Its Not Smart To Kill Off Most Characters
posted07/05/2007 02:49 PM (UTC)by
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04/03/2004 08:12 AM (UTC)
Thanks to ~Crow~, this thread has been re-opened to let the discussion continue for those of us who are still interested in it with the condition that no flaming whatsoever takes place. It is to be kept mature and formal.

So.... to reply to the latest posts...

ThePredator151 Wrote:
So,.....assume AFTER I have the factsand no longer need to assume...

I know what "assume" means and I misused it there.

What I mean is... You can't say you know what endings happen and which don't until the next game. Just because "good" usually beats evil doesn't mean Raiden, Sonya, or Jax can't die. Liu was one of the "goodest" and he died.

Has nothing to do with life span of a character OR whether it's smart to KILL off characters or not.

Has everything to do with their lifespan. Lisa Simpson, a mortal, hasn't aged a day over 8 in the past decade has she? What makes MK's fictional mortals so special?

And in case u haven't been noticing... MK mortals die all the time. It just so happens that they get resurrected afterwards.

It's the name of the damn game. They don't live forever.....because they're MORTAL.

You're not using that word correctly in relation to the title. "Mortal," in the title, means "causing death" or "leading to death." That's the point of all the violence and being able to kill your opponent at the end. The title means "combat that leads to death." That's what MK is about, hon.

They rest of that stuff you wrote doesn't make sense. Especially because I didn't say did.

It makes perfect sense. You're just trying to act unknowing to get yourself out of looking like I've corrected you.

If you want the game to be realistic (having mortals age and die), then that must mean you want the mortals to have no powers and be able to do all those fantastical things that they do because those things aren't realistic things mortals do. I'm making perfect sense.

You're the one not making sense. If kombatant mortals can perform impossible things, what makes aging so different, considering that this is a fictional fantasy product? Anyway, we've seen Shujinko age already, if that hasn't satisfied your craving for reality in this video game.

Despite the bio, no we are not. Mortal Kombat is the name of the game. You tell me why Scorpion or Sub-Zero are STILL fighting in this contest.

That's what the bios are for. Read them.

And MK isn't a contest anymore. Deception and Armageddon are about conquest, invasions, secrets, rivalries, and of course just fighting.

And the first time you brought up "high-quality" I told you that in this game... that's a figment of your imagnation.

Ohhhh so Scorpion fans are all foolishly chasing a "great" character because he's not really "great" and it's all just in there imagination?

Explain what u mean by "high-quality is a figment of my imagination" cuz it seems your trying to say nothing good is really good.

The "change" we're talking about...(or trying to talk about) here is KILLing OFF characters... no matter who or what "quality" they are. And you don't like that......The only "quality" you're referring to looks. So it seems.

The topics name has changed.

Looks, are an important quality, but what I've been saying for the last dozen of posts is that what ultimately matters is the OVERALL charisma, star power, and likability of characters. For instance, Sindel looks great but she's not as popular as she was in MK3... because she has been stripped of other high quality features that she used to have (moves, fun gameplay, story, etc.)

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
things like looks, moves, and popularity alone should not be why certain characters should just come back. Yes, there's also charisma and "star-power", but deciding which characters should return should be based on a combination of various factors, not just those or just the story.
Yes that's true, which is why I've been saying that the overall likability of a character is what ultimately matters, and it just so happens that story doesn't constitute most of a character's likability.

Look, story has always influenced some characters in one way or another. Shujinko is old because his "quest for the kamidogus" took him that long. His appearance was influenced by the story, and his moves too for that matter.

Isn't it enough to have one or a few characters influenced and brought back exclusively for story purposes? Meaning, Shujinko doesn't have much of a fan base but he did a good job at being the perspective of MKD's story. Should the fan favorites be penalized for not being as interesting in their bios despite being the most popular of the series?
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05/19/2007 12:36 AM (UTC)
Chrome has almost as many enemies as Shang Tsung!
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/19/2007 12:50 AM (UTC)
Queen sindel, Chrome skulled me for no reason at all in my last thread, so you might just want to ignore him instead of fighting him. He's one of those mods that'll just ban you because he don't like ur posts instead of banning u over something serious.

But i agree with everything sindel saids.
05/19/2007 12:58 AM (UTC)
Sitebender, I agree with you.

