06/06/2007 01:00 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
overriding the "fluff" -> increased interest for real martial arts

MK1 - 4 didn't feature authentic martial arts, and that didn't stop the series from being huge.

If you think as me as overeducated...

I do not.

why aren't there games like Golden Axe, Tyrian, Long Life and Gods like games out in the market?

In what way? In popularity? In gameplay? ?

a.k.a. Asia

So if Asians don't like MK, that means Americans shouldn't like it? Remember, MK is a western game series.

If you think MK sells big, then check out sales figures for Tek-ken and Soul Calibur. Hell, even strategy games like SupCom made more than MKDA and MKD combined!

That doesn't change the fact that MK sells a lot. It also receives more attention outside the gaming community than these games. MadTV made a joke of MK in a recent epidose, i.e. Movies have been made of it, etc. It's widely known even to lots of non-game fans.

I liked MKDA, MKD was a disgraceful excuse for a video game. MKA has no place of interest and utterly killed my vaning overwatch of the MK series.

Sounds like your interest in MK is dead then. So why still hang out at "MK"O?

if you think that people were not complaining during MKD, then you should just CHECK THE SITE CONTENT!

Oh, I know the games have had their complaints. MKD mainly because of all the glitches and mostly unchanged gameplay. What about all the good criticism it received?
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06/06/2007 07:39 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
overriding the "fluff" -> increased interest for real martial arts

MK1 - 4 didn't feature authentic martial arts, and that didn't stop the series from being huge.

If you think as me as overeducated...

I do not.

-in 1998, it did not require to do so. Nowadays.. gaming culture has evolved. Significantly.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
why aren't there games like Golden Axe, Tyrian, Long Life and Gods like games out in the market?

In what way? In popularity? In gameplay? ?

a.k.a. Asia

So if Asians don't like MK, that means Americans shouldn't like it? Remember, MK is a western game series.

If you think MK sells big, then check out sales figures for Tek-ken and Soul Calibur. Hell, even strategy games like SupCom made more than MKDA and MKD combined!

That doesn't change the fact that MK sells a lot. It also receives more attention outside the gaming community than these games. MadTV made a joke of MK in a recent epidose, i.e. Movies have been made of it, etc. It's widely known even to lots of non-game fans.

-In all aforementioned ways possible.

-Asia is - by the terminus technicus of gaming- the definite ethalon of video games. if you do not recognize the fact that they put outmore quality games than you should not bother with video games altogether. by youtr logic then Western games should be tolerated as inferior to eastern fighting games. because aside Long Life and a SAVE FEW they are. Were. And will be for a period of time.

-if the word StarCraft does not ring a bell, then you are the Peter Griffon of MK. Ever wonder what was the only game that outdid WoW in terms of multiplayer gaming? Guiness record holder? ... MAD TV is trash, compare that to the average of South Korea where

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
StarCraft matches are on schedule on television channels much more than soccer. An average StarCraft player of high league can earn around 3000 USD per tournament match. Also, it is the national sport of S.K. somewhat.

To say MK receives more atention than SC, and now SC2, Golden Axe, basically the grand-whale of hack-and-slash sidescrollers, ... MK is nowhere near this.

Also, I highly recommend not listening to the crap of MAD TV or any review aside high lever gamers. MKD did come to a disastrous amounts of criti-cism from gamers. What matters more? An assclown who has averagely two days to give an overall first impression or a technical geek who has non-stop access to the game and is highly dominating in online matches in most fighters?

You just re-OWNed yourself, as expected.
06/07/2007 05:51 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
in 1998, it did not require to do so. Nowadays.. gaming culture has evolved. Significantly.

If this is your way of saying that people are stubbornly picky and won't play "unrealistic" games, you must be living in your own world then.

by youtr logic then Western games should be tolerated as inferior to eastern fighting games. because aside Long Life and a SAVE FEW they are. Were. And will be for a period of time.

I didn't say that. I just don't think a successful American game should have to necessarily follow the game standards of foreign countries.

MAD TV is trash

That's your opinion. It's actually a popular and acclaimed show. It's also a show that wouldn't spend its time making jokes of unheard of material. It's clear that MK is widely known since they took time to mention it and then the audience responded with laughter and understanding instead of going "huh?"

MK is one of those rare games that even non-gamers know about, like Grand Theft Auto.

compare that to the average of South Korea where StarCraft matches...

