08/17/2015 10:55 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
You're in denial if you think having two guests and a lame character from an adventure game EVERYONE HATES is satisfying. Then when we suggest some characters who were actually in story mode we get shot down and told our choices are LAME. Bitch, please!

People hate MK Special Forces but Tremor himself has got nothing but praise since he was released. I wouldn't consider that lame, but that's just me.

Why should story relevance dictate DLC? That excludes possible candidates for no reason. That would exclude Reiko and Havik, both characters who have been getting requests since the comic. But since the comic is really its own entity and not related to the game's story they are disqualified. Does that make sense?

DLC is just bonus characters. It's not like they get their own chapters in story mode anyway so why should story matter at all?

Lastly, the reason I think Rain, Baraka, and Sindel are lame choices is because they were just in MK9. I get a "been there, done that" vibe from them as DLC. Now characters who haven't been playable since Armageddon? That's more interesting.

I liked Special Forces though...sad Its B-Level atmosphere, lines, and music made it a guilty pleasure for me. Made me appreciate Tremor a little more actually! smile

As much as I like Baraka, its going to take a whole new game for me to like him and the other two again. I'm so used to the "blah" of MKX that putting them in there isn't going to make a difference for me...I'll probably just beat the game with them and not play again until another ones released like the previous 5 DLC guys. If my online connection wasn't so bad I probably won't be saying the same. Unless they put in Reiko, Havik, and maybe another Comic character I'll be fine.

Where's the new stages at?? Give us fancy new arenas! Like Edenian Waterfalls, Kotal's Throne Room, Chaosrealm, Orderrealm. There doesn't have to be interactables, just anything that breathes new life in this game is fine with me

About Me

"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

08/17/2015 11:51 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
b-rad007 Wrote:
I see your point, but it would be beyond a terrible idea to just throw out the potential Raiden/The Cages vs Liu & the revenants story just because Johnny and Liu need a break (in your opinion) . If a character is virtually irrelevant to the story then I'm 100% for them takin a seat on the npc bench. Like say kenshi tongue but if they are crucial to the story they should be on the roster, even if they are at the bottom of the usage list. But Kharacters who are top 10 usage and essential to the story have to stick around.

See, now we're getting on the same page. It all comes down to story relevancy. I hate to say this because I love him but Kenshi needs to sit the next game out but he won't and there's one reason for that; Shang Tsung. We all know he's gonna be back in a big, bad way and with Liu on the opposite side (evil and undead), there's only one other character who has just as much of a rivalry with Shang Tsung (aside from Raiden) and that's Kenshi.

That's yet another reason why I don't think Smoke or Sindel for that matter will be DLC, I think all the revenants are being saved (Jade included) because they will have a big plot point in MK11 (instead of being practically useless henchman for Shinnok like they were this time around). Hell, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they give us a re-do of Deadly Alliance except this time the alliance is Shang Tsung and Ruler of the Netherrealm Liu Kang.

But who honestly knows what they plan to do. If KP2 is as bland as the day is long then it is, nothing I can do to change it. I just wish they'd do something shocking, something no one expects, something like (dare I say it) Tremor. It was nice, it was refreshing. Sure, another ninja made me about gag but it still made me smile and think "Hey, maybe NRS are still willing to take a roster risk after all."

PS (Can anyone tell I'm having an absolutely shitty day? Sorry if I come off sounding like an ass, not my intention)
it's 100% about story relevance. that's what drives me crazy when people are almost demanding that Johnny Cage sit out just because he's been in the spotlight since the reboot. They had raiden save him from motaro for a reason. That must have been the vision raiden had before he saved Johnny was him punching shinnok in the yamsack. Hes still got more character development to go, I hope he gets a revamp/redesign similar to ermac where he gets full control of his secret cult powers and can throw clones like stunt double but more magic/energy based.have him floating around under some green energy. If they do that, it would be a great way to have his character come full circle.
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

08/18/2015 12:32 AM (UTC)
When I was younger I was always under the impression that people thought guest characters were the coolest thing ever, but I quickly learned that people do not think like me haha. I mean, I still appreciate guests but I fully understand now why people dislike them. I too have a limit. The two guests in MKX were fine and I do not expect there to be any more (at least I hope) because it would be overkill.

