09/01/2014 08:26 PM (UTC)
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:
Maybe we are just getting tired of essentially the same game every time. The engine looks the same as it did in MKvsDC and 9. Never played the DC game but it looks like exactly the same engine.

We need that epic Armageddon feel again where the whole world is waiting to see what the developers will come up with and how they can manage a massive roster. Without all the glitches, that is.

2D was cool in 9, but give us a tweak.
X Ray moves again?
Fatalities, blah blah.

It's just the same stuff regurgitated into a new skin.

And may I point out that all of us that have been around have aged quite a bit. Perhaps it's just no longer that cool anymore.

Let's face it - this series has been mismanaged in the past and I think that hype is gone. This is going to be a tough sell.

No, that's not it... at least not for me. It's mainly because of the roster so far for me. I'm not really excited about any of the returning characters. However, I like the rest of MKX. ^^
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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09/01/2014 08:29 PM (UTC)
hype dead for me too. MK1 characters = boring.

New characters = blah until they release more about them.

They should really release some MK4-MKD characters to respark interest.

soooooo let down thus far.
09/01/2014 08:30 PM (UTC)
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:
2D was cool in 9, but give us a tweak.
X Ray moves again?
Fatalities, blah blah.

Interactive arenas would be that tweak. X-Ray moves were largely requested to return. And the devs have said they are reinstating an old "Ality", so there's that.
09/01/2014 08:33 PM (UTC)
The games looks incredibly fun to play and the character design's look awesome. I will buy it the second I am able to just like everybody else in this thread.
09/01/2014 08:44 PM (UTC)
Kano killed my hype.

The lack of a decent reveal at PAX killed it even more.
09/01/2014 08:47 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
ReptileFinally Wrote:
NRS is REALLY taking their time releasing content, and yeah it totally killed the hype for me. It looks like a great game and I'm really excited for it, but NRS is doing a terrible job this time around.

People felt the same back when MK9 was announced.

I didn't, I remember checking MKO and getting double the information in the less time. They did MK9 right, they are releases content as slow as molasses this time.
09/01/2014 08:58 PM (UTC)
Every time they release a character reveal trailer, the hype train goes way up, and then dies down real fast.
09/01/2014 09:14 PM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
So most of you aren't hyped? Then why did everyone of you looking every day at least once in this Forum to check out if there are some new stuff about MKX? ;)

How do you actually know everyone is on here checking everyday? We don't need to post, unless you click the user's online thing?

Blade4693 Wrote:
Nope. I'm still hyped.
Scorpion is in, Sub-Zero is in, Raiden is in, and Kotal Kahn looks awesome to me plus there are plenty of unannounced characters left so im still pumped.

I was never a fan nor liked Scorpion in the past games. However, in MKX, different story. I like him(in general) in this one, but, not as a fan of his.

As for Sub-Zero, he's been in top faves since MK1.

Raiden....same as Scorpion.
09/01/2014 09:15 PM (UTC)
I am still hyped for this game. It doesn't matter who is going to be announced next, I'm loving every thing so far that has been released.
09/01/2014 09:29 PM (UTC)
I find it hilarious how the game was revealed mere months ago and everybody is expecting to know the entire roster, running off of assumptions, and complaining about the "lack of updates".
Interviews, gameplay videos, and hands-on reports have been continuous for the past while. But you wouldn't know it from the sheer amount of complaining people have been doing about "nothing new".

I personally want them to leave some surprises for actual release, or at least until the last minute. MK9 was preceded by a leak of the entire script for the game's story mode. It would be nice to have some surprise characters (playable or not) turn up, as well as some story details to remain hidden until release. We don't need to know which Sub-Zero it is before release that badly.

Also, the clamoring for particular characters can get tiresome, as it seems people would sooner make "all or nothing" statements about including their favourites, yet nobody seems much interested in discussing the new ones.
09/01/2014 09:52 PM (UTC)
This just in: Internet popularity is real world popularity.
09/01/2014 09:57 PM (UTC)
Kaber Wrote:
This just in: Internet popularity is real world popularity.

This just in: Don't care...
09/01/2014 09:58 PM (UTC)
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:
Maybe we are just getting tired of essentially the same game every time. The engine looks the same as it did in MKvsDC and 9. Never played the DC game but it looks like exactly the same engine.

