Viser Wrote:
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Human Sub-Zero wins! >_> looks down at cyber subz. FATALITY

Seriously though, I did not expect any Sub-Zero in the first trailer. I'm still pissed that Sub-Zero got beat AGAIN! However, seeing him as a human makes me happy. Whoever it is (Bi-Han or Kuai Liang). I'll just pretend it's

One thing I've noticed. Some people think that the eyes hint at him being cyber. I thought it was just the cryomancer eyes. We shall see in the coming weeks I assume.

The style of that Sub-Zero is very like Kuai Liang and i agree... so glad to have Human Sub-Zero back.

Agreed 100% Cyber Sub-Zero was a dumb and insulting idea to have implemented on a very well established character. Very happy hes human again, but i must say i hate Sub-Zero's design. The mask should've been the same as always it works perfect for him.Oh and its Kuai, where do people get some of these ideas of it being Bi Han is beyond me.

I would agree 100% with you there. Despite crap MK9 story, it had the best roster and costumes. To this day MK9 Human Sub-Zero is my fav
06/02/2014 08:23 PM (UTC)
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
So what could happen. An other soul in it? Yeah but no Sub powers... If yes it will be major shit, seeing as Cyromancer no one else should be able to do it... even with the cyber body.

The cyborgs don't get their powers from the soul of the person they're made of. When you become a cyborg, you LOSE your powers and they have to replace them with tech that does the same thing.

Cyber-Smoke, for example, could no longer make smoke biologically. Instead, he released clouds of tiny nanobots.

So Cyber-Sub got his ice powers not from cryomancy, but from refrigerator tech.
06/02/2014 08:26 PM (UTC)
Knowing Mortal Kombat, there will be some way to turn Kuai Liang back to normal if he is Sub-Zero.

This is really only speculation, but I remember reading someone's idea about Quan Chi's Inner Sanctum. If that was to be seen in the story and if we could use Drahmin's ending as some sort of reference, what if the Inner Sanctum has the ability to return Kuai Liang back to his live human (or cryomancer) self before he was turned to a cyborg? I can't really remember if we know anything else about the Inner Sanctum besides Drahmin's ending so at the very least, there's some freedom to say that this could be possible in this new timeline. And I can totally see a situation play out where Sareena is targeted by Cyber Sub-Zero under Quan Chi's orders and they're in Quan Chi's Fortress, Sub-Zero falls, comes out normal, and he and Sareena help each other escape. Something along those lines.

Again, this is just speculation and most likely may not happen in the game exactly, I mean there are really a lot of if's that would have to happen in the speculation above. But at least it shows that it's not too complicated to bring back Kuai Liang as ninja Sub-Zero during the story. And if I were to guess even more, no cyborg ninja has ever become completely human again while alive in the previous timeline. Maybe killing off Cyber Sub-Zero was a way to work in a storyline to go from cyborg to completely human this time around? Just my thoughts. I am very curious to see confirmation on who Sub-Zero is for this game, how he's going to be Sub-Zero whether it's Kuai Liang or Bi Han, and what they'll role will be in MKX's story, that's for sure.
06/02/2014 08:31 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
So what could happen. An other soul in it? Yeah but no Sub powers... If yes it will be major shit, seeing as Cyromancer no one else should be able to do it... even with the cyber body.

The cyborgs don't get their powers from the soul of the person they're made of. When you become a cyborg, you LOSE your powers and they have to replace them with tech that does the same thing.

Cyber-Smoke, for example, could no longer make smoke biologically. Instead, he released clouds of tiny nanobots.

So Cyber-Sub got his ice powers not from cryomancy, but from refrigerator tech.

Well if this is true... I do not understand why they wanted to automate Smoke and Sub after all... Compared to Sektor and Cyrax... both had super powers. So if they are automated and lose the powers, what is the point? To mimic the powers with technology? With this logic, they could make any fodder of their clan a Cyborg and giving them the powers of Smoke and Sub Zero.

The only reason is control in my eyes. But I never thought about the Cyborgs losing their abilities... Even less in Smoke's and Sub's
But with the different variations thing that Ed has spoken about, i mean hows that going to work?? Old subzero and young subzero i guess?
But for the likes of Kano does this mean Kano & jarek or wtf?!
If this is true, there would be like 300 characters lol
06/02/2014 08:51 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi reconstructed Sindel's body when it had no flesh at all on it and was just some bone dust as seen in MK9 guys. He would have ZERO problem making new bodies for any of the dead characters if he wants to use them... I'm sticking to the theory I said. Quan Chi sends him and Sareena will help him returning to the good guys side.
06/02/2014 08:54 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
Here's to hoping it's Liang because Noob is a great character.. and I'd miss him dearly.

Me too! Noob's my favorite villain, but if he's not Bi-Han then he's just a lackey. Why don't people understand that bringing Bi-Han back as Sub-Zero hurts everybody. It hurts Noob's character and Kuai Liang's character. Kuai Liang may as well not come back if that's Bi-Han because while cyber Subz had fans the general consensus was negative.