I don't care what S Koreans are into. If soccer is the national sport of Mexico, that means it has to become the national sport of Americans too?

Also, I highly recommend not listening to the crap of MAD TV or any review aside high lever gamers.

Oh so that's what this is about. Arrogance.

What matters more? An assclown who has averagely two days to give an overall first impression or a technical geek who has non-stop access to the game and is highly dominating in online matches in most fighters?

I don't like the way you made either option sound, so I'm gonna have to go with neither. In terms of reviews, what matters to me are what the MK fans in general think, not solely game critics or high level gamers.

You just re-OWNed yourself, as expected.

Don't flatter yourself.
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06/07/2007 09:01 AM (UTC)
Allright counting aside my usual sordid saviour-faire, well...

EDIT: Bah, nevermind, you would not comprehend it even if you would try...
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06/07/2007 03:30 PM (UTC)
I don't know about anyone else here, but I view MK characters as a bunch of characters sharing the same fighting mechanics with the only thing to set them apart being a few special moves and some premade combos. Sure, sure, you can come up with some pretty advance combos using special moves, the bounce following a throw, and said premade combos, but all these characters play the same. The only thing I have to decide when I pop in an MK game is "Do I feel a little blue today, or a little red, ahh, I have a hankerin for some yellow". Thats pretty much it, all I have to do is then is try to control the match through juggles and block low or block high. I like MK, but these characters feel all the same. Of course thats the fighting engines and designs fault.
But we're talking about whether or not the MK cast should be scrapped or revamped. I'm getting to that, you see I don't think its going to matter much. If the same crew is making the next MK, were just going to experience the same bullshit as before whether or not they bring back these characters.
Now Chrome made some good points, these characters are nothing particularly special. I like em anyway, or I liked them. I just want to put these toys away and get some new ones in. The MK crew relies too much on their established characters, and I honestly can't recall any new characters from MKDA to MKA that were memorial enough in terms of design.
When MK1 came out, it was sort of a cultural lampoon, Lui Kang- Bruce Lee, Johnny Cage- Segal/Van Damm , and Subzero and Scorpion- Americas love for Ninjas. Lets go back to that idea and take things from our current culture and roll with that. Why not make a XXX secret agent character, "xtreme" is still in sadly. We still like Ninjas and now we like Pirates too.
MK has to draw from American and global culture again instead of becoming stagnant by looking to half asswordly create an internal universe. Sure, MKDA and onward looked toward eastern themes for inspiration for character and level design, which was well done at first and then dropped off a bit. But none of these new characters were culturally revelant, none had that HOOK, that aspect of mystique that drew kids to it. Instead the MK crew relied too much on "nostalgia" (can we call it that for a 10+ year old game?) and ended up scrapping the bottom of the barrel, bringing back Jarek of all people.
Well I'm done, old characters are old, we need new blood, Not just in characters, but in theme and storyline, most importantly the game has to be culturally and geographically relevant for todays time.
06/08/2007 06:41 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Allright counting aside my usual sordid saviour-faire, well...

EDIT: Bah, nevermind, you would not comprehend it even if you would try...

What? I scared you away?

Please... express what you were going to say.

Reved2k Wrote:
old characters are old, we need new blood, Not just in characters, but in theme and storyline

Being old doesn't automatically render them unenjoyable. Classic characters still remain the most popular.

We've gotten new blood. Haven't we been getting new characters since MK4?

most importantly the game has to be culturally and geographically relevant for todays time.

If your saying that the series hasn't changed since the 90's, I strongly disagree. Some things haven't changed, but most things have evolved. Otherwise, each new installment would be the same game over and over and that would bore people. Games wouldn't sell.
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06/08/2007 06:28 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel Wrote:
Being old doesn't automatically render them unenjoyable. Classic characters still remain the most popular.

We've gotten new blood. Haven't we been getting new characters since MK4?
QueenSindel Wrote:
If your saying that the series hasn't changed since the 90's, I strongly disagree. Some things haven't changed, but most things have evolved. Otherwise, each new installment would be the same game over and over and that would bore people. Games wouldn't sell.

It has been the same game over and over since MKDA, MKD and MKA are sequels with little improvement in visual and game design. It was just tweaked here and there, for better or worse. MK4 was nearly the evolutionary dead end for the series, MKDA revived it with fresh character designs and themes.

