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07/18/2014 07:01 PM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
Change is needed in order for things to get improve though. If we keep getting the same characters in every single game, it would basically be the same game with different mechanics and aesthetics.
Why do y'all keep saying this? Have you played any other fighting game? MK has the most constantly changing roster of any major fighting game franchise.

The problem with MK isn't new characters, it's making new characters that aren't lame facsimiles of older characters.
07/18/2014 08:25 PM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
The only interesting characters showed so far are Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Raiden.

I don't give a damn about Ferra, Torr, D'vorah, Cassie Cage and Kotal Krap.

I hope NRS never move on from the Trilogy era. Of course new additions like Kenshi, Quan Chi and Havik are welcomed, but not mediocre ones like Tanya or Li Mei.

I just want to share that i'm EXTREMLY happy that you're not in control of the MK francise.

I am extremely happy to see that who is in control of the MK franchise followed my ideology on the playable cast and they made Mk a multi - millionaire franchise following that route. On the other hand the games that featured a large number of newcomers were good, but forgettable.

If they follow their ideology, were not adding 14 new characters. And I'm sure at least half of the next turn. So as I'm sure the characters I listed that should return, or need to be recast in this or the next (and are 22 characters). And you have to support your favorite stand in the refrigerator. Because you already have your games and keep repeating not only brought new fans instead takes the franchise stagnation and decay.
Almost every other fighting series keeps the same cast over the years.

I don't see the point of debating over the number of new faces in the game. The success of Mk is bound to the characters of the Trilogy, the new faces from mk4 and on never gave Mk any success, excluding Quan Chi.

The greatest Mk games are the first Three and mk9 and the classic roster is the main reason
07/18/2014 08:27 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat uses recycling to create new characters from Mortal Kombat 2. Then is that these characters gain independence and it is precisely this second process that lacks many characters the 3D era. And hopefully it's not the standard character creation now (and Ferra, Kotal and D'vorah was not), because otherwise Mortal Kombat shall be cast only the MKT and the other characters become just fodder, the that the game will be just oversaturated characters and superfluous characters.
07/18/2014 08:31 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
Characters from the Trilogy are overrated and overexposed. While the characters in the 3D era never had a real chance and are on average more interesting. The Netherrealm need to make a game to rescue the characters from last generation. Because eg Li Mei is much more interesting than Jade in all aspects (visual, special moves, history, relevance, potential). Just as Tanya is in relation to Kitana.

Said that three new characters appeal to me more than the returns (D'vorah, Kotal and Ferra, in that order).

Jade looks much more attractive than Le mei. Le mei us ugly, bland and just overall an ass character.

Says the guy with a Fujin avatar. Why has Li Mei been in more games than Fujin????

Do you here me claiming fujin is better than this and that guy. He's one of my favs but I'm not acting like he's relevant like my other favs who are Kung Lao, Raiden and liu kang. I'm not calling fujin better than someone else.
07/18/2014 08:35 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
The only interesting characters showed so far are Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Raiden.

I don't give a damn about Ferra, Torr, D'vorah, Cassie Cage and Kotal Krap.

I hope NRS never move on from the Trilogy era. Of course new additions like Kenshi, Quan Chi and Havik are welcomed, but not mediocre ones like Tanya or Li Mei.

I just want to share that i'm EXTREMLY happy that you're not in control of the MK francise.

I am extremely happy to see that who is in control of the MK franchise followed my ideology on the playable cast and they made Mk a multi - millionaire franchise following that route. On the other hand the games that featured a large number of newcomers were good, but forgettable.

If they follow their ideology, were not adding 14 new characters. And I'm sure at least half of the next turn. So as I'm sure the characters I listed that should return, or need to be recast in this or the next (and are 22 characters). And you have to support your favorite stand in the refrigerator. Because you already have your games and keep repeating not only brought new fans instead takes the franchise stagnation and decay.
Almost every other fighting series keeps the same cast over the years.

I don't see the point of debating over the number of new faces in the game. The success of Mk is bound to the characters of the Trilogy, the new faces from mk4 and on never gave Mk any success, excluding Quan Chi.

