How many ninjas do you want in this game?
posted07/04/2014 11:16 PM (UTC)by
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02/10/2003 01:32 AM (UTC)
Let's say there's roughly 27 characters in this game: how many male ninjas should return?

There's no avoiding that people see the male ninjas as a sub-category of characters that either dilute the roster in abundance or improve it by adding color to the aesthetic.

To me, the answer varies depending which ninjas make the cut. If the ones I want included make it in, then my answer is four. If ninjas are put in arbitrarily after the inclusion of Sub and Scorp, then my answer is 5 (which I guess makes it my true answer). I have never been bothered by the shared aesthetic qualities of the ninjas, and the artistic changes introduced to them since MKDA have almost neutralized the issue to me personally. I decided on 5 because that happens to be the max number of ninjas I feel deserve to back on their individual merits.

Keep mind, I am not including Cyrax and Sektor in the male ninjas category, so if you include them into your reason for your numbering, I will throw a dog treat at you.
07/02/2014 08:51 AM (UTC)
Bring back the UMK3 days, I want every ninja color under the sun!
Historical Favorite
07/02/2014 09:13 AM (UTC)
The only ones I'd actively want to see are Subs, Scorps and Ermac. Beyond those, I don't care either way. Although it's simply common sense that every character in the game should have a ninja alternate costume.
07/02/2014 11:45 AM (UTC)
That's tricky. I definitely want Ermac in, hope he never misses a MK game again, and I feel similar for reptile, although in his case nostalgia plays a huge factor. Oh, and I want Bi-han, either as Sub-zero, Noob Saibot, Noob Zero, back to human but not ninja, whatever they choose to do with him, so I guess my answer is 5 too.

And besides them, I would like to see at least one cyborg ninja, but its hard to decide which one. I think I prefer Cyrax, but Sektor is so cool too!
07/02/2014 12:13 PM (UTC)
- Scorpion (obvious)
- Sub-Zero (obvious, but too bad)
- Reptile (not as ninja, but without the ninja stuff, that was for MK9)
- Rain (not as ninja, but as noble edenian male)
- Ermac (not as ninja, but as the assassin-like mage)
- Tremor (yes please, but not as ninja)

I really love Noob and Smoke, but they can return in MK11, not in this one, those would be too much ninja's for me, especially since only 8 from MK9 return.

- Mileena (not as ninja, but yes please!)
- Kitana (whatever, never wanna see her again)
- Jade (not as ninja, but possessed by the mysterious women)
- Skarlet (as only female ninja, yes please!)
07/02/2014 12:39 PM (UTC)
The ninjas of MK are the equivalent of Shoto's in Street Figther.

I'd be happy with just Reptile and Tremor would fill in the void for other missing ninja characters. I hope he'll be a grappler archetype like Torr.

I don't see Noob and Smoke coming back... but the more ninjas the merrier.
07/02/2014 12:46 PM (UTC)
hmm good question, good thread. Lets see, I think I would only like to have

-scorp (obviously)
-subby (obviously)
-Ermac (as the mage/scarecrow looking thing released in the fan art. PS. check out that thread again I found something that might point to its legitimacy)
-Noob (one of my favorites, want to see what happens in the soulnado)
-Smoke (as an enenra)
-Reptile (he's my fav, cant see him not getting included. Cant wait to see how they choose to design him)
-And ya Know what, throw Rain in there too, I want his story fleshed out and his move set to be updated. His 3 variations could get interesting.

-Tremor (as a new golem-like character)

So ya, not asking for a lot here. Just every ninja
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07/02/2014 12:50 PM (UTC)
Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Ermac, Smoke. I'd say Reptile as well but I'm convinced he's going to be replaced by a different member of his race, a son or something. "If Applicable".
07/02/2014 12:51 PM (UTC)

Sub-Zero confirmed (and I love it)
Noob-Saibot (a must for me!)
Ermac (a second must for me!)
Rain ( maybe as a major villain)
Reptile (Although he lost his personality in mk 9 I hope he comes back)
Smoke ( Human Smoke was awesome but not neccercely )
Scorpion confirmed

Basically I want all of them ! Give me as mant Ninjas as possible!!

07/02/2014 01:03 PM (UTC)
Cyber Ninja's:

Sektor - HELL YEAH! my favorite character by far.

Cyrax - Hell no, he's a traitor, I only want to see him as second style for Sektor, Sektor using red nets and bombs. I do like Cyrax as evil guy, and wouldn't mind him as general for Sektors armies, but he's probably with the goodguys again, and I don't like that.

Cyber-Zero: Never again.

Cyber-Smoke: Never again.
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07/02/2014 01:06 PM (UTC)
Aside from Scorpion and Sub-Zero, Ermac. I'd also like to see Rain, though I doubt he'll make the cut.
07/02/2014 01:10 PM (UTC)

Scorp and Subby, obviously.

Ermac (Really have grown to love this character, and really like the spin NRS put on him over the years).

Reptile (My fav ninja. I don't even care if he's human or reptilian at this point...just no dino...please).

Sektor (Never really cared for Sektor gameplay-wise, but he's a ruthless bastard story-wise, I'll give him that. Want to explore his story more).

07/02/2014 01:10 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Cyber Ninja's:
Cyber-Smoke: Never again.

Unacceptable opinion, Cyber Smoke wins just on nostalgia factor alone!