What I'm saying is that the series has strayed from what it once was and instead has closed itself off from what it drew its influences from. You could say that the series has evolved, but it instead has alienated itself from the new generation, (the 10-16 age bracket). There's not alot of new characters, and those that are new only a few actually reflect our modern culture. Because of this, MK no longer speaks to the kids at their level, and instead caters to its fanbase by creating an internal world with a shitload of backstory. I like backstory, I don't like explaining whats the deal with Quan Chi to my friend who just wants to see some fatalities. The game is no longer easy for a new player to identify with.
Old chracters are fun, for me and for you, but most kids won't get that Raiden is based off the lightning guy in Big Trouble in Little China. Just that he's a thunder god from Japan who dresses up like a samurai. Is he popular? He's been around for over 10 years, yeah people know of him, is he still relevant. No, he's over 10 years old, the concept is old and busted, and what the fuck is an Immortal God doing in mortal combat? grin

So MK evolved itself into a corner, so much so that the powers that be at midway decided there would be no character profiles included in the game, in order to try not to alienate new customers. A bad business decision? I think it was made on panic and uncertainty.

MOST of the new characters added haven't reflected our culture. They tend to lean toward an oriental and Asian influence but through a researched and serious view, not as a parody or homage of Hollywood and Asian cinema.

Hotaro for example, Totalitarian and General asshole that looks like a samurai. He's just a guy wearing bland blue and yellow samurai armor. There's nothing from pop culture or otherwise to help draw the player in. I liked him, only because I thought his ground fireball was a nice pop up.

Kobra is a great example of what the MK team should be doing, he has Street Fighter influences, looks like Ken and as close to his special moves as we can get. He's a commentary of what the MK team could do if they ever got the opportunity to get the street fighter franchise. Also his outfit and name are heavily influenced by Karate Kid. His symbol on his back is reminiscent of Cobra from GI Joe. His character draws from alot from Pop culture.

Bo Ra Cho could have been more accepted if he was a bit more like Jackie Chan from Drunken Master, but I can see that the MK team wanted a dirty foul old kung fu master from the old fung fu flicks.

We need more characters like Kobra and Movado (He was a feeble attempt at a Chinese Triad character). I beleive that the only way not to fall into the trap of relying on dated nineties styles and ideas is with a fresh start. Baraka is old school now, like someone said earlier, we need a hooded figure with blades coming out his sleeves like Jigsaw from SAW. Freerunning is creeping more and more into movies, B13 was based entirely around it, we should see a new character reflect this style of evading and combat.
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06/08/2007 07:47 PM (UTC)
You DO realize that most characters are criticised bcause of their actual ties with pop culture? liu kangs stereotypical Lee-ism, Cages self-assured egomaniac behavior, etc. etc. theese are what made characters bland in the first place.

MK classics are/were not uniqe because the stereo/archetypes were unique, it was just that they never became mainstream aside SF and
MK in fighting games. Last thing MK needs is a botched attempt at po-
pular clichés and media marionettes.

Future imo lies in contextuality, like the characters of Havik, Hotaru, Kira, Kobra, Bo' Rai Cho (if an archetpye, Bo' gave the character a whole lot of meaning by pushing the extreme and grotesque), Li Mei...

Avoid the evolutionary dead ends at recreating popular fiction like Kabal, Raiden, Kang, and a whole class of abhorrent blasphemy called ninjas.
Substance over culture. Look at MK1, even the roster was primarily fed off from general notions of the oriental: Kang, Cage (who IS originally half-bred Asian as actually retconned later -original actor in MK1 Brandon
Lee for example played right upon this, or check the slight edits around Cages second pic in his ending) Raiden, even Kano (originally of Japane-se upbringing).

06/08/2007 08:34 PM (UTC)
reved2k Wrote:
We need more characters like Kobra and Movado

I think what you meant to say is that you would want to see more characters like Kobra and Movado.

These 2 characters are very unpopular. If dry, dull characters like these are what you think MK needs, I'd have to disagree with you again.

Besides just being orientally influenced to some extent, MK delivers fantasy elements that aren't necessarily linked to real-life cultures. Look at some of their costumes, for example. When was the last time someone wore something like Mileena's MKD costume?

I think not basing too much of its content on real-life material is actually an advantage to MK, cuz it can deliver the unexpected and not be so limited that way.