Plus Sub-Zero, Cyber Sub-Zero, and possibly Frost is a bit overkill is it not?

Let's stick with Noob Saibot (Bi-Han) and Kuai Liang (Sub-Zero).

If it were up to me, I would have Noob-zero as a character as hinted in Noob Saibot's MKA ending, and during the game's story i would have Noob-Saibot "expelled" from Bi-han's body, letting them both be their own character. I would keep Kuai LIang as Sub-zero and give Bi-Han a complete now moveset, and have him be more of a lone warrior thing, not allied with neither Heroes nor villains, but still good.

I think that would be a good way to bring back Bi-han without hurting Kuai Liang and Noob Saibot, and I really want Bi Han back. He has been my favourite character since MK1, but I only got to play as him in MK1 and MKT :(
06/02/2014 09:02 PM (UTC)
What, may I ask, is so special about Bi Han that he NEEDS to return as Sub-Zero? I'd rather keep him as Noob, and find a way to bring Kuai Laing back.
06/02/2014 09:15 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
What, may I ask, is so special about Bi Han that he NEEDS to return as Sub-Zero? I'd rather keep him as Noob, and find a way to bring Kuai Laing back.

Nothing, absolutely nothing! He was the first though so some people will always think he somehow deserves to be Sub-Zero even though Kuai has been Sub-Zero for every game since.

I personally think Noob will become useless if he's not Bi-Han and the general consensus was dislike for Cyber Subz so Kuai Liang would be hurt as well.
06/02/2014 10:08 PM (UTC)
I'm prbably gonna get bashed for this but ahh oh well but . . . . what if this new Sub-Zero was not Bi Han or Kuai but . . . . . .Hydro?

What if the story was that since Kuai died & Bi suspectedly(Not a word I know) die Raiden was in need of more warriors to defend against Shinnoks coming army? So what does he do? Goes to the Elder Gods & ask that Hydro be brought back to life to help in the upcoming war? (If you guys do not know Hydro was killed by Scorpion before the events of the first MK). The elder gods agree but on the condition that since Hydro is to be brought back Raiden must submit his god hood & become a mortal like everyone else, With the need of more warriors despite the trade off being very pricey he does so anyway to give earthrealm a better chance at surviving. So when Hydro is brought back Raiden fills him in on the events of what happen to his good friend (Bi Han) & his brother (Kuai) & also about the cyber initiative. Coming to a final decision Hydro decideds to fight for the forces of light & decided to take the mantel of his friend & become the new "SUB-ZERO". This way it follows the story, brings back Sub-Zero & also at the same time introduces a new character.

Hydro as Sub-Zero would also want to avenge not only his death but the death of Bi Han & Kuai so instead he will hunt down Scorpion & try to take him on since no doubt Quan Chi will still make Scorpion serve him while on Shinnok's side so then it will be a switch a roo with instead of Scorpion hunting Sub-Zero it would be Sub-Zero (Hydro) hunting Scorpion. Also Hydro would not like the Cyber Initiative & will probably fight them as well & since Raiden will become mortal he may die in this game sacrificing him self for something which would be perfect as he passed the torch as the guardian of earth realm on to Fujin just before his death.

Also since people are saying Sub-Zero's eyes are white like a reanimated human that could be a part of the Hyrdo thing as well with him being brought back. No one will probably agree with this but ah well I think it would be cool.
06/02/2014 10:47 PM (UTC)
I think they're gonna say Cyber Sub-Zero is dead this is the third brother we've never met b /c in the original timeline Cyber Sub-Zero was never made nor did he die. That's my prediction I could be wrong but that's my prediction.
06/03/2014 02:13 AM (UTC)
my guess its sub-zero from mk9 in wraith form like scorpion. If he's brought back to life why do you guys think that would automatically make him a robot again. He looks exactly opposite of scorpion now, maybe he'll have a real teleport.
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06/03/2014 03:42 AM (UTC)
Ki5hiDo Wrote:

Well if this is true... I do not understand why they wanted to automate Smoke and Sub after all... Compared to Sektor and Cyrax... both had super powers. So if they are automated and lose the powers, what is the point? To mimic the powers with technology? With this logic, they could make any fodder of their clan a Cyborg and giving them the powers of Smoke and Sub Zero.

The only reason is control in my eyes. But I never thought about the Cyborgs losing their abilities... Even less in Smoke's and Sub's

Because they wanted to have their obedient little terminators.

I'm assuming that even when you're cyberized, at the very least you retain your combat skills, simply on muscle memory level. And I guess I can see the logic behind the attempts to replicate their original powers with tech.

Take Sub-Zero, for instance. He is a master of ice, his entire fighting style is based around it, and even if you were randomly granted Kori powers out of the blue, you will not be able to utilize them nearly to the same extent as he can. So it makes sense to assume that once his new cybernetic body gets used to the fact that his freezing powers now originate in that fridge unit strapped to his back or some shit, he'd be able to use them just as well as before.

