06/05/2014 07:45 PM (UTC)
liamx2000 Wrote:
lol proves nothing.

she will be in the game.

also if you buy the classic costumes for jade and Kitana their Ultimate MK3 costumes are called MK3 NOT UMK3 which also proves that really kitana and jade did belong in mk3 but were not added at the time like scorpion.

Proves you wrong, and proves that no character other tan Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Raiden are in danger regardless of any petty reasons and excuses you come up with. That + the reasons i posted in the OP make me think that she's not coming ba but it's still a quesntion hence the "?"
06/05/2014 07:58 PM (UTC)
Given her general popularity and the fact that she was a very popular choice among the casual fans and on the tournament scene in MK2011, I have a feeling she'll be back in MKX.

At this point I don't care that much what they do with her story-wise and with the story of the entire game. I just want to play as Kitana and she was super fun to play as in MK2011, so hopefully they build on that.

As for the appearance, I'd love to see her MK: Legacy costume featured in the game. That was her best costume across all MK media, as far as I'm concerned.

So yeah, I want Kitana back and I don't think she's over. glasses
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/05/2014 08:16 PM (UTC)
Wait...didn't her voice actress have "Mortal Kombat 2" on her resume? I think that pretty much answers the question. I'm sure Kitana will be back now.
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06/05/2014 08:27 PM (UTC)
It did as a supporting role. But I think it was removed so who knows as far as that is concerned.
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OptimusGrime Wrote:Li Mei needs to be series mainstay. She betrayed goddamned planets because she wanted to fuck a dragon. Best character in anything ever.

06/05/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Wait...didn't her voice actress have "Mortal Kombat 2" on her resume? I think that pretty much answers the question. I'm sure Kitana will be back now.

Her VA also voiced Mileena so not necessarily. I'm fairly certain that the entry on her CV didn't specify which character though so you never know.
06/05/2014 09:42 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
I have a theory that most (or all) dead characters will be revived during phase 1 of the story mode, where you control the survivors and their new recruits, and then phase 2 will consist on those revived characters fighting to regain control over different forces.

In this scenario, Kitana, Sindel and Jade would work to take control over Edenia, where Rain and Tanya have formed an alliance to reign over it and ally with Shinnokh.

Just a theory but it would work to bring Kitana (and most characters back).

I'm in favor of an expansive roster, which means all characters would return with some tweaks to keep the tournament picture going.

I sincerely hope your theory is wrong.

If the primary plot for MKX was reviving ALL fallen characters that died in MK9 just to band up together for a final battle against Shinnok that would be one giant waste of time. That would be painful to play through.

I don't think NRS would write a new story with a driving force to bring everyone's fan favorites back. Thats what MK9/Armageddon was for. It was a real treat to see MK1-3 characters back in action. But let's give it some time to miss these characters before we start seeing everyone again. (Or just let most of them burn in hell honestly)

Does everyone remember seeing Ermac and Kabal in Deception for the first time since MK3? Now that was a great feeling.

06/06/2014 01:14 AM (UTC)
I like Kitana a lot. Her gameplay is very unique.
06/06/2014 01:35 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
-Died in MK9
-Punching bag in MKDC story mode
-No importance in armageddon
-Missed MKD
-Died in MKDA
-Absent in MK4
-Absent in MK3

To me, it seems like the MK team doesn't really need her, and only add her in updates when her fans cry about her being absent. Seeing how many classic/popular/iconic characters keep missing out in games, despite fans being mad/sad, will Kitana miss MKX?

Kitana was put into UMK3...
Kitana was supposed to be in MK4, and was put into MKG later...
Kitana was shoved in MKU, a version of MKD...
EVERYONE practically "died" in MKDA...
NO ONE had a fucking importance in MKA except those shit head brothers and Blaze.
MKDC was a joke

Your argument stinks. Therefore Kitana will return.
06/06/2014 01:47 AM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
-Died in MK9
-Punching bag in MKDC story mode
-No importance in armageddon
-Missed MKD
-Died in MKDA
-Absent in MK4
-Absent in MK3

To me, it seems like the MK team doesn't really need her, and only add her in updates when her fans cry about her being absent. Seeing how many classic/popular/iconic characters keep missing out in games, despite fans being mad/sad, will Kitana miss MKX?

