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03/07/2015 03:43 AM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
No, it's not good enough. More of them should have been in to begin with. I seriously hate game's tendencies to just leave the good stuff out and just throw it in as DLC. The ONLY reason characters should be DLC is if they miss the cut due to time. Not a predetermined decision based on them not being in the main story for whatever dumb reason.

I disagree. DLC isn't what you think it is. DLC isn't this mechanism that developers have to release characters that couldn't make the roster. Maybe on few occasions, but the fact of the matter is that It's done strategically.

DLC is a form of adding extra content to the game that is meant to continue making the game relevant and fresh throughout post-release. The game inevitably reaches it's speak when 2-3 weeks have passed since it's release and then starts to decline slightly. What's done? They release characters and extra content via DLC to continue to spark interest in the game and generate extra revenue from the game.

Any game that has intentions of releasing DLC content, prior to even the release of the game, already has a schedule to follow to release DLC. That's just how business works. Nothing is done by chance. Everything is calculated.Kenshi and Rain were never suppose to make the MK9 roster. They were planned DLC. If the team decided to exclude characters for MKX, but have the intentions of making them DLC, then I think that's completely fine. It's all business when it comes down to it.

The fact of the matter is that the team decided that because the way this game's story is going, including those characters did not make sense. I completely agree and I've already explained in a few posts as to why the roster is what it is and makes sense.
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03/07/2015 08:59 AM (UTC)
I'm fine with DLC if the stuff is really just "extra". It seems post-Trilogy characters will be just that for this game. My problem is that they shouldn't be extra. I feel they should be in the game on the CD from day one. These aren't some guest characters or anything, they're characters that should definitely have spots in the game and play roles in the story. It's a little bit premature to say they wouldn't but as it seems now I am not 100% pleased with the roster. It is of course my opinion and I can't decide who the writers want in the story and who the devs want to make playable in the game but I just think they should be in from the start.
03/07/2015 11:05 AM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
alican_zero Wrote:
Fujin,Reiko,Tanya and Li mei still have a chance to be in MKX!

I seriously doubt it. Seems like wishful thinking at this point.

Unfortunately, I agree. sad
03/07/2015 01:19 PM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
I'm fine with DLC if the stuff is really just "extra". It seems post-Trilogy characters will be just that for this game. My problem is that they shouldn't be extra. I feel they should be in the game on the CD from day one. These aren't some guest characters or anything, they're characters that should definitely have spots in the game and play roles in the story. It's a little bit premature to say they wouldn't but as it seems now I am not 100% pleased with the roster. It is of course my opinion and I can't decide who the writers want in the story and who the devs want to make playable in the game but I just think they should be in from the start.

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03/07/2015 04:30 PM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
I'm fine with DLC if the stuff is really just "extra". It seems post-Trilogy characters will be just that for this game. My problem is that they shouldn't be extra. I feel they should be in the game on the CD from day one. These aren't some guest characters or anything, they're characters that should definitely have spots in the game and play roles in the story. It's a little bit premature to say they wouldn't but as it seems now I am not 100% pleased with the roster. It is of course my opinion and I can't decide who the writers want in the story and who the devs want to make playable in the game but I just think they should be in from the start.

I understand where you're coming from, but I guess NRS took the decision to exclude them from the roster for various reasons. The roster is a representation of the game's story with the decedents, the "next generation of kombatants", as Ed Boon put it. The focus is put on them.

I just don't think characters like Fujin, Tanya, Havik, Li Mei and Bo' would have blended in well with the rest of the cast. They would have felt forced. Think about it for a second. In terms of MKX's story, they have no business being included aside from fan requests. Sure they have had cameos in the comics, in the stories, but the fact of the matter is that they aren't really important. They are relevant to the story, but not extremely important. The only one that I think should have been in from the beginning is Reiko due to his prominent role in the comics.
03/07/2015 04:39 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
NS922 Wrote:
I'm fine with DLC if the stuff is really just "extra". It seems post-Trilogy characters will be just that for this game. My problem is that they shouldn't be extra. I feel they should be in the game on the CD from day one. These aren't some guest characters or anything, they're characters that should definitely have spots in the game and play roles in the story. It's a little bit premature to say they wouldn't but as it seems now I am not 100% pleased with the roster. It is of course my opinion and I can't decide who the writers want in the story and who the devs want to make playable in the game but I just think they should be in from the start.

