03/06/2015 04:20 PM (UTC)
Yes it would definitely be a good solution for me. As long as they make it in the game, that's all that matters.

I can understand why people will say the roster is underwhelming, but when I hear safe I shake my head. We have new characters, and new characters are always risky. Especially given MK's track record. Maybe they played it safe with returning characters, but I wouldn't call Kano safe. No one really likes Kano. But so many people got hype after they saw his gameplay. But I don't think he had many fans before then. He was certainly unexpected.

I think DLC is a perfectly reasonable solution. Some say they won't sell as well as classics would have, which may be true. But if you still get those 3D era characters then who cares? Classic characters like Noob or Smoke may have that nostalgic factor, but the 3D characters have that "new" factor. They haven't been seen in so long casuals could see them as whole new characters. I think the fresh characters make a better selling point than rehashed leftovers from MK9.

And let's assume they don't make it as DLC and are never in the game period. There's always the next game. People act like if they don't show up in MKX, then we'll never ever ever ever ever ever see them again. It's entirely possible they'll come back in MK11 or something. But I'm fairly sure people would take them as DLC rather than not having them at all.
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03/06/2015 04:57 PM (UTC)
Ed seems to want a Kano character in every game according to either his, Jarek's or Kira's bio card. I wouldn't call it unexpected. Unwanted? Definitely.
03/06/2015 05:15 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
Ed seems to want a Kano character in every game according to either his, Jarek's or Kira's bio card. I wouldn't call it unexpected. Unwanted? Definitely.

You can say that, but nobody counted on Kano coming back. Kano wasn't a lock like Raiden or Quan Chi. He was up in the air with all the other MK9 goons who survived like Baraka and Sheeva. So even though he was in essence in every major MK, he wasn't a sure thing for this game.
I don't know why anyone doubted Kano wasn't coming back, he was a safer bet than Liu Kang and Jax.
03/06/2015 05:32 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
I don't know why anyone doubted Kano wasn't coming back, he was a safer bet than Liu Kang and Jax.

Remember this was during a time when everyone thought the roster was half new, half returning. And let's face it, Kano wasn't exactly a top priority in terms of returning characters.
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
I don't know why anyone doubted Kano wasn't coming back, he was a safer bet than Liu Kang and Jax.

Remember this was during a time when everyone thought the roster was half new, half returning. And let's face it, Kano wasn't exactly a top priority in terms of returning characters.

But he was still alive and had his name staus in mk1/the movie.

Top priority? no. But you'd be silly to leave him out in any Returning 8 lineup back then regardless of how low tier he was.
03/06/2015 05:50 PM (UTC)
Kano is more important than Baraka and Sheeva though. They have never went anywhere beyond siding with whatever current big bad was there. Kano has a clan, a story with the special forces that still hasn't ended and he's one of the originals. He was much more likely than either of them.

Also, he's my main. My only safe bet among Noob, Rain and Cyrax that come and go as they please.
03/06/2015 05:56 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
I don't know why anyone doubted Kano wasn't coming back, he was a safer bet than Liu Kang and Jax.

Remember this was during a time when everyone thought the roster was half new, half returning. And let's face it, Kano wasn't exactly a top priority in terms of returning characters.

But he was still alive and had his name staus in mk1/the movie.

Top priority? no. But you'd be silly to leave him out in any Returning 8 lineup back then regardless of how low tier he was.

Shang was in the movie but he's not in this game so far. But I'm going to stop posting in here because whether or not Kano was expected wasn't even the point of my post.
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03/06/2015 06:23 PM (UTC)
While I am not a fan of a lot of the 3D era characters (I do like Kenshi, Tanya, Havik, Blaze, Sareena) If there were to be included, it should be in game Vs. DLC.. and heres why..

There are a lot of reasons why some of the 3D era characters have a lot of hate... Lame story, lame design, lame fatalites, lame moves.. boring, overall poor quality... To turn the tide with these characters, NRS would have to improve all of these aspects, not just one or two... The Detail needed isn't something that usually comes with DLC... While I have absolutely no desire to see Drahmin, Hotaru, Dairou, Darrius, or Bo Rai Cho again, if they do make another appearance it should be with well thought out attention and planning.

That same reasoning applies to the 3d characters I do like as well. I want to know what they are up to, I want to see improvements, I want to see them handled with care, and not just added as an afterthought.

Anyway just my two cents.
New characters are risky, Kotal's group certainly are but they're risks that paid off since they look so damn good and have their own identity. I didn't want Kahn to be a relative to Shao and I'm glad that's not the case.

