Frost: dead or alive??
posted01/19/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)by
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01/16/2015 11:34 PM (UTC)
Does anyone else REALLLY want Frost to survive and not be another Hsu Hao? I'd love for her to be in the game somehow, but even if she eventually gets killed I'd hate for her to be only in one issue, she has more potential!
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01/17/2015 12:06 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind if she stayed alive, but have her a part of the MKX roster? No. We already have Sub-Zero so we really don't need Frost. I feel the same way about having Johnny and Sonya in the game when we have Cassie who is supposed to be a combination of the two.

I personally want the MKX roster to be as diverse as it can, and having two characters with the same abilities, from the same clan, with similar character designs will take away from that. Just my own opinion.
01/17/2015 12:21 AM (UTC)
Ultimachu Wrote:
I wouldn't mind if she stayed alive, but have her a part of the MKX roster? No. We already have Sub-Zero so we really don't need Frost. I feel the same way about having Johnny and Sonya in the game when we have Cassie who is supposed to be a combination of the two.

I personally want the MKX roster to be as diverse as it can, and having two characters with the same abilities, from the same clan, with similar character designs will take away from that. Just my own opinion.

Kung Lao has a move that works (and looks) exactly like Kitana's Fan Lift, but nobody complains about that. As long as each character plays differently i'll be happy, no matter if they share abilities (like Ermac and Kenshi).

As for Frost, i don't think Cassie is gonna kill her this time, she's a teenager and Cage didn't even want to kill when he was a grown up man.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

01/17/2015 12:24 AM (UTC)
She probably just a cute cameo. Nothing more.
01/17/2015 12:28 AM (UTC)
I don't think she's gonna make it. Which sucks because I would've rathered her as the "new" subzero. Maybe a SZ character skin?
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/17/2015 12:41 AM (UTC)
You people really limit NRS, don't cha?

Just because she has ice powers doesn't mean she has to be a Subby clone. They can make her unique in her own right with enough time.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

01/17/2015 12:44 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
They can make her unique in her own right with enough time.

Certainly! I just don't they will. NRS themselves have proven to be Sub-Zero whores game after game.
01/17/2015 12:48 AM (UTC)
Yes there are plenty of possibilities regarding her moves, design and story. If not in the main game, she'd do well as DLC.

Below is a url to a fan art I like of Frost
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/17/2015 01:06 AM (UTC)
I believe there's going to be quite a few deaths in the comics. We'll need some to add weight to the story. I know, I know. In MK, death means blah blah blah, but we need to suffer some losses if they want the comics, as well as MKX, to be taken seriously.

I have a feeling Frost might be one of those losses.


They keep Frost alive in the comics, then give her a surprise cameo in someone's ending or story-mode as a nod of what to expect in the future. Maybe she'll come back down to earth, get off that high horse, and seriously agree to be Sub-Zero's understudy. Rebuild the Lin Kuei on new grounds of honor to protect Earthrealm from future invasions. Instead of contracting out it's members for assassinations that will ultimately bring about their own doom.

However there's still the matter or Sektor and his shenanigans. As well as Cyrax. His ending suggested a change in heart, but that's something we never see in story-mode. At least AFTER the automation.

But there's also the possibility that after that MMA match, Cassie and Frost would become, if not friends, then acquaintances with a "mutual understanding/agreement". IS a death match, isn't it?

Honest question, exactly how liked/hated is Frost? I always had the impression that she was on a decent tier compared to the other razzle dazzle they spit out during that era. I know there's a distaste for similarities with Subby, but she really was a refreshing addition in his storyline. Just curious on everyone's thoughts about her NOW vs THEN.
01/17/2015 01:10 AM (UTC)

I just don't see them doing another one like cyber sub.
01/17/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge I agree with both points you made. As for your question, from my meanderings, it doesn't seem like she is despised by the community, nor loved, I don't see her as a love/hate character like many see Li Mei or just hate like Kobra.

If revamped and made more original she could be a great addition and I do agree that she did add to Sub-zero some. Maybe she would be good this time...

