There's more than one of us, you'll have to line us up like circus seals.
TigerStyle Wrote:
There's more than one of us, you'll have to line us up like circus seals.

Sir/Ma'am, I do believe I was masturbating to the OP. If you'll excuse me...
Yeah we'll see.

Like I said I'd love to be proven wrong about this but idk

But that one maybe real/maybe fake image of Frost got me more hype than the Sonya, Jax and Johnny leak ever will.
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03/05/2015 04:57 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Quan Chi is only pushed so much because the developers are fans of him. He's not particularly one of the better characters introduced in the 3D Era. I'd put Styker and Sheeva above him any day of the week because they didn't get played out nearly as fast.

Cage/Sonya/Jax/Kung Lao might be gone in the next game but they sure ain't gonna be gone for good. They'll skip a game or two or show up as DLC next time around when they wanna fall back on nostalgia again.

Also Skarlet's not the last Trilogy era character they could make from a rumor into DLC. We've still got Nimbus Terrafaux and Hornbuckle if they really wanted to get funny.

Quan Chi is just a badass dude. A lot of casual gamers like Quan Chi and he is one of the most popular characters in the series. He also counts as being extremely unique in terms of looks. How can you put Stryker and Sheeva side-by-side to one of the most influential characters in the story of the game?

Yeah they won't be in the next game. They'll probably be in the game after that, but we're talking 5-7 years here, which is the perfect time to bring back klassic characters. But in terms of the next game, you can bet that these new generation of fighters will be back instead of those characters.
Sure, they'll be back in the next game over their parents/mentors, but the classic characters won't ever be gone for good. Both them and their descendants will be cycled in and out in different mixes after the next game.

And as for Quan Chi is just never found him to be that compelling. I liked him more as his wormy, sorta cowardly seeming portrayal in Mythologies and 4, before they forced that generic schemer thing onto him and feeling the need to put him in MK9. But as far as his moves go I just never found them to be all that great beyond maybe his X-Ray and leg beat fatality. As far as Stryker and Sheeva I preferred their short/sweet character arcs and liked the little bits of personality in their moves and animations.

I don't doubt that Quan Chi's one of the more popular 3D era characters, or else he wouldn't be so prominent these days, but part of it is the developers favoritism for him. As for casual gamers when it comes to 3D era characters though I never hear them talk about Quan Chi, usually they bring up oddball characters that most fans didn't seem to click with, like Kai, Darrius, Li Mei, Nitara, Kira, etc and some of the slightly more popular ones like Havik, Bo Rai Cho, and Kenshi. That's just my interactions though.
03/05/2015 05:36 AM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
Quan Chi is only pushed so much because the developers are fans of him. He's not particularly one of the better characters introduced in the 3D Era. I'd put Styker and Sheeva above him any day of the week because they didn't get played out nearly as fast.

Cage/Sonya/Jax/Kung Lao might be gone in the next game but they sure ain't gonna be gone for good. They'll skip a game or two or show up as DLC next time around when they wanna fall back on nostalgia again.

Also Skarlet's not the last Trilogy era character they could make from a rumor into DLC. We've still got Nimbus Terrafaux and Hornbuckle if they really wanted to get funny.

Quan Chi is just a badass dude. A lot of casual gamers like Quan Chi and he is one of the most popular characters in the series. He also counts as being extremely unique in terms of looks. How can you put Stryker and Sheeva side-by-side to one of the most influential characters in the story of the game?

Yeah they won't be in the next game. They'll probably be in the game after that, but we're talking 5-7 years here, which is the perfect time to bring back klassic characters. But in terms of the next game, you can bet that these new generation of fighters will be back instead of those characters.

Quan chi was ranked bottom 5 in the most used characters in mk9. He isnt as popular as you claim alot of people hate him honestly. But story wise hes integral.
I don't even hate Quan Chi, I think he's brimming with potential, but aside from Deadly Alliance he hasn't done shit but scheme and wring his hands menacingly while being teased to be the next big villain when the current guy fucks up and it never happens.
03/05/2015 06:57 AM (UTC)
It's better than nothing.
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03/05/2015 03:38 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
So by that are you admitting MKX roster is based solely on popularity?

