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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/02/2014 03:56 PM (UTC)
The Soulnado, as we saw in MKDA, can act as a portal to the Heavens. I have doubts that the folks in charge upstairs would want something so Netherealm-tainted hanging around. Just sayin'. tongue
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06/02/2014 04:00 PM (UTC)
It's not a final design, I bet. Pretty sure it was just made for the trailer. Scorpion's original MK9 costume ended up looking insanely different from the final model. It's for promotional purposes and people who didn't play MK9 and would feel MK3'd by a random robot.
06/02/2014 04:35 PM (UTC)
Human Sub-Zero wins! >_> looks down at cyber subz. FATALITY

Seriously though, I did not expect any Sub-Zero in the first trailer. I'm still pissed that Sub-Zero got beat AGAIN! However, seeing him as a human makes me happy. Whoever it is (Bi-Han or Kuai Liang). I'll just pretend it's Kuai.lol

One thing I've noticed. Some people think that the eyes hint at him being cyber. I thought it was just the cryomancer eyes. We shall see in the coming weeks I assume.
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Human Sub-Zero wins! >_> looks down at cyber subz. FATALITY

Seriously though, I did not expect any Sub-Zero in the first trailer. I'm still pissed that Sub-Zero got beat AGAIN! However, seeing him as a human makes me happy. Whoever it is (Bi-Han or Kuai Liang). I'll just pretend it's Kuai.lol

One thing I've noticed. Some people think that the eyes hint at him being cyber. I thought it was just the cryomancer eyes. We shall see in the coming weeks I assume.

The style of that Sub-Zero is very like Kuai Liang and i agree... so glad to have Human Sub-Zero back.
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06/02/2014 05:37 PM (UTC)
It would be nice if it was a completely new Sub-Zero, since we already have "got killed, changed into another character, then torn apart by the Soulnado" and "got captured, turned into a cyborg, then hilariously killed by Sindel and zombified" iterations.

The point is that it's going to be an absolute mess writing either one of those guys back if that's the direction they go in.
06/02/2014 05:55 PM (UTC)
The worst thing that they could possibly do to Sub-Zero is to zombify the original and create thousands of flesh clones of him along with the other dead heroes to create Shinnok's "army" like what happened in "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II" XD...seriously don't let it happen
06/02/2014 06:42 PM (UTC)
My first thought was that it was still Kuai in cyber form, but redesigned to be more of an android. The glowing color of his eyes are almost identical to that of Cyber Sub-Zero.
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06/02/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
It would be nice if it was a completely new Sub-Zero, since we already have "got killed, changed into another character, then torn apart by the Soulnado" and "got captured, turned into a cyborg, then hilariously killed by Sindel and zombified" iterations.

The point is that it's going to be an absolute mess writing either one of those guys back if that's the direction they go in.

"Sub-Zero resurrected as part of Shinnok's undead army"

There. Not so ridiculous, is it?
06/02/2014 06:57 PM (UTC)
Yeah Sub revived by Shinnok... His real body still in his cyborg form will rot in hell just for the lulz or be revived as well

People... Reviving someone is meaning you revive his body as well... But Kuai's body is full cyborg.

Or there will be an asspull by Shinnok being so mighty to restore Sub fully or using a random body to just put the soul in... Would still mean there is a super cyborg body lying around
06/02/2014 06:58 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I had hoped for a Cyber Subbie. Hopefully he will have it as an alt costume or an unlockable character, like in MK9.

Considering the mention of multiple variations, Cyber Sub-Zero could very well make a triumphant return.
06/02/2014 07:05 PM (UTC)
I hope it's Kuai Liang mostly because I hate that costume. It would be sad to have BI-han make his return as Sub-zero with such an awful wardrobe :P
06/02/2014 07:14 PM (UTC)
Kuai Liang, revived by Quan Chi on his human body and sent to kill Scorpion as at this point Scorpion is going to discover what happened to his clan so Quan Chi makes the move to both eliminate the threat of a vengenful Scorpion and in the process taint Kuai Liang's soul so he can take full control over him like happened with his brother.

The plan is disrupted by Sareena warning Sub-Zero about this.

Mark my words :D

PS: Unfortunately, I think that's not the scar, just some spilled blood. On the initial pose it's hard to see but I think he lacks it.
06/02/2014 07:14 PM (UTC)
Looks like Kuai Liang to me with the eye scar.

I bet Quan Chi revives CSZ, yet removes the cybernetics from his body so the Lin Kuei cannot control his new servant.
06/02/2014 07:20 PM (UTC)
It's Kuai Liang but he's now undead. When Noob died he became... Noob and had totally different powers.
06/02/2014 07:27 PM (UTC)
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Human Sub-Zero wins! >_> looks down at cyber subz. FATALITY

Seriously though, I did not expect any Sub-Zero in the first trailer. I'm still pissed that Sub-Zero got beat AGAIN! However, seeing him as a human makes me happy. Whoever it is (Bi-Han or Kuai Liang). I'll just pretend it's Kuai.lol

One thing I've noticed. Some people think that the eyes hint at him being cyber. I thought it was just the cryomancer eyes. We shall see in the coming weeks I assume.

