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06/05/2014 07:04 AM (UTC)
Looking at a bunch of forums including this one, I actually think Sonya, Mileena, Kitana and Jade are on par with each other for being most popular with the public. I know us forum users arent anywhere near as many people that will buy MKX and bought MK9 but still. I see a lot of people strongly believe Sonya will return due to the story and dont mind her returning, I see a bunch of people thinking that Mileena will also return and like it, I see many people talk about really wanting Kitana to return and come back from the dead and I see a hell of a lot of people wanting Jade.

I really hope that Kitana returns. She is a key character to the franchise with a great backstory that should be explored more. I personally think that Sonya, Kitana, Jade, Mileena, Skarlet, Tanya, Li Mei, Kira, Frost and Sareena should be the females featured in the game.

I know this is a lot of females but I really think that they should all feature and whats wrong with having more ladies?


Sonya - Didn't die in the story and would make sense in this games story. Also had a lot of complaints about last costume so it should be fixed
Kitana - Highly requested character and would be a great addition to the game
Jade - Highly requested and would be a great rival to Tanya and my favourite MK character so thats a plus grin
Mileena - Didn't die in the story and would make for a good enemy in the story and an overall good character
Skarlet - Backstory needs to be explored more and given a chance to shine and be featured in the story
Tanya - A much needed and requested newcomer. Would be interesting in the story.
Li Mei - Her and Tanya are the last female ninjas I believe. Would be nice to see a new design and moveset
Kira - Really needs a chance to shine and differ from Kano. Interesting member of the Black Dragon Clan and could be cool in the story
Frost - Would be nice to see ice moves that differ from Sub Zero. Would also be cool to see her new design
Sareena - It would be so awesome to see a female demon in this game. Also cool to see a new design and moveset

If there are more females, Sindel, Sheeva and Nitara should be featured in the game or as DLC.
06/05/2014 07:26 AM (UTC)
Injusticefan14 Wrote:
Looking at a bunch of forums including this one, I actually think Sonya, Mileena, Kitana and Jade are on par with each other for being most popular with the public. I know us forum users arent anywhere near as many people that will buy MKX and bought MK9 but still. I see a lot of people strongly believe Sonya will return due to the story and dont mind her returning, I see a bunch of people thinking that Mileena will also return and like it, I see many people talk about really wanting Kitana to return and come back from the dead and I see a hell of a lot of people wanting Jade.

I really hope that Kitana returns. She is a key character to the franchise with a great backstory that should be explored more. I personally think that Sonya, Kitana, Jade, Mileena, Skarlet, Tanya, Li Mei, Kira, Frost and Sareena should be the females featured in the game.

I know this is a lot of females but I really think that they should all feature and whats wrong with having more ladies?


Sonya - Didn't die in the story and would make sense in this games story. Also had a lot of complaints about last costume so it should be fixed
Kitana - Highly requested character and would be a great addition to the game
Jade - Highly requested and would be a great rival to Tanya and my favourite MK character so thats a plus grin
Mileena - Didn't die in the story and would make for a good enemy in the story and an overall good character
Skarlet - Backstory needs to be explored more and given a chance to shine and be featured in the story
Tanya - A much needed and requested newcomer. Would be interesting in the story.
Li Mei - Her and Tanya are the last female ninjas I believe. Would be nice to see a new design and moveset
Kira - Really needs a chance to shine and differ from Kano. Interesting member of the Black Dragon Clan and could be cool in the story
Frost - Would be nice to see ice moves that differ from Sub Zero. Would also be cool to see her new design
Sareena - It would be so awesome to see a female demon in this game. Also cool to see a new design and moveset

If there are more females, Sindel, Sheeva and Nitara should be featured in the game or as DLC.

To answer to the points you made, I don't think Jade is as popular as Kitana and Mileena are. I don't think people would be too mad if she didn't come back this time. I'd love it if they explored the story with the woman in her ending myself, but I highly doubt it.
As for Kitana, I really think she won't be back this time. As I mentioned before she is the only character not to get an anti-climactic death so it wouldn't make much sense if they brought her back right away. Her story has just become so stale lately and I think there is room for other females to be explored. There are just so many possibilities with Ashrah, Tanya, Nitara, Sareena and all they've done with Kitana as of late, is put her under spells and get her ass kicked (MKD, MKvsDC), and have her play that damsel in distress role over and over. I just want new interesting stories with the females. I wanna see Sareena bring Suzzy back. I wanna see Ashrah's struggle to escape the Netherealm. I wanna see Nitara interact with other vampires and what path she would follow now that her home is absorbed by the Outworld. I wanna see the rivarly between Ashrah and Nitara (that we got a glimpse of in MKA, if I'm not mistaken). I wanna see...oh well you get my pointwink
And by the way Tanya and Li Mei are not ninjas.
06/05/2014 07:46 AM (UTC)
Hey guys ????, great conversation.

