Minchken Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Minchken Wrote:
No blacks please.

Why wouldn't you want Noob in the game?

Did you see how he was abused in mk 9? That fucker's cheap.


Now, what's your gripe with shadow people?
02/06/2015 05:34 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Minchken Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Minchken Wrote:
No blacks please.

Why wouldn't you want Noob in the game?

Did you see how he was abused in mk 9? That fucker's cheap.


Now, what's your gripe with shadow people?

I was just raised in a spectral lifestyle, I was raised not to tolerate wraiths or any shadow people, they can go back to their hood for all I care, the brotherhood of shadow that is.
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THANKS MINION!!! You're freakin LEGIT

02/06/2015 06:27 AM (UTC)
I REALLY hope Jacqui makes it! That'd be so legit! *Fingers Crossed*
02/06/2015 01:18 PM (UTC)
I have a feeling, like some others, that she might be killed off in the comics. Perhaps she will die because of Cassie's reckless behvaiour or as a result of Cassie pissing someone off (like, they kill Jacqui to get back at her or teach her a lesson). And this might give Cassie the motive she needs to properly fight evil.
Of course she could get that form the death of a parent too.

If she is in the game she needs a drastcially better design, and since the Cassie of the comics and Cassie of the games are quite different, I wouldnt rule her out based on her bland comic attire.

Im really not a fan of her name. nor am I of Cassie's either tho.
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

02/08/2015 01:09 PM (UTC)
Did a write up on Jacqui on WordPress. Sums up a lot of the ideas in this thread. http://wp.me/p3D8BX-Ci
02/09/2015 04:45 PM (UTC)
Why is it that I can see Jacqui as the one offspring who won't make it on the roster? Oh right, because she's a black woman, that alone reducing her chances, but also a kickboxer which for MK would be new and as we can see by some of the fan reactions, not welcome.

Instead, we'll get Cassie, who I like but being the first offspring to be revealed is primarily what set her apart as a new character, and Takeda who's sounding like a Kenshi rip-off. From the sounds of things, Jacqui is also the one offspring who'd be interesting even if she wasn't Jax's daughter, in fact it'd be better if she wasn't.

I won't be surprised if she's killed just to add more drama to either Cassie or Jax's stories, or both. Hell, Jax might not retire in his old age, and he'll become both Cassie's partner and mentor, and they'll avenge Jacqui's death together.

Rant over. Sorry for the pessimism.
02/09/2015 04:55 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Why is it that I can see Jacqui as the one offspring who won't make it on the roster? Oh right, because she's a black woman, that alone reducing her chances, but also a kickboxer which for MK would be new and as we can see by some of the fan reactions, not welcome.

Are you kidding me? Are you seriously fucking kidding right now? Please, oh please tell me you are because you have to be an incredible moron to believe her chances are slim is because she's black and she's a female.

Yeah, because the developers of this game are blatant racists and sexist retards who don't want any other race in this game other than Caucasian and feel the need to strip the number of females to slim. I can see why people laugh at your posts, because you have this dumb way of coming to conclusions and this is certainly one of them

If she is not in this game, is it not because of the color of her skin or her gender, it is because not every single comic character will be making an appearance in this game, as we were told from the beginning. So please, get this out of your Easy Bake Oven head right now, because Jacqui's race and gender has nothing to do with her being a no-show if she really is.

DG1OA Wrote:
Rant over. Sorry for the pessimism.

You're not sorry, you do this a lot.
02/09/2015 05:49 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Why is it that I can see Jacqui as the one offspring who won't make it on the roster? Oh right, because she's a black woman, that alone reducing her chances

Stopped reading after that because I was starting to nauseated by your shit post. This may be the most asinine reason I have ever seen. Who are you fucking kidding with this?

Going by this "logic"(if you can call it that), they wouldn't have made Jax or Cyrax at all.

I've seen better posts from hanky panky

03/17/2015 03:44 AM (UTC)
I fail to see how that is a bad thing. It's a fighting game, having a real life fighting style is a good thing.
I honestly think it's mostly that Jax is less popular so his descendants won't be as popular compared to the descendants of two fan favorites like Sonya or Johnny.

Though strangely I've never seen outright hate for Jax until recently.

JAX007 Wrote:
I would love it. The game could use a more brawler type female character. I don't even mind if she's in and Jax is not. I'm curious too see where they go with her.

I just doodled this up, maybe a tad generic but just an quick idea:

Hot damn, that looks awesome. I like the reference to Jax's purple/black tights from MK3, and the camo pattern on them from Shaolin Monks.
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03/17/2015 06:04 AM (UTC)
Turns out, Cassie's alt is somewhat similar to that Jacqui sketch I did.
03/17/2015 06:10 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Turns out, Cassie's alt is somewhat similar to that Jacqui sketch I did.

Cassie's Alt reminds me of her outfit from the MMA Deathmatch....minus the jacket.
JAX007 Wrote:
Turns out, Cassie's alt is somewhat similar to that Jacqui sketch I did.

Neat, any pics of it other than that achievement one?
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

03/17/2015 08:22 AM (UTC)
My vote for least used kharacter in the game by far
03/17/2015 01:45 PM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
My vote for least used kharacter in the game by far

Why? You've seen her gameplay already? Please do upload it on Youtube.


Anyway, some people seem to consider Jacqui both the worst offspring, and the worst new character of MKX, maybe even the worst character. Why is that?
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/17/2015 02:00 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
BADASS6669 Wrote:
My vote for least used kharacter in the game by far

Why? You've seen her gameplay already? Please do upload it on Youtube.


Anyway, some people seem to consider Jacqui both the worst offspring, and the worst new character of MKX, maybe even the worst character. Why is that?

Because she's "bland", even though she has exo-skeleton-equipped forearms that we've yet to see in action.