But the problem with Cassie's group is that they feel less risky because it was decided to slap old fighters name on to them.

"But if you still get those 3D era characters then who cares?"
Well I care, I want them to sell well so they'll be encouraged to make more. Maybe the entire selling point is moot if we have two big name guest characters already there to rake in the buy, idk.

If characters like Frost and Li Mei look new and have a noticeable part in the story then yeah there will be a demand and maybe NRS knows this.

You can say "Wait for MK11" but some of them like Kai, Ashrah & Sareena if they're not coming back now during the Shinnok period they're not coming back at all since there won't be a need for them. And we don't know what MK11 will end up being, Boon doesn't even know.

The whole conversation is kinda off-topic though so guess I'll drop it too.
03/06/2015 07:11 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
I don't know why anyone doubted Kano wasn't coming back, he was a safer bet than Liu Kang and Jax.

Remember this was during a time when everyone thought the roster was half new, half returning. And let's face it, Kano wasn't exactly a top priority in terms of returning characters.

But he was still alive and had his name staus in mk1/the movie.

Top priority? no. But you'd be silly to leave him out in any Returning 8 lineup back then regardless of how low tier he was.

Him being alive doesn't gurantee his inclusion. Baraka survived mk9 and he will most likely be a cameo or dlc.
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03/06/2015 07:14 PM (UTC)
annnd we are back off topic...
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03/06/2015 07:42 PM (UTC)
To answer the question of the topic more directly -

If they do indeed end up as only DLC, of course I'll take it. It certainly beats a blank. I just wish they hadn't left us in the dark for so long, with false hope, about these characters.

Still ecstatic about MKX, and I don't think anything really could ruin my excitement. I mean, I've got my fucking top 5 (if Rain is confirmed playable) already. Living Towers, branching Story Mode, Brutalities, and more. Fantastic stuff. But it's just the manner in which these characters were handled, as well as the responses to the fans who have been patiently waiting, that struck a nerve.
03/06/2015 07:44 PM (UTC)
Apep being in is good enough.

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'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

03/06/2015 08:30 PM (UTC)
Nrs must know how popular some are. I remember the reason Tanya was brought back in deception was because of fan requests. Much like Mileena
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03/06/2015 09:22 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
While I am not a fan of a lot of the 3D era characters (I do like Kenshi, Tanya, Havik, Blaze, Sareena) If there were to be included, it should be in game Vs. DLC.. and heres why..

There are a lot of reasons why some of the 3D era characters have a lot of hate... Lame story, lame design, lame fatalites, lame moves.. boring, overall poor quality... To turn the tide with these characters, NRS would have to improve all of these aspects, not just one or two... The Detail needed isn't something that usually comes with DLC... While I have absolutely no desire to see Drahmin, Hotaru, Dairou, Darrius, or Bo Rai Cho again, if they do make another appearance it should be with well thought out attention and planning.

That same reasoning applies to the 3d characters I do like as well. I want to know what they are up to, I want to see improvements, I want to see them handled with care, and not just added as an afterthought.

Anyway just my two cents.

How does DLC not solve all of those problems? The only one that could not be solved directly through DLC is their relevance to the story.

They would get an updated design, new Fatalities, new moves, and look just as good if not better then characters in MKX. In terms of their relevance to the story, post MK4 character are still relevant to the current story. Reiko is playing a big part in the comics. Fujin has been mentioned a lot, and Rain and Bo' have been mentioned quite often. We also saw a glimpse of Li Mei and seems like she will play some sort of role in the story. They are getting time in the comics and their characters are being developed more. This does wonder for their character, but also for the fact it introduces these characters in a better way to gamers that are not familiar with them.

My point is this argument of these characters being DLC mean that they have 0 ties into the story is completely wrong. The comics are doing an amazing job on developing their stories, and have even given a character like Reiko a very important role in the story. Story Mode are going to showcase a lot of the same characters that are in the comics, so you can bet that the likes of Reiko, Rain, Fujin, Li Mei and Bo' will be present in Story Mode.

Also, this other argument that they would not sell well. Consider this: by the end of the comics, and by the time MKX has been released and people have played through Story Mode, you can bet people will know who Fujin, Reiko, Bo, Rain, etc are. If they do release them as DLC, there is no excuse for these characters. It won't be NRS's fault unless they decide not to market them correctly, meaning they wont do what they have done for MKX characters for DLC characters. It's whether or not they appeal to people or not.
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03/06/2015 09:30 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Yes it would definitely be a good solution for me. As long as they make it in the game, that's all that matters.