Kitana is arguably the most popular and iconic female in Mortal Kombat. The only other female that could challenge this is Sonya. Mileena and Jade are badass characters but they are not what Kitana and Sonya are. Clearly.

That being said, Kitana should return because many many fans will be disappointed if she doesn't. Those iconic fans need to be in MKX and how awesome would they look chrome like they were in MK2? Kitana should return just as Subzero, Scorpion, Raiden, Sonya and Johnny Cage must.

However, in my opinion I don't think she will return in this game. Kitana is actually my favorite character along with SubZero so it sucks to say this. First of all, she freakin died in MK9 and second of all, they really fucked up her story. Before, Kitana's story was rich and IMPORTANT. Now it's a mess. They need to fix this somehow in order to bring the only princess of MK back.

I really hope she returns and will have my fingers crossed but I don't think she will.
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-sig by MINION

06/05/2014 08:51 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
To me, it seems like the MK team doesn't really need her, and only add her in updates when her fans cry about her being absent.
What kind of bitter fan fiction. She gets added to later games because previously Midway would rush the releases and characters would get left out. Even Scorpion wasn't originally in MK3. The later updated games are the true more complete versions in both gameplay AND story.

And that list? She made it in later complete version of MK3 and 4 died and was resurrected in MKDA-MKD with Jax unlike other characters who they didn't even bother to make playable. And had about as little to do with MKA as the rest of the cast.

Kitana is a MK icon. She's popular in general, popular to use in gameplay, popular to cosplay as at cons. She's not going anywhere for any real length of time. One way or another she won't miss MKX.
06/05/2014 09:02 AM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
I don't WANT Kitana to go!sadsad

I'm confused. Weren't you the one who asked for Kitana to be replaced?
06/05/2014 10:21 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
To me, it seems like the MK team doesn't really need her, and only add her in updates when her fans cry about her being absent.
What kind of bitter fan fiction. She gets added to later games because previously Midway would rush the releases and characters would get left out. Even Scorpion wasn't originally in MK3. The later updated games are the true more complete versions in both gameplay AND story.

And that list? She made it in later complete version of MK3 and 4 died and was resurrected in MKDA-MKD with Jax unlike other characters who they didn't even bother to make playable. And had about as little to do with MKA as the rest of the cast.

Kitana is a MK icon. She's popular in general, popular to use in gameplay, popular to cosplay as at cons. She's not going anywhere for any real length of time. One way or another she won't miss MKX.

I'm sure we'll see her again some time in the future. I wouldn't be so sure she is gonna be back for MKX though. After all, she has missed a few games in the past as well.
06/05/2014 10:23 AM (UTC)
Kitana Isn't over she will be in this game, she was great in mk9 and her design was good too. her voice actress sounded great as well.
So what if she died It's MORTAL KOMBAT ! no one truly ever dies in the world of MK , Look at Mileena for example she has died at least 2 or 3 times in the story.
There is always some way to bring a fan Favorite back.

since Kitana and Jade seem to be evil for now it will be interesting to see them acting this way , and obviously they could be restored back to good later in the story.

I want Kitana , Jade , Mileena , Sonya , Li Mei , Frost , Tanya and Skarlet
I don't think that's to much to ask for as a paying customer lol.

with so many men I think it's good to at least have 8 females.

Taking Kitana out these days would be like taking out sub zero , you would be stupid to do it.

06/05/2014 10:51 AM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
I didn't like the MK9 Kitana at ALL. She dressed crappy, her voice sounded too royal and snobby like some Disney princess (Yea I know she's a princess, but MORTAL KOMBAT is a different universe), and she had none of the redeeming personality traits that the original Kitana had.

I liked the original because she WANTED to figure out her past and why Shao Kahn, her presumed "father" was keeping secrets from her, Raiden suddenly didn't just pop out and say "Oh babe your upbringing was a lie. Your father was actually an Edenian king" like what happened in MK9. Kitana actually planned her escape from Shao Kahn and the revival of her realm Edenia and shared her plans with the ENEMIES of Shao Kahn who trusted her out in the end. She also broke herself out of the Netherealm prison in MK4 and lead a FUCKING Edenian and Shokan army against Shao Kahn at the beginning of Deadly Alliance. How badass is that?

The original Kitana was memorable for two things: one was her prime goal: To maintain Edenia as an independent kingdom, keep it out of Outworld's hands, restore it to its glory days, and lead it as royal blood kind of like some Game of Thrones character. She had Liu Kang, not because she liked his small dick, but he was a GREAT ally. First of all, what better way to ally yourself against Shao Kahn than with the Champion of Mortal Kombat? Also, Liu Kang is someone who can understand Kitana's motivations for helping her realm and be respectfully committed to helping her self-esteem regardless of Kitana's past being Shao Kahn's assassin. In return, Kitana helped Liu Kang deal with the horrible stress of being immortal as Champion and seeing all of his friends die as time progresses.

