08/15/2015 01:35 AM (UTC)
I hope its not all 3. I'd rather have Rain sold on his own for like $2.99 then one of the others in KP2.

Personally, I'd like to see Baraka, Fujin, Havik, and Sareena, but that is highly ambitious. I think NRS is going with 2 safe picks, 1 obscure and 1 they want to do.

Story Mode NPC's are safe for NRS because first time fans will recognize them from the story mode, and casual fans will be happy to see their favorite make the game. As for who NRS picks I have no fucking clue but, I hope at least Fujin, Havik, or Sareena make it. If at least one of those three make it I'll be elated.

Either way, I'm probably going to but KP2 anyways, unless NRS shits their brain and puts in Hsu Hao, Mokap, Johnny Cage's Movie Director, and Spyro, or something equally ridiculous.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

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08/15/2015 02:52 AM (UTC)
Story Pack

Rain, Baraka, Sindel & Smoke(if they go with Cyborg replace Smoke with Bo Rai Cho) Price $14.99 since Ed said they wouldn't make us pay for Rain as DLC 2 games in a row

Kombat Pack #2

Sareena/Li Mei
Revenant Shao Kahn

I do actually like the idea of Cyborg with a Cyrax, Sektor & Smoke Variations. I've been posting about it since we knew about the three variation system

Better Idea instead of having Compatibility Costumes have on Disc Story Mode NPC

September - Havik
Story Mode Character - Sindel

October - Sareena
Story Mode Character - Baraka

November - Fujin
Story Mode Character - Rain

December - Revenant Shao Kahn/Reiko
Fan Service Character - Cyborg

I would gladly pay $30 for it

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08/15/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
I don't even care what characters, I want more...Execpt for guests, no more of that please.
Yeah...still not convinced. Boon loves to troll, and I really don't care what a non-NRS video tells me. Unless NRS announces it, it's still just an idea.
08/15/2015 06:46 AM (UTC)
I know it's not confirmation but the mere fact of Ed Boon tweeting anything with my queen's face on it makes me so happyyyy
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08/15/2015 12:39 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
It still baffles the fuck out of me why people want all three cyborgs in one...

Because Smektrax is a great idea........no, it really isn't, is it? lol

It's the Megazord fantasy we were all fed as children watching Power Rangers. Ninja transforming robots are unequivocally cool.
08/15/2015 03:41 PM (UTC)
Alien would be a horrendous addition to the roster, no more guests, PLEASE!! I'm also resigned to the belief that NPCs are the most likely DLC, instead of NRS taking risks like Reiko and Havik. As long as Fujin is the fourth character, hell, as long as they're all MK characters, I'll buy it.
08/15/2015 04:01 PM (UTC)
DigitalDebaser Wrote:
Yeah...still not convinced. Boon loves to troll, and I really don't care what a non-NRS video tells me. Unless NRS announces it, it's still just an idea.


I also want a KP2 but I'm not really convinced about the posts from Ed Boon. He always trolls. For me it is also not a proof that the KombatPack was called KP1. This doesn't mean there is a KP2. But I really hope for more DLC and finally Sektor, Baraka and Fujin.
08/15/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
I agree with no more guest characters. Jason and Predator are enough, and I love what they did with Predator but please let that be it.

More MK characters deserve the spot light. Max is not an old school MK fan, he just came abroad with Injustice and MKX so he has no clue what the fans really want like Fujin. Not that many fans want Smoke (or Enenra) it'd be dumb to include him instead of Fujin or the other most requested characters like Baraka, Rain and Sindel.

Bet we're getting these 4:

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...And Justice For All

08/15/2015 07:34 PM (UTC)
Sindel - Garbage
Rain - Garbage (just don't tell fanboy Ahnka)
Baraka - Garbage
Fujin - Mediocre but as potential

This pack would sell, though I think it wouldn't hit the marks NRS would want it to due to the poor character choices.

Would just be an updated version of MK9 fighters, that game was what it was now it's time for some gems to be added to DLC and not has beens.
08/15/2015 08:15 PM (UTC)
eat me haters sindel rules
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/15/2015 08:59 PM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
Sindel - Garbage
Rain - Garbage (just don't tell fanboy Ahnka)
Baraka - Garbage
Fujin - Mediocre but as potential

This pack would sell, though I think it wouldn't hit the marks NRS would want it to due to the poor character choices.

Would just be an updated version of MK9 fighters, that game was what it was now it's time for some gems to be added to DLC and not has beens.

Gems should actually make it into the default roster for MK11 instead of being half-assed tacked on to this game. And by gems who exactly the fuck are you talking about, Noob? Smoke? Your lame faves?

An I'll take all of the garbage above over more guests which you SHOULD be directing your anger at. Like it or not , Rain, Baraka, Fujin and Sindel played SOME sorta role In the story- Jason, Predator, and fucking Tremor did not yet they are not garbage? Shut it. I tire of you always trying to fuck with me.

Give me the story pack- but replace Sindel with Li Mei or have Rain be free DLC and have Pack 2 be Fujin, Li Mei, Sindel, and Baraka. Any characters that were involved with the plot are welcomed. If you really wanna talk about giving other characters a chance then let those characters get the best chance they'll ever get and that's a spot in the default roster of the next main titled MK game.
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

08/15/2015 09:00 PM (UTC)
Ever thought of the possibility where Rain or Baraka may be a free extra character added to KP2? Their in game models are there, they just need a new moveset and if KP2 contains another four characters and some additional content, they might make it so that if you buy the entire KP2 you get Rain or Baraka for free
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/15/2015 09:03 PM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
Ever thought of the possibility where Rain or Baraka may be a free extra character added to KP2? Their in game models are there, they just need a new moveset and if KP2 contains another four characters and some additional content, they might make it so that if you buy the entire KP2 you get Rain or Baraka for free

Rain and Baraka could be 100% free but someone, somewhere will stand bitch about Rain being in the game period. It's pathetic.
PickleMendip Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
It still baffles the fuck out of me why people want all three cyborgs in one...

