08/01/2015 11:54 PM (UTC)
lanadelrey Wrote:
The vomiting is ok but the farting is really cringeworthy tbh. Even when I saw that when I was like 8 I though it was too much

The only reason i don't think vomit is ok is beacuse NRS try to make this character so important, and make him act like he's this wise sensei who is very resptected. He even is in a lot of big events in the history of MK . And when you make a power of this big serious character farting or vomiting agains other fighter it's gonna end looking more like "the gross and stupid fat drunk guy" more than the "Shaolin Drunk master" Schtick. Anything like fart, burp, vomit, etc.. really ruined the idea of this guy who use the phrase "The appearances can be deceptive" being like a Yoda of MK
08/02/2015 12:01 AM (UTC)
I just think the fat slob is apart of his character. Having a wise old master who no one would think is capable, yet alone the best, is more interesting than the wise old master who is respected and looked up to. Hell, I would say the people of the MK world, besides Raiden and his pupils, would say exactly what some of you here say about him. He's a disgusting fat slob who is immature and a waste of space. Yet, the god of thunder looks to him as a friend and mentor. Say the reason Shao Kahn or the other evil forces never took him as a threat because he would constantly drink until he pissed himself.

The less serious he looks, the less serious people will take him. Which makes it more interesting that he is so highly regarded by these serious heroes. Give him a super badass moment of two where he flips his personality and shows why he is a master. That combined with his sophomoric humor would make him a much better character.
08/02/2015 12:07 AM (UTC)
If the farting/ vomiting showed up as a rare easter egg with the right comedic timing, I would probably find it funny. Just maybe not something it his regular moveset.
08/02/2015 12:09 AM (UTC)
Total_Attraction Wrote:
I really don't understand what the big problem is with this character using toilet humor as a way to attacking. You're playing a game that has massive amounts of ways to dismember your opponent, literally showing guts to the audience. That's not disturbing? But bowel movements and chucking up puddles of vomit is? Okay, that makes sense. /sarcasm

The game has its goofy moments. What, is it because majority of us are all in our twenties, we're too "mature" for that kind of humor now? I don't see anyone crying over Noob's x-ray where he kicks you so hard your character pukes. I don't see anyone bitching about how Sonya and Kitana made their opponent vomit in their Deadly Alliance fatality.

And please don't respond to me, telling me that those scenarios I just listed are "different from Bo Rai' Cho's vomiting." It's still vomit either way so...?

It's not necessarily a problem, it's just toilet humor is a bit too much. It was a bit too much for me when I was even in my teens. It's a line that didn't need to be crossed. Can MK have its elements of humor? Sure, of course it can but at that point it was a bit of an eye-roller. It wasn't cleverly used, it was overly used. Noob's X-Ray was pure shock factor, and above all made sense considering where the opponent was hit, but if someone is puking 5-10 times a match and the opponent is slipping and falling in it like a cartoon character, it loses the effect.

It's like if everything that made Johnny Cage stand out involved something to do with the opponent's groins getting hit. Or it's like if Sub-Zero had a move that involved 'yellow ice.' If he goes from that character with the cool moves and the yellow ice thing to "Oh, it's the yellow ice guy!" that's a problem. That was the issue with Bo, he became the vomit / fart guy. That was his main shtick, that was what he was known for and that style of humor just doesn't match with the rest of the humor, imo. It was literally to the point where I was surprised that they showed restraint by not having his Hara-Kiri be choking on his own vomit yet showed no restraint by having random fart noises all match long. I loved Bo' and played him every game he was in but every time I used him, I turned the volume down because it was borderline annoying.

Now, if they had used that stuff a little less and keeping only kept the farting to a fatality, then who knows, maybe people wouldn't have such a problem with it but where-as a lot of their other ideas were cool and interesting, it was literally like they all got Babalitied in the conference room when coming up with his character because it was all juvenile humor.
08/02/2015 12:12 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
I just think the fat slob is apart of his character. Having a wise old master who no one would think is capable, yet alone the best, is more interesting than the wise old master who is respected and looked up to. Hell, I would say the people of the MK world, besides Raiden and his pupils, would say exactly what some of you here say about him. He's a disgusting fat slob who is immature and a waste of space. Yet, the god of thunder looks to him as a friend and mentor. Say the reason Shao Kahn or the other evil forces never took him as a threat because he would constantly drink until he pissed himself.

The less serious he looks, the less serious people will take him. Which makes it more interesting that he is so highly regarded by these serious heroes. Give him a super badass moment of two where he flips his personality and shows why he is a master. That combined with his sophomoric humor would make him a much better character.

i agree, is like i said, Bo Rai Cho is like the old drunk shaolin Shtick who is actually very smart and skilled, but there's certain ways that you can make it a Slob without transform it in a Rob Schneider movie character.

i like the idea of him being a Slob, like he don't like to work or love to drink until passing out and have this very calm or naive false attitude don't acting too much serious in front a big threat like Shao Kahn. If you see the old Jackie Chan movies ,theres a guy whos is his master and it's very slobish and clumsy but not at the point to make a fool of himself.

