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...And Justice For All

08/17/2015 01:06 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
b-rad007 Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Sindel - Garbage
Rain - Garbage (just don't tell fanboy Ahnka)
Baraka - Garbage
Fujin - Mediocre but as potential

This pack would sell, though I think it wouldn't hit the marks NRS would want it to due to the poor character choices.

Would just be an updated version of MK9 fighters, that game was what it was now it's time for some gems to be added to DLC and not has beens.
so what exactly is good enough for you? Since it's not noob everything is garbage and mediocre? Get the fuck outta here with that crap. If you think baraka is "garbage", then I'd say your a fair weather fan, like a lot of people who use to shit on mk all the sudden it's the biggest franchise and all these mucks that bashed and hated mk have YouTube channels for mkx and all this shit. If you think any trilogy character is ggarbage and cannot stand their concept once so ever it'either for a petty childish reason, or your a bandwagon riding bitch.


Lol I'm a fair weather fan why, because I don't feel the need for those characters to be DLC? How dare I, I should just follow the masses and agree that a story pack is best suited for this game right. Never have I said on here that liking one character over another means your any less of a fan of the franchise. Never played Baraka since mk2 and probably never will if you're so interested. I have an honest view of what I think is garbage for dlc, you don't have to like it and I don't have to like yours either.

As for Ahnka and his guest character issue, I think guests are good and obviously NRS is going off the success of mk9. Tremor might be a "guest" to MKX being not in the story like Tanya but he was a good addition of variety to the roster. Variety in character choice is a good thing (again I'll state this is my opinion since some ppl here take things so personally...rad007). Like I've said before and I'll keep saying it; story pack and those characters would be lame, big time lame and boring and forgetful to list a few.
08/17/2015 01:23 PM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
b-rad007 Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Sindel - Garbage
Rain - Garbage (just don't tell fanboy Ahnka)
Baraka - Garbage
Fujin - Mediocre but as potential

This pack would sell, though I think it wouldn't hit the marks NRS would want it to due to the poor character choices.

Would just be an updated version of MK9 fighters, that game was what it was now it's time for some gems to be added to DLC and not has beens.
so what exactly is good enough for you? Since it's not noob everything is garbage and mediocre? Get the fuck outta here with that crap. If you think baraka is "garbage", then I'd say your a fair weather fan, like a lot of people who use to shit on mk all the sudden it's the biggest franchise and all these mucks that bashed and hated mk have YouTube channels for mkx and all this shit. If you think any trilogy character is ggarbage and cannot stand their concept once so ever it'either for a petty childish reason, or your a bandwagon riding bitch.


Lol I'm a fair weather fan why, because I don't feel the need for those characters to be DLC? How dare I, I should just follow the masses and agree that a story pack is best suited for this game right. Never have a I said on here that liking one character over another means your any less of a fan on the franchise than not. Never played Baraka since mk2 and probably never will if you're so interested. I have an honest view of what I think is garbage for dlc, you don't have to like it and I don't have to like yours either.

As for Ahnka and his guest character issue, I think guests are good and obviously NRS is going off the success of mk9. Tremor might be a "guest" to MKX being not in the story like Tanya but he was a good addition of variety to the roster. Variety in character choice is a good thing (again I'll state this is my opinion since some ppl here take things so personally...rad007). Like I've said before and I'll keep saying it; story pack and those characters would be lame, big time lame and boring and forgetful.

Agreed. Not wanting these characters equalling being a "fair weather fan" is just ridiculous. I, myself, have never liked Baraka but understand he has his place in this franchise. That said, he needs a break. He's been in every game since 2004 including the one-off Shaolin Monks. The whole argument that these non-playable story characters HAVE to ba playable is just sorta ridiculous on the whole. Does it suck you can't play as them if you're a fan? Yeah, sure. Would it suck if Kenshi was in that boat for me? Totally but I understand that ultimately just takes away from what makes Story Mode unique with having exclusive characters to fight against if they're suddenly released.

Tanya's in a different boat as she was intended as DLC for MK9 and also was intended (as is my understanding) for a main roster spot as well but either got cut or time ran out. Either way, she was insanely requested throughout the past 4 years. Rain I would also argue has had a recent bump in popularity since his DLC appearance 4 years ago. That said, there is just not enough room for all four of them and generally speaking, without a cyborg or a ninja (even though I hate admitting the latter), the pack likely wont sell as much since there likely wont be another guest.

Yes, it sucks we have to see peoples favorites get sidelined for a game but thats just the way this works and has always worked. Doesnt make anybody any less a fan if they'd rather see other characters get the chance to shine for once, especially when compared to the Trilogy folk. It also doesnt make anyone any less of a fan if they dislike a Trilogy character (Sorry Kano, Sindel and Sonya fans, they suck imo lol)
"those characters would be lame, big time lame and boring and forgetful."

That's just like your opinion man and that's fine. But personally I wouldn't be able to muster up interest in a pack with say Bo Rai Cho/Li Mei/Fujin/Reiko because to me that's far more boring than Baraka and Rain being revamped (which I'm pumped for and have been ever since it was KP2 was a possibility) even the anomaly that is Sindel (KLDs hit the nail on the head about her by the way)

But there is one thing about the Baraka disdain I take big issue with and that's "He's been in every game since 2004"

Well no fuckin shit, One game was based on the MK2 storyline, Another was "Every MK character ever" and Another was the first three games together..Of course he's going to be in those games were you expecting different?

I mean by that train of thought Kenshi has been around since 2002 and he only missed ONE game and that was DC (Y'know the game where Baraka of all fighters was the odd man out in that crummy roster full of safe picks) What a stale character am I right?