Kitana was put into UMK3...
Kitana was supposed to be in MK4, and was put into MKG later...
Kitana was shoved in MKU, a version of MKD...
EVERYONE practically "died" in MKDA...
NO ONE had a fucking importance in MKA except those shit head brothers and Blaze.
MKDC was a joke

Your argument stinks. Therefore Kitana will return.

-Why are some of you still doing this? Your 1st, 2nd and 3rd statements prove me RIGHT. The team didn't need her in the vanilla versions, so they added her after the fans cried about her missing. Learn to READ.
-Not everyone died, hence Kenshi, Bo, Sub, Scorpion, etc being back, and then some other characters that weren't playable but didn't die. GOODBYE with that "everyone died" BS.
-Doesn't matter, still she wasn't of importance in MKA
-MKDC was a joke, yet outsold MK4, MKDA, MKD, and MKA but DRAG!!
-I see you ignored the "she died in MK9" part!

All your points were either weak, or proved my point, so try a Little harder next time!
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06/06/2014 02:45 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Why are some of you still doing this? Your 1st, 2nd and 3rd statements prove me RIGHT. The team didn't need her in the vanilla versions, so they added her after the fans cried about her missing. Learn to READ.
That's not what happened though. They put her and everyone else they left out back in all on their own when they realized how badly people reacted to the new characters.
06/06/2014 03:08 AM (UTC)

Kitana is one of the MK mascot characters. They won't just end her story like that. We will see Kitana in future games for sure. I think she will be in this game, she may not be playable, but she will be there somehow.

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06/06/2014 03:58 AM (UTC)
If my girl does not make the cut, I'm not buying this game. Scorpion and Sub-Zero can be in every game, but people have a problem with Kitana's inclusion?
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06/06/2014 04:01 AM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
-Died in MK9
-Punching bag in MKDC story mode
-No importance in armageddon
-Missed MKD
-Died in MKDA
-Absent in MK4
-Absent in MK3

To me, it seems like the MK team doesn't really need her, and only add her in updates when her fans cry about her being absent. Seeing how many classic/popular/iconic characters keep missing out in games, despite fans being mad/sad, will Kitana miss MKX?

Kitana was put into UMK3...
Kitana was supposed to be in MK4, and was put into MKG later...
Kitana was shoved in MKU, a version of MKD...
EVERYONE practically "died" in MKDA...
NO ONE had a fucking importance in MKA except those shit head brothers and Blaze.
MKDC was a joke

Your argument stinks. Therefore Kitana will return.

Also, THIS.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/06/2014 03:18 PM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
If my girl does not make the cut, I'm not buying this game. Scorpion and Sub-Zero can be in every game, but people have a problem with Kitana's inclusion?

So you'll seriously miss out on what could be the best MK to date all because Kitana wouldn't be in it?


Oh well to each his own.
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06/06/2014 04:32 PM (UTC)
While i like Kitana a lot, it wouldn't hurt her to sit out one game now, since she has been in every game (in one form or another) since her initial release.

Her best appearance i think was the MKvsDC outfit. The costume made sense to allow her proper movement, had nice detail, didn't show great big slits of nothing in between material, and the hair didn't suck. It seems the NRS team couldn't work out what to do with her afterwards, and missed the mark somewhat.

Her playstyle, on the other hand has always been consistently good. The fans are unique and powerful in battle, and her combos have never really lacked for anything in any 3D game. But still, wouldn't hurt to give someone else a chance.