Because Smektrax is a great idea........no, it really isn't, is it? lol

It's the Megazord fantasy we were all fed as children watching Power Rangers. Ninja transforming robots are unequivocally cool.

We can get rid of the ninjas too, cause we have Chameleon... tongue *eyeroll*

08/16/2015 03:25 AM (UTC)
DigitalDebaser Wrote:
Yeah...still not convinced. Boon loves to troll, and I really don't care what a non-NRS video tells me. Unless NRS announces it, it's still just an idea.

It's not just an idea, it's more like they'd be stupid not to have another Kombat pack at this point. MKX came out mid April and it's the best selling title of the year so far across all platforms. Netherrealm (especially WB) isn't just going to stop making content for a game that released four months ago, when it's still rolling in the dough and most likely will continue to do so for a while. As long as fresh new content is being delivered (new kombatants, costumes, arenas), fans will eat it up and the game will keep raking in the profits.

Story pack is all but a guarantee, but who exactly they choose is anyone's guess. Rain, Sindel, and Baraka seem like the mostly likely, but if they do indeed have four kharacters in the pack, the last spot is probably between Smoke and Fujin. I personally want Fujin the most overall.
Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

08/16/2015 05:03 AM (UTC)
It's not a Kombat Pack I'd purchase, if it's going to be Rain, Fujin, Baraka, and Sindel. They should have been in the game if that's how it's going to be done.

I'd rather it be characters who were elsewhere and we need briefed on: Cyrax, Havik, Hotaru, etc...

I like Fujin and all, and maybe even Sareena. We know Baraka dies, we know Rain gets his butt kicked a couple times, and we know Sindel was undead.

I dunno. I'd be fairly torn on this one.
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Where's Fujin?

08/16/2015 09:35 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't buy a Story pack if it was just the NPCs. I'd buy Fujin separately, and possibly Rain... but I don't think he will be DLC twice in a row.

I'd much rather have a Komic Pack with the likes of Fujin, Reiko and Havik. I'd buy that, but I'd never buy Baraka or Sindel.
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

08/16/2015 12:58 PM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
Sindel - Garbage
Rain - Garbage (just don't tell fanboy Ahnka)
Baraka - Garbage
Fujin - Mediocre but as potential

This pack would sell, though I think it wouldn't hit the marks NRS would want it to due to the poor character choices.

Would just be an updated version of MK9 fighters, that game was what it was now it's time for some gems to be added to DLC and not has beens.
so what exactly is good enough for you? Since it's not noob everything is garbage and mediocre? Get the fuck outta here with that crap. If you think baraka is "garbage", then I'd say your a fair weather fan, like a lot of people who use to shit on mk all the sudden it's the biggest franchise and all these mucks that bashed and hated mk have YouTube channels for mkx and all this shit. If you think any trilogy character is ggarbage and cannot stand their concept once so ever it'either for a petty childish reason, or your a bandwagon riding bitch.
08/16/2015 02:13 PM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
Ever thought of the possibility where Rain or Baraka may be a free extra character added to KP2? Their in game models are there, they just need a new moveset and if KP2 contains another four characters and some additional content, they might make it so that if you buy the entire KP2 you get Rain or Baraka for free

This is WB we're talking about. Free characters will not happen. If they do, then hot shit. But they won't.
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08/16/2015 03:07 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
I know it's not confirmation but the mere fact of Ed Boon tweeting anything with my queen's face on it makes me so happyyyy

Me too !!! <3<3<3 Queen Sindel<3<3<3
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/16/2015 05:42 PM (UTC)
b-rad007 Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Sindel - Garbage
Rain - Garbage (just don't tell fanboy Ahnka)
Baraka - Garbage
Fujin - Mediocre but as potential

This pack would sell, though I think it wouldn't hit the marks NRS would want it to due to the poor character choices.

Would just be an updated version of MK9 fighters, that game was what it was now it's time for some gems to be added to DLC and not has beens.
so what exactly is good enough for you? Since it's not noob everything is garbage and mediocre? Get the fuck outta here with that crap. If you think baraka is "garbage", then I'd say your a fair weather fan, like a lot of people who use to shit on mk all the sudden it's the biggest franchise and all these mucks that bashed and hated mk have YouTube channels for mkx and all this shit. If you think any trilogy character is ggarbage and cannot stand their concept once so ever it'either for a petty childish reason, or your a bandwagon riding bitch.

08/16/2015 06:28 PM (UTC)
Wow I thought everyone liked Baraka and wNted him in the original game. When his picture popped up everyone got excited. Anyways if sindel makes it she will most likely get a update cus I don't think they would leave her as a revenant or with her old costume also if a character is dlc it doesn't mean they will get a story or there story would even match.
Sonya since 92
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08/16/2015 06:54 PM (UTC)
I for one would love to see Sindel return! Her variations would be fantastic..... If I was in charge. I'm sure NRS would do her fans proud.
I would like to see a what if she came back costume for her like the other Revenants got as well.
08/16/2015 08:29 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Wow I thought everyone liked Baraka and wNted him in the original game. When his picture popped up everyone got excited. Anyways if sindel makes it she will most likely get a update cus I don't think they would leave her as a revenant or with her old costume also if a character is dlc it doesn't mean they will get a story or there story would even match.

I think it. Was a mix of Baraka fans and people excited for more news. Even then there was still a lot of disagreement as to if he would be included or if he should be.
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