Baraka will get his break...after this game. Here's hoping Sonya, Johnny, Jax, Kung Lao, Kano and follow but lol that's not going to happen ever is it? And those fucks have been around since the 90's!

"..that ultimately just takes away from what makes Story Mode unique with having exclusive characters to fight against if they're suddenly released."

Oh, what a load.

But there is one thing you are right about..It doesn't make you any less of a fan if you don't want them just like it doesn't make me less of a fan to want those characters over most of the MK4-7 characters.
08/17/2015 04:11 PM (UTC)

"@HamrosPk @noobde skin for raiden please xD pic.twitter.com/KzdlHscbfp EB: "Thata39;s so RAIDEN?" ..... Ugh! ... Too easy. ;)

— Ed Boon (@noobde) August 17, 2015
ript async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">ript>

Don't do this to me, Edward....My heart can't take no mo' :'(

08/17/2015 04:17 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
"those characters would be lame, big time lame and boring and forgetful."

That's just like your opinion man and that's fine. But personally I wouldn't be able to muster up interest in a pack with say Bo Rai Cho/Li Mei/Fujin/Reiko because to me that's far more boring than Baraka and Rain being revamped (which I'm pumped for and have been ever since it was KP2 was a possibility) even the anomaly that is Sindel (KLDs hit the nail on the head about her by the way)

But there is one thing about the Baraka disdain I take big issue with and that's "He's been in every game since 2004"

Well no fuckin shit, One game was based on the MK2 storyline, Another was "Every MK character ever" and Another was the first three games together..Of course he's going to be in those games were you expecting different?

I mean by that train of thought Kenshi has been around since 2002 and he only missed ONE game and that was DC (Y'know the game where Baraka of all fighters was the odd man out in that crummy roster full of safe picks) What a stale character am I right?

Baraka will get his break...after this game. Here's hoping Sonya, Johnny, Jax, Kung Lao, Kano and follow but lol that's not going to happen ever is it? And those fucks have been around since the 90's!

"..that ultimately just takes away from what makes Story Mode unique with having exclusive characters to fight against if they're suddenly released."

Oh, what a load.

But there is one thing you are right about..It doesn't make you any less of a fan if you don't want them just like it doesn't make me less of a fan to want those characters over most of the MK4-7 characters.

A KP2 definitely should not be all 3D characters, even if that was just a random example. Lol Even as an avid fan of that era, thats just bad marketing. It should be split I think. 1 classic ninja, 1 cyborg and then two random 3D era characters. Attempt to please both sets of fans.

As for character breaks, Baraka is still in that camp (imo) as are the characters you mentioned. Hell, even Kenshi needs a break but of course they needed someone else outside of the Trilogy era to fill that gap cause they sure as hell weren't gonna drop Quan Chi and they most definitely were not gonna put in a random choice like Sareena or Bo Rai Cho no matter if they had a cameo or not.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is they desperately need a Deception styled roater because some of these ma'fuckers seriously need a break cause they are as stale as 2 week old left out crackers. I mean, when that game came out it was a welcome relief to see faces like Sindel, Ermac, Baraka, Nightwolf, ect. because it was a fresh surprise. If I have to see Cage of Sonya one more time, I honestly dont think I can muster up any excitement anymore. And that pains me to say it cause I grew up with them.

And finally as for Story Mode, lets be real; them being released would ruin the gimmick because thats honestly what it was. They taunted over and over that Story Mode would feature "surprises" so if those surprises are releases as playable, that ruins the gimmick. Theres really no arguing that. That is what NRS have always been best at; gimmicks. Konquest, Puzzle, Motor, Chess, Tag, Living Tower, now Story Mode cameos...... they're Kings and Queens when it comes to gimmicks (not saying thats bad) but if those 3 do get released, thats great for their fans but I'll be hesitant buying it, thats for sure. I mean, sure I'd like Rain, but I'm not exactly on the edge of my seat for characters that should've been in the main roster to begin with, ya know? And because of that, I don't feel comfortable paying for them knowing they should've been in in the first place.

But yeah, I see your side, too.
"There's really no arguing that" yeah no..

I'm making a big sourface because I heavily disagree on parts of that follow-up namely the fact that NPCs is supposed to be some cool "gimmick" and even If it was I think it's safe to say it fucking backfired on them and now people want those characters and expect to see them in KP2/Story Pack. Not just fanboys like us but casual fans.

Oh and that potential gimmick was ruined right out of the gate with Tanya.

Let's really be real son the actual gimmick were the the non-fightable cameos that popped up in story mode like Frost, Sareena, Bo'Rai Cho, Li Mei and Fujin.

So I guess making them DLC would really ruin the gimmick. If you want to agree to disagree/peacefully settle the discussion, fine. Don't see eye to eye on this and that's alright.
08/17/2015 04:46 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
"There's really no arguing that" yeah no..

I'm making a big sourface because I heavily disagree on parts of that follow-up namely the fact that NPCs is supposed to be some cool "gimmick" and even If it was I think it's safe to say it fucking backfired on them and now people want those characters and expect to see them in KP2/Story Pack. Not just fanboys like us but casual fans.

Oh and that potential gimmick was ruined right out of the gate with Tanya.

Let's really be real son the actual gimmick were the the non-fightable cameos that popped up in story mode like Frost, Sareena, Bo'Rai Cho, Li Mei and Fujin.

So I guess making them DLC would really ruin the gimmick. If you want to agree to disagree/peacefully settle the discussion, fine. Don't see eye to eye on this and that's alright.

Well you're certainly in a mood, ain't ya?
No, not really. confused
08/17/2015 06:40 PM (UTC)
I am so tired of the idea that all the trilogy characters are 'overdone'. Sindel has been in 3 non-Armageddon games. Three! U/MK3/T, Deception, and MK9. That's it.