I understand where you're coming from, but I guess NRS took the decision to exclude them from the roster for various reasons. The roster is a representation of the game's story with the decedents, the "next generation of kombatants", as Ed Boon put it. The focus is put on them.

I just don't think characters like Fujin, Tanya, Havik, Li Mei and Bo' would have blended in well with the rest of the cast. They would have felt forced. Think about it for a second. In terms of MKX's story, they have no business being included aside from fan requests. Sure they have had cameos in the comics, in the stories, but the fact of the matter is that they aren't really important. They are relevant to the story, but not extremely important. The only one that I think should have been in from the beginning is Reiko due to his prominent role in the comics.

I disagree again, I still stand by that any of them that you mentioned could have easily been written into the story some way or form.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/07/2015 05:21 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
NS922 Wrote:
I'm fine with DLC if the stuff is really just "extra". It seems post-Trilogy characters will be just that for this game. My problem is that they shouldn't be extra. I feel they should be in the game on the CD from day one. These aren't some guest characters or anything, they're characters that should definitely have spots in the game and play roles in the story. It's a little bit premature to say they wouldn't but as it seems now I am not 100% pleased with the roster. It is of course my opinion and I can't decide who the writers want in the story and who the devs want to make playable in the game but I just think they should be in from the start.

I understand where you're coming from, but I guess NRS took the decision to exclude them from the roster for various reasons. The roster is a representation of the game's story with the decedents, the "next generation of kombatants", as Ed Boon put it. The focus is put on them.

I just don't think characters like Fujin, Tanya, Havik, Li Mei and Bo' would have blended in well with the rest of the cast. They would have felt forced. Think about it for a second. In terms of MKX's story, they have no business being included aside from fan requests. Sure they have had cameos in the comics, in the stories, but the fact of the matter is that they aren't really important. They are relevant to the story, but not extremely important. The only one that I think should have been in from the beginning is Reiko due to his prominent role in the comics.

Do you have a head injury? It's a fucking Outworld civil war- Li Mei is an Outworld citizen trying to protect her village. How the hell doesn't that "blend in"?

Besides, this is a fucking alternate timeline, not a damn alternate universe. These characters still exist. You're just trying to find any little excuse as to why the 3D era characters were junked other than the simple obvious reason that NRS just didn't want to use them.

Just keep it fucking real. They didn't want to use them. Don't give me that whole "Well they didn't fit in with the story'- bullshit, they just weren't written into the story. The writers choose who they want involved and how. Hell, I'd reckon they actually make up the roster first and then decide on a story- regardless of what they claim and that's perfectly fine. But stop trying to find excuses, if they wanted them in, they would've been in, and it would've felt "natural" because you or I wouldn't have known anything else. The game could've STILL put heavy focus on Cassie and the offspring as well having Tanya, Fujin, and a few others involved in the story. It's called fucking BALANCE.
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03/07/2015 06:03 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Do you have a head injury? It's a fucking Outworld civil war- Li Mei is an Outworld citizen trying to protect her village. How the hell doesn't that "blend in"?

Everyone in this thread has been debating, discussing, and disagreeing all in a good manner and you're the only one that's been childish enough to insult someone. But I expect nothing less from you since this is such a delicate subject for you, in which you get all defensive that you have to resort to name calling. Stop being such a little girl and grow up.

The Outworld Civil war is important, sure, but including Li Mei isn't necessary to represent the war and that story plot. Should she play a role in it? Yeah. Doesn't mean she needs to be in the roster.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Besides, this is a fucking alternate timeline, not a damn alternate universe. These characters still exist. You're just trying to find any little excuse as to why the 3D era characters were junked other than the simple obvious reason that NRS just didn't want to use them.

I'm not making up excuses. I've been discussing the topic and exploring reasons as to why the 3D-era characters have been left out of the roster. Isn't that what this forum is for? People like you think NRS purposely leave out characters for the sake of doing and to piss people like you off. It's not like that. If they wanted to erase those characters from existence, as you say, do you think they would be present in the comics and Story Mode? Let me know your answer.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Just keep it fucking real. They didn't want to use them. Don't give me that whole "Well they didn't fit in with the story'- bullshit, they just weren't written into the story. The writers choose who they want involved and how. Hell, I'd reckon they actually make up the roster first and then decide on a story- regardless of what they claim and that's perfectly fine. But stop trying to find excuses, if they wanted them in, they would've been in, and it would've felt "natural" because you or I wouldn't have known anything else. The game could've STILL put heavy focus on Cassie and the offspring as well having Tanya, Fujin, and a few others involved in the story. It's called fucking BALANCE.

