09/02/2014 06:03 AM (UTC)
People are losing hype because I think the newer generation on gamers.. & that Mortal Kombat might be something new to them...

but its just the slow releases, and frequent trolling, & esp the same demos/question we have been seeing..

Honestly the hype is still here for me because of this forum, & that I lost a friend who loved this game so much.. Just wanna keep his memory alive.
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-sig by MINION

09/02/2014 06:19 AM (UTC)
I can't really accurately remember but with Injustice it felt like we always had new interesting things to talk about. The battle arena voting thingy, the HUGE pool from which we could speculate about characters etc etc. There was always something to faun over. I can't remember when promotion for Injustice really picked up though.

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09/02/2014 06:38 AM (UTC)
The measure of MKX's slow reveal of information versus MK2011's is an interesting comparison to draw. All things said and done, I think they're comparable with one key philosophical difference: There's value in MKX's mystery.

We don't know what we're in for with MKX. We didn't know what to expect of MK2011 in the early stages - but it was always based directly on material we know well (MK-MK3). With that knowledge, we can see they didn't really try to hide it. We got a spread of those references with the 7 or so characters revealed on announcement. The trickle - which itself dedicated months to a single character, thereafter - was similar to what we're experiencing now.

In 2010, they distracted and killed time by asking us questions like: What would you do with Scorpion's spear?, What would you do with Sub-Zero's freeze and released character recaps. This time we're getting Character Variation breakdowns and trailers that tell us about how these characters work, rather than who they are.

They're holding some back and selling us the game more than the property, this time. Last time they were rebooting and going back to the well - this time they have the confidence of their biggest success at their back. There are pros and cons, but in some senses, this is a maturation for MK.

Something that seems to have changed a little bit is the inclination of fans to pursue interest. To seek it out. Taking time to check out all the forums and get involved with current topics and articles is a great way to stoke the fires of hype. Taking time to register your thoughts about each piece of news that breaks is a great way to really solidify a sense of what's coming and going.

oracle Wrote:
I can't really accurately remember but with Injustice it felt like we always had new interesting things to talk about. The battle arena voting thingy, the HUGE pool from which we could speculate about characters etc etc. There was always something to faun over. I can't remember when promotion for Injustice really picked up though.

Announced for June 2012, was released April 2013. We also had Legacy and MK Kollector's Edition during this period, so it was a little different. Injustice was slow to start, but ramped up by the end of 2012. Battle Arena was late - February to April. [News Archive]
09/02/2014 12:10 PM (UTC)
I'm still excited for the game. It's important to think about the game in its long run. What I mean is, I'm thinking about how well the game will turn out after its release and just how long the game will be played. With the NRS era of fighting games being designed for competitive play, I can imagine that MKX will have some life to it. However, the game needs to stay alive through buffs/nerfs and fixing any glitches, especially netcode problems.

While I'm interested in seeing more reveals, I don't want us fans to be spoiled too much, because I want to be (pleasantly) surprised at what the game will feature. We just need to be patient about it all and hope the game actually turns out to be great.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/02/2014 12:46 PM (UTC)
Reading the posts of the people who have said they are not hyped, one thing becomes exceedingly clear. It is not the dearth of information on the game's story, gameplay or modes but the fact that their favourite character is not announced or characters they have a big interest in. If said characters are announced then they will be hyped.

In the previous entry Ed Boon said that if a character is from the Mortal Kombat 3 era then they have a big chance of being in the game. This gave fans security even when said characters were not announced. This time it is comepletely different. Ed Boon said that the roster size will be about the size of Mortal Kombat 9 but MKX will feature more newcomers then any other entry in the series. Add to this that the window of opportunity for characters to return from Mortal Kombat 4 and beyond, it becomes clear that fans are genuinely apprehensive about their characters appearing.

I will be at EGX London to play this game for myself later this month. I do not care for the other games at the event so I will only play this game. I am already excited for MKX and just can not wait to get my hands on it. Just the thought of getting to play after reading others's extremely glowing testimonies makes able to feel my own adrenal glands. That is how hype I am.
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Thanks to MINION for the sig! My name is Ian, if you really care to know.

09/02/2014 01:01 PM (UTC)
I'm always hyped for a new MK. So far, everything revealed has been awesome. They even made me interested in Kano. The new characters look great and creative, and I really like the fact that the stages have been entirely new so far. The fatalities are much better (so far) than the slice n dice ones from MK9. The gameplay looks faster and smoother than it did before.

I'm hyped. It doesn't really matter to me who is announced as far as returning characters go. Give me more new. I like new. MK9 was good for nostalgia and old thingies. I want MKX to be about new experiences and new thingies, and so far, it's doing just that. For me anyway.
09/02/2014 01:07 PM (UTC)
I have noticed that the forums are dying down a bit but that is just a correlation of the amount of news that is released, or otherwise being leaked (not a lot).

Still excited though, I have a lot to look forward to because I dislike every returning character besides subzero and they all look fantastic. And this time around I might play as kano and raiden (who would have thought???) I am super hyped; i just want more news.
09/02/2014 07:13 PM (UTC)
I just feel like Scorpion and Sub Zero are always given (which is cool). They WILL be in every MK game and everyone knows that.

I think it would have been cool if the first characters announced were two classics other than those two ninjas. (Since we all know they'll eventually be included)

I remember when MK: Deception was announced, the level of excitement was at an all time HIGH and the two characters under the spotlight were Baraka and Mileena. I still remember the day that trailer was released...it was incredible seeing Mileena and Baraka take the spotlight.