I'm also not even gonna be upset if Baraka doesn't make it (or any of the fightable cameos for that matter) into the supposed KP2. I'll be first to admit I'll be much more happy to save Barry for the next MK installment then to have him appear playable again in MKX. He needs this break

Also here to just say everyone needs to chill. No need for all this hostility and I hope we can just have a chill conversation, please.
08/18/2015 01:18 AM (UTC)
JadedReign Wrote:

"@HamrosPk @noobde skin for raiden please xD pic.twitter.com/KzdlHscbfp EB: "Thata39;s so RAIDEN?" ..... Ugh! ... Too easy. ;)

— Ed Boon (@noobde) August 17, 2015
ript async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">ript>

Don't do this to me, Edward....My heart can't take no mo' :'(

That Jade reference tho. Even tho shes my favorite character, I hope she isnt in this game. All of her moves were taken by other characters so it would be really boring.
08/18/2015 01:46 AM (UTC)
lanadelrey Wrote:
JadedReign Wrote:

"@HamrosPk @noobde skin for raiden please xD pic.twitter.com/KzdlHscbfp EB: "Thata39;s so RAIDEN?" ..... Ugh! ... Too easy. ;)

— Ed Boon (@noobde) August 17, 2015
ript async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">ript>

Don't do this to me, Edward....My heart can't take no mo' :'(

That Jade reference tho. Even tho shes my favorite character, I hope she isnt in this game. All of her moves were taken by other characters so it would be really boring.

For Jade to be in, Kitana's Mournful variation would have to be replaced. The tweet below, made back at the end of June, made me wonder if they were considering that.

Kitana Katana? pic.twitter.com/ky5sb2UI7K

— Ed Boon (@noobde) June 28, 2015
ript async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">ript>

*shrug* They may, they may not. Part of it is, admittedly, wishful thinking on my part. But NRS knows that Mournful did not go over well AT ALL with Jade fans. Heck, just look at the top voted comments on the Kitana/Reptile Kombat Kast on their YouTube channel. Hopefully NRS will make right by us.

I'd also like to see her just for story reasons. She's clearly trying to change the timeline, and is most likely in cahoots with that shimmering woman. They may flesh it out in MK11, but I feel like they need a bridge if they're building up this plot to be something, something more than just endings. A proper segue.

08/18/2015 02:45 AM (UTC)
JadedReign Wrote:
lanadelrey Wrote:
JadedReign Wrote:

"@HamrosPk @noobde skin for raiden please xD pic.twitter.com/KzdlHscbfp EB: "Thata39;s so RAIDEN?" ..... Ugh! ... Too easy. ;)

— Ed Boon (@noobde) August 17, 2015
ript async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">ript>

Don't do this to me, Edward....My heart can't take no mo' :'(

That Jade reference tho. Even tho shes my favorite character, I hope she isnt in this game. All of her moves were taken by other characters so it would be really boring.

For Jade to be in, Kitana's Mournful variation would have to be replaced. The tweet below, made back at the end of June, made me wonder if they were considering that.

Kitana Katana? pic.twitter.com/ky5sb2UI7K

— Ed Boon (@noobde) June 28, 2015
ript async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">ript>

*shrug* They may, they may not. Part of it is, admittedly, wishful thinking on my part. But NRS knows that Mournful did not go over well AT ALL with Jade fans. Heck, just look at the top voted comments on the Kitana/Reptile Kombat Kast on their YouTube channel. Hopefully NRS will make right by us.

I'd also like to see her just for story reasons. She's clearly trying to change the timeline, and is most likely in cahoots with that shimmering woman. They may flesh it out in MK11, but I feel like they need a bridge if they're building up this plot to be something, something more than just endings. A proper segue.

I love mournful. The other variations are good too but mournful feels way more different.
About Me

...And Justice For All

08/18/2015 02:12 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Lmao I love how characters who played a part in story mode would be "lame" and "wasted" yet everyone is fine with TWO guests characters and a generic side character from a much hated adventure game occupying 3 of the 4 current DLC slots.