Not only on popularity, but on storyline direction as well. Your marquee characters should always make the game (Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and a few others) because they are the face of your franchise. They help the marketing of the game. But onto storyline direction:

MKDA was a roster that represented old veterans with new characters because Raiden was gathering up the veterans to fight one more time for Earthrealm after Liu's death. Who did we get? Sonya, Kung Lao, Jax, Johnny Cage, amongst others.

Deception had a mix of Trilogy characters, MK4 (to some extent), and new charcters that explored other realms. The game was about Shujinko's journey to find the Kamidogu in different realms -- they decided to introduce Dairou, Darrius, Havik, and Hotaru to represent never before seen realms of Chaosrealm and Orderealm.

See the pattern?. The roster must let the player know what the game is all about. MKX's roster tells the story of "new generation".
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/05/2015 04:26 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Quan Chi is only pushed so much because the developers are fans of him. He's not particularly one of the better characters introduced in the 3D Era. I'd put Styker and Sheeva above him any day of the week.

Nice bait, bro.
It actually worked.
Hell, even I was going to say something.
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MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
03/05/2015 09:15 PM (UTC)
It seems like the same people that are so vocal about having these characters in the game don't embrace solutions like DLC. Why is that? Why did they have to be in the game from the beginning?

WeaponTheory Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
Quan Chi is only pushed so much because the developers are fans of him. He's not particularly one of the better characters introduced in the 3D Era. I'd put Styker and Sheeva above him any day of the week.

Nice bait, bro.
It actually worked.
Hell, even I was going to say something.

If I felt like baiting people I'd get a much larger reaction than that, trust me.
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I kill people for a living. Get over it.

03/06/2015 03:08 AM (UTC)
I still have hope that Reiko and Havik will still make the game so for me it's just Bo Rai Cho & Tanya.

I think Blaze , Taven & Deagon will be a part of Story Mode.

Bottom line I've already paid in full for the Kolectors Edition.
03/06/2015 03:29 AM (UTC)
I really hate this argument of "This character was one of the least used online" LITERALLY 90% of online users would pick Scorpion/Sub/Smoke/Noob/Ermac, the other 10% had to fight it off so those stats mean nothing in terms of their overall popularity.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/06/2015 03:35 AM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
It seems like the same people that are so vocal about having these characters in the game don't embrace solutions like DLC. Why is that? Why did they have to be in the game from the beginning?

Because that's a solution to a different problem. At problem.

I don't just want them to be playable for the sake of being playable. I wanted some serious story relevance.

With MK9's ending shifting the story focus ONTO THESE CHARACTERS, MKX was the perfect opportunity for a complete overhaul. A chance to change people's opinions on all of those characters. Especially since some of the "best of the best" of that era unfortunately have their revamps attributed with Armageddon.

DLC's have little, if not zilch, story relevance. Or wait, haven't they stated that they won't have any...period?

Maybe I'm overreacting, maybe not. But I just saw this as the "last chance" for the majority of these characters. Considering they've confirmed that these newbies won't be one-hit wonders, and that they're taking MK into the "next generation". Whilst, yes, that means we should NOT dig into ALL of them, but prioritizing the same fucking cast from the last game over them, when the Trilogy folks could have easily made bank as DLC? I just can't grasp it. All they really needed to lure casuals was the MK1 cast plus Reptile, Kitana, Kung Lao (for the sake of Tourny players) and Mileena.
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~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/06/2015 04:02 AM (UTC)
Rain fights right beside Mileena and kicks Kotal to the ground. I see Rain having serious story relevance. But he is not on the roster leak. So this means either:

a) The roster leak is dumb.

b) Characters not on the roster still get story importance.

So if you want to see more characters be more important and maybe win some fans, there you go. After seeing Rain and Li Mei just in brief flashes of the brief trailer, it's safe to guess that at least a small handful of those characters will play a notable role in the story.

Are they playable? WE DON'T KNOW. The roster was "leaked" by a guy who can't keep his stories straight -- and blackcyborg even interviewed him here in the forum, and he wouldn't even commit to saying he actually knew something and didn't just guess.

But regardless, if they give these characters an unplayable role in Story Mode and then offer them up as DLC, then congratulations -- you've got everything you wanted! Story importance! Playability! Bob's your uncle!

I might be completely wrong about that. I mean, the evidence points to this idea being far more likely than the prevailing theory that "NRS hates their own characters, and double-hates their most devoted fans." But for all we actually know, there are still plenty of opportunities for those other characters.