And what did Vogel do with her in MK9? She stripped her of her defining characteristics, she dressed her in a blue bikini and put her toddler tiara on a head, and you covered her in Tarkartan dung. It even lead to me to give an unpopular proclamation that I prefer pencil-eyed Latina-like Kitana from MKDA and MKA over this ugly blushed-up MK9 Kitana!

To conclude, it will take A LOT of great revamping and character development such as less drag and having a Wonder woman-like voice to fit her personality to convince me to bring Kitana back to MKX as a potential character. The only potential female characters that DESERVE to appear in MKX are Tanya, Sareena, and Nitara! These overlooked females are more worthy to be developed and played in MKX than that shitty MK9 Kitana.

I disagree with you on the first part. I think NRS did an awesome job with Kitana's appearance and personality in 2011. The tiara and hair are awesome, her costumes are better than any of her previous ones and the snobby princess personality fit her oh so perfectly. I mean growing up as Shao Kahn's daughter, of course she's going to be arrogant. The voice actress did a great job too. I do think they could have done a better job with Kitana's face. It looks awesome in her masked costume though.

I agree with you on her story though, they really fucked that all up as well as Mileena's. I like the old Mileena was jealous of Kitana their whole lives because Kitana was beautiful and Shao Kahn liked her more.

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Thanks to MINION for this awesome signature

06/05/2014 11:45 AM (UTC)
You make some good points. I do think she was the damsel in distress in MK9 sadly aswell :(

And about Tanya and Li Mei not being female ninjas, really? I honestly thought that Tanya was the yellow female ninja and Li Mei the faded purple/pink female ninja. Oh well, I guess its just Kitana (blue) Jade (green) and Mileena (pink) that are the female ninjas
06/05/2014 11:58 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
-Died in MK9
-Punching bag in MKDC story mode
-No importance in armageddon
-Missed MKD
-Died in MKDA
-Absent in MK4
-Absent in MK3

To me, it seems like the MK team doesn't really need her, and only add her in updates when her fans cry about her being absent. Seeing how many classic/popular/iconic characters keep missing out in games, despite fans being mad/sad, will Kitana miss MKX?

What you fail to realize is that regardless of whatever game she is or isn't in, Kitana remains an important figure, excluding Armageddon, where most characters lacked importance.

Whenever something happens, Kitana is always linked to it. Even if she isn't in a game, you will always see or hear of her.
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06/05/2014 12:11 PM (UTC)
She's too important for the franchise. I doubt she'll go anywhere anytime soon.
06/05/2014 12:36 PM (UTC)
-Died in MK9 - Died but is now evil

-Punching bag in MKDC story mode - she was still there though

-No importance in armageddon - none of the characters had much importance in that game apart from the 2 brothers and blaze

-Missed MKD - But was later added in the psp version for fan requests.

-Died in MKDA - Mileena and many others have died before. that don't mean nothing in the world of Mortal kombat.

-Absent in MK4 - Once again was added in MK4(GOLD)
-Absent in MK3 - Once again was added in UMK3 along with many other fighters that were missing from mk3 Scorpion included.

She will be in MKX - but she she will most likely be working for the bad side for a while until someone can save her soul.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/05/2014 01:42 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't want her to go anywhere. But they've really struggled with finding things for her to do more often than not (a problem with a lot of the older members of the cast).
06/05/2014 01:57 PM (UTC)
Because it does not have to be the MKX. She would only hinder the development of Tanya, Rain and Mileena (which was finally taken new paths). You better save it for a future play a villain lay claim to the throne of Edenia.

For now there is no Edenia and now Shinnok has a Edeniana working for Him Tanya.

In the more I want to develop the characters from MK4-MKD. It would be very frustrating if the MKX repeat half the cast of MK9.
06/05/2014 02:14 PM (UTC)
yes but Kitana is also evil now along with the rest of the cast of good guys that died in MK9 , she wouldn't hinder anyone's story Because they are all more then likely working for shinok and Quan-chi now they have control of their souls. Plus a lot of people think the most of the cast of mk4 was crap , a few good characters here and there but the majority are not very memorial , If my 4 girls are not in this game I don't think I will be in such a rush to buy it since Kitana , Mileena , Jade and Sonya are my fave characters , Sonya should be in it because obviously she wasn't killed. But I need my 3 ninja gals I also want Skarlet to get some story time in this new game , I don't want this game to all be about the men , Mix it up a bit boon.
06/05/2014 02:36 PM (UTC)
Kitana deserves her happy ending. She's been through so much shit in every single game. No, her time isn't over before Edenia is truly free from Outworld. Now since Shao Kahn is dead and gone, she might be able to have her dreams come true... but first she needs to come back from the dead and away from Quan Chi.