Plus in Mk2011, she was in one of Raiden's Visions with Sub-Zero and the good crew:

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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/17/2015 01:29 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I believe there's going to be quite a few deaths in the comics. We'll need some to add weight to the story. I know, I know. In MK, death means blah blah blah, but we need to suffer some losses if they want the comics, as well as MKX, to be taken seriously.

I have a feeling Frost might be one of those losses.


They keep Frost alive in the comics, then give her a surprise cameo in someone's ending or story-mode as a nod of what to expect in the future. Maybe she'll come back down to earth, get off that high horse, and seriously agree to be Sub-Zero's understudy. Rebuild the Lin Kuei on new grounds of honor to protect Earthrealm from future invasions. Instead of contracting out it's members for assassinations that will ultimately bring about their own doom.

However there's still the matter or Sektor and his shenanigans. As well as Cyrax. His ending suggested a change in heart, but that's something we never see in story-mode. At least AFTER the automation.

But there's also the possibility that after that MMA match, Cassie and Frost would become, if not friends, then acquaintances with a "mutual understanding/agreement". IS a death match, isn't it?

Honest question, exactly how liked/hated is Frost? I always had the impression that she was on a decent tier compared to the other razzle dazzle they spit out during that era. I know there's a distaste for similarities with Subby, but she really was a refreshing addition in his storyline. Just curious on everyone's thoughts about her NOW vs THEN.

I really don't see much hate for Frost these days and NRS doesn't seem to have a burning hatred for her like they do with other characters from that time period(Hsu Hao, Drahmin, ect) , which is why I could see her returning sometime in the future.
01/17/2015 01:33 AM (UTC)
Frost: Lots of Variations

Teleporting (melting/mist)
Ice Spikes
Snow Fall (storms/blizzards)

She would be a great addition, but I don't think her inclusion into the main roster will happen. Maybe only in story-mode or DLC.

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"When you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality."
01/17/2015 01:35 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Kung Lao has a move that works (and looks) exactly like Kitana's Fan Lift, but nobody complains about that.

He does? What move is that? My point about Frost was that it would be like have TWO Sub-Zero's, which is pointless in my opinion. One of my reasons for disliking Cyber Sub-Zero in MK9 is because he would have been better off as a skin for the normal Sub-Zero instead of an entirely separate character altogether.

I'm aware that there are characters that have similar techniques (like Ermac and Kenshi as you mentioned) but having two characters that look and fight almost exactly the same seems like a waste of a character slot that could go to someone else.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/17/2015 01:37 AM (UTC)
Ultimachu Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Kung Lao has a move that works (and looks) exactly like Kitana's Fan Lift, but nobody complains about that.

He does? What move is that? My point about Frost was that it would be like have TWO Sub-Zero's, which is pointless in my opinion. One of my reasons for disliking Cyber Sub-Zero in MK9 is because he would have been better off as a skin for the normal Sub-Zero instead of an entirely separate character altogether.

I'm aware that there are characters that have similar techniques (like Ermac and Kenshi as you mentioned) but having two characters that look and fight almost exactly the same seems like a waste of a character slot that could go to someone else.

Very silly of you to think that with three different variations each that Frost will still play exactly like Sub-Zero. Get your head out of 2002. 2002 was 13 years ago let's come into 2015. And about her appearance- She would receive a truly new and fresh revamped look. If they could revamp Kitana altogether and she was in the last game, they would do the same for a character who hasn't had a fresh new appearance in over a decade.
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"When you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality."
01/17/2015 01:47 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ultimachu Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Kung Lao has a move that works (and looks) exactly like Kitana's Fan Lift, but nobody complains about that.

He does? What move is that? My point about Frost was that it would be like have TWO Sub-Zero's, which is pointless in my opinion. One of my reasons for disliking Cyber Sub-Zero in MK9 is because he would have been better off as a skin for the normal Sub-Zero instead of an entirely separate character altogether.

I'm aware that there are characters that have similar techniques (like Ermac and Kenshi as you mentioned) but having two characters that look and fight almost exactly the same seems like a waste of a character slot that could go to someone else.