And Ahnka, I'll take your advice.
05/19/2007 01:00 AM (UTC)
Perhaps if you ppl start acting more mature and stop bashing each other, nobody will have to get skulled or banned. The last thread that got closed was far from civil.
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Test your Mortal Kombat trivia with 6 levels of difficulty:

05/19/2007 01:04 AM (UTC)
I just found it interesting back when I posted here a lot more... he followed me from forum to forum. If I would say something he disagreed with on one post, he would find my other posts and bring up what he didn't like from the original post.

But yes, we should stop bashing or talking about that particular metal.
05/19/2007 01:20 AM (UTC)
What happened to the other thread who closed it???
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/19/2007 01:58 AM (UTC)
Blind_Swordsman Wrote:
What happened to the other thread who closed it???

i did, i felt things were going to get out of hand. so i requested it be closed. You guys dont have to insult to get ur point across.
05/21/2007 01:44 AM (UTC)
I've had this thread reopened since the conversation in the original topic was above the level of most other threads, even if there were arguments and disagreements. The thread was not closed for flaming, it was closed on the author's request. However, it leaves other people free to recreate the thread and continue the discussion if they wish. Threads are only disallowed to be recreated if they are closed because of flaming and/or other infractions. Since this was not the case, the discussion may continue here.
05/21/2007 09:57 AM (UTC)
In the honour of the topic discussed here, I have something to say in its matter.

Mortal Kombat has always been a popularity contest. Many characters return because of their fanbase, even though they have no importance to the main story. It has always been like that, and I do not think that the MK team is going to change that. A good example is Stryker. Not many liked him in MK3, even though he was not a half bad character to play, but perhaps his design and story were a bit dull. He came back o Armageddon because ALL characters did, and I find this very positive, because he has really improved much in design first of all, and his story has gotten a chance to develope, as has his character overall.
If the MK team made him return in MK4, they might had the chance to develope his character there, but they chose not to, because of the lacking fanbase.
I also remember what a grave mistake they did in MK3 by NOT puting Scorpion in, but then they made up for it in UMK3.
Of course other factors are to be noticed here, like time and space of the game's production, but I still believe that the fanbases of the characters plays one of the major roles here.

If Scorpion and Sub-Zero were not to appear in the next game, would it still be Mortal Kombat, or just a new game with a previous title...?
Street Fighter 3 tried it, with only Ryu and Ken as returning characters, and it almost failed for Capcom to sell it to the SF fans, me being one of them, but they made up for it with the two SF3 sequals which had returning characters such as Chun Li and Akuma.

I do not say that the game will be a failure, I just say that the fanbase of each character affects the game's outcome greatly.

Now for my personal point of view.
If MK were to destroy all characters and let only a few return, I would still buy it. Boon said himself "No one really dies in MK", so in he future some of the more loved characters will definately return as the story evolves. And why shouldn't they? They ARE Mortal Kombat!!! Mortal Kombat is all about a great story, great characters and blood & gore. If the fans wants some character to return, them make a space in the story for him/her, so we can play that character. It just shows how much the MK team loves their fans and what they would do to please us. And returning characters can easily fit into whatever storyline they are trying to evolve, if it is done properly! So I think we have not seen the last of the characters who might died in Armageddon. They will always have a chance to return...!
05/21/2007 10:18 AM (UTC)
i sort of agree with Jaded-Raven. Mk was and is always about popularity character wise; if you're not popular, then you 'll be gone for a couple of games like Stryker.

I really wouldn't care if most died, maybe keep 10-15 but NOT neccesairily have to use them in the next game, maybe wait a game or two to put them all in.

thats what i think.
05/21/2007 11:15 AM (UTC)
I think most of the characters can be retired after Armageddon. I know we have been informed to the contrary, but I don't think Scorpion should return in MK8.

I think the returning slots should not just be saved for the popular characters, but the one with storyline potential. I don't care how popular he is, Kabal returning for MK8 would just be weird. I think Scorpion and Sub-Zero are the "popular" call-backs. I think the others should be the characters which are not yet fully fleshed out, and have room to grow.

Taven and Daegon should be back next game. One game is really not enough to get to explore a character. So really, Sareena should be back as well. Kitana and Mileena would have a renewed place in the storyline, I think. Sonya Blade was the first lady of Mortal Kombat, and with Jax's cyborg development, he'd make a great returning character as well. If Sonya is coming back, you might as well pad out the Special Forces. No, it was not the most stellar storyline of all-time, but it had a solid base of characters to offer the games. Cyrax and Stryker would make some interesting Special Forces warriors. Stryker may not seem popular enough to return, but I think it would be a cool swerve.

