10/11/2014 12:19 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
I can't believe in 2014 people still get riled up over them not being able to perform a fatality, or still think it's some kind of super special or humillating move like we're in the arcade days.

This. It's a videogame, people. Relax and have some fun.
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10/11/2014 01:19 AM (UTC)
My guess:

Fatality 2
Stage Fatality
Brutality (Featuring Xray graphics)
Hara Kiri

I would LOVE for either of those two to come back. There is also Heroic Brutalities and Multalities............

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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/11/2014 02:14 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Also, Ed said that they had more than 30 characters. Im sure a lot of people will be glad to hear that, tho I liked the idea of just 24. Looks like MKX will have a hefty number or DLC characters.

Can't read the argue as it's in another language, can you post the quote word for word?
10/11/2014 03:04 AM (UTC)
God no.

Hara Kiris should never ever NEVER come back, worst finisher by far.
10/11/2014 03:19 AM (UTC)
I could see it happening, but, at the same time, I couldn't

I could imagine Kano maybe slitting his own throat "ear to ear" and D'Vorah unleashing her insects' wrath onto herself. That'd be cool. But...I really don't think they could make sense with all characters, and some hara-kiris would be downright retarded (i.g. Cassie just shooting herself in the head). Yeah, it makes sense, it's fitting, but it isn't something people would necessarily enjoy I guess. Sure, it doesn't have to be a head shot, but what else are they gonna do? If I would take the time to think, I would probably conjure up something else. Anyways, I don't know how to make sense out of it, but I don't think they'll do it.

You can just disregard this whole post, because I make no sense.

10/11/2014 03:44 AM (UTC)
I don't care if they do or do not return lol if you want to kill yourself after I smack you around be my guest, but for fucks sake FINISH the match, the rage quitting thing is no annoying.
10/11/2014 09:33 AM (UTC)
Ideas for X-Rays:

Ferra/Tor: Ferra Stabs Tor on the head, really hard, than she quick jumps down and stays under him as he falls over her, smashing her..

Quan Chi: He opens a Portal, and gets inside it (kind of similar to his X-ray), how ever, when he shows up, he goes straight to the ground, with his head.

Cassie Cage: Puts a bomb inside her own mouth, blowing her head( similar to Stryker MK3 fatality).
10/11/2014 12:39 PM (UTC)
It's going to be brutalities, no way is Hara Kiri coming back. This should be obvious, really.
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God of War is Back!

10/12/2014 12:21 AM (UTC)
Well call me krazy with a k but, didn't they just run out of time to put Brutalities in MK9? confused
10/12/2014 12:52 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I don't care if they do or do not return lol if you want to kill yourself after I smack you around be my guest, but for fucks sake FINISH the match, the rage quitting thing is no annoying.

If you can't stand rage quitters, don't play online.

As for if there was to be Hara-Kiri's, I wonder what would happen in a 2 player match when the winner enters the fatality and the lose inputs the Hara-Kiri at the same time? That is if it would be possible.
10/12/2014 12:53 AM (UTC)
I never really understood the purpose of it being in. I spent two matches (or three) beating you to suddenly kill yourself instead of me killing you.

It just kinda loses the "yay I win," feeling for me. For a person who's grown up entirely with the series, fighting random kids in the arcades every other Sunday at the bowling alley, fatalities still to me means a good "Fuck yeah, I beat your ass," saying. Of course, many obviously don't see this way anymore, but some do. However, the "I gotta make fun of this" reaction from some people is unwanted, there's no need to act like jerks because some feel more inclined to perform a fatality while you don't..

If Hara Kiri is coming back, I honestly wouldn't be that annoyed (if that's the right word). I'm sure they're not going to be ridiculously goofy as it was in Deception. And besides, if they are, I'd do the most common sense thing and not perform them as much or not at all.
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10/12/2014 01:26 AM (UTC)
The only thing that they must do if hara kiris return is to make harder to pull, cuz there is no special stance for them like some of the fatalities so you loose time to adjust to the right position.

Make finishers like hara kiris with no specific area to be performed and the fastest wins ! I don't get people you dislike it when someone takes his own life by hara kiri. It's fucking awesome :)
10/12/2014 02:43 AM (UTC)
The salt in this thread is genuinely shocking. I had no idea people took "the right to perform a fatality" so ridiculously seriously.

Personally, I thought Hara-Kiris were an interesting, potentially creative idea I'd love to see come back.

I'd be happy to have "Brutalities" too though if they were the same in name only and the actual mechanic was something way more elaborate than "a fast combo that blows you up at the end." The common suggestion since MK9 has been that they should be an X-Ray that kills you, that would work for me.
Honestly, the only finishers I ever disliked are Babalities (though MK9 improved them by sorta combining them with Friendships) and Animalities (because some people just plain don't correspond to an animal and never will).
10/12/2014 03:09 AM (UTC)
Double Postfurious
10/12/2014 03:12 AM (UTC)
DarkenedSoul Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I don't care if they do or do not return lol if you want to kill yourself after I smack you around be my guest, but for fucks sake FINISH the match, the rage quitting thing is no annoying.

If you can't stand rage quitters, don't play online.

Or how about the people that cant play a video game unless they win all of the time, don't play at all.

Seriously, I can deal with rage quitters just fine, I have many times, but I just don't get it. I do not understand why people do it. Lol if you lose just lose and try again or fight somebody else.
10/12/2014 07:52 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
DarkenedSoul Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I don't care if they do or do not return lol if you want to kill yourself after I smack you around be my guest, but for fucks sake FINISH the match, the rage quitting thing is no annoying.

If you can't stand rage quitters, don't play online.

Or how about the people that cant play a video game unless they win all of the time, don't play at all.