Kenshi has been in more games than that. Quan Chi has been in more games than that. Many of the MK3 characters have never had a chance to really shine. Lumping in Sindel, Sheeva, Kabal, Nightwolf, Stryker, etc with the likes of Liu Kang, Kitana, Mileena, Sonya, Johnny Cage, and Jax is absurd.
08/17/2015 06:54 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Many of the MK3 characters have never had a chance to really shine. Lumping in Sindel, Sheeva, Kabal, Nightwolf, Stryker, etc with the likes of Liu Kang, Kitana, Mileena, Sonya, Johnny Cage, and Jax is absurd.

This chick. This chick gets it.
About Me

"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

08/17/2015 06:56 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
b-rad007 Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Sindel - Garbage
Rain - Garbage (just don't tell fanboy Ahnka)
Baraka - Garbage
Fujin - Mediocre but as potential

This pack would sell, though I think it wouldn't hit the marks NRS would want it to due to the poor character choices.

Would just be an updated version of MK9 fighters, that game was what it was now it's time for some gems to be added to DLC and not has beens.
so what exactly is good enough for you? Since it's not noob everything is garbage and mediocre? Get the fuck outta here with that crap. If you think baraka is "garbage", then I'd say your a fair weather fan, like a lot of people who use to shit on mk all the sudden it's the biggest franchise and all these mucks that bashed and hated mk have YouTube channels for mkx and all this shit. If you think any trilogy character is ggarbage and cannot stand their concept once so ever it'either for a petty childish reason, or your a bandwagon riding bitch.


Lol I'm a fair weather fan why, because I don't feel the need for those characters to be DLC? How dare I, I should just follow the masses and agree that a story pack is best suited for this game right. Never have a I said on here that liking one character over another means your any less of a fan on the franchise than not. Never played Baraka since mk2 and probably never will if you're so interested. I have an honest view of what I think is garbage for dlc, you don't have to like it and I don't have to like yours either.

As for Ahnka and his guest character issue, I think guests are good and obviously NRS is going off the success of mk9. Tremor might be a "guest" to MKX being not in the story like Tanya but he was a good addition of variety to the roster. Variety in character choice is a good thing (again I'll state this is my opinion since some ppl here take things so personally...rad007). Like I've said before and I'll keep saying it; story pack and those characters would be lame, big time lame and boring and forgetful.

Agreed. Not wanting these characters equalling being a "fair weather fan" is just ridiculous. I, myself, have never liked Baraka but understand he has his place in this franchise. That said, he needs a break. He's been in every game since 2004 including the one-off Shaolin Monks. The whole argument that these non-playable story characters HAVE to ba playable is just sorta ridiculous on the whole. Does it suck you can't play as them if you're a fan? Yeah, sure. Would it suck if Kenshi was in that boat for me? Totally but I understand that ultimately just takes away from what makes Story Mode unique with having exclusive characters to fight against if they're suddenly released.

Tanya's in a different boat as she was intended as DLC for MK9 and also was intended (as is my understanding) for a main roster spot as well but either got cut or time ran out. Either way, she was insanely requested throughout the past 4 years. Rain I would also argue has had a recent bump in popularity since his DLC appearance 4 years ago. That said, there is just not enough room for all four of them and generally speaking, without a cyborg or a ninja (even though I hate admitting the latter), the pack likely wont sell as much since there likely wont be another guest.

Yes, it sucks we have to see peoples favorites get sidelined for a game but thats just the way this works and has always worked. Doesnt make anybody any less a fan if they'd rather see other characters get the chance to shine for once, especially when compared to the Trilogy folk. It also doesnt make anyone any less of a fan if they dislike a Trilogy character (Sorry Kano, Sindel and Sonya fans, they suck imo lol)
what I said didn't really have anything to do with who is in kp2.. it was referring to so many people just rifling through characters going "oh he's garbage" and "oh he's mediocre and awful" all that crap. if baraka, fujin and cyrax are bland and mediocre who would you prefer then ? Hotaru? I'm 100% convinced that nrs can redeem any character in the mk universe to someone with an awsome move set & gameplay. That said, If they're doing more dlc, which it seems all but guaranteed, It's gonna be fujin, and trilogy characters, probably baraka sindel and either cyrax or noob. I'm sure there will be a few blowhards that will say "(sobs) but if noob or smoke isn't in I'm not buying it wahhhhhhhh boo hoo" talk all that shit then when some gameplay is shown you'll flip flop your decision like a lot of y'all did before mkx was released.
About Me

"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

08/17/2015 07:07 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
I am so tired of the idea that all the trilogy characters are 'overdone'. Sindel has been in 3 non-Armageddon games. Three! U/MK3/T, Deception, and MK9. That's it.

Kenshi has been in more games than that. Quan Chi has been in more games than that. Many of the MK3 characters have never had a chance to really shine. Lumping in Sindel, Sheeva, Kabal, Nightwolf, Stryker, etc with the likes of Liu Kang, Kitana, Mileena, Sonya, Johnny Cage, and Jax is absurd.
too many people take for granted the fact these characters are what put MK on the map. Without scorpion, sub zero, raiden , Johnny Cage, and Liu Kang, MK would not be a staple in pop culture. That's why I say that anyone who is a true "fan" realizes and respects this fact. You don't have to like them, but you have to respect their place jn the series.That's why it's lunacy to want them to just sit out "because they need a break" wtf? Johnny, Raiden and Liu especially are at the core of the plot, based on the ending of mkx, they are probably the main core of the next game too.
08/17/2015 07:09 PM (UTC)
b-rad007 Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
b-rad007 Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Sindel - Garbage
Rain - Garbage (just don't tell fanboy Ahnka)
Baraka - Garbage
Fujin - Mediocre but as potential

This pack would sell, though I think it wouldn't hit the marks NRS would want it to due to the poor character choices.