Very silly of you to think that with three different variations each that Frost will still play exactly like Sub-Zero. Get your head out of 2002. 2002 was 13 years ago let's come into 2015. And about her appearance- She would receive a truly new and fresh revamped look. If they could revamp Kitana altogether and she was in the last game, they would do the same for a character who hasn't had a fresh new appearance in over a decade.

LOL, my are you on the defensive. Chill, it's not that deep.That's exactly my point though. With THREE variations, why do we need two characters from the same clan, with the same cryomancer abilities on the roster when that character slot can go to someone new or someone who actually plays a major part of the story?
01/17/2015 01:47 AM (UTC)
01/17/2015 01:53 AM (UTC)
Good point, just think of Mileena and Baraka, similar in some obvious ways, but in no way does this argument that they are too similar ever get brought up; same could be done with Sub-Zero and Frost. I think Frost could be more snow based, just because she is a blue ice based ninja, that should not negate her chances. There are plenty of other characters with similar moves and colors, but they are well-developed and stand apart by NRS. NRS could surely do justice to Frost.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/17/2015 01:57 AM (UTC)
Ultimachu Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ultimachu Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Kung Lao has a move that works (and looks) exactly like Kitana's Fan Lift, but nobody complains about that.

He does? What move is that? My point about Frost was that it would be like have TWO Sub-Zero's, which is pointless in my opinion. One of my reasons for disliking Cyber Sub-Zero in MK9 is because he would have been better off as a skin for the normal Sub-Zero instead of an entirely separate character altogether.

I'm aware that there are characters that have similar techniques (like Ermac and Kenshi as you mentioned) but having two characters that look and fight almost exactly the same seems like a waste of a character slot that could go to someone else.

Very silly of you to think that with three different variations each that Frost will still play exactly like Sub-Zero. Get your head out of 2002. 2002 was 13 years ago let's come into 2015. And about her appearance- She would receive a truly new and fresh revamped look. If they could revamp Kitana altogether and she was in the last game, they would do the same for a character who hasn't had a fresh new appearance in over a decade.

LOL, my are you on the defensive. Chill, it's not that deep.That's exactly my point though. With THREE variations, why do we need two characters from the same clan, with the same cryomancer abilities on the roster when that character slot can go to someone new or someone who actually plays a major part of the story?

But who are you to say Frost won't play a major part of the story? None of us knows who's involved with the story and who isn't. You're stretching looking for any little reason for her not to return because you're basing your assumptions on a 13 year old game just like everyone else does when it comes to the 3D era characters.
01/17/2015 01:58 AM (UTC)
Despite that she is a huge favorite of mine... after looking at that snip it, I really don't think she'll be in.

However, I would love to see her return anyways.

And of COURSE there are ways to make her completely different from Sub-Zero. Look at how many fucking characters possess fire and look how different they are from one another. Just because Frost and Sub-Zero have similar moves, doesn't mean they can't find a way to make two ice wielders be completely different from one another.

And she doesn't even have to do anything with ice, there's snow, there's cold mist... It's not that hard to have two similar characters play completely different from one another, and that is probably a very stupid reason why she, or even a completely new character that possesses ice, to be in the same game with Sub-Zero.

No offense, but it is stupid.
01/17/2015 02:04 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ultimachu Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Kung Lao has a move that works (and looks) exactly like Kitana's Fan Lift, but nobody complains about that.

He does? What move is that? My point about Frost was that it would be like have TWO Sub-Zero's, which is pointless in my opinion. One of my reasons for disliking Cyber Sub-Zero in MK9 is because he would have been better off as a skin for the normal Sub-Zero instead of an entirely separate character altogether.

I'm aware that there are characters that have similar techniques (like Ermac and Kenshi as you mentioned) but having two characters that look and fight almost exactly the same seems like a waste of a character slot that could go to someone else.

Very silly of you to think that with three different variations each that Frost will still play exactly like Sub-Zero. Get your head out of 2002. 2002 was 13 years ago let's come into 2015. And about her appearance- She would receive a truly new and fresh revamped look. If they could revamp Kitana altogether and she was in the last game, they would do the same for a character who hasn't had a fresh new appearance in over a decade.

