduction. MKvsDC was only the most iconic characters, and MK9 was the trilogy characters remade. This game will be the first actual sequel since Deception, and like Deception, it will be a bunch of returning characters with a group of newbies. Stop acting entitled.
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Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

02/07/2015 01:07 PM (UTC)
You know I may be new to this site but I'm certainly not new to Mortal Kombat. But if you choose not to buy a game because some characters you don't like are in, when you can easily skip over them, that sucks for you and you personally. I've seen a lot of threads with people wanting 3D characters to return. But if I remember correctly minus a few, the overall 3D characters, especially after MK4, were hated and trashed. And now all three years later people want so many of them to return. But I will say this with the last MK game and how they did a majority hated guy like Stryker and turned him into gold and now a beloved guy. I can see why some people want 3D characters to return, although Styker isn't a 3D character but he was an example I needed to use. Certain 3D guys should indeed return, Havik, Hotaru, Bo Rai Cho, Kai, Reiko, Tanya and a few more I guess. But overall the majority of them had no originality and if the team can't brig them back and give them their own identities and original stuff then leave them out please.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

02/07/2015 01:07 PM (UTC)
If its not the game you want, than I don't think anyone can argue with your decision. I will say, most of these proclamations turn out to be b.s., but maybe...just maybe, you are the one the prophecy foretold.

I'm bummed by the lack of 3D era characters as well. Hopefully DLC can remedy the situation, but I'm not gonna hold my breath. Learned that lesson with Injustice DLC.

That being said, this f'n game looks amazing and I can't wait to play it. I R Sheep.
02/07/2015 01:14 PM (UTC)
I stopped reading when you said Rain was iconic.

If you don't want the game that's fine. I think it's a little silly not to get a game because a few characters are missing but that's my opinion.
02/07/2015 01:16 PM (UTC)
These threads will end the day when every user of this forum will understand and accept the simple , naked truth: MKonline.com is pretty much the 1% of the general audience that will purchase this game.

The remaining 99% is not interested in characters like Li Mei, Tanya, Fujin, Sareena, Shinnok, Reiko, Nitara, Mavado and others. Let's face the truth.

And no, my dear thread opener, you will buy the game in less than three months and will find a stupid excuse to justify it (someone bought it for my birthday, my parents/siblings/partner wanted to give me a gift, etc).
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/07/2015 01:17 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
My pleasure, peasant. Now work for my money.

How's that neckbeard coming along?
02/07/2015 01:21 PM (UTC)
Well why reading through those posts I found that there are people who understand and there are people who don't,

The guy will of course buy Mortal Kombat X.

All of us on this forum will be it regardless of whether our favorites made it in or not.

I am a fan of Sektor and he doesn't get much story or appearance, if he didn't show up in mortal kombat x I'll still buy it and enjoy it. just like I bought MK:DA and MK:D when Sektor wasn't in them and enjoyed them.

But the guy has a point nobody can deny that, Come on. Sonya? Jax? who's next? Stryker? Jade? Hell, Cyber Sub-zero?!

And just to shut down those people who are going to say you are not a fan of these characters this is why you are mad they will return.

I am a big and I mean BIG fan of Stryker.

But I would rather him sit this "Next Generation" Game out, You either give 3D-era characters a chance or show us new characters. STOP BRINGING BACK MK9 CHARACTERS.

I loved MK9, it was fun playing with all the classics again but it's time we move on. I understand there are some characters that have to be there like Raiden,Scorpion,Sub-zero,Reptile.

But at this point putting Sonya in is just pointless, Hell even pointing Johnny in would be pointless, Unless they want a repeat of Kira.

Because Cassie is basically Sonya,Johnny,Stryker Mixed together.

I like those three characters and surprising enough unlike most of their fans I'm happy with just Cassie being in instead of Cassie and those three characters.

Anyways I talked long enough, If you don't want to buy MKX then trust me, that decision won't last for long, the game looks awesome and full of content regardless of which character makes it in.
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02/07/2015 01:22 PM (UTC)
All this biting is lame. Sonya and Jax haven't been announced and I seriously doubt they are in. I doubt johnny is in. Raiden can't go he's as iconic as scorpion and sub zero. I mean come on the first three action figures got mkx are those three. There will be more new characters and I'm sure som ed post trilogy. So give it time and all will be revealed
02/07/2015 01:26 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Well why reading through those posts I found that there are people who understand and there are people who don't,

The guy will of course buy Mortal Kombat X.

All of us on this forum will be it regardless of whether our favorites made it in or not.

I am a fan of Sektor and he doesn't get much story or appearance, if he didn't show up in mortal kombat x I'll still buy it and enjoy it. just like I bought MK:DA and MK:D when Sektor wasn't in them and enjoyed them.

But the guy has a point nobody can deny that, Come on. Sonya? Jax? who's next? Stryker? Jade? Hell, Cyber Sub-zero?!

And just to shut down those people who are going to say you are not a fan of these characters this is why you are mad they will return.

I am a big and I mean BIG fan of Stryker.

But I would rather him sit this "Next Generation" Game out, You either give 3D-era characters a chance or show us new characters. STOP BRINGING BACK MK9 CHARACTERS.

I loved MK9, it was fun playing with all the classics again but it's time we move on. I understand there are some characters that have to be there like Raiden,Scorpion,Sub-zero,Reptile.

But at this point putting Sonya in is just pointless, Hell even pointing Johnny in would be pointless, Unless they want a repeat of Kira.

Because Cassie is basically Sonya,Johnny,Stryker Mixed together.

I like those three characters and surprising enough unlike most of their fans I'm happy with just Cassie being in instead of Cassie and those three characters.

Anyways I talked long enough, If you don't want to buy MKX then trust me, that decision won't last for long, the game looks awesome and full of content regardless of which character makes it in.

Cassie has none of Johnny's move, heck, sue eventi lacks the standard shadow kick and the nut punch is just part of her xray.
She has a variation of Sonya's air grab and cartwheel but feels totally different from her mom too.

She has nothing from Johnny and Sonya, and the only move borrowed by Stryker are the gunshot. They even use the tonfas differently. Kira had EXACTLY the same moves from Kano and Sonya.
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