Would just be an updated version of MK9 fighters, that game was what it was now it's time for some gems to be added to DLC and not has beens.
so what exactly is good enough for you? Since it's not noob everything is garbage and mediocre? Get the fuck outta here with that crap. If you think baraka is "garbage", then I'd say your a fair weather fan, like a lot of people who use to shit on mk all the sudden it's the biggest franchise and all these mucks that bashed and hated mk have YouTube channels for mkx and all this shit. If you think any trilogy character is ggarbage and cannot stand their concept once so ever it'either for a petty childish reason, or your a bandwagon riding bitch.


Lol I'm a fair weather fan why, because I don't feel the need for those characters to be DLC? How dare I, I should just follow the masses and agree that a story pack is best suited for this game right. Never have a I said on here that liking one character over another means your any less of a fan on the franchise than not. Never played Baraka since mk2 and probably never will if you're so interested. I have an honest view of what I think is garbage for dlc, you don't have to like it and I don't have to like yours either.

As for Ahnka and his guest character issue, I think guests are good and obviously NRS is going off the success of mk9. Tremor might be a "guest" to MKX being not in the story like Tanya but he was a good addition of variety to the roster. Variety in character choice is a good thing (again I'll state this is my opinion since some ppl here take things so personally...rad007). Like I've said before and I'll keep saying it; story pack and those characters would be lame, big time lame and boring and forgetful.

Agreed. Not wanting these characters equalling being a "fair weather fan" is just ridiculous. I, myself, have never liked Baraka but understand he has his place in this franchise. That said, he needs a break. He's been in every game since 2004 including the one-off Shaolin Monks. The whole argument that these non-playable story characters HAVE to ba playable is just sorta ridiculous on the whole. Does it suck you can't play as them if you're a fan? Yeah, sure. Would it suck if Kenshi was in that boat for me? Totally but I understand that ultimately just takes away from what makes Story Mode unique with having exclusive characters to fight against if they're suddenly released.

Tanya's in a different boat as she was intended as DLC for MK9 and also was intended (as is my understanding) for a main roster spot as well but either got cut or time ran out. Either way, she was insanely requested throughout the past 4 years. Rain I would also argue has had a recent bump in popularity since his DLC appearance 4 years ago. That said, there is just not enough room for all four of them and generally speaking, without a cyborg or a ninja (even though I hate admitting the latter), the pack likely wont sell as much since there likely wont be another guest.

Yes, it sucks we have to see peoples favorites get sidelined for a game but thats just the way this works and has always worked. Doesnt make anybody any less a fan if they'd rather see other characters get the chance to shine for once, especially when compared to the Trilogy folk. It also doesnt make anyone any less of a fan if they dislike a Trilogy character (Sorry Kano, Sindel and Sonya fans, they suck imo lol)
what I said didn't really have anything to do with who is in kp2.. it was referring to so many people just rifling through characters going "oh he's garbage" and "oh he's mediocre and awful" all that crap. if baraka, fujin and cyrax are bland and mediocre who would you prefer then ? Hotaru? I'm 100% convinced that nrs can redeem any character in the mk universe to someone with an awsome move set & gameplay. That said, If they're doing more dlc, which it seems all but guaranteed, It's gonna be fujin, and trilogy characters, probably baraka sindel and either cyrax or noob. I'm sure there will be a few blowhards that will say "(sobs) but if noob or smoke isn't in I'm not buying it wahhhhhhhh boo hoo" talk all that shit then when some gameplay is shown you'll flip flop your decision like a lot of y'all did before mkx was released.

For the record, I don't dislike a single MK character. I just think certain characters are for lack of a better term "overexposed." Hell, even MK3 characters are incredibly lacking in appearances compared to the MK1-2 crowd. I just think (and this goes for anybody, including Quan Chi, Kenshi and the like) that if you've been in several games in a row, no matter if its a reboot, spin-off or not, you should sit your ass out a game because seeing that character over and over and over makes them grow stale. For instance, I used to love Johnny Cage. Now when I look at him, all I can muster up saying is "Really? Again?"

Hell, Kenshi's my die-hard favorite but even I can admit he didn't do jack shit in this game's storyline other than something that rivaled every other major cameo just about. That's just a testament to how fucked up this roster was in general.

Yes, yes, I understand before someone jumps up my ass about there needing to be a quota to fill of "recognizable faces" but Jesus H. Christ, when three quarters of every roster is always the same people (give or take a few), give me a break. It's overdone. Do something else for crying out loud. Switch it up. That's what DLC is for. If people want Kang and the like so damn badly, sell them. They'll sell like hot cakes. I know it seems like ages ago but we actually had games where these "staples" sat out and if memory serves, even though people didn't like a lot of the "new editions," guess what? The games still sold well, the franchise survived, it wasn't the end of the world. The shitty gameplay was what dragged down those 3D era games, not the roster. If they actually attempted something special in terms of roster like they did with Deception with an equally great engine like what we have now, I'm positive the game would still sell just as well if it was missing just a few of these "staples" for one game.
About Me

"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

08/17/2015 07:19 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
"those characters would be lame, big time lame and boring and forgetful."

That's just like your opinion man and that's fine. But personally I wouldn't be able to muster up interest in a pack with say Bo Rai Cho/Li Mei/Fujin/Reiko because to me that's far more boring than Baraka and Rain being revamped (which I'm pumped for and have been ever since it was KP2 was a possibility) even the anomaly that is Sindel (KLDs hit the nail on the head about her by the way)

But there is one thing about the Baraka disdain I take big issue with and that's "He's been in every game since 2004"

Well no fuckin shit, One game was based on the MK2 storyline, Another was "Every MK character ever" and Another was the first three games together..Of course he's going to be in those games were you expecting different?