I think DLC is a perfectly reasonable solution. Some say they won't sell as well as classics would have, which may be true. But if you still get those 3D era characters then who cares? Classic characters like Noob or Smoke may have that nostalgic factor, but the 3D characters have that "new" factor. They haven't been seen in so long casuals could see them as whole new characters. I think the fresh characters make a better selling point than rehashed leftovers from MK9.

Yeah, completely agree with this point. Also, the 3D era characters have been well represented in the comics, and are playing a significant role in the game's story. Gamers who have gone through the comics and play Story Mode, or do only one or the other, will get a good idea of who Fujin/Reiko/Bo/Rain/Li Mei etc are. They'll either love them or hate them. Regardless, people will know who these characters are and can decide whether or not to spend money on them via DLC. The argument of "people don't know them" can't apply anymore.
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03/06/2015 09:37 PM (UTC)
My fucking goodness, here we go again with the whole "OMGZ NOBODY NOEZ WHO DA 3D CHARACTERS IZ" bullshit.

Deadly Alliance and Deception were two of the series top selling games, both games single handedly kept the series afloat and relevant throughout the 2000s. Most of the non-MK fans I know played those games the MOST out of any games in the series and are extremely familiar with several of the 3D era characters. Tanya, Fujin, Bo'Rai'Cho, Havik ect are all familiar enough to sell extremely well as DLC- throw on to them their hot new designs, move sets, and fatals and they're ready to go. This whole "Deadly Alliance and Deception were the dark ages" mentality needs to fucking stop.
Personally, I think Reiko, Tanya, and Fujin are obviously in as they seem too important to the story to leave out, they shouldn`t have to show them, though I can`t think of anything to give Tanya for variations...

People need to stop complaining, and making absurd threads, the game comes out next month, it`s way too late.

People complaining the parents AND kids are in don`t realize this is a transition game, introducing them. Just starting with new faces, and fan favs cut with a flimsy story would anger people, like it did to some with base MK3, MK4, DA, and Deception. Though the later games explained a few things in great depth, people didn`t take the time to read them... sad

I`m sure Movado would play great on a 2d plane.
Like Spiderman or an acrobatic super Scorpion.

I used to think he was boot 2. It looked like his armored alt.
I didn`t understand his movement specials at the time, and the ridiculous looking thick ropes He, and Scorpion had...
Yakuza Liu Kang FTW!!

03/06/2015 09:44 PM (UTC)
You know, aside from hardcore fans, nobody probably remembers the 3D era guys from DA and Deception aside from Kenshi(The MK4 guys not withstanding, since a lot of people played this game before dropping out because it wasn't very good).

If they pull out a trailer with a redesigned Darrius, Dairou, Havik, Hotaru or whoever exchanging banter with Scorpion and finishing it up with an insane looking fatality, people will be all over them.

And as for the MK4 guys... well some of them should have made it, simply because it's obvious Raiden, Cage and Blade cannot beat Shinnok by themselves, unless Fujin and Kai will happily cameo as victims of Shinnok straight at the beginning. Hell, since the first chapter has apparently been confirmed as
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Johnny Cage
, doesn't seem like the part based on the Netherrealm War will be all that long. Wouldn't surprise me to see them dead on the ground somewhere.
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03/06/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
No, it's not good enough. More of them should have been in to begin with. I seriously hate game's tendencies to just leave the good stuff out and just throw it in as DLC. The ONLY reason characters should be DLC is if they miss the cut due to time. Not a predetermined decision based on them not being in the main story for whatever dumb reason.
03/06/2015 10:23 PM (UTC)
I can think of a ton I'm about to go make them in the other thread and I would be ok with it I suppose
03/06/2015 10:26 PM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
No, it's not good enough. More of them should have been in to begin with. I seriously hate game's tendencies to just leave the good stuff out and just throw it in as DLC. The ONLY reason characters should be DLC is if they miss the cut due to time. Not a predetermined decision based on them not being in the main story for whatever dumb reason.

I agree. There is literally no reason why they couldn't work Fujin/Tanya/Reiko into this game.
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03/06/2015 10:32 PM (UTC)
Fujin,Reiko,Tanya and Li mei still have a chance to be in MKX!
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03/07/2015 02:15 AM (UTC)
alican_zero Wrote:
Fujin,Reiko,Tanya and Li mei still have a chance to be in MKX!

I seriously doubt it. Seems like wishful thinking at this point.
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