Wait... Weren't you against the idea of having Cage and Sonya in the game since Cassie is in? So i dont know why youre so defensive over Frost now. Very silly of you
01/17/2015 02:10 AM (UTC)
Oh boy, oh gee.

Those guys at NRS definitely can't make a female character with ice powers completely different from Subzero in their games.

That is an impossible feat.

Oh...oh wait a second:

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/17/2015 02:11 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ultimachu Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Kung Lao has a move that works (and looks) exactly like Kitana's Fan Lift, but nobody complains about that.

He does? What move is that? My point about Frost was that it would be like have TWO Sub-Zero's, which is pointless in my opinion. One of my reasons for disliking Cyber Sub-Zero in MK9 is because he would have been better off as a skin for the normal Sub-Zero instead of an entirely separate character altogether.

I'm aware that there are characters that have similar techniques (like Ermac and Kenshi as you mentioned) but having two characters that look and fight almost exactly the same seems like a waste of a character slot that could go to someone else.

Very silly of you to think that with three different variations each that Frost will still play exactly like Sub-Zero. Get your head out of 2002. 2002 was 13 years ago let's come into 2015. And about her appearance- She would receive a truly new and fresh revamped look. If they could revamp Kitana altogether and she was in the last game, they would do the same for a character who hasn't had a fresh new appearance in over a decade.

Wait... Weren't you against the idea of having Cage and Sonya in the game since Cassie is in? So i dont know why youre so defensive over Frost now. Very silly of you

Oh, hello June 2014! Nice way to go off topic. Anyway, no, I personally don't want Sonya or Cage in, but I'm not dumb enough to think that if they did make it in that they wouldn't be unique enough in their own variations and gameplay. Besides, of course I'm defensive of Frost, people are saying she shouldn't be in because of one game made in 2002- It's astounding.
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"When you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality."
01/17/2015 02:13 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ultimachu Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ultimachu Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Kung Lao has a move that works (and looks) exactly like Kitana's Fan Lift, but nobody complains about that.

He does? What move is that? My point about Frost was that it would be like have TWO Sub-Zero's, which is pointless in my opinion. One of my reasons for disliking Cyber Sub-Zero in MK9 is because he would have been better off as a skin for the normal Sub-Zero instead of an entirely separate character altogether.

I'm aware that there are characters that have similar techniques (like Ermac and Kenshi as you mentioned) but having two characters that look and fight almost exactly the same seems like a waste of a character slot that could go to someone else.

Very silly of you to think that with three different variations each that Frost will still play exactly like Sub-Zero. Get your head out of 2002. 2002 was 13 years ago let's come into 2015. And about her appearance- She would receive a truly new and fresh revamped look. If they could revamp Kitana altogether and she was in the last game, they would do the same for a character who hasn't had a fresh new appearance in over a decade.

LOL, my are you on the defensive. Chill, it's not that deep.That's exactly my point though. With THREE variations, why do we need two characters from the same clan, with the same cryomancer abilities on the roster when that character slot can go to someone new or someone who actually plays a major part of the story?

But who are you to say Frost won't play a major part of the story? None of us knows who's involved with the story and who isn't. You're stretching looking for any little reason for her not to return because you're basing your assumptions on a 13 year old game just like everyone else does when it comes to the 3D era characters.

Please don't put words in my mouth. Where did I say she won't play a major part of the story? I'm also not looking for a reason for her not to return. To be completely honest, I couldn't care less whether she did or didn't. As I've been saying, IN MY OPINION I don't feel she's important enough to take up a spot in the roster. From what I've seen in the preview of the comic, she looks as if she's going to have as much of a cameo as Hsu Hao. Not saying she'll die, but I definitely don't see her becoming a key character for the story. Unless she's going to have some real relevance and a complete revamp of her character, I'd rather not see her be a part of the game.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/17/2015 02:13 AM (UTC)
iHeartXenomorphs Wrote:
Oh boy, oh gee.

Those guys at NRS definitely can't make a female character with ice powers completely different from Subzero in their games.

That is an impossible feat.

Oh...oh wait a second:

LOL. Love it <3
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