Baraka is old school, but so is Scorpion and Sub-Zero, yet obviously, being old hasn't affected their likability. All these 3 are still popular and that's what matters.

What I personally think MK needs, are more stylish, fantasy comic-booky characters like the classics, instead of realistic ones like Kobra whom most consider to be boring.
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06/08/2007 09:15 PM (UTC)
@Chrome and QueenSindal

Although I'll agree with you on the fact the yes, MK is criticized for its cliches and stereotypes, the attention MK1 drew relied on this. I beleive alot of failure involving some games relies a great deal on the its inability to find some familiarity and common ground for the player to identify with. Drawing on pop culture doesn't scare people away, it comforts them.

The expansion of the MK mythos was entertaining, but introducing characters like Li Mei, Hotaru, Darius, and Dairou, while I found their back stories to be great, my brother who's 15, finds them dull as shit. Thats because those characters, richly based in oriental style and design, mean nothing to him. He likes Cyrax and Sektor, cause they're "Fuckin Robot Ninja's that shit is Baddass, man."

Dairou's design is highly original, it took me a while to really appreciate it, because at first I thought his outfit was ugly, and.... I still do, but I get it now, its supposed to be "chinese looking" and a tattoo on someones forehead always means they're hardcore. I like him, when I play as him and read his bio in MKD I really feel like he isn't in an MK game, he and his fellow order and chaos realmers have such great back stories.

Some of the new characters had no "hook" to them, Ninjas, sadly, still do,but I think the over saturation is setting in. And my arguemnet is that The Old characters are losing that hook as well with each and every new game. The MK Team can redsign these characters all they want, but as far as I'm concern the only characters that have any iconic presence are Sub Zero and Scorpion.

The MK cast is old now, and I feel they need to be removed, if not, at least cycled out and reintroduced slowly into the new continuity as a nod to the old fans. MK's style and design, needs to draw on whats popular now in our culture, it needs to create new characters with influences from newer action movies, like Tony Jaa 's "Tom Yung Sung" (The Protector), imagine a character based on him whose special moves where a a dozen different bone breakers.

All I know is this, I'm going to buy MK8, even if its MK1 redux, or filled with only new characters plus a return of subzero and scorpion if not in character , in spirit.Of course this is all IMO and I'm not saying right and anyone is wrong here. But I think I am right in saying, you'll be buying MK8 as well.

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06/08/2007 09:45 PM (UTC)
reved2k Wrote:
@Chrome and QueenSindal
But I think I am right in saying, you'll be buying MK8 as well.

No..not any more. Not ever again.

Problem is, that what you are trying to spit out in two or three words is: Contemporary, lacking contemporariness. Different values, and from the prespective they are doing MK since MK4, well, it is a pretty much fact that the core United American States have no real martial art basis.

And the would-be picks are pretty much disputable. tuskahoma for examp-le. On it's own right, there are no real bases to work on -> in the case of the US again, what would you do? A thug? ...possibly the deathstroke on MK.

Contemporary art is always a reflection on the past, an answer to it, reactionalism is the perfect word for any kind of art, look at the history for example:

gothicism, medieval arts (theocentric), renaissance (homocentric), baroqque and rococo (theocentric), age of enlightment (again homocent-ric)...all are always in constant response to the other. The supposedly in-novative works of the renaiisance and the Enlightment were nothing more than reinvention of Archaic greek art, methods and philospohy.

Cultural reference in MK works on this the very same way, somesuch, the axis of centricism, when removed would be cataclysmic to MK. And as the evolution of art tossed aside old stuff, then reinvigorated it in completely NEW form (and I mean absolution by that: great difference is between the Ancient greek, the renaissance humanist and the Enlighted recurring greek-emulation. They are borderline different and yet retain some form of mutual analogy and sophisticated likeness) which replaces the old.

Example ---> replace Liu Kang. if you do the agile, juvenile bare chested Jun Fan martial artist with the collected and spiritual nature, you only rehearse a dead horseplay and fail.

