02/04/2015 03:31 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
AgentK Wrote:
Along with Ferr/Torr, she's going to be the Darrius, Dairou and Nitara of this generation. In other words, completely insignificant and won't be remembered for another 10 years or so.

Plus it doesn't help at all that her design is as boring as corn on a cob.

Says the Reiko fan. I didn't know they revealed her in-game get up, but i'm not surprised at this coming from you, lol.

Lo, no shit!

People hanging out on half ass MK characters that were dumped from the franchise over 15 years ago, calling new gen kombatants insignificant. That's rich.

She is not a new fighter yet... so yeah a 'half assed' MK character is still better than a character hasnt even appeared.
About Me
02/04/2015 03:43 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
AgentK Wrote:
Along with Ferr/Torr, she's going to be the Darrius, Dairou and Nitara of this generation. In other words, completely insignificant and won't be remembered for another 10 years or so.

Plus it doesn't help at all that her design is as boring as corn on a cob.

Says the Reiko fan. I didn't know they revealed her in-game get up, but i'm not surprised at this coming from you, lol.

Lo, no shit!

People hanging out on half ass MK characters that were dumped from the franchise over 15 years ago, calling new gen kombatants insignificant. That's rich.

Being a "fan" of a character based on two comic strips. Lol.
02/04/2015 03:48 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind her being in the game at all, I was actually wondering if she would be included
02/04/2015 03:50 AM (UTC)
I fail to see where I posted any sort of fandom about Jacqui Briggs. I couldn't give two cents worth of shit if she's in the game or not.
02/04/2015 03:51 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
I fail to see where I posted any sort of fandom about Jacqui Briggs. I couldn't give two cents worth of shit if she's in the game or not.

Embarrassing attempt by AgentK.
I hope she gets a chance to shine in the game but I want her to turn to the black Dragon side down the road and create a deadly rival with cassie cage...

also the idea of her just using kickboxing is good but that's challenging for them to make three variations from that move set
02/04/2015 04:25 AM (UTC)
PointGuard_Material Wrote:
I hope she gets a chance to shine in the game but I want her to turn to the black Dragon side down the road and create a deadly rival with cassie cage...

also the idea of her just using kickboxing is good but that's challenging for them to make three variations from that move set

Better than having all 3 variations with a projectile and a teleport like most of the cast
Complaining about Jacqui's appearance in the comic compared to her non-existent in game outfit is as fucking stupid as complaining about Cassie's comic appearance as if that was her in game appearance. God. Fucking. Damn it. Seriously. It's obvious this is years before Cassie is how she is in the game. So given that, don't complain that Jacqui is boring. Fucking think!
Anyone see Death Proof? I kinda hope Jacqui gets in a huge accident like Jungle Julia and loses a leg. Then of course, gets one leg robotic. I'm hoping for a reason for her to get something robotic, but a single leg would kinda be the shit. I also want her to have that Jungle Julia flowing hair for her alt, with a laid back outfit.
02/04/2015 05:16 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
I would love it. The game could use a more brawler type female character. I don't even mind if she's in and Jax is not. I'm curious too see where they go with her.

I just doodled this up, maybe a tad generic but just an quick idea:

Has nothing to do with Jacqui in particular but God Damn! I love all your work man. Can't wait to see more MKX inspired stuff.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/04/2015 08:37 AM (UTC)
I would like her more if she wasn't related/associated with jax.

Kickboxer concept is fine, as they had concepts for that type character since mk2 (Kathy long). But now she is jax's daughter first, mk kombatant second.

She doesn't have anything super unique about her yet. And to be honest I hope she is not in the game, but if she is then hopefully she surprises me in good ways.
02/04/2015 08:40 AM (UTC)
Dress her in silver armor, make her evil along the way and a enemy of her old friend Cassie and kill off her father, then she'll do just fine in my book.
02/04/2015 10:18 PM (UTC)
Didn't Boon say somehwere last summer that MKX would feature offsprings/family members of past characters? By that logic alone, I'm guessing she's in because I don't see why he would say that if Cassie was the only one.
02/04/2015 10:41 PM (UTC)
I think Frost/Sereena/Jade/Tanya would all be better choices
02/04/2015 11:05 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Didn't Boon say somehwere last summer that MKX would feature offsprings/family members of past characters? By that logic alone, I'm guessing she's in because I don't see why he would say that if Cassie was the only one.