So why are so many people fighting so hard -- so passionately -- to believe the worst possible outcomes? They're putting serious effort into being disappointed, and that just seems really, really weird to me.
03/06/2015 04:14 AM (UTC)
I think it's A and B.
03/06/2015 04:47 AM (UTC)
did it bother anyone else that the dlc characters in mk9 didn't talk? I hope the new ones do.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/06/2015 06:40 AM (UTC)
dawkness23 Wrote:
did it bother anyone else that the dlc characters in mk9 didn't talk? I hope the new ones do.

I don't think they could get away with that now with the dialogue sequences that happen before matches. Plus the DLC characters in Injustice like Zatanna had pre and post match dialogue. I'm optimistic the DLC characters will be relatively robust. Personally, I hope they have alternate costumes instead of just one skin.
03/06/2015 01:25 PM (UTC)
Most of you really live in your own world don't you. Just because a few hundred fans out of 3 million want Tanya, Reiko, Havik and whoever you have a crush on, does not mean they are fan favourites. These ridiculous statements that supposedly everybody loves the post MK trilogy characters is all a storm in a bottle, narrow minded and presumptuous.

Truth is that a lot of fans buy it because of recognition and since there's a lot of money and time invested into a game, DLC are well thought out and have to be in the story this time probably as well (I did not definitely, probably). Since no DLC from MK9 will make it, say goodbye to Rain (unless they have increased the roster and decided to put him as a main fighter since he is involved).

Bo Rai Cho is pretty much confirmed out, Havik has been ridiculed and also basically confirmed out, Fujin has been kind of hinted at, Kai was just a throw in, the whole order realm is not coming back, the weird monsters like Moloch and them are not coming back, Shujinko is old and I can go on. Also someone already nailed it on the head: this game is like MK4/DA where a lot of old ones return and they go with all new ones instead of the post MK4 characters.

The reason Kenshi and Shinnok are in is because they are involved in the story. So just deal with it that you possibly will not get more than 1 DLC of the post MK trilogy era if you're lucky and possibly Rain in the main game.
And look how well THAT worked out for them. MK4 is usually regarded as the worst roster and DA I'm not sure alot of those 3 million even remember that game beyond "Kenshi was in that one I think."
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/06/2015 03:08 PM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
So why are so many people fighting so hard -- so passionately -- to believe the worst possible outcomes? They're putting serious effort into being disappointed, and that just seems really, really weird to me.

If that question, in any way, was inspired by some of the things I've said, I'll gladly answer and defend my stance on that. If not, carry on.
03/06/2015 03:16 PM (UTC)
My biggest problem with the DLC characters is that they're meaningless to the story. MK9 would have been even better with Skarlett and Rain hanging around Kahn's forces and we wouldn't have had so many fights against Reptile.

If they do announce bonus story chapters for the DLC characters, that would be great. It could flesh out some of the small details of the story. Imagine if we had a chapter with Skarlett following Quan Chi around and learning that Shinnok in the present time also caught Raiden's visions and is having Quan Chi work close to Shao Kahn to make sure he is killed? lt would have changed everything.
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'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

03/06/2015 03:43 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Renmazuo Wrote:
I would have put Havik in there. They kind of let it slip he wouldn't be in the game during that live stream. Yes I think they were being serious. I really like Havik.

Ha! Yeah, I caught that too. I had some hope held out from the Noob Saibot ending in MK9.

With Faction wars having invasions from other realms which include the Chaos Realm at least we will get so see Havik in some shape or form

I'm gutted there's no Reiko. He looked so important to the story according to the comics too :(
Bringing something to the Netherkast in here: "Do you want them to have a part in the story or not in the game at all?" I want them to matter in the story but it won't change the fact that I want to play as them above all else and this is not just 1 character it's several. Hell, now it's a couple from 9 too.

So yeah I want them in but anytime I will bring them up it's going to be joined by "...but they should have been playable"

Btw the phrase "Be happy you got Shinnok" annoys the fuck outta me because We should get Shinnok. If Shinnok wasn't going to be in the game and the entire Netherrealm War would have been glossed over I would have been pissed. You don't put him at the end and say "Nah don't worry about that guy"

We all should just deal with it and that the characters we wanted for a long-ass time were never that popular and therefore don't deserve to return...

Fuck that mindset.
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