I mean by that train of thought Kenshi has been around since 2002 and he only missed ONE game and that was DC (Y'know the game where Baraka of all fighters was the odd man out in that crummy roster full of safe picks) What a stale character am I right?

Baraka will get his break...after this game. Here's hoping Sonya, Johnny, Jax, Kung Lao, Kano and follow but lol that's not going to happen ever is it? And those fucks have been around since the 90's!

"..that ultimately just takes away from what makes Story Mode unique with having exclusive characters to fight against if they're suddenly released."

Oh, what a load.

But there is one thing you are right about..It doesn't make you any less of a fan if you don't want them just like it doesn't make me less of a fan to want those characters over most of the MK4-7 characters.

A KP2 definitely should not be all 3D characters, even if that was just a random example. Lol Even as an avid fan of that era, thats just bad marketing. It should be split I think. 1 classic ninja, 1 cyborg and then two random 3D era characters. Attempt to please both sets of fans.

As for character breaks, Baraka is still in that camp (imo) as are the characters you mentioned. Hell, even Kenshi needs a break but of course they needed someone else outside of the Trilogy era to fill that gap cause they sure as hell weren't gonna drop Quan Chi and they most definitely were not gonna put in a random choice like Sareena or Bo Rai Cho no matter if they had a cameo or not.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is they desperately need a Deception styled roater because some of these ma'fuckers seriously need a break cause they are as stale as 2 week old left out crackers. I mean, when that game came out it was a welcome relief to see faces like Sindel, Ermac, Baraka, Nightwolf, ect. because it was a fresh surprise. If I have to see Cage of Sonya one more time, I honestly dont think I can muster up any excitement anymore. And that pains me to say it cause I grew up with them.

And finally as for Story Mode, lets be real; them being released would ruin the gimmick because thats honestly what it was. They taunted over and over that Story Mode would feature "surprises" so if those surprises are releases as playable, that ruins the gimmick. Theres really no arguing that. That is what NRS have always been best at; gimmicks. Konquest, Puzzle, Motor, Chess, Tag, Living Tower, now Story Mode cameos...... they're Kings and Queens when it comes to gimmicks (not saying thats bad) but if those 3 do get released, thats great for their fans but I'll be hesitant buying it, thats for sure. I mean, sure I'd like Rain, but I'm not exactly on the edge of my seat for characters that should've been in the main roster to begin with, ya know? And because of that, I don't feel comfortable paying for them knowing they should've been in in the first place.

But yeah, I see your side, too.
Really? A deception style roster? Deception had 2 things about it that made it the most distinctive of the 3d games 1) it had the best mini game CHESS KOMBAT!! 2) it had by far, and I REALLY mean by far, the worse roster in all the MKs. Everytime I see a post like this bitching about what makes Mortal Kombat, well , Mortal Kombat. The trilogy characters. I have deception on my ps vita and the only reason I dont play it much is the glaring lack of Cage and a few others. Cry all you want about Cage, but like it or not he's not going anywhere. I just hope he gets announced earlier during the build-up to the next game. So all these mentally handicapped posters can't keep posting the same bullshit about "cassie is in so Johnny is automatically ruled out" -__-
08/17/2015 07:25 PM (UTC)
b-rad007 Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
"those characters would be lame, big time lame and boring and forgetful."

That's just like your opinion man and that's fine. But personally I wouldn't be able to muster up interest in a pack with say Bo Rai Cho/Li Mei/Fujin/Reiko because to me that's far more boring than Baraka and Rain being revamped (which I'm pumped for and have been ever since it was KP2 was a possibility) even the anomaly that is Sindel (KLDs hit the nail on the head about her by the way)

But there is one thing about the Baraka disdain I take big issue with and that's "He's been in every game since 2004"

Well no fuckin shit, One game was based on the MK2 storyline, Another was "Every MK character ever" and Another was the first three games together..Of course he's going to be in those games were you expecting different?

I mean by that train of thought Kenshi has been around since 2002 and he only missed ONE game and that was DC (Y'know the game where Baraka of all fighters was the odd man out in that crummy roster full of safe picks) What a stale character am I right?

Baraka will get his break...after this game. Here's hoping Sonya, Johnny, Jax, Kung Lao, Kano and follow but lol that's not going to happen ever is it? And those fucks have been around since the 90's!

"..that ultimately just takes away from what makes Story Mode unique with having exclusive characters to fight against if they're suddenly released."

Oh, what a load.

But there is one thing you are right about..It doesn't make you any less of a fan if you don't want them just like it doesn't make me less of a fan to want those characters over most of the MK4-7 characters.

A KP2 definitely should not be all 3D characters, even if that was just a random example. Lol Even as an avid fan of that era, thats just bad marketing. It should be split I think. 1 classic ninja, 1 cyborg and then two random 3D era characters. Attempt to please both sets of fans.

As for character breaks, Baraka is still in that camp (imo) as are the characters you mentioned. Hell, even Kenshi needs a break but of course they needed someone else outside of the Trilogy era to fill that gap cause they sure as hell weren't gonna drop Quan Chi and they most definitely were not gonna put in a random choice like Sareena or Bo Rai Cho no matter if they had a cameo or not.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is they desperately need a Deception styled roater because some of these ma'fuckers seriously need a break cause they are as stale as 2 week old left out crackers. I mean, when that game came out it was a welcome relief to see faces like Sindel, Ermac, Baraka, Nightwolf, ect. because it was a fresh surprise. If I have to see Cage of Sonya one more time, I honestly dont think I can muster up any excitement anymore. And that pains me to say it cause I grew up with them.