Well, Takeda is all but confirmed. And Kung Jin is a possibility.
02/05/2015 02:22 PM (UTC)
PointGuard_Material Wrote:
I hope she gets a chance to shine in the game but I want her to turn to the black Dragon side down the road and create a deadly rival with cassie cage...

I disagree. It's an idea I've seen suggested a few times, to make Jacqui evil. Why? The very few black female characters we've got got, Jataaka and Tanya (no matter how light-skinned she got in MKD, she still is black to me), are both evil. Don't make Jacqui yet another black villainess. There are other ways to make her relationship with Cassie's different from their parents'.

Anyway, I do want Jacqui on the roster, and yes, it's because she's a black woman whose gameplay could be refreshing, being a kickboxer with no special abilities, which, as far as regular humans go, would make her different from Stryker. It'd be even better if she was just a boxer, as MK doesn't have one yet, and a black female boxer would truly have been fresh, but kickboxing can do.

Just don't make her gameplay anything like Jax's, especially if the prick himself returns. No metallic implants, no ground pound. I agree with what another poster said that it's a shame she's associated with him.
DG1OA Wrote:
PointGuard_Material Wrote:
I hope she gets a chance to shine in the game but I want her to turn to the black Dragon side down the road and create a deadly rival with cassie cage...

I disagree. It's an idea I've seen suggested a few times, to make Jacqui evil. Why? The very few black female characters we've got got, Jataaka and Tanya (no matter how light-skinned she got in MKD, she still is black to me), are both evil. Don't make Jacqui yet another black villainess. There are other ways to make her relationship with Cassie's different from their parents'.

Anyway, I do want Jacqui on the roster, and yes, it's because she's a black woman whose gameplay could be refreshing, being a kickboxer with no special abilities, which, as far as regular humans go, would make her different from Stryker. It'd be even better if she was just a boxer, as MK doesn't have one yet, and a black female boxer would truly have been fresh, but kickboxing can do.

Just don't make her gameplay anything like Jax's, especially if the prick himself returns. No metallic implants, no ground pound. I agree with what another poster said that it's a shame she's associated with him.

I agree, everyone who's saying they want her to be evil down the line and join the Black Dragon just have no imagination. It's a cop out and pretty fuckin lame. I'd love for her at this point to be on the roster, and I think it's a safe bet. I was even thinking about how she could be different because of her training. She could bob and weave out of the way of projectiles, something very different. They could really make her interesting. But I kinda do want a nod at Jax, just a few tiny things.
02/05/2015 04:23 PM (UTC)
I can see a box art for the new Special Forces reboot game with Cassie and Jacqui, not that 2000 Metal Gear-knockoff bomb.
02/05/2015 04:29 PM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
PointGuard_Material Wrote:
I hope she gets a chance to shine in the game but I want her to turn to the black Dragon side down the road and create a deadly rival with cassie cage...

I disagree. It's an idea I've seen suggested a few times, to make Jacqui evil. Why? The very few black female characters we've got got, Jataaka and Tanya (no matter how light-skinned she got in MKD, she still is black to me), are both evil. Don't make Jacqui yet another black villainess. There are other ways to make her relationship with Cassie's different from their parents'.

Anyway, I do want Jacqui on the roster, and yes, it's because she's a black woman whose gameplay could be refreshing, being a kickboxer with no special abilities, which, as far as regular humans go, would make her different from Stryker. It'd be even better if she was just a boxer, as MK doesn't have one yet, and a black female boxer would truly have been fresh, but kickboxing can do.

Just don't make her gameplay anything like Jax's, especially if the prick himself returns. No metallic implants, no ground pound. I agree with what another poster said that it's a shame she's associated with him.