So yeah, my returning roster would look something like:

* Taven
* Daegon
* Fujin (in Raiden's old role)
* Kitana
* Mileena
* Sub-Zero
* Sektor
* Jax
* Sonya Blade
* Cyrax
* Stryker
* Ashrah (I still think she has room to grow)
* Sareena
* Kenshi (A pretty cool character, who if they speed up and dedicate their focus on, could turn into an MK staple)
* Shang Tsung (much like Sonya is the first woman of MK, Tsung is the first villain)

That's fifteen characters, and I would make Kitana, Daegon and Shang Tsung hidden. Maybe add Kenshi and Sektor to that batch as well. All the other characters can safely be retired, in my opinion.

05/21/2007 11:44 AM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
I think most of the characters can be retired after Armageddon. I know we have been informed to the contrary, but I don't think Scorpion should return in MK8.

I think the returning slots should not just be saved for the popular characters, but the one with storyline potential. I don't care how popular he is, Kabal returning for MK8 would just be weird. I think Scorpion and Sub-Zero are the "popular" call-backs. I think the others should be the characters which are not yet fully fleshed out, and have room to grow.

Taven and Daegon should be back next game. One game is really not enough to get to explore a character. So really, Sareena should be back as well. Kitana and Mileena would have a renewed place in the storyline, I think. Sonya Blade was the first lady of Mortal Kombat, and with Jax's cyborg development, he'd make a great returning character as well. If Sonya is coming back, you might as well pad out the Special Forces. No, it was not the most stellar storyline of all-time, but it had a solid base of characters to offer the games. Cyrax and Stryker would make some interesting Special Forces warriors. Stryker may not seem popular enough to return, but I think it would be a cool swerve.

So yeah, my returning roster would look something like:

* Taven
* Daegon
* Fujin (in Raiden's old role)
* Kitana
* Mileena
* Sub-Zero
* Sektor
* Jax
* Sonya Blade
* Cyrax
* Stryker
* Ashrah (I still think she has room to grow)
* Sareena
* Kenshi (A pretty cool character, who if they speed up and dedicate their focus on, could turn into an MK staple)
* Shang Tsung (much like Sonya is the first woman of MK, Tsung is the first villain)

That's fifteen characters, and I would make Kitana, Daegon and Shang Tsung hidden. Maybe add Kenshi and Sektor to that batch as well. All the other characters can safely be retired, in my opinion.

That is actually a good idea, take a handful of the old characters who have storyline potential and make them return as playable... Nobody says the rest of them has to die or be totally destroyed, but instead they could have a pasive role, like Sub-Zero is the grandmaster of Lin Kuei, Fujin the new protector of Earthrealm, Kung Lao a Shaolin Sensei, Kabal the Black Dragon leader etc, and then maybe make some of their pupils take their place.

I have an idea of Taven and Kitana getting together and have a son or daughter as the new Edenian representive character. Of course, that would mean that the next game is way in the future, but you get the idea... No one says the next MK MUST be right after the Armagedon... right?
05/21/2007 11:27 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote: That is actually a good idea, take a handful of the old characters who have storyline potential and make them return as playable... Nobody says the rest of them has to die or be totally destroyed, but instead they could have a pasive role, like Sub-Zero is the grandmaster of Lin Kuei, Fujin the new protector of Earthrealm, Kung Lao a Shaolin Sensei, Kabal the Black Dragon leader etc, and then maybe make some of their pupils take their place.

I have an idea of Taven and Kitana getting together and have a son or daughter as the new Edenian representive character. Of course, that would mean that the next game is way in the future, but you get the idea... No one says the next MK MUST be right after the Armagedon... right?

Nope, I actually think they will pass a large amount of time between Armageddon and the next installment.

I've always thought about characters being playable, and it always bothers me that the leader of a particular group is playable. I mean, if you were Sektor and were leading a race of cyborg minions, would you personally trudge into battle? Of course not, therefore I think unlocking Sektor should be the only way to play as him, if at all. The same goes for all the other villainous heads of factions.

05/22/2007 12:57 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Mortal Kombat has always been a popularity contest....

I absolutely agree with you on that post.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero are definitely returning because they are the top fan favorites, and it's the cool stories, style (darkness, violence), and characters of MK that keep it popular.