Poor Kitana, she's been through so much shit.
06/05/2014 03:01 PM (UTC)
I prefer that all the characters introduced in MK4 and MKMSZ MKDA Jarek again as an exception , because with the rise of the Lin Kuei , the Return of the Black Dragon would dilute the plot, and the Black Dragon could be worked in the next game at War with Red Dragon .

The characters need to be repaginados however , bother Kai be a character of fire for example. He could at invez to throw fireballs launching meteors up and down and turn the earth character that everyone wants .

About Women with Sonya , Mileena , Tanya , Skarlet , Frost (which could be Robotic to differentiate as much of Sub Zero ) , Sareena we would have the same number as the previous game (unfortunately the developer dismissed the Li Mei ) . Jade and Kitana could return but not both .

Finally I do not want the dead coming back as if nothing happened or just as unwilling Zombies . It would be interesting if Netherrealm affected if they , in this regard Jade would have more potential , considering its end.
06/05/2014 03:19 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
I don't WANT Kitana to go!sadsad

I'm confused. Weren't you the one who asked for Kitana to be replaced?

I'm just joining the happy & sad fans.
About Me

-sig by MINION

06/05/2014 03:59 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
I'm sure we'll see her again some time in the future. I wouldn't be so sure she is gonna be back for MKX though. After all, she has missed a few games in the past as well.
She's always in the updated version though.

I'm surprised people are saying they've struggled to find something for her to do.
Waging war against Shao Kahn with the Shokan in MKDA
Agent of the Dragon King in MKD.
Witnesses the rise of Dark Kahn and rallies the heroes to defeat him.
Was one of the principle characters in MK2011.

They give her plenty to do and it's never extraneous.
06/05/2014 04:08 PM (UTC)
I have a theory that most (or all) dead characters will be revived during phase 1 of the story mode, where you control the survivors and their new recruits, and then phase 2 will consist on those revived characters fighting to regain control over different forces.

In this scenario, Kitana, Sindel and Jade would work to take control over Edenia, where Rain and Tanya have formed an alliance to reign over it and ally with Shinnokh.

Just a theory but it would work to bring Kitana (and most characters back).

I'm in favor of an expansive roster, which means all characters would return with some tweaks to keep the tournament picture going.
06/05/2014 05:21 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:

I'm confused. Weren't you the one who asked for Kitana to be replaced?

I'm just joining the happy & sad fans.

Oh, ok then

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Kitana deserves her happy ending. She's been through so much shit in every single game. No, her time isn't over before Edenia is truly free from Outworld. Now since Shao Kahn is dead and gone, she might be able to have her dreams come true... but first she needs to come back from the dead and away from Quan Chi.

Poor Kitana, she's been through so much shit.

This is so true. However, seeing how Boon has yet to give his favourite character Scorpion a happy ending, I'm afraid it won't be so soon.
About Me

-sig by MINION

06/05/2014 06:18 PM (UTC)
A happy ending for Scorpion takes him out of the franchise while a happy ending for Kitana would keep her around to help out every now and then/when things threaten Edenia. Kitana story is one that could actually become complete.
06/05/2014 07:04 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
A happy ending for Scorpion takes him out of the franchise while a happy ending for Kitana would keep her around to help out every now and then/when things threaten Edenia. Kitana story is one that could actually become complete.

well, you're right about that.
06/05/2014 07:07 PM (UTC)
liamx2000 Wrote:
-Died in MK9 - Died but is now evil

-Punching bag in MKDC story mode - she was still there though

-No importance in armageddon - none of the characters had much importance in that game apart from the 2 brothers and blaze

-Missed MKD - But was later added in the psp version for fan requests.

-Died in MKDA - Mileena and many others have died before. that don't mean nothing in the world of Mortal kombat.

-Absent in MK4 - Once again was added in MK4(GOLD)
-Absent in MK3 - Once again was added in UMK3 along with many other fighters that were missing from mk3 Scorpion included.

She will be in MKX - but she she will most likely be working for the bad side for a while until someone can save her soul.

Except Scorpion hasn't missed a game since MK3, whereas Kitana is still consistently missing out in games despite fan outcry, which proves my initial point. Even if she's important to the story, popular, etc she gets the cut from games, and that's the team's desicion
06/05/2014 07:39 PM (UTC)
lol proves nothing. she will be in the game. also if you buy the classic costumes for jade and Kitana their Ultimate MK3 costumes are called MK3 NOT UMK3 which also proves that really kitana and jade did belong in mk3 but were not added at the time like scorpion.
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