We need that epic Armageddon feel again where the whole world is waiting to see what the developers will come up with and how they can manage a massive roster. Without all the glitches, that is.

2D was cool in 9, but give us a tweak.
X Ray moves again?
Fatalities, blah blah.

It's just the same stuff regurgitated into a new skin.

And may I point out that all of us that have been around have aged quite a bit. Perhaps it's just no longer that cool anymore.

Let's face it - this series has been mismanaged in the past and I think that hype is gone. This is going to be a tough sell.

MK9 was the best selling game in the series. The series is doing just fine. I think you may be overreacting. If MK was struggling like other series I would take you serious. MK will essentially always be the same, I mean there isn't much you can do with a fighting game; it has to stay a fighting game.
09/01/2014 10:03 PM (UTC)
The announcement of Kano and Raiden really did nothing to elevate the hype, well at least for me. Raiden and Kano weren't really fighters that the fans were hoping to come back for this 10th installment. I mean the characters are cool but meh I could live without them.

Also with the previous games they literally announced two characters at a time, which made it feel like we were getting more info. This time around they take forever to revisal only ONE character. It doesn't help that they're releasing characters that not many are asking for.
09/01/2014 10:07 PM (UTC)
Cordova21 Wrote:
The announcement of Kano and Raiden really did nothing to elevate the hype, well at least for me. Raiden and Kano weren't really fighters that the fans were hoping to come back for this 10th installment.

Citation needed.
09/01/2014 10:09 PM (UTC)

Unlike fanboys and hypocritical attention seeking people I don't need to be fed with information every week to be excited about the game, that shapes to be awesome.
09/01/2014 10:49 PM (UTC)
Stahlgeist Wrote:
I personally want them to leave some surprises for actual release, or at least until the last minute. MK9 was preceded by a leak of the entire script for the game's story mode. It would be nice to have some surprise characters (playable or not) turn up, as well as some story details to remain hidden until release. We don't need to know which Sub-Zero it is before release that badly.

I agree with you on this. It's looking like we will have a good handful of characters that will only be revealed to us when we have the game.

As for which Sub-Zero it is, we will not know until we play story-mode....well hopefully. Shouldn't matter anyways because Sub-Zero is in.
09/01/2014 10:58 PM (UTC)
Stahlgeist Wrote:
I find it hilarious how the game was revealed mere months ago and everybody is expecting to know the entire roster, running off of assumptions, and complaining about the "lack of updates".
Interviews, gameplay videos, and hands-on reports have been continuous for the past while. But you wouldn't know it from the sheer amount of complaining people have been doing about "nothing new".

I personally want them to leave some surprises for actual release, or at least until the last minute. MK9 was preceded by a leak of the entire script for the game's story mode. It would be nice to have some surprise characters (playable or not) turn up, as well as some story details to remain hidden until release. We don't need to know which Sub-Zero it is before release that badly.

Also, the clamoring for particular characters can get tiresome, as it seems people would sooner make "all or nothing" statements about including their favourites, yet nobody seems much interested in discussing the new ones.

Yeah I agree with this, I really hope everything isn't revealed before hand, I would love for there to be some surprises.
09/01/2014 11:05 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Napalm1980 Wrote:
So most of you aren't hyped? Then why did everyone of you looking every day at least once in this Forum to check out if there are some new stuff about MKX? ;)

How do you actually know everyone is on here checking everyday? We don't need to post, unless you click the user's online thing?

Blade4693 Wrote:
Nope. I'm still hyped.
Scorpion is in, Sub-Zero is in, Raiden is in, and Kotal Kahn looks awesome to me plus there are plenty of unannounced characters left so im still pumped.

I was never a fan nor liked Scorpion in the past games. However, in MKX, different story. I like him(in general) in this one, but, not as a fan of his.

As for Sub-Zero, he's been in top faves since MK1.

Raiden....same as Scorpion.

Luckily for me Scorpion has been my favorite ever since MK1 so my #1 favorite is pretty much guaranteed to be in every MK game (With the exception of MK3) and I always liked Sub-Zero and Raiden as well.