Her storyline has been a big disappointment. She went from a strong independent woman (throw your hands up at me) waging a war for freedom to a brainless puppet damsel in distress over the course of her long story arc. Now she's dead, she might as well stay dead for the time being at least, but i've got to say that i don't expect that will happen. Just call it a hunch.
06/06/2014 06:42 PM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
If my girl does not make the cut, I'm not buying this game. Scorpion and Sub-Zero can be in every game, but people have a problem with Kitana's inclusion?

Your loss. I'm a Kitana fan too but that's a little too far. And Sub has been in every game not Scorpion :P
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06/06/2014 07:38 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
Your loss. I'm a Kitana fan too but that's a little too far.
I said something similar. Ideally people play games because they want to play as a certain type of character/have a certain kind of experience. Plus games are expensive so I'm not shelling out 60 bucks to play with my second or third favorite character.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/06/2014 07:46 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:
Your loss. I'm a Kitana fan too but that's a little too far.
I said something similar. Ideally people play games because they want to play as a certain type of character/have a certain kind of experience. Plus games are expensive so I'm not shelling out 60 bucks to play with my second or third favorite character.

Well I can't argue with that. At the end of the day it's their money and they can spend it on what they like, or in this case, not spend it on what they choose not too.

That said Mortal Kombat is filled with so many different characters that it's weird to see someone pass up what could be a great game all because a favorite of theirs(who actually died in the last game btw) isn't present. If Rain doesn't make the cut I'll be disappointed, but I'll move on and still support my favorite game series.

But as I said, to each his own.
06/06/2014 07:46 PM (UTC)
Kitana can stay dead. A character that uses war fans however is a MK staple. Generic one note character with an iconic weapon. All we need are war fans...
06/06/2014 08:12 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:
Your loss. I'm a Kitana fan too but that's a little too far.
I said something similar. Ideally people play games because they want to play as a certain type of character/have a certain kind of experience. Plus games are expensive so I'm not shelling out 60 bucks to play with my second or third favorite character.

I must say, however, that it seems a bit odd to base the decision of buying the game on the inclusion of one character.

You might as well have the game feature no one but that character.
06/06/2014 08:28 PM (UTC)
I really don't hope that those who call Kitana a one-note character is cheering for Scorpion, because that would just be hypocrisy.
06/06/2014 08:46 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Kitana can stay dead. A character that uses war fans however is a MK staple. Generic one note character with an iconic weapon. All we need are war fans...

Yeah, let's create a "new" character using steel fans. Because we didn't have Jarek (a poor substitute for Kano) and Mavado (a Kabal wannabe).

Kitana is just too popular to be ignored. NRS should have learned their lessons from previous games - the original character is always best and clone characters are laughing stock.
06/06/2014 08:50 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Kitana can stay dead. A character that uses war fans however is a MK staple. Generic one note character with an iconic weapon. All we need are war fans...

Silly you; you must know very little about Kitana.

She is an immensely complex character, the reason I love her so much. In fact, she is one of the few characters who's complexity is explored throughout the series. We know more about Kitana than any other character in the entire franchise of Mortal Kombat.
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06/06/2014 10:10 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
I must say, however, that it seems a bit odd to base the decision of buying the game on the inclusion of one character.

You might as well have the game feature no one but that character.
This is more of a gameplay thing. I wouldn't have bought SCIV if there was not Sophitia styled character. To me it's more like entering a race without your car/horse/whatever. You COULD use another one but it's not quite the same.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Well I can't argue with that. At the end of the day it's their money and they can spend it on what they like, or in this case, not spend it on what they choose not too.

That said Mortal Kombat is filled with so many different characters that it's weird to see someone pass up what could be a great game all because a favorite of theirs(who actually died in the last game btw) isn't present. If Rain doesn't make the cut I'll be disappointed, but I'll move on and still support my favorite game series.

But as I said, to each his own.
I'd be disappointed too, and I'm sick of being disappointed with MK. I'd probably pick it up eventually as I'm a life long fan and will always support the franchise and I obviously have other characters I enjoy but the playable roster which at one point was the only thing likeable about the franchise, is a big selling point to me.
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