Is Kitana over?
posted06/06/2014 10:10 PM (UTC)by
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01/23/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
-Died in MK9
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-Missed MKD
-Died in MKDA
-Absent in MK4
-Absent in MK3

To me, it seems like the MK team doesn't really need her, and only add her in updates when her fans cry about her being absent. Seeing how many classic/popular/iconic characters keep missing out in games, despite fans being mad/sad, will Kitana miss MKX?
06/05/2014 01:57 AM (UTC)
I don't WANT Kitana to go!sadsad
06/05/2014 02:03 AM (UTC)
I think she will be in the game!!! She is half of the power couple lol! plus she is one of the lead females in the game! her and mileena are like the female versions of scorpion and sub zero! So she's not over. I do hope they give her an awesome role in the next game! if she is in
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06/05/2014 02:08 AM (UTC)
I kinda want her back simply for gameplay purposes. Love the fans.

But if she misses out I wouldn't care too much.
06/05/2014 02:36 AM (UTC)
Sure hope so.
06/05/2014 02:43 AM (UTC)
Adios Kitana! Would rather have Mileena. Sais>Fans and Mileena is way cooler!
06/05/2014 03:01 AM (UTC)
Kitana died on MK DA?!
06/05/2014 03:02 AM (UTC)
Kitana is too important to the franchise. I doubt she's going anywhere.
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06/05/2014 03:37 AM (UTC)
Kitana is always favored by the MK team from the female characters, the roster of MKvsDC is very telling, along with Sonya...Kitana is also the most used female character in MK9, from release...

I actually expect and want her to return.

Give her a good design this time tho, MKvsDC and MK9 did her no favors looks wise.
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06/05/2014 03:41 AM (UTC)
Kitana is almost certainly in MKX.
06/05/2014 03:46 AM (UTC)

Kitana and Mileena are the two female fan favorites.

Kitana is a favorite among NRS also.

JAX007 Wrote:
Kitana is always favored by the MK team from the female characters, the roster of MKvsDC is very telling, along with Sonya...Kitana is also the most used female character in MK9, from release...

I actually expect and want her to return.

Give her a good design this time tho, MKvsDC and MK9 did her no favors looks wise.

VERY poor and lazy, almost surprising. Even with her alt, it's worse than her primary. Either characters are over designed, or under designed. Atleast from MKX's trailer it looks to be the middle ground, which is perfect. I can't wait to see female designs, honestly one of the things i'm most looking forward too. Hopefully smaller breasts, no high heels, and not so much skin showing. Not so little that it's impractical to brawl in.
On a side note, they better use your Quan Chi design in MKX, damn I forgot how evil sorcerer, and Diablo style it looked.
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06/05/2014 04:00 AM (UTC)
Her her original design for Deadly Alliance I think is one of the greatest updated looks from the 3D era MKs...Perfect design imo.

It didn't translate so great in game but then, ALL the character models looked questionable in those games...

Scorpion and Sub-Zero both look great in MKX, they've toned down on the ridiculous looking armor. I have high hopes for the rest of the cast.
06/05/2014 04:07 AM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
JAX007 Wrote:
Kitana is always favored by the MK team from the female characters, the roster of MKvsDC is very telling, along with Sonya...Kitana is also the most used female character in MK9, from release...

I actually expect and want her to return.

Give her a good design this time tho, MKvsDC and MK9 did her no favors looks wise.

VERY poor and lazy, almost surprising. Even with her alt, it's worse than her primary. Either characters are over designed, or under designed. Atleast from MKX's trailer it looks to be the middle ground, which is perfect. I can't wait to see female designs, honestly one of the things i'm most looking forward too. Hopefully smaller breasts, no high heels, and not so much skin showing. Not so little that it's impractical to brawl in.

On a side note, they better use your Quan Chi design in MKX, damn I forgot how evil sorcerer, and Diablo style it looked.

Kitana's 2011 costumes are her best so far. She should have gotten that treatment a while ago. I would have liked to see what Kitana would have looked like if she was in MKD.

06/05/2014 04:18 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Kitana is always favored by the MK team from the female characters, the roster of MKvsDC is very telling, along with Sonya...Kitana is also the most used female character in MK9, from release...

I actually expect and want her to return.

Give her a good design this time tho, MKvsDC and MK9 did her no favors looks wise.

Quite the opossite actually, she is extremely popular among fans, but the MK team favors Sonya and Mileena over her, and it shows
06/05/2014 04:19 AM (UTC)
I didn't like the MK9 Kitana at ALL. She dressed crappy, her voice sounded too royal and snobby like some Disney princess (Yea I know she's a princess, but MORTAL KOMBAT is a different universe), and she had none of the redeeming personality traits that the original Kitana had.