Bringing in a fairly rotunf but muscular, agile chinese martial artist who is around his 35's and is quite attaching to community while practicing Jun Fan (lacking chicken sounds, looking more like a straightforward power-base) and moving at the exact celerity as his preceeding character would prove to be a youthful reinvention of the archetype.
06/09/2007 02:06 AM (UTC)
reved2k Wrote:
The expansion of the MK mythos was entertaining, but introducing characters like Li Mei, Hotaru, Darius, and Dairou, while I found their back stories to be great, my brother who's 15, finds them dull as shit. Thats because those characters, richly based in oriental style and design, mean nothing to him. He likes Cyrax and Sektor, cause they're "Fuckin Robot Ninja's that shit is Baddass, man."

And that right there is why MK is so popular. Tons of its characters, along with the overall style of MK, are "badass." That element is more alluring to most people than pop culture references.

Also, without making references to pop culture, MK can better design a fictional universe that plays by its own rules. Spongebob, for example, is a cartoon who's developers intentionally disallow it to have pop culture references and look at how successful that show is.

I love what Midway has been doing with MK up until MKA. It should remain onto itself for the most part, without filling it with unnecessary reality reminders.

The MK cast is old now, and I feel they need to be removed

Batman is old and he's still managing. Classic characters are pretty much treated like him, for the most part. They are redesigned, giving new problems to face, etc. I don't see what's the difference between Batman and most classics, who are still the leads of the series as he is a lead comic book superhero.

But I think I am right in saying, you'll be buying MK8 as well.

I personally will not buy MK8 unless its appealing to me. The reason why I didn't buy MK4 is because I didn't like any of the females. If MK8 delivers a set of new characters who have the boring qualities of Dairou and Havik, I will not waste my time with it.
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06/09/2007 07:02 AM (UTC)
Batman is what we call a monovehicular storyline. He is irrevocably impor-tant and is the sole defining element of the series. MK is plurovehicular. There is no one or two or three defining element of the plot. It has no real axis.
MK characters are disposable without any relevance to the plot. Batman is not.


Badass factor. Now thats where people trying to solely rape their opinions on others. It is so objective that it is laughable. I for one consider Dairou and Havik badass while the majority of the females are either seriously lacking but material -a.k.a. Kira, Ashrah, Mileena- perhaps simply medioc-re -Kitana, Tanya- or utterly unoriginal, whorish and trash -Sindel, Sheeva.
Noteworthy rejects are also most of the classics like Baraka, Kahn, Goro, Kintaro, who either served their purpose, or have not one defining quality at all which could be important to me. Shallow surface flash and unreasonab-le ripoffs are not considered elevating you know. Of course there are those who find appeal in shallow things and there is nothing wrong with it, but do not dare reason with that to justify the characters importance to the over-all quality of the series.
I would want to point out to search japanese reviews of MK3 and MK4, which will be suprisingly one sided (aside the evident nationalism of the Nippon), for example they reasoned with almost the same thing: shallow,
thoughtless presentation with a broken and outdated engine.

Do not try to axiomise things that are subjective.

06/12/2007 03:36 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
MK characters are disposable without any relevance to the plot. Batman is not.

Plot? So MK is primarily a story to you?

MK is primarily meant to be played, not read. Stating that plot matters first is irrational considering that many characters have died and then returned simply because people like to play as them (i.e. Scorpion).

I would want to point out to search japanese reviews of MK3 and MK4, which will be suprisingly one sided

Again, Japanese's opinions are what should determine MK (a western game) fate?

The truth is, with or without Japan, MK is still very successful and one of the most popular games. Please to stop trying to unnecessaryly force the opinion foreign countried on me.

Do not try to axiomise things that are subjective.

And this isn't subjective.....

"Noteworthy rejects are also most of the classics like Baraka, Kahn, Goro, Kintaro, who either served their purpose, or have not one defining quality at all."


Oh and if you consider Dairou and Havik to be badass, then if MK8 were to bend toward your taste more, it would suck since these 2 characters are some of the least liked in MK history.
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06/12/2007 05:34 PM (UTC)
If by your logic Dairou and Havik sucked then why were they quite primary characters in online matches? And if Gameplay decides the fate of the characters, then these by your logic should be the most wanted back because of their efficiency...Dairou, absolute top in MKD, and top mid tier in MKA, Bo Rai Cho... top 2 MKD, Top 10 in MKA (not counting Moloch and Onaga , who are INHERENTLY UNBALANCED), Havik top 6 in MKD. Btw have you ever checked how many Havik fans are out there?