And finally as for Story Mode, lets be real; them being released would ruin the gimmick because thats honestly what it was. They taunted over and over that Story Mode would feature "surprises" so if those surprises are releases as playable, that ruins the gimmick. Theres really no arguing that. That is what NRS have always been best at; gimmicks. Konquest, Puzzle, Motor, Chess, Tag, Living Tower, now Story Mode cameos...... they're Kings and Queens when it comes to gimmicks (not saying thats bad) but if those 3 do get released, thats great for their fans but I'll be hesitant buying it, thats for sure. I mean, sure I'd like Rain, but I'm not exactly on the edge of my seat for characters that should've been in the main roster to begin with, ya know? And because of that, I don't feel comfortable paying for them knowing they should've been in in the first place.

But yeah, I see your side, too.
Really? A deception style roster? Deception had 2 things about it that made it the most distinctive of the 3d games 1) it had the best mini game CHESS KOMBAT!! 2) it had by far, and I REALLY mean by far, the worse roster in all the MKs. Everytime I see a post like this bitching about what makes Mortal Kombat, well , Mortal Kombat. The trilogy characters. I have deception on my ps vita and the only reason I dont play it much is the glaring lack of Cage and a few others. Cry all you want about Cage, but like it or not he's not going anywhere. I just hope he gets announced earlier during the build-up to the next game. So all these mentally handicapped posters can't keep posting the same bullshit about "cassie is in so Johnny is automatically ruled out" -__-

I'm not gonna argue opinions with you because it's pointless. You like your 90s cheese nostalgia glasses MK, that's great. I like that too when the need arises every now and then. When I say I want a Deception styled roster, I mean I want them to switch shit up. Leave some surprising choices out. Bring in some surprising underdogs and give them a chance to shine. Not everything has to be about 3D versus Trilogy. There ARE Trilogy characters that are underexposed. Hell, give me Sheeva and Stryker and Sektor again. At least Sheeva's a Queen and Stryker's a badass this time around. You don't want your favorites to sit out? Good on you. I don't really either but I could care less whether they end up sitting out because I'm not blind to the fact that people get sick of seeing them.

And honestly, fuck casuals and their vanilla complaints. They only play MK to get drunk, have a good time or to pass a month before the next big thing in gaming arrives. They could care less about what's good for the franchise as long as they have a great time playing for a month. Hell, they're the ones half the time saying Scorpion and Sub-Zero should sit out so their opinions to me are immediately un-noteworthy.
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

08/17/2015 07:26 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
b-rad007 Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
b-rad007 Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Sindel - Garbage
Rain - Garbage (just don't tell fanboy Ahnka)
Baraka - Garbage
Fujin - Mediocre but as potential

This pack would sell, though I think it wouldn't hit the marks NRS would want it to due to the poor character choices.

Would just be an updated version of MK9 fighters, that game was what it was now it's time for some gems to be added to DLC and not has beens.
so what exactly is good enough for you? Since it's not noob everything is garbage and mediocre? Get the fuck outta here with that crap. If you think baraka is "garbage", then I'd say your a fair weather fan, like a lot of people who use to shit on mk all the sudden it's the biggest franchise and all these mucks that bashed and hated mk have YouTube channels for mkx and all this shit. If you think any trilogy character is ggarbage and cannot stand their concept once so ever it'either for a petty childish reason, or your a bandwagon riding bitch.


Lol I'm a fair weather fan why, because I don't feel the need for those characters to be DLC? How dare I, I should just follow the masses and agree that a story pack is best suited for this game right. Never have a I said on here that liking one character over another means your any less of a fan on the franchise than not. Never played Baraka since mk2 and probably never will if you're so interested. I have an honest view of what I think is garbage for dlc, you don't have to like it and I don't have to like yours either.

As for Ahnka and his guest character issue, I think guests are good and obviously NRS is going off the success of mk9. Tremor might be a "guest" to MKX being not in the story like Tanya but he was a good addition of variety to the roster. Variety in character choice is a good thing (again I'll state this is my opinion since some ppl here take things so personally...rad007). Like I've said before and I'll keep saying it; story pack and those characters would be lame, big time lame and boring and forgetful.

Agreed. Not wanting these characters equalling being a "fair weather fan" is just ridiculous. I, myself, have never liked Baraka but understand he has his place in this franchise. That said, he needs a break. He's been in every game since 2004 including the one-off Shaolin Monks. The whole argument that these non-playable story characters HAVE to ba playable is just sorta ridiculous on the whole. Does it suck you can't play as them if you're a fan? Yeah, sure. Would it suck if Kenshi was in that boat for me? Totally but I understand that ultimately just takes away from what makes Story Mode unique with having exclusive characters to fight against if they're suddenly released.

Tanya's in a different boat as she was intended as DLC for MK9 and also was intended (as is my understanding) for a main roster spot as well but either got cut or time ran out. Either way, she was insanely requested throughout the past 4 years. Rain I would also argue has had a recent bump in popularity since his DLC appearance 4 years ago. That said, there is just not enough room for all four of them and generally speaking, without a cyborg or a ninja (even though I hate admitting the latter), the pack likely wont sell as much since there likely wont be another guest.