The style of that Sub-Zero is very like Kuai Liang and i agree... so glad to have Human Sub-Zero back.

Agreed 100% Cyber Sub-Zero was a dumb and insulting idea to have implemented on a very well established character. Very happy hes human again, but i must say i hate Sub-Zero's design. The mask should've been the same as always it works perfect for him.Oh and its Kuai, where do people get some of these ideas of it being Bi Han is beyond me.
06/02/2014 07:30 PM (UTC)
My money is that it's Kuai Liang but undead like the others have said.
06/02/2014 07:33 PM (UTC)
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
Yeah Sub revived by Shinnok... His real body still in his cyborg form will rot in hell just for the lulz or be revived as well

People... Reviving someone is meaning you revive his body as well... But Kuai's body is full cyborg.

Or there will be an asspull by Shinnok being so mighty to restore Sub fully or using a random body to just put the soul in... Would still mean there is a super cyborg body lying around

I'm liking lokheit's theory. That's not the only theory though. They clearly killed Cyber Subz for a reason. Every one of their bodies would be rotting. So, Kuai Liang doesn't have a body. Say hypothetically that Quan Chi resurrects Kuai to hunt Scorp if he does decides to defect. He would have to forge a new body.

We can throw out theories, but none of us know right now. All I want is MKD look for an alt. I also want my profile pic to be an alt as well.
06/02/2014 07:35 PM (UTC)
A Cyborg is a human enhanced with some robot shit... It is is still a realy body
06/02/2014 07:38 PM (UTC)
The X-rays showed he has a full skeleton, plus I'm pretty sure Sub-Zero was bleeding red blood. Cyber Subz had blue blood.

He's not a cyborg guys.lol
06/02/2014 07:39 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
Yeah Sub revived by Shinnok... His real body still in his cyborg form will rot in hell just for the lulz or be revived as well

People... Reviving someone is meaning you revive his body as well... But Kuai's body is full cyborg.

Or there will be an asspull by Shinnok being so mighty to restore Sub fully or using a random body to just put the soul in... Would still mean there is a super cyborg body lying around

I'm liking lokheit's theory. That's not the only theory though. They clearly killed Cyber Subz for a reason. Every one of their bodies would be rotting. So, Kuai Liang doesn't have a body. Say hypothetically that Quan Chi resurrects Kuai to hunt Scorp if he does decides to defect. He would have to forge a new body.

We can throw out theories, but none of us know right now. All I want is MKD look for an alt. I also want my profile pic to be an alt as well.

Not having a body did not stoped the dead heroes from fighting Raiden, right after they died. Most of the dead heroes will be back, trust me.
06/02/2014 07:44 PM (UTC)
zerosebaz Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
Yeah Sub revived by Shinnok... His real body still in his cyborg form will rot in hell just for the lulz or be revived as well

People... Reviving someone is meaning you revive his body as well... But Kuai's body is full cyborg.

Or there will be an asspull by Shinnok being so mighty to restore Sub fully or using a random body to just put the soul in... Would still mean there is a super cyborg body lying around

I'm liking lokheit's theory. That's not the only theory though. They clearly killed Cyber Subz for a reason. Every one of their bodies would be rotting. So, Kuai Liang doesn't have a body. Say hypothetically that Quan Chi resurrects Kuai to hunt Scorp if he does decides to defect. He would have to forge a new body.

We can throw out theories, but none of us know right now. All I want is MKD look for an alt. I also want my profile pic to be an alt as well.

Not having a body did not stoped the dead heroes from fighting Raiden, right after they died. Most of the dead heroes will be back, trust me.

I know that... But even there Kuai was in his Cyborg Body
06/02/2014 07:50 PM (UTC)
Here's to hoping it's Liang because Noob is a great character.. and I'd miss him dearly.

06/02/2014 08:10 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Here's to hoping it's Liang because Noob is a great character.. and I'd miss him dearly.

Me too! Noob's my favorite villain, but if he's not Bi-Han then he's just a lackey. Why don't people understand that bringing Bi-Han back as Sub-Zero hurts everybody. It hurts Noob's character and Kuai Liang's character. Kuai Liang may as well not come back if that's Bi-Han because while cyber Subz had fans the general consensus was negative.

Plus Sub-Zero, Cyber Sub-Zero, and possibly Frost is a bit overkill is it not?

Let's stick with Noob Saibot (Bi-Han) and Kuai Liang (Sub-Zero).
06/02/2014 08:12 PM (UTC)
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
People... Reviving someone is meaning you revive his body as well... But Kuai's body is full cyborg.

Bi Han's body was burned down to bone, and his skull and spine are on Shang's island, broken to powder, while the rest of him is in Hell.

So Noob Saibot is pretty definitely a whole new body.
Quan could do that to all of the dead people, except NOT transform them into shadow-demons.
Also, Nightwolf and Sindel were vaporized.
So they'd have to get new bodies when rezzed.
06/02/2014 08:20 PM (UTC)
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

Well you are right, but I wil find it confusing if the cyborg body will be just left behind and never used again... no matter how shitty it is.

So what could happen. An other soul in it? Yeah but no Sub powers... If yes it will be major shit, seeing as Cyromancer no one else should be able to do it... even with the cyber body.
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