This is why I believe next-gen will not be as successful as MK currently is now because it will feature a less exciting roster of characters. A few will return, but I don't think it's enough since I think it's the collective coolness of MANY amazing characters in one game that has made MK desireable and fun to large varieties of people.

If MK8 will cater to only Scorpion and Sub-Zero fans, it will loose lots of fans right off the bat. Now, if MK8 features some brilliant and outstanding characters to compensate for the lack of current fan favs, then I'm guessing the game will do well. However, Midway hasn't introduced many exciting characters since MK4. It's indisputable that the most popular characters come from MK1 - UMK3. So I'm hoping for the best
05/22/2007 02:26 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Mortal Kombat has always been a popularity contest....

I absolutely agree with you on that post.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero are definitely returning because they are the top fan favorites, and it's the cool stories, style (darkness, violence), and characters of MK that keep it popular.

This is why I believe next-gen will not be as successful as MK currently is now because it will feature a less exciting roster of characters. A few will return, but I don't think it's enough since I think it's the collective coolness of MANY amazing characters in one game that has made MK desireable and fun to large varieties of people.

If MK8 will cater to only Scorpion and Sub-Zero fans, it will loose lots of fans right off the bat. Now, if MK8 features some brilliant and outstanding characters to compensate for the lack of current fan favs, then I'm guessing the game will do well. However, Midway hasn't introduced many exciting characters since MK4. It's indisputable that the most popular characters come from MK1 - UMK3. So I'm hoping for the best

True that a lot of people will be dissapointed if certain characters are killed off. But the new introduced characters can keep the current fans satisfied and create a new fanbase. Offcourse this is IF they are exiting characters like u mentioned.

Another point, MK 1 & 2 did very well and can be considered as classics. Their succes did not only rely on the fact that fans liked the game, but that they were quality games respected by general gamers. So don't forget that the succes of a game not only relies on a certain fanbase.
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05/22/2007 04:31 PM (UTC)
Like Undying, the game noone really cared about. Yet it is widely recognized as one of the best FPS games ever...

Fanbase is not necessary for recognition. Sales perhaps, but not recogni-tion. And recognition makes a game good, not sales... -cough- the MKD shipping and seling controversy -cough-...
05/22/2007 05:55 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
And recognition makes a game good, not sales... -cough- the MKD shipping and seling controversy -cough-...

Explain please. What is the MKD shipping and selling controversy?

skillz Wrote:
Another point, MK 1 & 2 did very well and can be considered as classics. Their succes did not only rely on the fact that fans liked the game, but that they were quality games respected by general gamers.
Very true. And although the gameplay of MK has never been high tier, the style, characters, and stories have. So if MK delivers those things (with gameplay), then yeah, I agree that the game will be sucessful still.
About Me

05/22/2007 06:18 PM (UTC)
The reported sales/shipment reports were not in conjunction with the real ones. Basically, a lie. Browse MKO.
05/22/2007 11:53 PM (UTC)
I don't think too many characters should be killed off, but I think some who don't die shouldn't return, at least not for some in that particular group.

I'm aware certain characters have their fanbases, but if they are going to return, they should be refreshed in story, moves, costumes, etc. I still think we don't need characters like Baraka, who are pretty much throw-away villains whose roles can easily be filled by someone new and better.

We know that Sub-Zero and Scorpion, maybe even Raiden, will continue on to the future games. For Scorpion in particular, if we are going to keep seeing him, they really need to fix him big time, and I'm not just talking about his story either. I don't want to see Scorpion as this overly angry imbecile, wearing tight spandex, wielding straight-bladed, square tsuba swords on his back, with him still bitching about his family and clan as well as going after someone all the time. It's just disgusting and it really needs to stop. I'd rather they take some inspiration from works like the Bansenshukai to fix his 1-dimensional personality.

Going back to the other returning characters, I think some who should return should be ones who still have life left in their stories without them becoming stale. Other returning characters should mostly be ones who haven't had many appearances and have the potential to further develop into even more interesting characters (e.g. Ermac, Havik, Sareena). I think there are even some who may be expendable but could use some exploration, whose deaths would be kind of a waste (e.g. Sindel, Jade).

For those are fans of characters like Kano, Liu Kang, Tanya, Jarek, etc., I would rather just see them in side games that explore backstories.