But I understand, those characters are "kewlzzzz!111".

How about MK11 we have all the DLC be guest characters? Yeah, that would be kewlzzzzz. Fuck the story and LOGIC. Let's whore this motha out.

You people aren't fans. You're posers riding the wave while it's high.

Clearly you should be running NRS since you know exactly what all the masses want and whats best for the MK series. I get that they're just doing a terrible job now since MKX is only one of the biggest grossing games in 2015 but fuck what do they know right? Some people like guest characters and based off the success of Freddy in MK9 they decided to add one more. Its a small break from the norm which you seem to be having such a hard time with, its really not that big of a deal or worth getting so worked up over. Baraka would be a waste of DLC since in story mode he died fairly quick, his relevance was poor. Rain had more input but he was DLC in MK9 too bad so sad. He was more than likely brought back in story mode so they're not counting him out for the next run. Tremor was a nice surprise and thats what DLC should be in some aspects; a surprise and not just a run of the mill half assed "because they were NPC's in story mode."
08/18/2015 11:10 PM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Lmao I love how characters who played a part in story mode would be "lame" and "wasted" yet everyone is fine with TWO guests characters and a generic side character from a much hated adventure game occupying 3 of the 4 current DLC slots.

But I understand, those characters are "kewlzzzz!111".

How about MK11 we have all the DLC be guest characters? Yeah, that would be kewlzzzzz. Fuck the story and LOGIC. Let's whore this motha out.

You people aren't fans. You're posers riding the wave while it's high.

Clearly you should be running NRS since you know exactly what all the masses want and whats best for the MK series. I get that they're just doing a terrible job now since MKX is only one of the biggest grossing games in 2015 but fuck what do they know right? Some people like guest characters and based off the success of Freddy in MK9 they decided to add one more. Its a small break from the norm which you seem to be having such a hard time with, its really not that big of a deal or worth getting so worked up over. Baraka would be a waste of DLC since in story mode he died fairly quick, his relevance was poor. Rain had more input but he was DLC in MK9 too bad so sad. He was more than likely brought back in story mode so they're not counting him out for the next run. Tremor was a nice surprise and thats what DLC should be in some aspects; a surprise and not just a run of the mill half assed "because they were NPC's in story mode."

Tremor was far from a surprise also there is only 2 as of now. When u start to use others people stuff to sell your own it's kinda like selling out. It would be more impressive if mk could still be popular with out the guest characters.
08/19/2015 12:50 AM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Lmao I love how characters who played a part in story mode would be "lame" and "wasted" yet everyone is fine with TWO guests characters and a generic side character from a much hated adventure game occupying 3 of the 4 current DLC slots.

But I understand, those characters are "kewlzzzz!111".

How about MK11 we have all the DLC be guest characters? Yeah, that would be kewlzzzzz. Fuck the story and LOGIC. Let's whore this motha out.

You people aren't fans. You're posers riding the wave while it's high.

Clearly you should be running NRS since you know exactly what all the masses want and whats best for the MK series. I get that they're just doing a terrible job now since MKX is only one of the biggest grossing games in 2015 but fuck what do they know right? Some people like guest characters and based off the success of Freddy in MK9 they decided to add one more. Its a small break from the norm which you seem to be having such a hard time with, its really not that big of a deal or worth getting so worked up over. Baraka would be a waste of DLC since in story mode he died fairly quick, his relevance was poor. Rain had more input but he was DLC in MK9 too bad so sad. He was more than likely brought back in story mode so they're not counting him out for the next run. Tremor was a nice surprise and thats what DLC should be in some aspects; a surprise and not just a run of the mill half assed "because they were NPC's in story mode."

Tremor was far from a surprise also there is only 2 as of now. When u start to use others people stuff to sell your own it's kinda like selling out. It would be more impressive if mk could still be popular with out the guest characters.