Anyway those are just a few of the reasons why I personally am still hyped. I wasn't implying those are reasons for others to be hyped , I was just saying why I am hyped lol
09/01/2014 11:44 PM (UTC)
Stahlgeist Wrote:
I find it hilarious how the game was revealed mere months ago and everybody is expecting to know the entire roster, running off of assumptions, and complaining about the "lack of updates".
Interviews, gameplay videos, and hands-on reports have been continuous for the past while. But you wouldn't know it from the sheer amount of complaining people have been doing about "nothing new".

Completely agree.

Some people expect that the whole game must be spoiled for them as soon as it was announced. What is hilarious, if that's happen, then the very same people will moan and whine that there is nothing surprising about the game.
Go figure, childish nature of some fanboys.
09/02/2014 03:53 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

Unlike fanboys and hypocritical attention seeking people I don't need to be fed with information every week to be excited about the game, that shapes to be awesome.

Bingo! I wholeheartedly agree with RS.

But a new character reveal or teaser wouldn't hurt. New or returning? doesn't matter aslong as we get someone relatively soon. In the mean time, i'll be quite content with Destiny coming out next Tuesday and finally getting my hands on a PS4 ( so glad I waited this long). I'm looking forward to checking out the PS4 backlog of games and continue anxiously awaiting the arrival of MKX!
09/02/2014 04:04 AM (UTC)
I'm still looking forward to things, but I'm just less hyped for this than MK9 for whatever reason.

I think people need to get the sand out of their cracks regarding the lack of info.
09/02/2014 04:18 AM (UTC)
Stahlgeist Wrote:
I find it hilarious how the game was revealed mere months ago and everybody is expecting to know the entire roster, running off of assumptions, and complaining about the "lack of updates".
Interviews, gameplay videos, and hands-on reports have been continuous for the past while. But you wouldn't know it from the sheer amount of complaining people have been doing about "nothing new".

I personally want them to leave some surprises for actual release, or at least until the last minute. MK9 was preceded by a leak of the entire script for the game's story mode. It would be nice to have some surprise characters (playable or not) turn up, as well as some story details to remain hidden until release. We don't need to know which Sub-Zero it is before release that badly.

Also, the clamoring for particular characters can get tiresome, as it seems people would sooner make "all or nothing" statements about including their favourites, yet nobody seems much interested in discussing the new ones.

I'd quote the last part but it's hard to do so on my phone. You know, I find that fascinating because here we're back talking about the old characters and how everyone has been saying for a while that they want change.

I personally tried to keep a conversation going with the newer characters but it seems that a lot don't want to talk. If it's not Tanya, Reiko, Fujin, or this big issue of the Cage family, nothing else gets talked about. I want to talk about Kotal, D'Vorah and Ferra Torr. But I do see a problem. Lack of info about them. I'm not saying that Netherrealm Studios need to whip out stuff about them, but it would have been just a tad bit nice had we gotten, let's say, a vague bio about them like they've been doing lately in these interviews.

We know that Kotal is emperor and he will fall. D'Vorah is his partner. Cassie is a daughter of two classics. And we know squat of the dynamic duo.

But just because we lack info doesn't mean we still shouldn't not talk about them more. I'd like to, but it just seems others want to discuss who is filling the shoes of the mysterious six and debating when you can't figure out shit from that.
09/02/2014 04:33 AM (UTC)
Stahlgeist Wrote:
I find it hilarious how the game was revealed mere months ago and everybody is expecting to know the entire roster, running off of assumptions, and complaining about the "lack of updates".
Interviews, gameplay videos, and hands-on reports have been continuous for the past while. But you wouldn't know it from the sheer amount of complaining people have been doing about "nothing new".

I personally want them to leave some surprises for actual release, or at least until the last minute. MK9 was preceded by a leak of the entire script for the game's story mode. It would be nice to have some surprise characters (playable or not) turn up, as well as some story details to remain hidden until release. We don't need to know which Sub-Zero it is before release that badly.

Also, the clamoring for particular characters can get tiresome, as it seems people would sooner make "all or nothing" statements about including their favourites, yet nobody seems much interested in discussing the new ones.

Somehow I missed your post, but I completely agree with every single point you made. Well said.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

09/02/2014 04:40 AM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
Yeah its bs how slow they r revealing stuff. In Mk9 we got 8 at E3,2 at Gamescom n 2 at PAX
creed200569 Wrote:
Yeah its bs how slow they r revealing stuff. In Mk9 we got 8 at E3,2 at Gamescom n 2 at PAX

This why are they taking so long?
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