The greatest Mk games are the first Three and mk9 and the classic roster is the main reason

The Reason has no relationship with Casting or the history (because the Mortal Kombat improved these aspects from Mortal Kombat 4) but with the Mortal Kombat Gameplay unable to create a 3D Gameplay that was not mediocre.

Because of bad gameplay even good ideas MK4-A are seen with reservation, and because of nostalgia to the bad ideas MK1-MKT are viewed with indulgence.
"He's one of my favs but I'm not acting like he's relevant like my other favs who are Kung Lao, Raiden and liu kang." Fujin is more relevant than Smoke, however.
07/18/2014 08:47 PM (UTC)
Here's my thing. I have been WAITING for a game like this for forever. Hell, I wanted it after Armageddon. I also think that Kotal and Cassie are amazing characters. However, while Idk much about D'vorah and Ferra/Torr I can already see them becoming Sheeva/Baraka aka punching bags. It's sad, but true. For every good character that is made, there's a chance a bad one will be made as well.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I love new, and want MK to move forward. However, I see WAAAY too many threads from the Mk fanbase which say "I hope they have moved on". Well, MK trilogy era did kinda MAKE MK.

If you move too far from your roots or too far from some core characters (Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden) then you kind of start to lose sight of Mortal Kombat itself.
07/18/2014 08:52 PM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
The only interesting characters showed so far are Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Raiden.

I don't give a damn about Ferra, Torr, D'vorah, Cassie Cage and Kotal Krap.

I hope NRS never move on from the Trilogy era. Of course new additions like Kenshi, Quan Chi and Havik are welcomed, but not mediocre ones like Tanya or Li Mei.

I just want to share that i'm EXTREMLY happy that you're not in control of the MK francise.

I am extremely happy to see that who is in control of the MK franchise followed my ideology on the playable cast and they made Mk a multi - millionaire franchise following that route. On the other hand the games that featured a large number of newcomers were good, but forgettable.

If they follow their ideology, were not adding 14 new characters. And I'm sure at least half of the next turn. So as I'm sure the characters I listed that should return, or need to be recast in this or the next (and are 22 characters). And you have to support your favorite stand in the refrigerator. Because you already have your games and keep repeating not only brought new fans instead takes the franchise stagnation and decay.
Almost every other fighting series keeps the same cast over the years.

I don't see the point of debating over the number of new faces in the game. The success of Mk is bound to the characters of the Trilogy, the new faces from mk4 and on never gave Mk any success, excluding Quan Chi.

The greatest Mk games are the first Three and mk9 and the classic roster is the main reason

The Reason has no relationship with Casting or the history (because the Mortal Kombat improved these aspects from Mortal Kombat 4) but with the Mortal Kombat Gameplay unable to create a 3D Gameplay that was not mediocre.

Because of bad gameplay even good ideas MK4-A are seen with reservation, and because of nostalgia to the bad ideas MK1-MKT are viewed with indulgence.

"He's one of my favs but I'm not acting like he's relevant like my other favs who are Kung Lao, Raiden and liu kang."

Fujin is more relevant than Smoke, however.

Lol Fujin if he is in this will be a huge part of the story.
About Me
07/18/2014 09:55 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
The only interesting characters showed so far are Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Raiden.

I don't give a damn about Ferra, Torr, D'vorah, Cassie Cage and Kotal Krap.

I hope NRS never move on from the Trilogy era. Of course new additions like Kenshi, Quan Chi and Havik are welcomed, but not mediocre ones like Tanya or Li Mei.

It's too bad Ed said he'd rather bring Tanya back over Havik (and BoRaiCho).
07/18/2014 10:06 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
The only interesting characters showed so far are Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Raiden.

I don't give a damn about Ferra, Torr, D'vorah, Cassie Cage and Kotal Krap.

I hope NRS never move on from the Trilogy era. Of course new additions like Kenshi, Quan Chi and Havik are welcomed, but not mediocre ones like Tanya or Li Mei.

It's too bad Ed said he'd rather bring Tanya back over Havik (and BoRaiCho).

He said WHAT?! When? Where??? Post source please!
About Me
07/18/2014 10:19 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
The only interesting characters showed so far are Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Raiden.

