If Reptile returns...
posted01/11/2015 11:04 PM (UTC)by
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08/13/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
How would you like to see him look? We all have our favorite Reptile designs so what do you want to see from Reptile if he were to be included in MKX?

I have always been more of a fan of the human form, I personally couldn't stand his Deadly Alliance design, I also wasn't a fan of MK4 Reptile either. Id like to see them make him really dark and repulsive in this game. Id like to see a combination of his human form, his Shaolin Monks design, and maybe even some of his MK2011 design thrown in there as well.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/13/2014 07:45 PM (UTC)
I hated his MK9 look.

I hope we see something based on his MKSM/MKA look. I've always thought that was a great balance between classic Ninja Reptile and Evolved Reppy.
08/13/2014 07:57 PM (UTC)
Agreed, his Shaolin Monks outfit was really good IMO I didn't really like MK9'S design that much but I did like how he was kind of hunched over and snarled and stuff lol

I think it would be cool to have his appearance change a lot based on his variation. Maybe have 1 variation have a complete human form, another an in-between like his SM design and then the last one really lizard like or something. (Not a fan of the full lizard look but im sure some people are)

I believe it was stated his appearance changes the longer he is away from his own kind , that coupled with the time skips that take place in MKX could explain the drastic changes in appearance between variations. The only problem is in MK9 canon he was never shown human form so that kind of makes him having a human form variation not make a whole lot of sense :/
08/13/2014 08:17 PM (UTC)
I would love it if Reptile was Human, BUT it will never happen outside of palette swap DLC bundles Sadly.

But I'm a rational guy, I am willing to give a little. Hopefully he looks something like this:

Because I agree with the ProfessorA, I think he should retain his ninja qualities.
08/13/2014 08:24 PM (UTC)
He should have new designs, like the picture that is posted. Also a revamp of his MKDA design. Yes, a revamp is considered new.
08/13/2014 08:36 PM (UTC)
If reptile returns...

I will fire my mega plutonium super turbo explosive artillery cannon and blow Chicago to hell.

Nah I'm joking, but I will be pretty dissapointed if he returns. Never cared about him and never will, no matter what NRS do with him.
Oh well, another punching bag for me to practice fatalities on.
08/13/2014 08:43 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
He should have new designs, like the picture that is posted. Also a revamp of his MKDA design. Yes, a revamp is considered new.

I actually really liked his MKDA design, but idk if they should do something like that again. I don't know, I love Reptile. Nothing could dissapoint me with Reptile, unless he doesn't make it in.
08/13/2014 08:47 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
I would love it if Reptile was Human, BUT it will never happen outside of palette swap DLC bundles Sadly.

But I'm a rational guy, I am willing to give a little. Hopefully he looks something like this:

Because I agree with the ProfessorA, I think he should retain his ninja qualities.

Nice design! I could live with the Reptile. Hell, that's pretty much the Reptz that I want. lol

Btw, as much as I love Reptile, I feel like we've discussed this topic before, in-depth... tongue
08/13/2014 08:49 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
I would love it if Reptile was Human, BUT it will never happen outside of palette swap DLC bundles Sadly.

But I'm a rational guy, I am willing to give a little. Hopefully he looks something like this:

Because I agree with the ProfessorA, I think he should retain his ninja qualities.

That design is absolutely epic! I am in the same boat, I like him to be more ninja like. I always prefer the human form but unfortunately I think you might be right about him not having a human form anymore outside of alternate DLC costumes sad
08/13/2014 08:52 PM (UTC)
I have to agree with you I favoured his human/ninja form a lot more than his other more reptilian designs, but I suppose they just have to find the right ballance between the pair, it's a blend they have to get right if there gonna include him in MKX an I'm sure they will do this time round, after seeing what they did with Kano (one of my least played/liked characters of mine) I'm confident whoever they take on in MKX will look great, I mean Kano looks insane.. smile
08/13/2014 09:00 PM (UTC)
Me personally I've always like Reptile but i didn't think he came into his own until they changed his look in MK4. So pretty much any look from MK4 and on.
Alot of ppl didn't like his MK9 look which baffles me because his Names is Reptile. He think he should only have a Humanoid appearance, enough to trick his opponent until they're up close and see he isn't a man and then fear should set in.

So with that said i would like to see his:
MK4 attire
MK:A/Shaolin Monks attire
MK9 attire

NOT, I repeat NOT his MK:DA attire
MK9's Reptile was my favorite, but I could see why people really hated it. I could see MKX's Reptile being just like that, except updated and tweeked just right. I honestly don't see Reptile not returning, it's almost like saying Raiden wouldn't return IMO. I could see a female being the next vet returning, simply because there's been no female vet announced, then Reptile.
08/13/2014 09:24 PM (UTC)
Like most people I'm all about the Hybrid (the pic that's up). If we get 3 alternative costumes it seems pretty obvious. 1 human 1 hybrid 1 full blown Raptor/Saurian. This is assuming hit-boxes aren't effected.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/13/2014 09:32 PM (UTC)
...I'll be one happy gurl!

