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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/17/2015 02:15 AM (UTC)
Ultimachu Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ultimachu Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ultimachu Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Kung Lao has a move that works (and looks) exactly like Kitana's Fan Lift, but nobody complains about that.

He does? What move is that? My point about Frost was that it would be like have TWO Sub-Zero's, which is pointless in my opinion. One of my reasons for disliking Cyber Sub-Zero in MK9 is because he would have been better off as a skin for the normal Sub-Zero instead of an entirely separate character altogether.

I'm aware that there are characters that have similar techniques (like Ermac and Kenshi as you mentioned) but having two characters that look and fight almost exactly the same seems like a waste of a character slot that could go to someone else.

Very silly of you to think that with three different variations each that Frost will still play exactly like Sub-Zero. Get your head out of 2002. 2002 was 13 years ago let's come into 2015. And about her appearance- She would receive a truly new and fresh revamped look. If they could revamp Kitana altogether and she was in the last game, they would do the same for a character who hasn't had a fresh new appearance in over a decade.

LOL, my are you on the defensive. Chill, it's not that deep.That's exactly my point though. With THREE variations, why do we need two characters from the same clan, with the same cryomancer abilities on the roster when that character slot can go to someone new or someone who actually plays a major part of the story?

But who are you to say Frost won't play a major part of the story? None of us knows who's involved with the story and who isn't. You're stretching looking for any little reason for her not to return because you're basing your assumptions on a 13 year old game just like everyone else does when it comes to the 3D era characters.

Please don't put words in my mouth. Where did I say she won't play a major part of the story? I'm also not looking for a reason for her not to return. To be completely honest, I couldn't care less whether she did or didn't. As I've been saying, IN MY OPINION I don't feel she's important enough to take up a spot in the roster. From what I've seen in the preview of the comic, she looks as if she's going to have as much of a cameo as Hsu Hao. Not saying she'll die, but I definitely don't see her becoming a key character for the story. Unless she's going to have some real relevance and a complete revamp of her character, I'd rather not see her be a part of the game.

Fair enough.
01/17/2015 02:18 AM (UTC)
Killer frost, good example! glasses
01/17/2015 02:19 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ultimachu Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Kung Lao has a move that works (and looks) exactly like Kitana's Fan Lift, but nobody complains about that.

He does? What move is that? My point about Frost was that it would be like have TWO Sub-Zero's, which is pointless in my opinion. One of my reasons for disliking Cyber Sub-Zero in MK9 is because he would have been better off as a skin for the normal Sub-Zero instead of an entirely separate character altogether.

I'm aware that there are characters that have similar techniques (like Ermac and Kenshi as you mentioned) but having two characters that look and fight almost exactly the same seems like a waste of a character slot that could go to someone else.

Very silly of you to think that with three different variations each that Frost will still play exactly like Sub-Zero. Get your head out of 2002. 2002 was 13 years ago let's come into 2015. And about her appearance- She would receive a truly new and fresh revamped look. If they could revamp Kitana altogether and she was in the last game, they would do the same for a character who hasn't had a fresh new appearance in over a decade.

Wait... Weren't you against the idea of having Cage and Sonya in the game since Cassie is in? So i dont know why youre so defensive over Frost now. Very silly of you

Oh, hello June 2014! Nice way to go off topic. Anyway, no, I personally don't want Sonya or Cage in, but I'm not dumb enough to think that if they did make it in that they wouldn't be unique enough in their own variations and gameplay. Besides, of course I'm defensive of Frost, people are saying she shouldn't be in because of one game made in 2002- It's astounding.

I remember very well what you said, and probably you dont wat them in the game because you don't like them which is fine, but you used the "Cassie is a combination of the 2!!!" excuse as to why they shouldn't be in, but are now getting defensive over people saying Frost would be too similar to Sub Zero, so my advice is that you should make up your mind first, and post second so you don't come across as hypocritical!
01/17/2015 02:28 AM (UTC)

Having Sonya/Johnny in with Cassie, or Frost in with Subzero would be like having a game with two Shaolin monks of a shared lineage raised and trained from birth to be protectors of earthrealm using martial arts.

No way they could play entirely differently.

Hows'a bout two special forces agents who have been working together for years and want to take down the leader of an international gang of super criminals?

How about two undead wraiths killed and resurrected by one evil sorcerer to do his bidding. Those guys can't be designed to play differently, I mean, they sound like they'd end up exactly the same way.

Okay, get this, two assassins that were turned into cyborgs by their clan for the sake of having the most obedient and efficient killing machines? No, right?