Fact is, you dislike these characters, yet you just superbly killed your own reasoning when you said that gameplay decides the fate of the charaters. And since you DO mean gameplay = popularity, then you pretty much executed yourself by declaring theese characters as unpopular.

And yes, I value japanese evaluation better, why? because they can prog-ram quality games, WHICH ARE UNBROKEN (Tekken , S.Calibur aside III)
and MK Armageddon and Deceptions are horrendrously BROKEN.

A little clue: search the lack of move properties.
06/12/2007 09:36 PM (UTC)
After reading through all of that i can honestly say that:
1. Baraka's Story line is too long gone, as what they do with some characters (ermac, nightwolf) Baraka should go away for some time and come back in a later series with some agenda of some sort. The only way to bring characters like this back is if they have some new agenda.

2. Chrome had some very good "assessments" of the characters he listed, though some of what he said was very harsh. And FYI sonya blade is based off a female Martial Artist (I forget her name - but you can check her on Wikipedia i think).

3. Scorpion needs a new agenda, i personally hate this character with a passion, hes not done anything new since MK1, at least other characters (apart from Kano) have progressed in one way or another, lets see:
a) Kano - Still the same
b) Cage - He died, he came back to life, he fights for good, he loves sonya(though he doesn't belong in MK anymore unfortunately )
c)Liu Kang - Hes Dead
d)Sonya - Formed OIA, fights for good(bland story, should go)
e)Raiden - Was good until now where he is the opposite of what he was before (Perfect)
f) Scorpion - Still the same
g) Sub Zero - Died, replaced by brother, Brother paved his own destiny, original sub back as something else (great!)
h) Tsung - Story started to become Stale
i) Goro - Should have died during MK1
k) Reptile - Has a secret motive, he is loyal to Shao Kahn on the outside, though underneeth he wants revenge for his people, he is like Gullum from LOTR in a way loyal to his master but with a hidden motive and ready strike when the time is right, however if Shao Kahn dies what will he do in MK.

4) Stryker looks best in MK3, and is one of my favourite characters along with Kabal, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Darrius, Cage, Jax and some others...

5) Characters don't need to be killed they just need new motives a new twist to their story. Though some characters will need to die to make others important like for this little idea i have.
If sindel dies, that makes Kitana Queen, giving her a more important role, If Shao Kahn Dies then Both Rain and Reptile have no Agenda(along with others) Rain already being Edenian could Possibly decide he wants to help Kitana, and Reptile having some sort of Connection with Kitana aiding her aswell.
But with Shao Kahn Dead, who will be the next person to take the role of Emporer, perhaps Mileena, Tsung could finially get his chance, Perhaps Reiko or maybe even somebody totally new.
With Raiden gone bad who will take his place as defender of Earth Realm, Fujin seems like the most likely choice...
you get the picture...
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06/12/2007 10:53 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
reved2k Wrote:
The expansion of the MK mythos was entertaining, but introducing characters like Li Mei, Hotaru, Darius, and Dairou, while I found their back stories to be great, my brother who's 15, finds them dull as shit. Thats because those characters, richly based in oriental style and design, mean nothing to him. He likes Cyrax and Sektor, cause they're "Fuckin Robot Ninja's that shit is Baddass, man."

And that right there is why MK is so popular. Tons of its characters, along with the overall style of MK, are "badass." That element is more alluring to most people than pop culture references.

Robot ninjas are part of American pop culture. MK3 did not invent it, the Sektor and Cyrax are obviously influenced in design and even a fatality from Predator. See how these characters draw from popular and contemporary (thanks Chrome, sometimes a word slips you) culture. Now my argument is although robot ninjas are appealing to some, Sektor and Cyrax are based off of an alien from an 80s movie. Are Predators still relevant, i don't know, it WAS however, but we can agree that Predator 1 and 2(came out in the early 90s I think) are 10+ year old movies. My brother finds them "badass" because their robot ninjas, not because of the familiarity to Predator.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Also, without making references to pop culture, MK can better design a fictional universe that plays by its own rules. Spongebob, for example, is a cartoon who's developers intentionally disallow it to have pop culture references and look at how successful that show is.

I love what Midway has been doing with MK up until MKA. It should remain onto itself for the most part, without filling it with unnecessary reality reminders.