Seriously, I can deal with rage quitters just fine, I have many times, but I just don't get it. I do not understand why people do it. Lol if you lose just lose and try again or fight somebody else.

This. I've seen people leave because of lag, or just because they have to leave and do something in real life period, but quitting out just because you're losing? Childish.
10/12/2014 12:54 PM (UTC)
DarkenedSoul Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I don't care if they do or do not return lol if you want to kill yourself after I smack you around be my guest, but for fucks sake FINISH the match, the rage quitting thing is no annoying.

If you can't stand rage quitters, don't play online.

Excuse me but that is a really stupid mentality to have. So there are people who wanna play online and PAY for it, and there are those fuckers who have 45678 wins/0 losses/60254 disconnects. And it's fair for me to stay away from online matches (that I love btw) because of them? No.

Like some other games, MK should have a penalty for rage quitters so that they reduce it and let those who wanna play fair and square, enjoy themselves.
10/12/2014 01:24 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
DarkenedSoul Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I don't care if they do or do not return lol if you want to kill yourself after I smack you around be my guest, but for fucks sake FINISH the match, the rage quitting thing is no annoying.

If you can't stand rage quitters, don't play online.

Excuse me but that is a really stupid mentality to have. So there are people who wanna play online and PAY for it, and there are those fuckers who have 45678 wins/0 losses/60254 disconnects. And it's fair for me to stay away from online matches (that I love btw) because of them? No.

Like some other games, MK should have a penalty for rage quitters so that they reduce it and let those who wanna play fair and square, enjoy themselves.

Halo matchmaking has a "Quit Ban" for players who quit so many times in a day. Basically, it's a 1-hour ban from online play the first couple of times you quit too often, then it becomes a 24-hour ban.

Could work to deter rage quitters on MK.
10/12/2014 01:56 PM (UTC)
I have a strong feeling that brutalities are making a return in Mortal Kombat X.
10/14/2014 03:30 AM (UTC)
I think I wrote in here before saying something like, If Hara-Kiri's are to return, they would have to be some really good! Well i have some ideas now and here they are...

Cassie Cage- She takes out her gun and say, "never/not by your hands. Cocks the gun and blows her brains out."

D'Vorah- Commands her Babies (bugs) to eat her

Ferra/Torr- Covering Torr's eye, Ferra says its OK, you go to sleep now, and stabs him in the back of the neck. Torr falls over and Ferra walks off sad/in tears.

Goro- Tosses his weapon at the opponents feet, then kneels before them in defeat braces himself for the kill strike.

Kano- Twist his chest piece power source, causing his cybernetics to overload. Kano laughs maniacally before his chest burst leaving a hole where his heart should be and blowing off his cybernetic face plate leaving him with only half of his face.

Kotal Kahn- Stabs himself in the heart, pulls the knife out only for it to gush out blood profusely.

Quan Chi- Summons a portal to get away but out comes a demon instead and ravages him.

Raiden- Creates and essence ball which then explodes. The opponent gets up but Raiden is nowhere to be found, except for blood, torn clothing and remnants of his essences.

Scorpion- Kneels on the ground. Says, I still have my honor and stabs himself by falling on his sword and/or his kunai.

Sub Zero- Placing both hands on his head. SZ freezes his head, falling forward or backwards only to shatter as he hits the ground becoming headless.

What i think what would Hara Kiris more interesting is if they had interactions with the opponent in some way. What do you think?
10/14/2014 04:31 AM (UTC)
jdnice11 Wrote:
I think I wrote in here before saying something like, If Hara-Kiri's are to return, they would have to be some really good! Well i have some ideas now and here they are...

Cassie Cage- She takes out her gun and say, "never/not by your hands. Cocks the gun and blows her brains out."

D'Vorah- Commands her Babies (bugs) to eat her

Ferra/Torr- Covering Torr's eye, Ferra says its OK, you go to sleep now, and stabs him in the back of the neck. Torr falls over and Ferra walks off sad/in tears.

Goro- Tosses his weapon at the opponents feet, then kneels before them in defeat braces himself for the kill strike.

Kano- Twist his chest piece power source, causing his cybernetics to overload. Kano laughs maniacally before his chest burst leaving a hole where his heart should be and blowing off his cybernetic face plate leaving him with only half of his face.

Kotal Kahn- Stabs himself in the heart, pulls the knife out only for it to gush out blood profusely.

Quan Chi- Summons a portal to get away but out comes a demon instead and ravages him.

Raiden- Creates and essence ball which then explodes. The opponent gets up but Raiden is nowhere to be found, except for blood, torn clothing and remnants of his essences.

Scorpion- Kneels on the ground. Says, I still have my honor and stabs himself by falling on his sword and/or his kunai.

Sub Zero- Placing both hands on his head. SZ freezes his head, falling forward or backwards only to shatter as he hits the ground becoming headless.

What i think what would Hara Kiris more interesting is if they had interactions with the opponent in some way. What do you think?

I really like the idea of Scorpion and Sub-Zero doing Hara Kiris, as it was historically a Japanese practice to begin with. I know Subz isnt Japanese but the Lin Kuei seem to share the same sense of honor and pride.

Hara Kiris and seppuku are really fascinating.

Heres an idea, what if some characters got a Brutality while others got a Hara Kiri? It would actually make sense, as performing a Hara Kiri just doesnt fit all character's personalites. For example, Kano would be way more likely to Brutalize his opponent than to off himself in contrition or spite, whereas Scorpion would certainly rather die than dishonor his clan with failure.

Just ideas.
10/14/2014 05:28 AM (UTC)
If someone rage quits the character should do a automatic Hara Kiri
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