Or because her forearms are "the same" as her fathers's robo-arms, even though we've yet to see the exos in action.

Or because she's simply associated with Jax, who MKO views as "boring" since he hardly gets any character development. Regardless, he's been in every iteration since his debut, and he's STILL coming next month to wreck shit, so that popular opinion is mute.
03/17/2015 02:17 PM (UTC)
And from what we've seen of him, what makes Takeda less bland than Jacqui? What makes Cassie less bland than her? You might have a point when comparing her to Kung Jin and the non-offspring newbies, even though I disagree about her being bland and think we haven't seen enough of her to judge her yet.

03/17/2015 02:20 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
BADASS6669 Wrote:
My vote for least used kharacter in the game by far

Why? You've seen her gameplay already? Please do upload it on Youtube.


Anyway, some people seem to consider Jacqui both the worst offspring, and the worst new character of MKX, maybe even the worst character. Why is that?

Because she's "bland", even though she has exo-skeleton-equipped forearms that we've yet to see in action.

Or because her forearms are "the same" as her fathers's robo-arms, even though we've yet to see the exos in action.

Or because she's simply associated with Jax, who MKO views as "boring" since he hardly gets any character development. Regardless, he's been in every iteration since his debut, and he's STILL coming next month to wreck shit, so that popular opinion is mute.

Not having story development is not a opinion. She will probably just follow in her farther foot steps. Takeda hates his father at least. Cassie was the first so she gets a pass. She also has to deal with her parents divorce. Kung Jin has a totally differnt weapon and he not his son or daughter. There comparisons can be small. When u make a child of a character u build off of something. For example Cassie having Johnny personality.
03/17/2015 02:23 PM (UTC)
They don't like Jacqui or Jax because they are black and they don't want blacks in their game.
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/17/2015 02:29 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
BADASS6669 Wrote:
My vote for least used kharacter in the game by far

Why? You've seen her gameplay already? Please do upload it on Youtube.


Anyway, some people seem to consider Jacqui both the worst offspring, and the worst new character of MKX, maybe even the worst character. Why is that?

Because she's "bland", even though she has exo-skeleton-equipped forearms that we've yet to see in action.

Or because her forearms are "the same" as her fathers's robo-arms, even though we've yet to see the exos in action.

Or because she's simply associated with Jax, who MKO views as "boring" since he hardly gets any character development. Regardless, he's been in every iteration since his debut, and he's STILL coming next month to wreck shit, so that popular opinion is mute.

Not having story development is not a opinion. She will probably just follow in her farther foot steps. Takeda hates his father at least. Cassie was the first so she gets a pass. She also has to deal with her parents divorce. Kung Jin has a totally differnt weapon and he not his son or daughter. There comparisons can be small. When u make a child of a character u build off of something. For example Cassie having Johnny personality.

I was referring to the opinion of him being boring, hence the quotes.
03/17/2015 02:30 PM (UTC)
So Takeda hates his father? Will that lead to the two fighting to the death, or anything juicy like that? Because if not, then it doesn't mean much.

As for Jacqui probably following in her father's footsteps of no character development, let's wait until the game's out and we know that for sure before dismissing her character, okay? But even if that's the case, in what way would she be worse than Scorpion, who took a long ass time before getting the slightest development?
03/17/2015 02:34 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
BADASS6669 Wrote:
My vote for least used kharacter in the game by far

Why? You've seen her gameplay already? Please do upload it on Youtube.


Anyway, some people seem to consider Jacqui both the worst offspring, and the worst new character of MKX, maybe even the worst character. Why is that?

Probably because a lot of people (myself included) consider her father one of the most boring characters in the franchise.

Cassie is the daughter of 2 characters that have big fanbases and are even respected among those who aren't fans. Cassie got the exact amount of personality from each to be a cool character.

Jaqui on the other hand only has 1 character as a parent, and unlike Takeda that is a son of a character that is considered to be awesome (and on top of that you could almost say adoptive son of the face of the franchise), she comes from a guy considered bland, so expectations about her are set really low and so far she looks like the next generation Jax (with Jax MK9 alt strength enhancers) with some flashy stuff (cannons/flamethrowers attached to those arms). Worst of all, her name sounds like a female version of Jax so from point zero she sounds boring and lacking creativity on her design.
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03/17/2015 02:40 PM (UTC)
There's always going to be the less popular character among the newcomers, it's inevitable, if not Jacqui then another.
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/17/2015 02:47 PM (UTC)
At the end of the day, this is all opinion and perception, so there's no "wrong" answer.

Hardcore fans see Jax as boring because of no character development, so they automatically attach that to Jacqui before giving her a chance (that latter part is wrong, though).

The general MK audience likes Jax for the all-star he is. He looks different than most of the MK cast, he has strength-enhancing robotic arms and depending on what game you play, he might have missiles or a machine gun. To the general audience, he's got the look, gimmick and gameplay/fighting style that equates to a "fun" character, and that audience isn't incorrect either. Nine consecutive playable appearances later, NRS seems to be chillin in this camp. Story be damned.
03/17/2015 02:48 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
So Takeda hates his father? Will that lead to the two fighting to the death, or anything juicy like that? Because if not, then it doesn't mean much.

As for Jacqui probably following in her father's footsteps of no character development, let's wait until the game's out and we know that for sure before dismissing her character, okay? But even if that's the case, in what way would she be worse than Scorpion, who took a long ass time before getting the slightest development?

Fighting to I the death. Probably not. Fighting and disrespect, not listening, and getting self into trouble for not listening. Probably. Scorpion is better because scorpion is his own character. Also he just the fricken face of mk. He also not really a human anymore who just uses tech handed down from his father. Also to the comment above I think u just mean he is op.
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