The MK cast is old now, and I feel they need to be removed

Batman is old and he's still managing. Classic characters are pretty much treated like him, for the most part. They are redesigned, giving new problems to face, etc. I don't see what's the difference between Batman and most classics, who are still the leads of the series as he is a lead comic book superhero.

SpongeBob has pop culture references,here's 2, Pantera and Aquaman. Some of the long close up shots feature grotesque and highly detailed artwork that is reminiscent to the same long close up shot done in Ren and Stimpy. And really, comparing Spongebob to MK? Come'on.

The difference is that Batman is old, really old, and you can show an image of Batman to just about anyone on earth, regardless of the language they speak, or their age, and they'll say "That's the goddamn Batman." Show them Scorpion and you'll get "Is it a ninja?". Batman pretty much ingrained in our little global consciousness, and that's why he'll be around for quite a while longer in one form or another. Scorpion? Nah. Hell even Smoke was confused with Scorpion during an episode Robot Chicken where he's shown breathing fire. Thats why it'll great to see them both go and come back when in 6 years or so, when the classic MK characters become nostalgic for the now 16 year olds who are playing MKA.

MKDA and MKD had done a good job in internalizing the themes and designs in its universe and created a rich and intertwined backstory. I just look at my friends puzzled faces when I pop in MKA when I explain who the hell these people are and realize that the MK universe has become a little too rich for the average game player.

It was so simple back when MK1 came out:
"Whos that Bruce Lee guy?"
"Lui Kang"
"And that?"
"Scorpion, he's a ninja ghost who wants to kill Subzero, the blue ninja, for killing him"
"The Chick?"
"Army chick, hunting Kano, the dude with the metal eye, killed her brother"
Its simple, you could look at these characters and figure who the hell they were to begin with.

Right now the MK team has the opportunity to do something great and take a step back and see why MK became a hit in the 90s. Was it the story? I don't think so. The Characters and gore? A large part of it I believe, and its time for them to match that success again and it won't be done giving players, new and old, whats been shown before. It has to define itself once more. I think the next game should include characters are easily identifiable and easy to relate to for new players and older players alike.

Bringing back older characters will only stifle the creativity of the MK team, and have them fall back on old and tired conventions and MK8 will become MKA2. If anything QueenSindel, the MK storyline has gone FUBAR, the earth is salted and nothing will grow from it anymore. All the bios in the world can't save the convoluted mess the story has become. If the MK team brings back these characters, ANY of them, we're gonna end up with the same shit on silver platter this time.

And Havik is awesome, the guy is kinda like a fighter version of Nyarlotep from the Lovecraft mythos. wink
06/13/2007 03:04 AM (UTC)
Chrome: Are you sure about Havik's gameplay style? Last time I checked, he was closer to low tier in both MKD and MKA.

Wu-Tang Style: I totally agree about Scorpion. I can't agree about Shang Tsung though. If anything, MKDA really stepped him up and made me like him quite a bit. When it comes to Reptile, I don't know about that. To me, Reptile's persona is somewhat ambigious.

Sindel dying and Kitana taking her place as Queen of Edenia is kind of a cop-out, imo. For one thing, Sindel hasn't really been explored too much as she hasn't had many appearances. Another thing, it makes Kitana's ascension too convienient in a way. And also, I don't think Kitana would want to handle the responsibility anyway. She seems tired of fighting, and I just find it to be rather predictable.

I don't see how Shao Kahn's death would take away the possibility for an agenda for Rain since he's more involved with characters like Taven. He can easily become the antagonist to the Edenian side of the story in future games. Why would he want to help Kitana? I know you're probably trying to give an example, but that example was a bit off.

With Shao Kahn dead, Shang Tsung will be dead, and that may also apply to other minions of his. Raiden isn't exactly "bad". He has taken a more ruthless approach to defending Earthrealm. Fujin had already become the new Protector God of Earthrealm, hence why Raiden had ascended to Elder God status after Shinnok's defeat.
06/13/2007 05:17 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
And if Gameplay decides the fate of the characters, then these by your logic should be the most wanted back because of their efficiency.

No because they don't acculumate enough fans to help the series. If MK8 were to be filled with characters like Dairou, I'm sure the series' popularity will begin to die off.

Scorpion isn't at the top of the tier list, so why is he still a frequently chosen character?

Btw have you ever checked how many Havik fans are out there?

From what I see, he has some fans, but not a lot; not enough.