MKX was extremely successful before Jason was even out, also MK9 was a huge success on 360 LONG before Freddy was even announced. Your logic confused
About Me

...And Justice For All

08/19/2015 01:03 AM (UTC)
MKX was extremely successful before Jason was even out, also MK9 was a huge success on 360 LONG before Freddy was even announced. Your logic confused

Never mind the fact that kombat pack characters reveal happened BEFORE the game was out. My logic isn't guest characters MAKE the game sell and make it a success. Its that guest characters are a different aspect of the DLC and they're more entertaining from the casual story NPCs, that logic I was talking about.

I hardly think 2 guest characters is selling out, far from it. If say half the roster was guests then maybe I'd agree. I wasn't expecting Tremor until KP reveal, I'd say of the KP cast that Jason and Predator were the "expectant" guests.
08/19/2015 01:34 AM (UTC)
Enough with the "not a real fan" bullshit. That crap's never held water in any community.
08/19/2015 02:20 AM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
MKX was extremely successful before Jason was even out, also MK9 was a huge success on 360 LONG before Freddy was even announced. Your logic confused

Never mind the fact that kombat pack characters reveal happened BEFORE the game was out. My logic isn't guest characters MAKE the game sell and make it a success. Its that guest characters are a different aspect of the DLC and they're more entertaining from the casual story NPCs, that logic I was talking about.

I hardly think 2 guest characters is selling out, far from it. If say half the roster was guests then maybe I'd agree. I wasn't expecting Tremor until KP reveal, I'd say of the KP cast that Jason and Predator were the "expectant" guests.

I doubt the people that bought the game solely for Jason or Predator would buy the game at launch. And even then, like i said MK9 on 360 had no guests for months (not even Freddy announced at that point) and was still selling great.

"My logic isn't guest characters MAKE the game sell and make it a success."

" It would be more impressive if mk could still be popular with out the guest characters." - Definitely makes it sound like you're saying the game is popular because of them. And i didn't know you and Windice were the same person.
About Me

...And Justice For All

08/19/2015 02:39 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
MKX was extremely successful before Jason was even out, also MK9 was a huge success on 360 LONG before Freddy was even announced. Your logic confused

Never mind the fact that kombat pack characters reveal happened BEFORE the game was out. My logic isn't guest characters MAKE the game sell and make it a success. Its that guest characters are a different aspect of the DLC and they're more entertaining from the casual story NPCs, that logic I was talking about.

I hardly think 2 guest characters is selling out, far from it. If say half the roster was guests then maybe I'd agree. I wasn't expecting Tremor until KP reveal, I'd say of the KP cast that Jason and Predator were the "expectant" guests.

I doubt the people that bought the game solely for Jason or Predator would buy the game at launch. And even then, like i said MK9 on 360 had no guests for months (not even Freddy announced at that point) and was still selling great.

"My logic isn't guest characters MAKE the game sell and make it a success."

" It would be more impressive if mk could still be popular with out the guest characters." - Definitely makes it sound like you're saying the game is popular because of them. And i didn't know you and Windice were the same person.

I never said people bought the game solely for guest characters lol check your facts.
08/19/2015 03:01 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Lmao I love how characters who played a part in story mode would be "lame" and "wasted" yet everyone is fine with TWO guests characters and a generic side character from a much hated adventure game occupying 3 of the 4 current DLC slots.

But I understand, those characters are "kewlzzzz!111".

How about MK11 we have all the DLC be guest characters? Yeah, that would be kewlzzzzz. Fuck the story and LOGIC. Let's whore this motha out.

You people aren't fans. You're posers riding the wave while it's high.

Clearly you should be running NRS since you know exactly what all the masses want and whats best for the MK series. I get that they're just doing a terrible job now since MKX is only one of the biggest grossing games in 2015 but fuck what do they know right? Some people like guest characters and based off the success of Freddy in MK9 they decided to add one more. Its a small break from the norm which you seem to be having such a hard time with, its really not that big of a deal or worth getting so worked up over. Baraka would be a waste of DLC since in story mode he died fairly quick, his relevance was poor. Rain had more input but he was DLC in MK9 too bad so sad. He was more than likely brought back in story mode so they're not counting him out for the next run. Tremor was a nice surprise and thats what DLC should be in some aspects; a surprise and not just a run of the mill half assed "because they were NPC's in story mode."

