07/24/2014 04:16 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I wish more people could be optimistic with the newer characters.
NRS hasn't really given us a reason to be optimistic

Do you think that most MK players agree with you?
About Me

07/24/2014 05:21 PM (UTC)
Here is the thing: NRS could possiblz do something with the characters post-MKT, but the real thing is, should they? There are quite a number of characters, who -while awesome- do not really do anything necessarily active in the overall plot. See here:

Drahmin/Moloch: were quite important as they were the ace up the sleeve in Shang Tsung's hand against Quan Chi. Their contribution is killing Scorpion who thus became the elder Gods chump.. I mean champ. I dig Moloch, but he isn't as grasping as other subboss monstrosities, so I do not expect him. Drahmin could be made into sometyhing.

Frost: she is literally an NPC who does not have any active part in the story, aside jumping Subs. NPC her.

Dairou and Darrius: while interesting, they are nothing but exposition to a part of the backghround world that doesn't really factor into the overal combat between the sides. Darrius should have been originally a Red Dragon and Dairou a sellsword, that way perhaps other things could have had come out of MKD. Perhaps better things.

The problem with MKD was that many of it's newcomers plot was self-centered, and didn't really factor into the overall things. While this IN ITSELF
DOESN" MEAN ANYTHING in a story (example: Ulysses contains a shitload of irrelevant pieces of information), it works differently in a video game, where the contestants or characters have to have a common denominator.

And that is why t'was tricky to do away with the tournament format in MK, since, MK4 the only tournament was the mini one with Kano and Li Mei held by the Deadly Alliance.
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-sig by MINION

07/24/2014 06:02 PM (UTC)
Kaber Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I wish more people could be optimistic with the newer characters.
NRS hasn't really given us a reason to be optimistic

Do you think that most MK players agree with you?
Yes. It's all we talk about lol
07/24/2014 06:14 PM (UTC)
I hope we at least see a romantic sex scene between Caucasian Sub-Zero and Frost.

So Frost can still have a NPC role in there somewhere! And what movie/game doesn't have sex in it anymore? /Sarcastic mode off.
07/24/2014 06:44 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Here is the thing: NRS could possiblz do something with the characters post-MKT, but the real thing is, should they? There are quite a number of characters, who -while awesome- do not really do anything necessarily active in the overall plot. See here:

Drahmin/Moloch: were quite important as they were the ace up the sleeve in Shang Tsung's hand against Quan Chi. Their contribution is killing Scorpion who thus became the elder Gods chump.. I mean champ. I dig Moloch, but he isn't as grasping as other subboss monstrosities, so I do not expect him. Drahmin could be made into sometyhing.

Frost: she is literally an NPC who does not have any active part in the story, aside jumping Subs. NPC her.

Dairou and Darrius: while interesting, they are nothing but exposition to a part of the backghround world that doesn't really factor into the overal combat between the sides. Darrius should have been originally a Red Dragon and Dairou a sellsword, that way perhaps other things could have had come out of MKD. Perhaps better things.

The problem with MKD was that many of it's newcomers plot was self-centered, and didn't really factor into the overall things. While this IN ITSELF
DOESN" MEAN ANYTHING in a story (example: Ulysses contains a shitload of irrelevant pieces of information), it works differently in a video game, where the contestants or characters have to have a common denominator.

And that is why t'was tricky to do away with the tournament format in MK, since, MK4 the only tournament was the mini one with Kano and Li Mei held by the Deadly Alliance.

Drahmin and Moloch always work as if they were a single character. And it is true that many characters were just NPCs or only existed for a story (or did not have any importance) or repeated functions.

Dairou, Darrius, Frost, Kira, Kobra and Hsu Hao were mere NPCs. Shujinko. Blaze and Taven not work in any history beyond what appeared (although the same can be said about Sindel), Jarek and Kai are just another Black Dragon (Kano and Kabal) and Monk Saolin (Liu Kang and Kung Lao) and Meat and Mokap never had function. And even Mavado became redundant when we know the truth about the Red Dragon.