And since you DO mean gameplay = popularity, then you pretty much executed yourself by declaring theese characters as unpopular.

No. By "gameplay" I don't mean the characters' tier rank or their efficiency necessarily. I mean how fun they are to play as overall. Sub-Zero's a frequently chosen character, right? Is it because of his efficiency or because he's simply fun to play as (getting to be a blue ninja with ice powers...)?
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06/13/2007 07:35 AM (UTC)
Fun to play as is completely subjective. I have no fun in the gameplay of characters like Reiko, Sindel, Tanya etc. Some have, others do not.

Scorpion is fucking high tier. MKDA: top of the tier.
MKD: 1. Bo', 2. Dairou, 3. Scorpion
MKA: not counting Moloch onaga and Blaze,
theese are overtiers. Scorpion is top tier
again, relatively unchanged from MKD.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
And if Gameplay decides the fate of the characters, then these by your logic should be the most wanted back because of their efficiency.

No because they don't acculumate enough fans to help the series. If MK8 were to be filled with characters like Dairou, I'm sure the series' popularity will begin to die off.

Scorpion isn't at the top of the tier list, so why is he still a frequently chosen character?

Btw have you ever checked how many Havik fans are out there?

From what I see, he has some fans, but not a lot; not enough.

And since you DO mean gameplay = popularity, then you pretty much executed yourself by declaring theese characters as unpopular.

No. By "gameplay" I don't mean the characters' tier rank or their efficiency necessarily. I mean how fun they are to play as overall. Sub-Zero's a frequently chosen character, right? Is it because of his efficiency or because he's simply fun to play as (getting to be a blue ninja with ice powers...)?

Fun to play as against, why do you always coordinate everything out of your own perceptions. I find Sub-Zero not so original (Wizard from Dark Legions anyone? Last Ninja?)

By gameplay you cannot mean anything else than tier list and efficiency.
Anything else short of a reasoning ashows that you are essentially a scrub.
I did so long ago, then people like ::::: finally opened my eyes. Plot is irrele-vant to the gameplay. gameplay is nothing short of irrelevant to design.

Example: MK2 tournaments in the US, the ninjas were one of the least favored characters. Why< Because they are low tier. All three ninjas are one of the worst characters with bad move properties. The only redee-ming point in them was their roundhouse, nothing more. MK2 is domina-ted by Jax, Baraka, Kitana and Mileena.

I am pretty sure that if MKDA-MKA would not have introduced the newbie characters it would have succumbed to the talentless designs of the Tobi-as era. The general concept of MORE is BETTER does simply not work, save for the case of machinegun fire.
06/14/2007 04:23 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
MKD: 1. Bo', 2. Dairou,

Yeah, and are these 2 characters highly popular? If they became the cover boys of MK, would they attract attention?

I think not.

I find Sub-Zero not so original

How is his originality so important? He's not a copied characters (that's illegal) and he's one of MK's best liked. Clearly, his originality has not restained him from being successful.

I don't know why you're referring to insults here. Am I pissing you off? I thought I was keeping this quite formal.

By gameplay you cannot mean anything else than tier list and efficiency. MK2 is dominated by Jax, Baraka, Kitana and Mileena.

Yet Reptile, Scorp, Sub, and Shang Tsung became classics still. A character doesn't have to be top tier to be enjoyable and liked. I can't believe I have to actually state the obvious with you.

I am pretty sure that if MKDA-MKA would not have introduced the newbie characters it would have succumbed to the talentless designs of the Tobi-as era.

You mean the era in which MK was the most popular? Tobias is the one who generally delivered the most exciting characters this series has ever had. And that isn't a subjective comment. MK1 - MKT was indisputably MK's golden age. Characters were a big part of establishing that.

The general concept of MORE is BETTER does simply not work, save for the case of machinegun fire.

Really? Isn't 63 characters the main reason why Armageddon was highly anticipated?

I'm not saying next-gen should have that many characters. I'm just saying you didn't think that comment through.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

07/05/2007 02:49 PM (UTC)
many new charaters youdon't here from like nitara,darrius,mokap,frost,meat don't even fit in mortal kombat

some new charaters and classic charaters rule like sindel, dairou, goro liu kang, kung lao, kenshi ,chameleon,and blaze, raiden and more do fit

without the charaters mortal kombat would never been mortal kombat furious
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