Three four armed animal people working for an evil emperor as enforcers? Can't do it, they can't be different.

Two sorcerers who get their power from the warriors that they kill? There is no original way to make them different.

All of those are so basic they can't possibly be made different, so how could two ice ninja? Who could possibly be so creative? Especially not when one of the ice ninja has yet to be fully explored as a character and at this point has limitless potential in terms of powers, and they haven't even been designed for a 2D fighter before this point and the game they would be put in is one where they would be given three differently designed styles of play and a completely revamped appearance. What a ridiculous thought, that they could be different.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/17/2015 02:29 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ultimachu Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Kung Lao has a move that works (and looks) exactly like Kitana's Fan Lift, but nobody complains about that.

He does? What move is that? My point about Frost was that it would be like have TWO Sub-Zero's, which is pointless in my opinion. One of my reasons for disliking Cyber Sub-Zero in MK9 is because he would have been better off as a skin for the normal Sub-Zero instead of an entirely separate character altogether.

I'm aware that there are characters that have similar techniques (like Ermac and Kenshi as you mentioned) but having two characters that look and fight almost exactly the same seems like a waste of a character slot that could go to someone else.

Very silly of you to think that with three different variations each that Frost will still play exactly like Sub-Zero. Get your head out of 2002. 2002 was 13 years ago let's come into 2015. And about her appearance- She would receive a truly new and fresh revamped look. If they could revamp Kitana altogether and she was in the last game, they would do the same for a character who hasn't had a fresh new appearance in over a decade.

Wait... Weren't you against the idea of having Cage and Sonya in the game since Cassie is in? So i dont know why youre so defensive over Frost now. Very silly of you

Oh, hello June 2014! Nice way to go off topic. Anyway, no, I personally don't want Sonya or Cage in, but I'm not dumb enough to think that if they did make it in that they wouldn't be unique enough in their own variations and gameplay. Besides, of course I'm defensive of Frost, people are saying she shouldn't be in because of one game made in 2002- It's astounding.

I remember very well what you said, and probably you dont wat them in the game because you don't like them which is fine, but you used the "Cassie is a combination of the 2!!!" excuse as to why they shouldn't be in, but are now getting defensive over people saying Frost would be too similar to Sub Zero, so my advice is that you should make up your mind first, and post second so you don't come across as hypocritical!

My advice is that you should stop going back 8 months in time and bringing up things people said back in the heat of the moment. It's like a vegetarian stating how it's wrong to eat meat and some yahoo yelling "But you ate meat in 9th grade! YOU'RE A HYPOCRIT!". That has nothing to do with the topic at hand. I do think Cassie is enough, but as I said, I'm not stupid to think that if Sonya/Cage made it in that they wouldn't be unique in their own right. Nobody has to want Frost in, but don't use the excuse of "Oh...she'd be Subby with boobs" and base every thing off of a 13 year old game.

It's simple, damn.
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"When you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality."
01/17/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
I like how certain people here can't have a debate with out being condescending assholes or taking the topic TOO seriously and erupting into an argument. Jesus Christ. -_-
01/17/2015 02:34 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:Nobody has to want Frost in, but don't use the excuse of "Oh...she'd be Subby with boobs" and base every thing off of a 13 year old game.

It's simple, damn.

And that's exactly what i've been saying since the game was revealed, which can't be said about other people, who change their stance depending on how much they like the character that's being discussed.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/17/2015 02:41 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:Nobody has to want Frost in, but don't use the excuse of "Oh...she'd be Subby with boobs" and base every thing off of a 13 year old game.

It's simple, damn.

And that's exactly what i've been saying since the game was revealed, which can't be said about other people, who change their stance depending on how much they like the character that's being discussed.

But I didn't change my stance, I just flat out said that I think Cassie Cage is enough and that I don't want Sonya or Cage in for that reason lol. That doesn't mean if they did make it in that I wouldn't expect them to have their own unique play styles. I've just said that three times in a row. Maybe if you weren't trying to "own" me you would comprehend that.

I'm done with you. You're making my brain do backflips.
01/17/2015 02:47 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka I understand what you are saying, you are giving NRS credit for originality and discernment between otherwise seemingly similar characters, regardless of your preference.
01/17/2015 02:56 AM (UTC)
I honestly want Frost to survive even if she doesn't make it into the game, can save her for another game. All i really want different for Frost would be her move set, its the only thing that made her a "carbon coy" of Sub Zero! Change that up and minor tweaks with her story...which im sure will be in the comics
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/17/2015 02:56 AM (UTC)
nycmk Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka I understand what you are saying, you are giving NRS credit for originality and discernment between otherwise seemingly similar characters, regardless of your preference.