I liked the original because she WANTED to figure out her past and why Shao Kahn, her presumed "father" was keeping secrets from her, Raiden suddenly didn't just pop out and say "Oh babe your upbringing was a lie. Your father was actually an Edenian king" like what happened in MK9. Kitana actually planned her escape from Shao Kahn and the revival of her realm Edenia and shared her plans with the ENEMIES of Shao Kahn who trusted her out in the end. She also broke herself out of the Netherealm prison in MK4 and lead a FUCKING Edenian and Shokan army against Shao Kahn at the beginning of Deadly Alliance. How badass is that?

The original Kitana was memorable for two things: one was her prime goal: To maintain Edenia as an independent kingdom, keep it out of Outworld's hands, restore it to its glory days, and lead it as royal blood kind of like some Game of Thrones character. She had Liu Kang, not because she liked his small dick, but he was a GREAT ally. First of all, what better way to ally yourself against Shao Kahn than with the Champion of Mortal Kombat? Also, Liu Kang is someone who can understand Kitana's motivations for helping her realm and be respectfully committed to helping her self-esteem regardless of Kitana's past being Shao Kahn's assassin. In return, Kitana helped Liu Kang deal with the horrible stress of being immortal as Champion and seeing all of his friends die as time progresses.

And what did Vogel do with her in MK9? She stripped her of her defining characteristics, she dressed her in a blue bikini and put her toddler tiara on a head, and you covered her in Tarkartan dung. It even lead to me to give an unpopular proclamation that I prefer pencil-eyed Latina-like Kitana from MKDA and MKA over this ugly blushed-up MK9 Kitana!

To conclude, it will take A LOT of great revamping and character development such as less drag and having a Wonder woman-like voice to fit her personality to convince me to bring Kitana back to MKX as a potential character. The only potential female characters that DESERVE to appear in MKX are Tanya, Sareena, and Nitara! These overlooked females are more worthy to be developed and played in MKX than that shitty MK9 Kitana.
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06/05/2014 04:34 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
JAX007 Wrote:
Kitana is always favored by the MK team from the female characters, the roster of MKvsDC is very telling, along with Sonya...Kitana is also the most used female character in MK9, from release...

I actually expect and want her to return.

Give her a good design this time tho, MKvsDC and MK9 did her no favors looks wise.

Quite the opossite actually, she is extremely popular among fans, but the MK team favors Sonya and Mileena over her, and it shows

I don't see how they favour Kitana any less...Sonya, Mileena, Kitana, those 3. They're not going anywhere.

I'm expecting all 3 in MKX.

Also, krajax, no consideration for her gameplay? They nailed her playstyle in MK9, One of the better characters in that game...I could overlook her lame design for that.
06/05/2014 04:43 AM (UTC)
Yes I agree the gameplay does save moderate quality of the character. It's the PERSONALITY and APPEARANCE that I take issue with.
06/05/2014 04:57 AM (UTC)
I like Kitana and I hope she's in MKX.
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-sig by MINION

06/05/2014 05:03 AM (UTC)
Ah yes, the time comes when MKO seethes at Kitana being everything. I've missed this.
06/05/2014 05:40 AM (UTC)
I love Kitana, but I guess I can see where you're coming from.

I honest to god don't think she will be in MKX though. For some reason, Idk. Unless they just universally bring back most of MK9's roster. I do love her though and hope she makes it, I just somehow don't think she will.

If Boon doesn't like her though then maybe it's just the color blue? (Sub-Zero and Kitana).lol
True, it was her best but what I never liked was she seemed so tall. I hope they scale down the character models. I hope everyone get's their own. Different statures and physique is what's been missing in MK. The women were as tall as the men, and looked like strippers And the men have nearly the same structure in the arms and all the same heights. Just a rant.
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-sig by MINION

06/05/2014 06:20 AM (UTC)
Yeah I think because of the fatalities in MK9 all the bodies had to be pretty uniform with all the slice and dicing and falling apart they all did.
oracle Wrote:
Yeah I think because of the fatalities in MK9 all the bodies had to be pretty uniform with all the slice and dicing and falling apart they all did.

I would hope they had specific animations for those specific characters. Having different statures like a big ogre. It would just feel refreshing to have things like that.
06/05/2014 06:53 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't be mad if she didn't return this time. She is the only character that didn't get an anti-climactic death so it wouldn't make much sense if she was back right away. Plus they are starting to turn her story into damsel-in-distress way too much lately and she's become quite boring.
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