Said that the history of Hotaru, Havik, Nitara and Ashrah were outside the main theme of MKD.

However they still have a solid history (Havik, Nitara, Hotaru and Ashrah) and the same goes for Quan Chi, Tanya, Reiko, Shinnok, Sareena, Fujin, Bo Rai Cho, Onaga, Li Mei, Kenshi, Daegon (being important retroactively ).

Some characters that work as groups may be merged and made only a character, since these groups have function and Indepedencia: Red Dragon, Onis, Shokans, Slaves of Quan Chi. What about Frost serve the purpose not to waste Cyborg Arc of Ascent Sektor.
07/24/2014 06:48 PM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
Drahmin and Moloch always work as if they were a single character

Their designs are too radically different from one another to combine into one character. Also, you'd lose the "Red Oni, Blue Oni" trope they were designed to evoke... Unless you meant they should fight as a tag-team like Noob/Smoke in Deception or Ferra/Torr...but I'm not sure that would work with the MKX engine since there's no tag or mid-match style switching mechanic in this game and Drahmin is too big to ride on Moloch's back...

At any rate, there's no need to invent any new justification for a DEMON to appear in a plot where Shinnok is expected to be one of the bad guys. Granted, the MK4-esque portion of the plot may turn out to be a small footnote in larger events since the game time travels back and forth across 25 years...but if the Hell invasion IS in any way significant, then any of the following characters returning: Drahmin, Moloch, Ashrah, Sareena (even Kia and Jataaka though they have no personalities), writes itself, you needn't work hard at it.

Especially since Drahmin's supposed to be a very important, high ranking demon in the Hell heirarchy. He is IN CHARGE of torturing the dead/damned. Nobody ever seems to recall that part, the whole "Oni-Tormentor" job description thing.
07/24/2014 07:38 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Kaber Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I wish more people could be optimistic with the newer characters.
NRS hasn't really given us a reason to be optimistic

Do you think that most MK players agree with you?
Yes. It's all we talk about lol

eh, i for one think that what we have seen so far is convincing enough to be optimistic. With Raiden's revamped move's and the current new characters I have a lot to look forward to.

Unless you mean they haven't shown us anything to be optimistic about in mk4-mkA era? But that wasn't NRS. NRS teamed with WB in my opinion has done wonders for the franchise.
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-sig by MINION

07/24/2014 08:20 PM (UTC)
My original comment has more to do with these characters longevity in the MK world than anything else. NRS has never had a problem with introducing new compelling characters, they have a problem with having the characters stick around. They haven't shown us anything that'd lead me to believe that these guys won't drop like flies like the MK4/5/6 characters did. Kenshi not withstanding.
diirecthit Wrote:
It's going to be harder for MK to have an all new roster and have success than it was for other series, since MK is 22 years in, SF tried 10 years in and failed, SC also tried and failed. It may have worked for Tekken, but Tekken was 2 games in when they did it. I'm not saying it's not going to be a success, but they will eventually bring the same old characters back again due to fan demand, i mean, MK was 20 years in when MK9 came out and it STILL had everyone from MK1-3.

They had everyone from MK1-3 for a reason..if you can't think of what the reason was then think harder. MKDA and Deception had nearly a 50/50 old to new cast, yet those sold just fine. MKX is going to have about a 50/50 cast too. There won't be an MK with an all new cast, they know they can't do that.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/24/2014 09:10 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
Drahmin and Moloch always work as if they were a single character

Especially since Drahmin's supposed to be a very important, high ranking demon in the Hell heirarchy. He is IN CHARGE of torturing the dead/damned. Nobody ever seems to recall that part, the whole "Oni-Tormentor" job description thing.

That was my favorite thing about him. I've looked forward to his return since MKDA.