I don't give a damn about Ferra, Torr, D'vorah, Cassie Cage and Kotal Krap.

I hope NRS never move on from the Trilogy era. Of course new additions like Kenshi, Quan Chi and Havik are welcomed, but not mediocre ones like Tanya or Li Mei.

It's too bad Ed said he'd rather bring Tanya back over Havik (and BoRaiCho).

He said WHAT?! When? Where??? Post source please!

A fan asked on Twitter which of those three he'd rather bring back. I'll try to find that tweet.
07/18/2014 10:22 PM (UTC)
Boon knows how requested Havik is... so him having said that (if it's true) pretty much indicates that Tanya more or less has a safe spot on the roster.

I'm not going say she WILL be in though, but it turns my hopes up. ^^
About Me
07/18/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)
RT @km16 @noobde Who would you rather bring back eventually for MK? Tanya, Bo Rai Cho or Havik? EB: Random choices, but Tanya.

From Dec 2013
07/18/2014 10:36 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
RT @km16 @noobde Who would you rather bring back eventually for MK? Tanya, Bo Rai Cho or Havik? EB: Random choices, but Tanya.

From Dec 2013

Wow, that's old. Alot could have happened since though. But oh well, at the time, Boon likes Tanya more than Bo'Rai Cho and Havik... it does give me a glimmer of hope for Tanya being in MKX. ^^
07/18/2014 10:56 PM (UTC)
I'm all in for something different. And those that played the series, whether you prefer the trilogy era to the 3d era or not, should know that MK's cast is really diverse at the moment and this is just vowed to keep expanding itself. This has always been the case for this particular franchise.

For my part, i'm really fond of what i've seen yet about D'Vorah. And Kotal doesn't seem too bad. It's still early but i'd be surprised (And i would love) to be given a MKX as great in terms of new characters as MK4 and MKDA.

I too grew up with the Raiden, Scorpion, Reptile, Liu, Kung Lao, Cyrax, Kitana, Jade characters and so on but not everything about every character of the MK1-MK3 era was stellar. Just like everything about all the post MK3 names isn't flawless or plain bad. Still a good amount of them deserve to be fleshed out in a better way imo. And i hope this happens.

There will always be room for the classic fans favorite of course. As a matter of fact i wish Nightwolf isn't gone for good. But i won't start hating on characters that i haven't had the chance to experience and/or learn about and face off with for only reason my attach to the early hour MK stuff (Booo!) No matter how great it's been. And the way i see it, this is MK so... Nostalgic peeps? You will get your recap games in a couple years from now.
07/18/2014 11:10 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
RT @km16 @noobde Who would you rather bring back eventually for MK? Tanya, Bo Rai Cho or Havik? EB: Random choices, but Tanya.

From Dec 2013

Wow, that's old. Alot could have happened since though. But oh well, at the time, Boon likes Tanya more than Bo'Rai Cho and Havik... it does give me a glimmer of hope for Tanya being in MKX. ^^

You're welcome, that was me that asked that. lol That's my twitter.
07/19/2014 01:16 AM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
The only interesting characters showed so far are Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Raiden.

I don't give a damn about Ferra, Torr, D'vorah, Cassie Cage and Kotal Krap.

I hope NRS never move on from the Trilogy era. Of course new additions like Kenshi, Quan Chi and Havik are welcomed, but not mediocre ones like Tanya or Li Mei.

I just want to share that i'm EXTREMLY happy that you're not in control of the MK francise.

I am extremely happy to see that who is in control of the MK franchise followed my ideology on the playable cast and they made Mk a multi - millionaire franchise following that route. On the other hand the games that featured a large number of newcomers were good, but forgettable.

If they follow their ideology, were not adding 14 new characters. And I'm sure at least half of the next turn. So as I'm sure the characters I listed that should return, or need to be recast in this or the next (and are 22 characters). And you have to support your favorite stand in the refrigerator. Because you already have your games and keep repeating not only brought new fans instead takes the franchise stagnation and decay.
Almost every other fighting series keeps the same cast over the years.

I don't see the point of debating over the number of new faces in the game. The success of Mk is bound to the characters of the Trilogy, the new faces from mk4 and on never gave Mk any success, excluding Quan Chi.