Ah! Thank you! Lol Someone gets where I'm coming from.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/17/2015 03:16 AM (UTC)
nycmk Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge I agree with both points you made. As for your question, from my meanderings, it doesn't seem like she is despised by the community, nor loved, I don't see her as a love/hate character like many see Li Mei or just hate like Kobra.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I really don't see much hate for Frost these days and NRS doesn't seem to have a burning hatred for her like they do with other characters from that time period(Hsu Hao, Drahmin, ect) , which is why I could see her returning sometime in the future.

So basically at this point, she's on the grey scale? Not beloved, but not despised. Alright, I can accept that. I was just curious because I know back in the day I couldn't stand her, but I had also JUST hit the lovely teenager mark so...ya know...wtf did I know? tongue

I realized I hated a lot of characters back then, lol. And really for no good reason at all.

"Ya damn kids and your music..."

And Drahmin is effing awesome. Screw you NRS for your narrow-mindedness.

IF, and that's a big IF, she's in MKX, I trust NRS enough to differentiate her from Sub-Zero. C'mon now, they KNOW BETTER. I wouldn't mind seeing her again, but there's a lot of other potentials I'd just rather see first.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/17/2015 03:24 AM (UTC)
I like Frost! I think she was just one of those 3D era characters that had a huge amount of potential but for some reason just never gained traction. NRS has proven they so far that they are capable of doing some good stuff with old characters so I'd like to see a renovated Frost. There are so many ways to do an ice powers based character it's not even funny. Kula (KOF), Rimururu (Samurai Shodown), Yuki (Last Blade), Killer Frost (Injustice) all utilize ice in dramatically different ways from each other not to mention Sub Zero.

They can do some cool shit with her I'm sure.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/17/2015 03:25 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
nycmk Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge I agree with both points you made. As for your question, from my meanderings, it doesn't seem like she is despised by the community, nor loved, I don't see her as a love/hate character like many see Li Mei or just hate like Kobra.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I really don't see much hate for Frost these days and NRS doesn't seem to have a burning hatred for her like they do with other characters from that time period(Hsu Hao, Drahmin, ect) , which is why I could see her returning sometime in the future.

So basically at this point, she's on the grey scale? Not beloved, but not despised. Alright, I can accept that. I was just curious because I know back in the day I couldn't stand her, but I had also JUST hit the lovely teenager mark so...ya know...wtf did I know? tongue

I realized I hated a lot of characters back then, lol. And really for no good reason at all.

"Ya damn kids and your music..."

And Drahmin is effing awesome. Screw you NRS for your narrow-mindedness.

IF, and that's a big IF, she's in MKX, I trust NRS enough to differentiate her from Sub-Zero. C'mon now, they KNOW BETTER. I wouldn't mind seeing her again, but there's a lot of other potentials I'd just rather see first.

Poor Drahmin, so much potential, but NRS just doesn't see it. I think NRS realize most of the 3D era characters weren't "instant hits" (with the exception of Quan Chi and Kenshi) and has made it up in their mind to just keep looking forward and not look back. That's not a bad thing, but it sucks that certain characters from that period won't be able to get a second chance. Characters like Jarek, Kobra, Hsu Hao, Taven , Mavado, Dairou, Darrius were boring, but characters like Havik, Nitara, Ashrah, Bo, Sareena, Li Mei, Hotaru, Drahmin, Fujin ect could really gain the respect and fan approval they failed to achieve the first go around. So I'm hoping at least a few of these characters aside from Quan Chi and Kenshi make it in.

From the very beginning I said I wanted MKX to be a nice balance of MK9 returnees, 3D era characters, and next generation fighters. Let's hope that ends up being close. *crosses fingers*
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Props to MINION
01/17/2015 03:52 AM (UTC)
Frost was in MK9, she will be in MKX

seen during cyber sub zero scanning kabal, and in the background of the Pit II stage, i also thing Daegan will be in MKX also for the same reasons
01/17/2015 04:05 AM (UTC)
Yes I am hopeful those MK9 characters fighting in the background were signs they will be included MKX.... hope so!

Frost is not the only character from the 3D era I would love to return, there were a ton of interesting ones, Nitara, Drahmin, Mavado, Havik, Tanya, Fujin etc., but they were just underdeveloped and until recently have a better rep. I am sure they can rework them into great characters, I guess we shall see.