I could of stomached the majority of his outfit in MK9. I actually liked the shoulder and breast-plate. But the mask is what killed it for me, and his hood shape. To this day I still see a beak.

I'm hoping he'll have a "Chameleon" variation where his scales mimic the tone of human skin, as well as adds Invisibility specials. It's the closest to human that we're going to get, imo. But I'm honestly alright with that.

Any kind of playable Reptile will please me.
08/13/2014 09:38 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
...I'll be one happy gurl!

I could of stomached the majority of his outfit in MK9. I actually liked the shoulder and breast-plate. But the mask is what killed it for me, and his hood shape. To this day I still see a beak.

I'm hoping he'll have a "Chameleon" variation where his scales mimic the tone of human skin, as well as adds Invisibility specials. It's the closest to human that we're going to get, imo. But I'm honestly alright with that.

Any kind of playable Reptile will please me.

Whoa whoa whoa, wait a second, back up, hold the phone...you're a gurl?

Now I feel dumb for referring to you as a *dude* in that other thread. tongue

My most sincere apologies. lol
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/13/2014 10:14 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:

Whoa whoa whoa, wait a second, back up, hold the phone...you're a gurl?

Now I feel dumb for referring to you as a *dude* in that other thread. tongue

My most sincere apologies. lol

Well now I'm going to feel stupid saying this but no apologies necessary my friend...I am, in fact, a male. wow

All this talk of Reptile just makes me feel all...giddy.

This is pretty much the standard reaction to a Reptile reveal...

08/13/2014 10:20 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:

Whoa whoa whoa, wait a second, back up, hold the phone...you're a gurl?

Now I feel dumb for referring to you as a *dude* in that other thread. tongue

My most sincere apologies. lol

Well now I'm going to feel stupid saying this but no apologies necessary my friend...I am, in fact, a male. wow

All this talk of Reptile just makes me feel all...giddy.

This is pretty much the standard reaction to a Reptile reveal...

Lol! Well then...I'm taking back my apologies for calling you a dude...DUDE. grin

Geez, now I feel stupid for thinking you were a gurl.
I need to just keep my mouth shut sometimes. lol

Anyway, yeah, I get a little light-headed myself whenever *Reptile* is uttered. smile
08/13/2014 10:22 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
I would love it if Reptile was Human, BUT it will never happen outside of palette swap DLC bundles Sadly.

But I'm a rational guy, I am willing to give a little. Hopefully he looks something like this:

Because I agree with the ProfessorA, I think he should retain his ninja qualities.

Wow that is an awesome design! And yeah I agree on the Human stuff too.

As far as Reptile being in, assuming the Sonya/Johnny/Kang rumors are true it seems like we're getting all of the MK1 cast as the returning characters so his chances are much better.
About Me
New sig on the way
08/13/2014 10:52 PM (UTC)
If Reptile returns (and he will), make sure he has a green mask. A very... green... mask....
08/13/2014 10:53 PM (UTC)
Lol somebody should tweet that Reptile design to Ed Boon. It looks really good, I would love to see Reptile look similar to that if he were to appear in MKX.
08/13/2014 10:54 PM (UTC)
As long as it isn't his MK4 look.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/13/2014 11:10 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
If Reptile returns (and he will), make sure he has a green mask. A very... green... mask....

Heck yes. This guy knows his stuff.

Serious question...
Has Boon even flat out asked if we actually wanted a particular character other than Reptile?

4th post

ReptzMK Wrote:
Geez, now I feel stupid for thinking you were a gurl.

Lol don't. Trust me when I say it isn't the first time. *.*
08/13/2014 11:28 PM (UTC)
Bring back his MK:DA design. If not that, then something similar to his MK9 design would be fine with me. If he got the former, the tail should factor in his gameplay.

Then again, maybe we could have both, as separate variants.
08/13/2014 11:31 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Lol somebody should tweet that Reptile design to Ed Boon. It looks really good, I would love to see Reptile look similar to that if he were to appear in MKX.

I have tweeted it to boon. He didn't respond. If any one reading this likes the design they should tweet it @noobde. Would be cool if he got bombarded with this image by multiple people at once.
08/13/2014 11:33 PM (UTC)
And btw I laughed out loud when I read this conversation.

ReptzMK Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:

Whoa whoa whoa, wait a second, back up, hold the phone...you're a gurl?

Now I feel dumb for referring to you as a *dude* in that other thread. tongue

My most sincere apologies. lol

Well now I'm going to feel stupid saying this but no apologies necessary my friend...I am, in fact, a male. wow

All this talk of Reptile just makes me feel all...giddy.

This is pretty much the standard reaction to a Reptile reveal...

Lol! Well then...I'm taking back my apologies for calling you a dude...DUDE. grin

Geez, now I feel stupid for thinking you were a gurl.
I need to just keep my mouth shut sometimes. lol

Anyway, yeah, I get a little light-headed myself whenever *Reptile* is uttered. smile
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