Tremor was far from a surprise also there is only 2 as of now. When u start to use others people stuff to sell your own it's kinda like selling out. It would be more impressive if mk could still be popular with out the guest characters.

MKX was extremely successful before Jason was even out, also MK9 was a huge success on 360 LONG before Freddy was even announced. Your logic confused

What I meant was they are using the guest characters to make some extra bucks cus they will sell more over there characters which is sad. Also we are not the same person and another thing is Jason came out like 2 weeks after the release and if I recall there was a bunch of people jumping on board of mk x who were not a fan before. (Cough) "Max" and the really bad thing is people like him literally trash mk yet they request more guest characters. I just think it's funny oh yea and wasn't mk 9 dlc leaked.
08/19/2015 03:26 AM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Lmao I love how characters who played a part in story mode would be "lame" and "wasted" yet everyone is fine with TWO guests characters and a generic side character from a much hated adventure game occupying 3 of the 4 current DLC slots.

But I understand, those characters are "kewlzzzz!111".

How about MK11 we have all the DLC be guest characters? Yeah, that would be kewlzzzzz. Fuck the story and LOGIC. Let's whore this motha out.

You people aren't fans. You're posers riding the wave while it's high.

Clearly you should be running NRS since you know exactly what all the masses want and whats best for the MK series. I get that they're just doing a terrible job now since MKX is only one of the biggest grossing games in 2015 but fuck what do they know right? Some people like guest characters and based off the success of Freddy in MK9 they decided to add one more. Its a small break from the norm which you seem to be having such a hard time with, its really not that big of a deal or worth getting so worked up over. Baraka would be a waste of DLC since in story mode he died fairly quick, his relevance was poor. Rain had more input but he was DLC in MK9 too bad so sad. He was more than likely brought back in story mode so they're not counting him out for the next run. Tremor was a nice surprise and thats what DLC should be in some aspects; a surprise and not just a run of the mill half assed "because they were NPC's in story mode."

Tremor was far from a surprise also there is only 2 as of now. When u start to use others people stuff to sell your own it's kinda like selling out. It would be more impressive if mk could still be popular with out the guest characters.

MKX was extremely successful before Jason was even out, also MK9 was a huge success on 360 LONG before Freddy was even announced. Your logic confused

What I meant was they are using the guest characters to make some extra bucks cus they will sell more over there characters which is sad. Also we are not the same person and another thing is Jason came out like 2 weeks after the release and if I recall there was a bunch of people jumping on board of mk x who were not a fan before. (Cough) "Max" and the really bad thing is people like him literally trash mk yet they request more guest characters. I just think it's funny oh yea and wasn't mk 9 dlc leaked.

Okay, not to be nit-picky but Max didn't jump on cause of Jason, he jumped on cause they played the game at E3 after being impressed by the reveal trailer well before any guest characters or info about the Season Pass was announced. Go ahead, look back on YouTube. He's had vids talking about how great the game looked and how great the gameplay was since June 2014.

Secondly, he has stayed with the game throughout its DLC run because of Predator, not Jason. He also hasn't trashed the franchise aside from poking fun at how weird the franchise's direction went in the 3D era with all the random character choices and "gimmicks" such a Puzzle Kombat. That was his reasoning for trying out every main numbered title to get a feel for how the franchise has grown. He also played the hell out of MK2011 in the run-up to MKX's release.

Thirdly, not to be all up on the guys balls even though I know I practically am already at this point but he has stayed with the series because he legit has fun playing the game and a lot of its characters (Kenshi, Takeda, Predator, Ermac, ect.) The guy isn't a hardcore fan but he's staying with the franchise because of its engine, not its guests. There's a big difference. Not like these other YouTubers who just make click-bait videos about how many guests and who will be guests and what MK11 will be like 4 times a week.

MKX, because of its engine, turned Max from a casual fan in the 90's to a fan of MK again who is legit looking forward to MK11. That says something.
08/20/2015 02:14 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Lmao I love how characters who played a part in story mode would be "lame" and "wasted" yet everyone is fine with TWO guests characters and a generic side character from a much hated adventure game occupying 3 of the 4 current DLC slots.