Does anyone else know what Boon meant when he retweeted a picture of Frost and said:

Ed Boon ‏@noobde Jan 13

@Tomsupzero: Frost, don't tell anyone! @noobde pic.twitter.com/PlZZeuV8bI

EB: Let it go...

I know it is not the wisest thing to analyze his tweets, but I could not get it.

01/17/2015 04:07 AM (UTC)
You must not be a Disney fan, then.
01/17/2015 04:12 AM (UTC)
hahaha just got it! no I am not, should have thought of Frozen, thanks! grin
01/17/2015 04:13 AM (UTC)
No problema
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/17/2015 04:28 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Poor Drahmin, so much potential, but NRS just doesn't see it. I think NRS realize most of the 3D era characters weren't "instant hits" (with the exception of Quan Chi and Kenshi) and has made it up in their mind to just keep looking forward and not look back. That's not a bad thing, but it sucks that certain characters from that period won't be able to get a second chance. Characters like Jarek, Kobra, Hsu Hao, Taven , Mavado, Dairou, Darrius were boring, but characters like Havik, Nitara, Ashrah, Bo, Sareena, Li Mei, Hotaru, Drahmin, Fujin ect could really gain the respect and fan approval they failed to achieve the first go around. So I'm hoping at least a few of these characters aside from Quan Chi and Kenshi make it in.

From the very beginning I said I wanted MKX to be a nice balance of MK9 returnees, 3D era characters, and next generation fighters. Let's hope that ends up being close. *crosses fingers*

Bo Rai Cho, Drahmin, and Nitara were my top favorite new additions in Deadly Alliance. Drahmin/Moloch also FINALLY added something new to Scorpion's story. Which he desperately needed. And Oni Tormentor from the deepest depths of the Netherrealm? Come on. How did that not go over well? Was it because "it's Meat with a mask..."? Even if that WAS the case, at least they did something useful with him. Plus, imo, Drahmin and Moloch were actually intimidating. Definitely not a couple I'd want to run into.

It had been mentioned in another thread, but I'm sure it's mostly because they're from NRS' "going down in flames" period with Midway. And it's probably a painful reminder of that time. Doesn't really justify not giving these characters a second chance, but I can understand their stance if that's the case.

It's just a shame that the hate for the majority of those characters is imbedded now. It's been so long, and with nothing new and exciting for them, all we've had to talk/hear about is how awful they were. Which doesn't help either, lol.
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01/17/2015 05:00 AM (UTC)
Frost isn't so popular with the more die hard MK crowd but seems surprisingly liked by the more casual fan. She got a ton of votes on that SRK pool a while back...

She's not on the Hsu Hao level of hate so I don't think they'll kill her off in the comic. The devs seem to like her a bit, she was a returning character in the psp version of MKD...

She's one of those characters I could see being included in the game as a less popular/curveball type character. NRS often have one or two of those in their games. Killer Frost in Injustice, being one.

Personally, I don't really have a strong opinion on Frost. Don't love, don't hate, so I don't mind either way.

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-sig by MINION

01/17/2015 05:08 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Killer Frost in Injustice, being one.
Dat lowkey Flash promotion tbh.

Frost could make it I suppose. But I don't all the time have faith in NRS when it comes to diversifying similar characters. Sure the Sailor Frost ideas being thrown around in this thread sound good with mist and stuff but I worry that might make her more powerful/versatile than Sub-Zero. If she WAS in MKX the making of small Kori weapons would be what I assume she would do but with Subby having it....

The mist thing might be cool but then I worry about Sailor Frost just being Frozen-Smoke, you know?
01/17/2015 03:01 PM (UTC)
Ok NRS...please put Frost in MKX and give her a good storyline and not a bullshit cameo appearance like MK9

I know NRS is more than capable of giving her 3 variations that will show the haters she's not a subby clone.

01/17/2015 04:18 PM (UTC)
To me Frost is 50/50. Yeah, she is similar to Sub-Zero but there is a lot u can do with ice. I imagine Frost playing like Killer Frost. Frost also perfectly embodies the statement of Next Generation fighters. She has a ton of story potential such as joining the Lin Kuei and being Cassie's rival. I think it would be interesting if Frost became to Sub-Zero what Takeda is to Scorpion. Frost is definitely one of the better like 3D characters. Its 50/50 for her being on the main roster, but i think she has a high chance of being DLC or a Skin for Sub-Zero. All depends on what the komics do.
01/17/2015 04:35 PM (UTC)
Well that escalated quickly lol..
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