My Top Five Requested Ninja's

1. Reptile (Any iteration except MK4, yes I actually like his MK:DA look.)
2. Cyber Smoke ( Prefer him over both Cyrax and Sektor)
3. Rain (UMK3 updated look would be nice.)
4. Tremor (Not necessarily as a ninja but some type of design with earth powers would be great.)
5. Ermac (because scarecrow similarities in one of his recent design ideas.)
07/02/2014 01:16 PM (UTC)
Ok lets see here
Scorpion and Sub-Zero: They're already in.
Ermac: my most favourite bad guy. This time I hope hes noones tool.
Reptile: Never liked or cared about him. He can take a break.
Noob Saibot: second most favourite bad guy. I hope hes in and tries to take the Netherrealm for himself.
Rain: Meh, he can miss that one.
Smoke: same as Reptile.
Tremor: also same as Reptile. I hope Boon doesn't waste a character slot on him.
Kitana: the best female in the series. She needs to be in.
Jade: yeah I would like to see her. However I wont be upset if she doesn't make it
Mileena: I don't care what happens to her.
Cyrax: my most favourite cyber ninja. I would like to see him return.
Sektor: Meh, don't care about him.
07/02/2014 01:25 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
Ok lets see here
Scorpion and Sub-Zero: They're already in.
Ermac: my most favourite bad guy. This time I hope hes noones tool.
Reptile: Never liked or cared about him. He can take a break.
Noob Saibot: second most favourite bad guy. I hope hes in and tries to take the Netherrealm for himself.
Rain: Meh, he can miss that one.
Smoke: same as Reptile.
Tremor: also same as Reptile. I hope Boon doesn't waste a character slot on him.
Kitana: the best female in the series. She needs to be in.
Jade: yeah I would like to see her. However I wont be upset if she doesn't make it
Mileena: I don't care what happens to her.
Cyrax: my most favourite cyber ninja. I would like to see him return.
Sektor: Meh, don't care about him.

Lol, we are like yin and yang.
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07/02/2014 01:32 PM (UTC)
3 would be ideal, but 4 at the most. Besides the two already confirmed, put in Ermac and then maybe Noob Saibot as the 4th. Or save Noob or Reptile for DLC.
07/02/2014 01:38 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
Ok lets see here
Scorpion and Sub-Zero: They're already in.
Ermac: my most favourite bad guy. This time I hope hes noones tool.
Reptile: Never liked or cared about him. He can take a break.
Noob Saibot: second most favourite bad guy. I hope hes in and tries to take the Netherrealm for himself.
Rain: Meh, he can miss that one.
Smoke: same as Reptile.
Tremor: also same as Reptile. I hope Boon doesn't waste a character slot on him.
Kitana: the best female in the series. She needs to be in.
Jade: yeah I would like to see her. However I wont be upset if she doesn't make it
Mileena: I don't care what happens to her.
Cyrax: my most favourite cyber ninja. I would like to see him return.
Sektor: Meh, don't care about him.

Lol, we are like yin and yang.

Yeah, I did notice that. Heheh
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07/02/2014 01:38 PM (UTC)
I think five is a good number when it comes to Ninjas in MK.

Maybe two others can be DLC.
Reptile(ninja form)
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07/02/2014 01:44 PM (UTC)
5 preferably. Scorpion and Sub Zero are givens.

I'd like to see Reptile back, but not as a ninja. I'd love to see him as a brooding, reptilian monster with barely a shred of humanity on his being. So, counting him out as a ninja would still leave me with 3 more.

Noob, Smoke, and Ermac.

I believe that Noob and Smoke should team up again. Think about it, Noob gets tossed into Soulnado, respawns in Netherrealm, finds Smoke, utilizes his Enera form. He then uses that form as back up in his plans. The variations could be: Noob, Smoke, and Noob/Smoke, and it would be a really cool dynamic for planning going forward.

As for Ermac? I don't think he should miss a game going forward.

Rain shouldn't be a ninja, at all. They need to retool him so that he's more regal looking and not masked at all. Maybe scar him up due to being roughed up during the 25 years and make him look like he's been through hell. If the guy is still around and has an axe to grind, he better not look pristine and prissy. I'm thinking like a huge scar on one side of his face that makes one eye all white and fucked up.

For DLC: I think they should introduce a brand new ninja. Not white, tan, etc. Maybe just mash two of the colors together and have the outfit be more stealthy as opposed to adorned with weapons and straps?

For Reptile: I'd love something like this. It says that in those 25 years he's gone feral and is actually dangerous, and scary.
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07/02/2014 01:56 PM (UTC)
They are so different from one another at this point, I don't know why they are still being compared. I didn't feel they were too much on MK9's roster, so I would'nt be opposed to all of them returning.

Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Reptile and Noob Saibot are my favourites but I like all of them.
07/02/2014 01:59 PM (UTC)
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

07/02/2014 02:01 PM (UTC)
Scorpion, Sub Zero, Ermac, Reptile should be in all MK games for me.
I'd love Rain and Smoke too.

So I'd want 6.
As for what I expect, Scorpion, Sub Zero, Ermac, Rain, maybe Smoke for DLC

I love Reptile, he's my favourite character, but considering he was basically and expendable henchman in MK9, I expect to cut him to give some new guys a chance, which is a necessity
07/02/2014 02:21 PM (UTC)
I would love such a reptile as in that picture you posted, Ninja_Arts, with as alternative outfit the reptile from MK9 (but with better reptile head)
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07/02/2014 02:23 PM (UTC)
All of them including Tremor and Chameleon! grin
07/02/2014 02:31 PM (UTC)
Rain, Ermac, Smoke, Sub-Zero and Scorpion is enough for me!
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