Anywho, they'll never obliterate 100% of the original cast, that's absurd. However, a minimum percentage in future games would be most refreshing. It makes it much more exciting, especially in the time leading up to release.
07/25/2014 04:53 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Kaber Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I wish more people could be optimistic with the newer characters.
NRS hasn't really given us a reason to be optimistic

Do you think that most MK players agree with you?
Yes. It's all we talk about lol

A internet forum does not represent the majority.
07/25/2014 05:00 AM (UTC)
The majority has only ever liked Trilogy-roster games.
07/25/2014 05:03 AM (UTC)
The Characters of the Trilogy will always be there and very few of them will be limited (unlike the later incarnation). But I think that from now on will be like this (starting the MK11).

MK4-MKX> MKT> New (which always exist). Also because MK4-MK9 (32 of these 22 characters should be) MKX - 14 characters.
About Me

07/25/2014 09:06 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
The majority has only ever liked Trilogy-roster games.

And that does not mean the majority could not err. Though I kinda get why people get so enamoured with the early games - - > nostalgia factor. That was when MK was relevant culturally. Now? Not nearly so.

07/25/2014 12:39 PM (UTC)
I think it is still possible for people to "adopt", so to speak, new characters and move on with them and enjoy having them in future installments.

The big hurdle that NRS has with MKX is proving to the fans that these new characters are something worthwhile and deserving of second appearances. I think the only way they can make a lasting impression on us is through story mode. (Sure having stunning gameplay helps and I think they wont let us down from that standpoint) But in order for us to feel as though these characters matter; and i mean really matter, and have substance is by making a compelling story and back stories for these new characters.

If and once that happens then we will embrace them into future installments. It is a large task trying to please the die-hard MK fans but it is not impossible. NRS must maintain the basis of mortal kombat; attach the branches to the roots, and everything will be just fine.

07/26/2014 01:44 AM (UTC)
Just watch Mortal Kombat X on facebook...

All those horrid fans that scream at D'vorah getting another screenshot... and all that hate on Kotal Kahn for being a copy of Ogre, while others just scream Scorpion for life under a D'vorah action picture.

Humanity = Lost.

Dum dum dummmmm!
07/26/2014 01:59 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Just watch Mortal Kombat X on facebook...

All those horrid fans that scream at D'vorah getting another screenshot... and all that hate on Kotal Kahn for being a copy of Ogre, while others just scream Scorpion for life under a D'vorah action picture.

Humanity = Lost.

Dum dum dummmmm!

Do yourself a favor and stay away from that page at all costs. 90% of the people who stay on that page wish to live forever in the MKT era. I consider most of them casual players, because half of them have no clue what they're are talking about.

Hell most of them for the longest time thought Cassie Cage was Johnny Cage's sister......his SISTER. -_-
07/26/2014 02:02 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Just watch Mortal Kombat X on facebook...

All those horrid fans that scream at D'vorah getting another screenshot... and all that hate on Kotal Kahn for being a copy of Ogre, while others just scream Scorpion for life under a D'vorah action picture.

Humanity = Lost.

Dum dum dummmmm!

Do yourself a favor and stay away from that page at all costs. 90% of the people who stay on that page wish to live forever in the MKT era. I consider most of them casual players, because half of them have no clue what they're are talking about.

Hell most of them for the longest time thought Cassie Cage was Johnny Cage's sister......his SISTER. -_-

Yay, I'm the 10%!!!
07/26/2014 02:03 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Just watch Mortal Kombat X on facebook...

All those horrid fans that scream at D'vorah getting another screenshot... and all that hate on Kotal Kahn for being a copy of Ogre, while others just scream Scorpion for life under a D'vorah action picture.

Humanity = Lost.

Dum dum dummmmm!

Do yourself a favor and stay away from that page at all costs. 90% of the people who stay on that page wish to live forever in the MKT era. I consider most of them casual players, because half of them have no clue what they're are talking about.

Hell most of them for the longest time thought Cassie Cage was Johnny Cage's sister......his SISTER. -_-

Yay, I'm the 10%!!!

Hell yeah for the 10%!!!!
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