Jaded-Raven: It was Vogel who said "No one ever really dies in Mortal Kombat." in Shao Kahn's MKD trading card bio. I don't like the idea of Taven and Kitana getting together and having a child. It doesn't make any sense, and it would seem rather forced.
05/23/2007 04:36 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I don't think too many characters should be killed off, but I think some who don't die shouldn't return, at least not for some in that particular group.

I'm aware certain characters have their fanbases, but if they are going to return, they should be refreshed in story, moves, costumes, etc. I still think we don't need characters like Baraka, who are pretty much throw-away villains whose roles can easily be filled by someone new and better.

We know that Sub-Zero and Scorpion, maybe even Raiden, will continue on to the future games. For Scorpion in particular, if we are going to keep seeing him, they really need to fix him big time, and I'm not just talking about his story either. I don't want to see Scorpion as this overly angry imbecile, wearing tight spandex, wielding straight-bladed, square tsuba swords on his back, with him still bitching about his family and clan as well as going after someone all the time. It's just disgusting and it really needs to stop. I'd rather they take some inspiration from works like the Bansenshukai to fix his 1-dimensional personality.

Going back to the other returning characters, I think some who should return should be ones who still have life left in their stories without them becoming stale. Other returning characters should mostly be ones who haven't had many appearances and have the potential to further develop into even more interesting characters (e.g. Ermac, Havik, Sareena). I think there are even some who may be expendable but could use some exploration, whose deaths would be kind of a waste (e.g. Sindel, Jade).

For those are fans of characters like Kano, Liu Kang, Tanya, Jarek, etc., I would rather just see them in side games that explore backstories.

Jaded-Raven: It was Vogel who said "No one ever really dies in Mortal Kombat." in Shao Kahn's MKD trading card bio. I don't like the idea of Taven and Kitana getting together and having a child. It doesn't make any sense, and it would seem rather forced.

Ah, whoopsie, Vogel then :P
And about Kitana and Taven getting together and get a child, it was just an example on how next gen's MK characters could be developed. ;) Maybe the marriages in Edenia ARE forced. Or maybe Kitana just falls for the hero types which could also be a reason for her and Taven to get together :P
05/23/2007 06:46 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
It was Vogel who said "No one ever really dies in Mortal Kombat." in Shao Kahn's MKD trading card bio. I don't like the idea of Taven and Kitana getting together and having a child. It doesn't make any sense, and it would seem rather forced.

The idea of "Kombatants never really die" was known long before Vogel mentioned it in the bio card.

I knew about this since MK4, I think.

Also, I don't think Baraka should go to waste. He might be 1-dimensional, but he's charismatic and exciting and those are difficult qualities to find in lots of fictional characters in general, especially most of the new kombatants since MK4.

And sorry, I don't wanna go back to those circular arguments we were having, but you still seem to put the bios as the most important thing of a character, and Baraka is a perfect example of this.
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You know that "Scorpion Wins. Fatality!"

05/23/2007 12:10 PM (UTC)
I hope they don't trash all of the good characters. Maybe they could have some veteran characters just to play as? Like Scorpion, Sub Zero, Baraka, Goro, and Shau Kahn. It could happensmile
05/23/2007 12:11 PM (UTC)
Its not smart because there are many characetrs that people have already (how they say) bonded with ind of, like when I play a MK game I always pick Liu Kang or Kung lao first
05/23/2007 12:59 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
It was Vogel who said "No one ever really dies in Mortal Kombat." in Shao Kahn's MKD trading card bio. I don't like the idea of Taven and Kitana getting together and having a child. It doesn't make any sense, and it would seem rather forced.

The idea of "Kombatants never really die" was known long before Vogel mentioned it in the bio card.

I knew about this since MK4, I think.

Also, I don't think Baraka should go to waste. He might be 1-dimensional, but he's charismatic and exciting and those are difficult qualities to find in lots of fictional characters in general, especially most of the new kombatants since MK4.

And sorry, I don't wanna go back to those circular arguments we were having, but you still seem to put the bios as the most important thing of a character, and Baraka is a perfect example of this.

Like I said before, this is more than just their stories. You have to look at what kind of characters they are. Baraka is basically that evil henchmen character who has nothing really else going for him there, so his type of role could be filled by someone else, someone new. But someone like Sindel, for example, is different in that she's the queen of Edenia. Sure, Kitana COULD take her place, but with the lack of exploration into Sindel and the consideration of how predictable and flat it would be, I don't think it'd be a good idea.
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