But I understand, those characters are "kewlzzzz!111".

How about MK11 we have all the DLC be guest characters? Yeah, that would be kewlzzzzz. Fuck the story and LOGIC. Let's whore this motha out.

You people aren't fans. You're posers riding the wave while it's high.

Clearly you should be running NRS since you know exactly what all the masses want and whats best for the MK series. I get that they're just doing a terrible job now since MKX is only one of the biggest grossing games in 2015 but fuck what do they know right? Some people like guest characters and based off the success of Freddy in MK9 they decided to add one more. Its a small break from the norm which you seem to be having such a hard time with, its really not that big of a deal or worth getting so worked up over. Baraka would be a waste of DLC since in story mode he died fairly quick, his relevance was poor. Rain had more input but he was DLC in MK9 too bad so sad. He was more than likely brought back in story mode so they're not counting him out for the next run. Tremor was a nice surprise and thats what DLC should be in some aspects; a surprise and not just a run of the mill half assed "because they were NPC's in story mode."

Tremor was far from a surprise also there is only 2 as of now. When u start to use others people stuff to sell your own it's kinda like selling out. It would be more impressive if mk could still be popular with out the guest characters.

MKX was extremely successful before Jason was even out, also MK9 was a huge success on 360 LONG before Freddy was even announced. Your logic confused

What I meant was they are using the guest characters to make some extra bucks cus they will sell more over there characters which is sad. Also we are not the same person and another thing is Jason came out like 2 weeks after the release and if I recall there was a bunch of people jumping on board of mk x who were not a fan before. (Cough) "Max" and the really bad thing is people like him literally trash mk yet they request more guest characters. I just think it's funny oh yea and wasn't mk 9 dlc leaked.

Okay, not to be nit-picky but Max didn't jump on cause of Jason, he jumped on cause they played the game at E3 after being impressed by the reveal trailer well before any guest characters or info about the Season Pass was announced. Go ahead, look back on YouTube. He's had vids talking about how great the game looked and how great the gameplay was since June 2014.

Secondly, he has stayed with the game throughout its DLC run because of Predator, not Jason. He also hasn't trashed the franchise aside from poking fun at how weird the franchise's direction went in the 3D era with all the random character choices and "gimmicks" such a Puzzle Kombat. That was his reasoning for trying out every main numbered title to get a feel for how the franchise has grown. He also played the hell out of MK2011 in the run-up to MKX's release.

Thirdly, not to be all up on the guys balls even though I know I practically am already at this point but he has stayed with the series because he legit has fun playing the game and a lot of its characters (Kenshi, Takeda, Predator, Ermac, ect.) The guy isn't a hardcore fan but he's staying with the franchise because of its engine, not its guests. There's a big difference. Not like these other YouTubers who just make click-bait videos about how many guests and who will be guests and what MK11 will be like 4 times a week.

MKX, because of its engine, turned Max from a casual fan in the 90's to a fan of MK again who is legit looking forward to MK11. That says something.

Oh no I know max didn't become a fan cus of guest what I'm saying is a new person like him would rather have guest in mk x over mk characters. And yes he talked about several things in mk in a bad manner. Guess it can't compare to his killer instinct
About Me

"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

08/20/2015 03:03 PM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
MKX was extremely successful before Jason was even out, also MK9 was a huge success on 360 LONG before Freddy was even announced. Your logic confused

Never mind the fact that kombat pack characters reveal happened BEFORE the game was out. My logic isn't guest characters MAKE the game sell and make it a success. Its that guest characters are a different aspect of the DLC and they're more entertaining from the casual story NPCs, that logic I was talking about.

I hardly think 2 guest characters is selling out, far from it. If say half the roster was guests then maybe I'd agree. I wasn't expecting Tremor until KP reveal, I'd say of the KP cast that Jason and Predator were the "expectant" guests.
nevermind the fact Freddy was announced 4 months after mk9s release. glasses
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