The greatest Mk games are the first Three and mk9 and the classic roster is the main reason

The Reason has no relationship with Casting or the history (because the Mortal Kombat improved these aspects from Mortal Kombat 4) but with the Mortal Kombat Gameplay unable to create a 3D Gameplay that was not mediocre.

Because of bad gameplay even good ideas MK4-A are seen with reservation, and because of nostalgia to the bad ideas MK1-MKT are viewed with indulgence.

"He's one of my favs but I'm not acting like he's relevant like my other favs who are Kung Lao, Raiden and liu kang."

Fujin is more relevant than Smoke, however.

MK4 and later MK games wouldn't have been super successful if they only had characters from the Trilogy era.

Also, the Trilogy games had so many recolored versions of earlier characters and/or joke characters who were revisited in the 3D era. Not to mention Nightwolf, Sheeva, and Stryker.
07/19/2014 04:01 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Agreed, Icebaby.

If there were never going to be any new characters introduced to the franchise, we would be stuck with the MK1 cast all the way through. That's not a way to keep the series fresh. New faces have always been welcomed to the franchise, as it should be in any game series.

I think the problem lies in people wanting to have new characters only as long as all the old ones are kept through and through and through, which is not necessarily good.

Sooner or later NRS is going to chuck out the old characters entirely in future installments (except you-know-who, of course) and we'll have to learn to live with it.
07/23/2014 06:18 AM (UTC)
It wouldn't be so bad if they wouldn't keep fucking it up with retarded re-tellings like Shaolin Monks and MK9. I'd be content if they actually make a re-iteration that followed the canon for once.
07/23/2014 01:20 PM (UTC)
The thing about the trilogy-era characters is that THEY are MORTAL KOMBAT. The originals, the nostalgics. Without them MK won't be MK. New characters will have a hard time to get the impact that the old characters has.
07/23/2014 05:50 PM (UTC)
I wish Boon and co would stay faithful to the trilogy era, so far the new characters look pretty lame, in the long run they'll just be forgotten like the MKDA-MKD new characters is what im thinking, while the MK1-3 characters will never be forgotton because they are the best
07/23/2014 05:55 PM (UTC)
Sparta* Wrote:
I wish Boon and co would stay faithful to the trilogy era, so far the new characters look pretty lame, in the long run they'll just be forgotten like the MKDA-MKD new characters is what im thinking, while the MK1-3 characters will never be forgotton because they are the best

Speak for yourself tho.

I really adore the new characters and some of them already look cooler than the entire MK1 cast to me.

That many people are short-minded on characters in fighting games doesn't need to mean that we have to see the same faces in every freaking game.

I can't stand it that nobody gives the new characters a fucking chance. They are hated before the game is even out.
07/23/2014 06:24 PM (UTC)
And the characters of the trilogy not necessarily better than the MK4-MKA. I'm sure most are rescued in the next two games (22 of 32). And will finally gain popularity as much as the first. It's the only way to avoid the franchise is made only by characters super-saturated and irrelevant (and although focusing only on the first and the generation of characters that began last game to work, it would be a waste and lose a good job that could generate profit and enrich the series).
07/23/2014 06:26 PM (UTC)
Sparta* Wrote:
I wish Boon and co would stay faithful to the trilogy era, so far the new characters look pretty lame, in the long run they'll just be forgotten like the MKDA-MKD new characters is what im thinking, while the MK1-3 characters will never be forgotton because they are the best

According to Steve Beran, all the new characters designed for this game will not be "one-trick ponies". He also said that we can expect to see them in future installments of MK.
07/23/2014 06:27 PM (UTC)
for me the characters have to look good and play good for me to like them, so far the new characters look crappy so I already know im not going to use them that much, so yes, I can judge before playing becuase if they look like crap I dont like them, and these new characters do
07/23/2014 06:43 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
According to Steve Beran, all the new characters designed for this game will not be "one-trick ponies". He also said that we can expect to see them in future installments of MK.

I would assume they wouldn't, giving the buildup they've received so far. However, he may not have a choice if they happen to be poorly received by fans when the actual game comes out.
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