I agree, everyone who's saying they want her to be evil down the line and join the Black Dragon just have no imagination. It's a cop out and pretty fuckin lame. I'd love for her at this point to be on the roster, and I think it's a safe bet. I was even thinking about how she could be different because of her training. She could bob and weave out of the way of projectiles, something very different. They could really make her interesting. But I kinda do want a nod at Jax, just a few tiny things.

She can always get one or two (and only one or two) moves of Jax like the backbreaker and the gotcha grab, however, Jacqui should add her own touch to those moves, like breaking her opponent's back with her feet for her backbreaker, and a combination of punches and kicks for her gotcha grab.

As for a rivalry between her and Cassie, instead of making one evil, why couldn't they both be good and in conflict with one another? Heroes don't necessarily have to get along.
DG1OA Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
PointGuard_Material Wrote:
I hope she gets a chance to shine in the game but I want her to turn to the black Dragon side down the road and create a deadly rival with cassie cage...

I disagree. It's an idea I've seen suggested a few times, to make Jacqui evil. Why? The very few black female characters we've got got, Jataaka and Tanya (no matter how light-skinned she got in MKD, she still is black to me), are both evil. Don't make Jacqui yet another black villainess. There are other ways to make her relationship with Cassie's different from their parents'.

Anyway, I do want Jacqui on the roster, and yes, it's because she's a black woman whose gameplay could be refreshing, being a kickboxer with no special abilities, which, as far as regular humans go, would make her different from Stryker. It'd be even better if she was just a boxer, as MK doesn't have one yet, and a black female boxer would truly have been fresh, but kickboxing can do.

Just don't make her gameplay anything like Jax's, especially if the prick himself returns. No metallic implants, no ground pound. I agree with what another poster said that it's a shame she's associated with him.

I agree, everyone who's saying they want her to be evil down the line and join the Black Dragon just have no imagination. It's a cop out and pretty fuckin lame. I'd love for her at this point to be on the roster, and I think it's a safe bet. I was even thinking about how she could be different because of her training. She could bob and weave out of the way of projectiles, something very different. They could really make her interesting. But I kinda do want a nod at Jax, just a few tiny things.

She can always get one or two (and only one or two) moves of Jax like the backbreaker and the gotcha grab, however, Jacqui should add her own touch to those moves, like breaking her opponent's back with her feet for her backbreaker, and a combination of punches and kicks for her gotcha grab.

As for a rivalry between her and Cassie, instead of making one evil, why couldn't they both be good and in conflict with one another? Heroes don't necessarily have to get along.

Those two are going to be very buddy buddy in the sense that Sonya and Jax are. It would be a poor choice at NRS to make them hate each other or fight. They're totally going to be best friends. As for Jax inspired moves, I like your ideas. It could be very easy for them to pay a homage to Jax with little changes to his iconic moves.
02/05/2015 04:33 PM (UTC)
I'd be ok with Jacqui but she needs something to really set herself apart from Jax. That means no robotics. I know people are ok with Jacqui having no kind of powers but she needs some kind of visual to her attacks. Maybe have a purple glow or something.

She could be like the T.J Combo of the game. Which would be pretty awesome.
02/05/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
Yeah I don't like the idea of her being evil. I would rather her and Cassie be best friends that have a FRIENDLY rivalry, constantly trying to out do each other or something.

Her Gotcha grab could have her somehow spin the opponent around so their back is facing her while on their knees, then she would grab their hands and pull their arms behind them pulling them towards her, then while doing that she drives her leg into their back, breaking their spine lol

02/06/2015 05:03 AM (UTC)
No blacks please.
Minchken Wrote:
No blacks please.

Why wouldn't you want Noob in the game?
02/06/2015 05:27 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Minchken Wrote:
No blacks please.

Why wouldn't you want Noob in the game?

Because he's Wraithist wink
02/06/2015 05:28 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Minchken Wrote:
No blacks please.

Why wouldn't you want Noob in the game?

Did you see how he was abused in mk 9? That fucker's cheap.
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