Yes, it sucks we have to see peoples favorites get sidelined for a game but thats just the way this works and has always worked. Doesnt make anybody any less a fan if they'd rather see other characters get the chance to shine for once, especially when compared to the Trilogy folk. It also doesnt make anyone any less of a fan if they dislike a Trilogy character (Sorry Kano, Sindel and Sonya fans, they suck imo lol)
what I said didn't really have anything to do with who is in kp2.. it was referring to so many people just rifling through characters going "oh he's garbage" and "oh he's mediocre and awful" all that crap. if baraka, fujin and cyrax are bland and mediocre who would you prefer then ? Hotaru? I'm 100% convinced that nrs can redeem any character in the mk universe to someone with an awsome move set & gameplay. That said, If they're doing more dlc, which it seems all but guaranteed, It's gonna be fujin, and trilogy characters, probably baraka sindel and either cyrax or noob. I'm sure there will be a few blowhards that will say "(sobs) but if noob or smoke isn't in I'm not buying it wahhhhhhhh boo hoo" talk all that shit then when some gameplay is shown you'll flip flop your decision like a lot of y'all did before mkx was released.

For the record, I don't dislike a single MK character. I just think certain characters are for lack of a better term "overexposed." Hell, even MK3 characters are incredibly lacking in appearances compared to the MK1-2 crowd. I just think (and this goes for anybody, including Quan Chi, Kenshi and the like) that if you've been in several games in a row, no matter if its a reboot, spin-off or not, you should sit your ass out a game because seeing that character over and over and over makes them grow stale. For instance, I used to love Johnny Cage. Now when I look at him, all I can muster up saying is "Really? Again?"

Hell, Kenshi's my die-hard favorite but even I can admit he didn't do jack shit in this game's storyline other than something that rivaled every other major cameo just about. That's just a testament to how fucked up this roster was in general.

Yes, yes, I understand before someone jumps up my ass about there needing to be a quota to fill of "recognizable faces" but Jesus H. Christ, when three quarters of every roster is always the same people (give or take a few), give me a break. It's overdone. Do something else for crying out loud. Switch it up. That's what DLC is for. If people want Kang and the like so damn badly, sell them. They'll sell like hot cakes. I know it seems like ages ago but we actually had games where these "staples" sat out and if memory serves, even though people didn't like a lot of the "new editions," guess what? The games still sold well, the franchise survived, it wasn't the end of the world. The shitty gameplay was what dragged down those 3D era games, not the roster. If they actually attempted something special in terms of roster like they did with Deception with an equally great engine like what we have now, I'm positive the game would still sell just as well if it was missing just a few of these "staples" for one game.
I see your point, but it would be beyond a terrible idea to just throw out the potential Raiden/The Cages vs Liu & the revenants story just because Johnny and Liu need a break (in your opinion) . If a character is virtually irrelevant to the story then I'm 100% for them takin a seat on the npc bench. Like say kenshi tongue but if they are crucial to the story they should be on the roster, even if they are at the bottom of the usage list. But Kharacters who are top 10 usage and essential to the story have to stick around.
08/17/2015 07:38 PM (UTC)
b-rad007 Wrote:
I see your point, but it would be beyond a terrible idea to just throw out the potential Raiden/The Cages vs Liu & the revenants story just because Johnny and Liu need a break (in your opinion) . If a character is virtually irrelevant to the story then I'm 100% for them takin a seat on the npc bench. Like say kenshi tongue but if they are crucial to the story they should be on the roster, even if they are at the bottom of the usage list. But Kharacters who are top 10 usage and essential to the story have to stick around.

See, now we're getting on the same page. It all comes down to story relevancy. I hate to say this because I love him but Kenshi needs to sit the next game out but he won't and there's one reason for that; Shang Tsung. We all know he's gonna be back in a big, bad way and with Liu on the opposite side (evil and undead), there's only one other character who has just as much of a rivalry with Shang Tsung (aside from Raiden) and that's Kenshi.

That's yet another reason why I don't think Smoke or Sindel for that matter will be DLC, I think all the revenants are being saved (Jade included) because they will have a big plot point in MK11 (instead of being practically useless henchman for Shinnok like they were this time around). Hell, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they give us a re-do of Deadly Alliance except this time the alliance is Shang Tsung and Ruler of the Netherrealm Liu Kang.

But who honestly knows what they plan to do. If KP2 is as bland as the day is long then it is, nothing I can do to change it. I just wish they'd do something shocking, something no one expects, something like (dare I say it) Tremor. It was nice, it was refreshing. Sure, another ninja made me about gag but it still made me smile and think "Hey, maybe NRS are still willing to take a roster risk after all."

PS (Can anyone tell I'm having an absolutely shitty day? Sorry if I come off sounding like an ass, not my intention)
08/17/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
b-rad007 Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
I am so tired of the idea that all the trilogy characters are 'overdone'. Sindel has been in 3 non-Armageddon games. Three! U/MK3/T, Deception, and MK9. That's it.

Kenshi has been in more games than that. Quan Chi has been in more games than that. Many of the MK3 characters have never had a chance to really shine. Lumping in Sindel, Sheeva, Kabal, Nightwolf, Stryker, etc with the likes of Liu Kang, Kitana, Mileena, Sonya, Johnny Cage, and Jax is absurd.
too many people take for granted the fact these characters are what put MK on the map. Without scorpion, sub zero, raiden , Johnny Cage, and Liu Kang, MK would not be a staple in pop culture. That's why I say that anyone who is a true "fan" realizes and respects this fact. You don't have to like them, but you have to respect their place jn the series.That's why it's lunacy to want them to just sit out "because they need a break" wtf? Johnny, Raiden and Liu especially are at the core of the plot, based on the ending of mkx, they are probably the main core of the next game too.

The same thing over and over does get boring. It gets old.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/17/2015 07:56 PM (UTC)
Lmao I love how characters who played a part in story mode would be "lame" and "wasted" yet everyone is fine with TWO guests characters and a generic side character from a much hated adventure game occupying 3 of the 4 current DLC slots.