.. they are in the Story. What the fuck are you talking about? My whole point has been that they aren't as important to the story and that's why they aren't in the initial roster. Ed Boon clearly stated some characters will just fit the role of NPC and cameos. It seems fitting that these supporting characters, which are the 3D-era characters, be left for something like DLC because as far as the initial roster is concerned, they don't fit. I stated before that I agree that someone like Reiko should have been in because it seems he is playing a prominent role in Story. He's fucking important. Tanya, Fujin, Li Mei, and Bo' are not as important whether you want to accept it or not.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/07/2015 06:14 PM (UTC)
They could've had prominent roles if the writers gave it to them during development just like Reiko but they didn't. That's my point- no characters are "necessary" until a storyline is written and if they wanted to include those characters prominently in the story(prominent enough to be apart of the playable roster, smartass)- they could have. They are the writers, they come up with the story lines and the characters it revolves around. The story doesn't write itself, so to sit here and say these characters NEVER would've fit in even before a story was actually set is idiotic.

I'm also not saying they left those characters out to piss us off- stop putting words in my mouth and actually read- I said they simply chose not to include certain characters in the story and that's their right. But they could make ANYONE prominent or useless to the story- they are the storytellers. Not you.
03/07/2015 06:51 PM (UTC)
They could of been important characters. That's all up to the people who make the game. Tanya role could have been tricking people and helping quanchi. God people use to say tanya reiko and Fujin was 100 percent in cus of the crew these characters hang out with. The brother hood of shadow could have used some characters and mileena could have too. They really hyped reiko up in the comics just to disapoint. Kotal saying he is the main threat and not including him in the game is not the smartest thing.
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03/07/2015 07:44 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
They could've had prominent roles if the writers gave it to them during development just like Reiko but they didn't. That's my point- no characters are "necessary" until a storyline is written and if they wanted to include those characters prominently in the story(prominent enough to be apart of the playable roster, smartass)- they could have. They are the writers, they come up with the story lines and the characters it revolves around. The story doesn't write itself, so to sit here and say these characters NEVER would've fit in even before a story was actually set is idiotic.

I'm also not saying they left those characters out to piss us off- stop putting words in my mouth and actually read- I said they simply chose not to include certain characters in the story and that's their right. But they could make ANYONE prominent or useless to the story- they are the storytellers. Not you.

We're past that point of they "could've" made them important to the story. We know they aren't. NRS wanted to go a certain direction that didn't make 3D-era characters, apart from one or two, prominent to the story. The focus is on the "new generation". You have to accept that they are supporting characters to the story, nothing less and nothing more. They don't fit the big picture of the story, which is why they aren't in the roster. Reiko could have made the roster because as of right now he is important to the story in a big way. And who knows, maybe he is in.

We're now discussing them being good options as DLC. And I agree that they are. But they just don't cut it for MKX's roster.
03/07/2015 07:47 PM (UTC)
I don't find jax important. I don't think anyone really does and u just said it was nrs choice to not give them a role.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/07/2015 07:56 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
They could've had prominent roles if the writers gave it to them during development just like Reiko but they didn't. That's my point- no characters are "necessary" until a storyline is written and if they wanted to include those characters prominently in the story(prominent enough to be apart of the playable roster, smartass)- they could have. They are the writers, they come up with the story lines and the characters it revolves around. The story doesn't write itself, so to sit here and say these characters NEVER would've fit in even before a story was actually set is idiotic.

I'm also not saying they left those characters out to piss us off- stop putting words in my mouth and actually read- I said they simply chose not to include certain characters in the story and that's their right. But they could make ANYONE prominent or useless to the story- they are the storytellers. Not you.

We're past that point of they "could've" made them important to the story. We know they aren't. NRS wanted to go a certain direction that didn't make 3D-era characters, apart from one or two, prominent to the story. The focus is on the "new generation". You have to accept that they are supporting characters to the story, nothing less and nothing more. They don't fit the big picture of the story, which is why they aren't in the roster. Reiko could have made the roster because as of right now he is important to the story in a big way. And who knows, maybe he is in.

We're now discussing them being good options as DLC. And I agree that they are. But they just don't cut it for MKX's roster.

Thank you for repackaging what I said, Scorpion fan <3
Jax is incredibly important. We need a healthy dose of Gotcha grabs.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/07/2015 07:57 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Jax is incredibly important. We need a healthy dose of Gotcha grabs.