They should have done that with this game too. It's like...ok? Scorpion...Sub Zero...Raiden...those are always pretty much givens.

Love them though :)
09/02/2014 07:26 PM (UTC)
EdenianNinja Wrote:
I just feel like Scorpion and Sub Zero are always given (which is cool). They WILL be in every MK game and everyone knows that.

I think it would have been cool if the first characters announced were two classics other than those two ninjas. (Since we all know they'll eventually be included)

I remember when MK: Deception was announced, the level of excitement was at an all time HIGH and the two characters under the spotlight were Baraka and Mileena. I still remember the day that trailer was released...it was incredible seeing Mileena and Baraka take the spotlight.

They should have done that with this game too. It's like...ok? Scorpion...Sub Zero...Raiden...those are always pretty much givens.

Love them though :)

I think the marketing department announced the "regulars" first, because they are the most popular ones. Kinda to reassure the casual fans "Don't worry, they are in the game, so now you can buy it without worrying"...
09/02/2014 09:01 PM (UTC)
The hype is not real.
09/02/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)
MKshizz Wrote:
I'm always hyped for a new MK. So far, everything revealed has been awesome. They even made me interested in Kano. The new characters look great and creative, and I really like the fact that the stages have been entirely new so far. The fatalities are much better (so far) than the slice n dice ones from MK9. The gameplay looks faster and smoother than it did before.

I'm hyped. It doesn't really matter to me who is announced as far as returning characters go. Give me more new. I like new. MK9 was good for nostalgia and old thingies. I want MKX to be about new experiences and new thingies, and so far, it's doing just that. For me anyway.

You took the words right outta my mouth. Give me new. I've been playing MK since the original came out. A vast majority of the older characters have been in multiple games, and I had my ultimate nostalgic moment with MK2011. Now, I believe, is the time for a new generation of new and exciting kombatants to take center stage. My hype level is damn near astronomical!
09/02/2014 09:22 PM (UTC)
Nah I'm just as excited. Sub-Zero is my personal favorite so I'm lucky in that regard, but they know what they're doing. They know who the popular characters are. They know who to reveal and when. Building anticipation is a huge aspect of marketing, you don't want to blow your load too early and have people lose interest by the release date. It seems like they're following a pattern.

Sub-Zero and Scorpion: predictable
Dvorah and Ferra/Torr, etc: surprise
Raiden and Kano: predictable

So I think the next reveal should be one that people don't expect. I like all of the new characters so far. I'm just excited to see how it all plays out.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/02/2014 09:25 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
The hype is not real.

Lol. I love you for that Whop.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/02/2014 11:28 PM (UTC)

Your impatience amuses The Brock.

It hasn't even been a month since Kano's reveal. We still have...6-12 months before the game even comes out. Learn to appreciate the slow burn.

09/03/2014 06:36 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
As soon as a character I like is announced, the hype will come back, that I'm sure. Because the game looks awesome, the gameplay, graphics and all is really interesting - I just need to see a character I like be in the game.
09/03/2014 06:47 AM (UTC)
Also, to be fair, because of the game not coming out until 2015, the slow and steady pace of news leaks, and the repetitive B-roll and interviews we've been witnessing lately, it's expected that we're a lot calmer than we were when the game was first announced. We haven't really gotten any fresh news or unexpected character reveals yet to spark us coming up with new theories and predictions on how the storyline will play out lol. When someone who isn't run of the mill and whose storylines aren't as predictable gets revealed, the forums will come right back to life and be a lot more interesting haha
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09/03/2014 02:25 PM (UTC)
Im excited but trying not to get too hyped about it because we dont even have a release date. With no new news about the game and that it might not even be out for another year, i dont wanna be very hyped. Once the date is announced and a little more info on the story + new characters ill be hyped.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

09/05/2014 12:22 AM (UTC)
The marketing will pick up after the new year. We're still in the "first trimester" of sorts. People gotta chill.

News will continue to be at a trickle as we head into the winter and holiday season.

It's best to worry about upcoming 2014 releases; that's what I'm doing.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/05/2014 12:34 AM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:

It's best to worry about upcoming 2014 releases; that's what I'm doing.

Haha...all 3 of em. So bummed about all the delays this year. 2015 will make wallets suffer.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

09/05/2014 01:04 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:

It's best to worry about upcoming 2014 releases; that's what I'm doing.

Haha...all 3 of em. So bummed about all the delays this year. 2015 will make wallets suffer.

lol you inspired me to make a thread about this - check it out in General Discussion!
09/05/2014 02:03 AM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
It's best to worry about upcoming 2014 releases; that's what I'm doing.

What if no one is interested in any other games, except for MK?
09/05/2014 02:04 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:
It's best to worry about upcoming 2014 releases; that's what I'm doing.

What if no one is interested in any other games, except for MK?

That would be very very sad.
09/05/2014 02:07 AM (UTC)
I mean... the end of this year has a lot of great, anticipated games coming out. You got Destiny, Borderlands, Farcry...
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09/05/2014 02:31 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:It's best to worry about upcoming 2014 releases; that's what I'm doing.

What if no one is interested in any other games, except for MK?

That would be very very sad.

Actually it would be sadder to have obsessions about a ton of games rather than a select one or two. But anyway, the slow influx of info is not a bad thing at all, considering how much work these guys have to put in to creating each of these characters. I am deliberately keeping my hype level low right now because there's so much that we just don't know yet, as the release gets nearer, the hype will grow. I have some really difficult life stuff going on right now too, so that's really taking prescident and affecting my mood.
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