But I understand, those characters are "kewlzzzz!111".

How about MK11 we have all the DLC be guest characters? Yeah, that would be kewlzzzzz. Fuck the story and LOGIC. Let's whore this motha out.

You people aren't fans. You're posers riding the wave while it's high.
08/17/2015 08:10 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Lmao I love how characters who played a part in story mode would be "lame" and "wasted" yet everyone is fine with TWO guests characters and a generic side character from a much hated adventure game occupying 3 of the 4 current DLC slots.

But I understand, those characters are "kewlzzzz!111".

How about MK11 we have all the DLC be guest characters? Yeah, that would be kewlzzzzz. Fuck the story and LOGIC. Let's whore this motha out.

You people aren't fans. You're posers riding the wave while it's high.

IS anyone actually okay with guests? I was more under the impression people were just over it cause its gonna happen whether we like it or not regardless.

I mean, I wasn't pleased with Tremor as much as the next guy, but hell, at least he IS an MK character compared to the other two. And last I looked, I wasn't aware we had to all agree to be fans. If that's the case, I guess I've dumped at least over 10K into a franchise I'm not a fan of. Give me a break.
08/17/2015 08:48 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:That's yet another reason why I don't think Smoke or Sindel for that matter will be DLC, I think all the revenants are being saved (Jade included) because they will have a big plot point in MK11 (instead of being practically useless henchman for Shinnok like they were this time around). Hell, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they give us a re-do of Deadly Alliance except this time the alliance is Shang Tsung and Ruler of the Netherrealm Liu Kang.

This is exactly why I don't want more of the revenants back, because I want them to shine in the next game, especially with the cliffhanger in MKX. Why bring them back now when you can go all out and include them in the story in a big way? Also DLC tend to (as much as it sucks) have one costume. I can't see the them doing one revenant and one undead costume.

I'm guessing KP2 will be between 2-3 characters. I can't see anymore than 2 to be honest. There's so many things to consider; variations, move sets, fatalities, brutalities, voices, intros, motion caps etc, that's a lot of work. I'm seeing Fujin and Li Mei as the front runners (as they were in story mode and most likely held them back due to DLC money making potential, more so Fujin) and maybe a 3rd guest or most requested trilogy character. I'm probably wrong though.
I still want them DLC areas more than I want the DLC characters though...
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/17/2015 09:08 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Lmao I love how characters who played a part in story mode would be "lame" and "wasted" yet everyone is fine with TWO guests characters and a generic side character from a much hated adventure game occupying 3 of the 4 current DLC slots.

But I understand, those characters are "kewlzzzz!111".

How about MK11 we have all the DLC be guest characters? Yeah, that would be kewlzzzzz. Fuck the story and LOGIC. Let's whore this motha out.

You people aren't fans. You're posers riding the wave while it's high.

IS anyone actually okay with guests? I was more under the impression people were just over it cause its gonna happen whether we like it or not regardless.

I mean, I wasn't pleased with Tremor as much as the next guy, but hell, at least he IS an MK character compared to the other two. And last I looked, I wasn't aware we had to all agree to be fans. If that's the case, I guess I've dumped at least over 10K into a franchise I'm not a fan of. Give me a break.

I never said we had to agree in order to be fans, but there are several people who just getting a free ride now that the series is in good hands and is at the top of the food chain. You can easily tell those people apart because of them wanting nothing but guests galore and not giving a rat's ass about the story or what makes sense.

You're in denial if you think having two guests and a lame character from an adventure game EVERYONE HATES is satisfying. Then when we suggest some characters who were actually in story mode we get shot down and told our choices are LAME. Bitch, please!
08/17/2015 09:24 PM (UTC)
Boon is worrying me with all these Alien tweets. No one gives a shit about Aliens! I mean 1 are 2 are great movies, but this is Mortal Kombat, not AVP.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

08/17/2015 09:25 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Lmao I love how characters who played a part in story mode would be "lame" and "wasted" yet everyone is fine with TWO guests characters and a generic side character from a much hated adventure game occupying 3 of the 4 current DLC slots.

But I understand, those characters are "kewlzzzz!111".

How about MK11 we have all the DLC be guest characters? Yeah, that would be kewlzzzzz. Fuck the story and LOGIC. Let's whore this motha out.

You people aren't fans. You're posers riding the wave while it's high.

I admire your passion, but saying that you must be a fair weather fan if you like guest characters is absolutely bat shit.

And fuck it, since dlc should be dictated by story, let's do it...


Rain...Dead(its totally canon because it was in a character's ending that was a part of the story).

Sindel...well, she survived, right?

Fujin...couldn't be bothered to help Earthrealm the second time around. Maybe he'll be ready once KP2 rolls around.

*waits for obligatory " death is meaningless in MK" argument...

08/17/2015 10:01 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
You're in denial if you think having two guests and a lame character from an adventure game EVERYONE HATES is satisfying. Then when we suggest some characters who were actually in story mode we get shot down and told our choices are LAME. Bitch, please!

People hate MK Special Forces but Tremor himself has got nothing but praise since he was released. I wouldn't consider that lame, but that's just me.

Why should story relevance dictate DLC? That excludes possible candidates for no reason. That would exclude Reiko and Havik, both characters who have been getting requests since the comic. But since the comic is really its own entity and not related to the game's story they are disqualified. Does that make sense?

DLC is just bonus characters. It's not like they get their own chapters in story mode anyway so why should story matter at all?

Lastly, the reason I think Rain, Baraka, and Sindel are lame choices is because they were just in MK9. I get a "been there, done that" vibe from them as DLC. Now characters who haven't been playable since Armageddon? That's more interesting.

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