He's pivotal. Without him who would wipe Sonya's ass?
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03/07/2015 08:02 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

Thank you for repackaging what I said, Scorpion fan <3

Not sure how I've repackaged what you've said. All I'm telling you to do is move on past this "could've" mentality you seem to have and accept facts.

I'm not a Scorpion fan. That's my artwork in which I decided to use a Scorpion render. So not really sure what you're implying. Keep those hearts to yourself next time.
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
Jax is incredibly important. We need a healthy dose of Gotcha grabs.

He's pivotal. Without him who would wipe Sonya's ass?

The only thing pivotal is gonna be some spines once Jax starts air-grabbing some punks.
03/07/2015 08:07 PM (UTC)
More like who would sonya save without jax hahaha
03/07/2015 08:11 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
I don't find jax important. I don't think anyone really does and u just said it was nrs choice to not give them a role.

lol I don't think anyone finds Kano important either yet he's there almost every time. Who knows, maybe NRS realizes that Jax, Kano, Reptile, etc are there almost every single game and never have they played a prominent role in story. Maybe they will actually get some development this time around and i'm looking forward to seeing them kick ass like in MK9!

On the topic of 3D era chars I just don't understand how they couldn't fit these characters in specifically, they obviously have enough creativity to come up with fantastic variations for them, so why didn't they? Maybe they're planning to release some story add-ons this time around with the characters to further develop their story albeit that's pretty unlikely. I think Goro is a good example of what will happen with DLC characters and story, we don't know if he plays a factor in the story if any but I guess we'll find out.

We act like the roster is set in stone when NRS could still possibly have some tricks up their sleeves. We're basing this roster off of a "Leak" with no concrete evidence and just going off someones word that we assume is real because he got Kung Jin right and he wasn't mentioned before that or whatever. That could have easily been a prediction, while I think the roster is pretty much confirmed yeah I still think there may be a few surprises yet to come. They did say before that they're trying to cram as many characters in as possible before the game goes gold, and we may see a few of these characters end up in story mode like Skarlet did in MK9 but will later appear as DLC. I would perfectly be fine with Fujin having a role in the story as an NPC only to return later as DLC because they weren't finished with him or wanted to incorporate some new ideas or something.

Like I said i'm optimistic for the characters that are basically confirmed (Cage, Sonya, Jax) playing a bigger role this time around because they have to pass the torch and maybe some of them will even die.. For good. Obviously no one will believe that they're truly gone because of the events of MK9 but they could be gone for good. Maybe we'll see Johnny/Sonya having to protect Cassie at times or Jax protecting Jacqui and maybe that's how they die. I really don't think Jacqui/Cassie can take on Sindel/Kitana I mean come the fuck on Sindel killed half of MK9's cast, but there may be a explanation for that.

Honestly, it's too early to tell what they have planned for the 3D era characters and if they even have a chance to return at all but we're really close to finding out. 38 days away guys, I think we can handle it.

Oh and @ProfAnkha chill out man. There's no reason to get hostile towards members who actually contribute to the discussion. I can understand getting mad at trolls but that was uncalled for.
Windice Wrote:
More like who would sonya save without jax hahaha

Her fucking modesty hopefully. Zip up your goddamn jacket and stop wearing thongs already Sonya.
03/07/2015 08:15 PM (UTC)
The problem is no one wants to risk being let down even more. If they prove people wrong that is great if they don't it would be expected and people will not be as mad. to the above comment: hahaha ok that was a good one
03/07/2015 08:22 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
More like who would sonya save without jax hahaha

Her fucking modesty hopefully. Zip up your goddamn jacket and stop wearing thongs already Sonya.

Honestly her MK9 primary was by far her worst looking costume to date. At least in my opinion, when I think of the MK1-MK3 era I do NOT want to remember that shit. Her alt was acceptable, but still a bit slutty.
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03/08/2015 05:37 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote: A good read

Those are some very good points redman.

You know, hopefully the roster isn't fully known and there are some unlockables we don't know about. I hope there is a surprise factor this time around since MK9 did not have it.
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'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

03/08/2015 07:42 AM (UTC)
Reiko has been a huge part of the story so far , he must be at least DLC, if not a hidden character. If Goro is in , why can't he?
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03/08/2015 07:45 AM (UTC)
Still waiting for the next character reveal or stream to find out who is NEXT ?furious
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