Also, remember that Cyrax had powers pre-cyberization. Green nets are his superpower.
Icebaby Wrote:
NS922 Wrote:
Here's the scar

*Buh dum CRASH*

It's a sick look, nonetheless. (Referring to Sub-Zero's actual appearance, not the whole spear in the head look)

When the head flew by, to me, he looks like Liu Kang.

06/03/2014 12:59 PM (UTC)
hes dead like scorpion now is what im putting my money on.
06/03/2014 01:37 PM (UTC)
I believe that Sub Zero, Kuai Liang is converted into Demon Cold Netherrealm like Scorpion and Noob Saibot (and I believe will happen to Smoke). Therefore it becomes more spectral and impersonal. Except that unlike the other three believe that the process was not completed for interference Sareena, keeping a bit of your personality and bearing against Shinnok.
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06/03/2014 02:50 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
What, may I ask, is so special about Bi Han that he NEEDS to return as Sub-Zero? I'd rather keep him as Noob, and find a way to bring Kuai Laing back.

Nothing, absolutely nothing! He was the first though so some people will always think he somehow deserves to be Sub-Zero even though Kuai has been Sub-Zero for every game since.

I personally think Noob will become useless if he's not Bi-Han and the general consensus was dislike for Cyber Subz so Kuai Liang would be hurt as well.

Like I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm more interested in the notion of a more neutral/amoral Sub-Zero than I am with rehashing Kuai Liang's plot. And I've enjoyed the the decade plus of Sub being a paragon for the good guys. Nothing that happens from here on out can take those years of fiction away.

I will admit that creates problems in terms of Bi-Han coexisting with Noob unless they do a personality split (like I mentioned in another topic, brought up in the admittedly terrible Armageddon ending). And I wouldn't want to see Noob lost to the plot; but I don't thik there's a reason they can't both exist.

One of the few things that I think MK9's plot did really well was give Scorpion a few dimensions, show him as being hesitant to kill. We've become so used to seeing Sub-Zero as a good guy and Scorpion as this out of control, angry force for blind vengeance that I thought it was a genuinely nice surprise to see him question his own actions.

Having Sub as an amoral killer and Scorpion as a vengeful spectre - albiet one with a conscience - kind of harkens back to a lot of the earliest MK fiction, like Jeff Rovin's MK novel (which history showed would be WAY off on a lot of détails, but was still a fun read at the time).

To reiterate: I don't think Bi-Han NEEDS to be Sub again. I'm fine with them bringing back Kuai Liang, as long as they don't just rehash everything he already did.

But if Bi-Han did come back....I wouldn't object. That's all.
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06/03/2014 03:08 PM (UTC)
Edit: Never mind.
06/03/2014 03:20 PM (UTC)
It could be a brand new Sub-Zero we're seeing. Hell, it happened before and we didn't know for several games.

No elaborate resurrections. No de-cyborging. And no left-field explanations.

Scorpion died, and went to Hell

Sub-Zero died, and went to... Hel
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Because our Viking Hel is an Icy realm of the Dead, as opposed to the Fiery Christian/Pagan afterlife

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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

06/03/2014 05:50 PM (UTC)
At first I thought it would be the younger Sub, but the LK logo is curious.

Didnt he sort of turn his back on them last game? (after being captured and enslaved as a Cyborg you'd think he would)

Then again, this could lend itself to the Undead/Braindead Subby.
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"When you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality."
06/03/2014 06:13 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
At first I thought it would be the younger Sub, but the LK logo is curious.

Didnt he sort of turn his back on them last game? (after being captured and enslaved as a Cyborg you'd think he would)

Then again, this could lend itself to the Undead/Braindead Subby.

Sub-Zero did end up becoming the Grand Master of the Lin Kuei after MK4, so that could explain why he wears the symbol on his chest. Then again, it could also be the fact that Quan-Chi will resurrect him.

I'm pretty sure Quan-Chi's control over the heroes that died in MK9 is going to play a part in their return to MKX.
06/03/2014 06:45 PM (UTC)
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
Well if this is true... I do not understand why they wanted to automate Smoke and Sub after all... Compared to Sektor and Cyrax... both had super powers. So if they are automated and lose the powers, what is the point? To mimic the powers with technology? With this logic, they could make any fodder of their clan a Cyborg and giving them the powers of Smoke and Sub Zero.

The only reason is control in my eyes. But I never thought about the Cyborgs losing their abilities... Even less in Smoke's and Sub's

Well duh the reason is control. The reason for the Cyber-Initiative was ALWAYS control. Robots can't say no, they do what you program to.
06/03/2014 07:07 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
At first I thought it would be the younger Sub, but the LK logo is curious.

Didnt he sort of turn his back on them last game? (after being captured and enslaved as a Cyborg you'd think he would)

Then again, this could lend itself to the Undead/Braindead Subby.

I thought the same, plus if you look carefully, Sub-Zero in the trailer has throwing stars on both of his sides... Noob had throwing stars as well. Who knows.
06/03/2014 10:06 PM (UTC)
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