THAT'S THE BO RAI CHO I WANT! not a retard who vomits and farts like he's part of a Adam Sandler shaolin movie
08/02/2015 12:50 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
It's not necessarily a problem, it's just toilet humor is a bit too much. It was a bit too much for me when I was even in my teens. It's a line that didn't need to be crossed. Can MK have its elements of humor? Sure, of course it can but at that point it was a bit of an eye-roller. It wasn't cleverly used, it was overly used. Noob's X-Ray was pure shock factor, and above all made sense considering where the opponent was hit, but if someone is puking 5-10 times a match and the opponent is slipping and falling in it like a cartoon character, it loses the effect.

It's like if everything that made Johnny Cage stand out involved something to do with the opponent's groins getting hit. Or it's like if Sub-Zero had a move that involved 'yellow ice.' If he goes from that character with the cool moves and the yellow ice thing to "Oh, it's the yellow ice guy!" that's a problem. That was the issue with Bo, he became the vomit / fart guy. That was his main shtick, that was what he was known for and that style of humor just doesn't match with the rest of the humor, imo. It was literally to the point where I was surprised that they showed restraint by not having his Hara-Kiri be choking on his own vomit yet showed no restraint by having random fart noises all match long. I loved Bo' and played him every game he was in but every time I used him, I turned the volume down because it was borderline annoying.

Now, if they had used that stuff a little less and keeping only kept the farting to a fatality, then who knows, maybe people wouldn't have such a problem with it but where-as a lot of their other ideas were cool and interesting, it was literally like they all got Babalitied in the conference room when coming up with his character because it was all juvenile humor.

Who needs to use his special ten times per match? And I don't get how his humor doesn't match up with Mortal Kombat's humor where we literally have the ability to turn our opponents into babies. You can't necessarily say certain stuff can't be used in this series, pretty much anything can be thrown in and fit well.

I just feel people are way too sensitive. If you don't care for the character and what he or she does, don't play as them. Plain and simple. Even if they were to limit the usage of what he does to a fatality, he'd still be known as the character who farts.
08/02/2015 04:09 AM (UTC)
Total_Attraction Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
It's not necessarily a problem, it's just toilet humor is a bit too much. It was a bit too much for me when I was even in my teens. It's a line that didn't need to be crossed. Can MK have its elements of humor? Sure, of course it can but at that point it was a bit of an eye-roller. It wasn't cleverly used, it was overly used. Noob's X-Ray was pure shock factor, and above all made sense considering where the opponent was hit, but if someone is puking 5-10 times a match and the opponent is slipping and falling in it like a cartoon character, it loses the effect.

It's like if everything that made Johnny Cage stand out involved something to do with the opponent's groins getting hit. Or it's like if Sub-Zero had a move that involved 'yellow ice.' If he goes from that character with the cool moves and the yellow ice thing to "Oh, it's the yellow ice guy!" that's a problem. That was the issue with Bo, he became the vomit / fart guy. That was his main shtick, that was what he was known for and that style of humor just doesn't match with the rest of the humor, imo. It was literally to the point where I was surprised that they showed restraint by not having his Hara-Kiri be choking on his own vomit yet showed no restraint by having random fart noises all match long. I loved Bo' and played him every game he was in but every time I used him, I turned the volume down because it was borderline annoying.

Now, if they had used that stuff a little less and keeping only kept the farting to a fatality, then who knows, maybe people wouldn't have such a problem with it but where-as a lot of their other ideas were cool and interesting, it was literally like they all got Babalitied in the conference room when coming up with his character because it was all juvenile humor.

Who needs to use his special ten times per match? And I don't get how his humor doesn't match up with Mortal Kombat's humor where we literally have the ability to turn our opponents into babies. You can't necessarily say certain stuff can't be used in this series, pretty much anything can be thrown in and fit well.

I just feel people are way too sensitive. If you don't care for the character and what he or she does, don't play as them. Plain and simple. Even if they were to limit the usage of what he does to a fatality, he'd still be known as the character who farts.

It's not being sensitive, its knowing the difference between little humor bites and utterly stupid and over the top characters. Besides the babality's and frienships have a reason to exist. After the first MK most of the media criticizise the game being too violent and gory for consoles used most by little kids, so they begun a petition to make MK more kid's friendly in the sequels. Tobias & Boon after heard all the polemic about his game, create the frienships and babalitys for Mk2 in a sarcastic response to all the petitions againt MK.

The problem is not the humor per se, because you can have some funny moments or funny moves, but theres a limit. In the early 3D games they make the fatalitys become more and more ridiculous don't looking painful or shocking at all, they look more like an episode of Ichy and Scratchy making the game more like a gory cartoon than a really violent martial arts game.

That's why i don't want Bo Rai Cho looking like the old games. I can understand Mk having a little bit of humor in the story or the characters, but when you trasnform an important character into a clown, it change the whole martial arts, spiritual cool vibe of the game into a physical comedy show, ruining the syle of a good reboot that want to be as different as possible of the other heinous ps2 mk games. Maybe the people might remember the old stupid Bo Rai Cho, but is not to late to give some dignity to this character and transform him into a Drunk Master without that stupid abilities.

08/02/2015 08:41 AM (UTC)
Total_Attraction Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
It's not necessarily a problem, it's just toilet humor is a bit too much. It was a bit too much for me when I was even in my teens. It's a line that didn't need to be crossed. Can MK have its elements of humor? Sure, of course it can but at that point it was a bit of an eye-roller. It wasn't cleverly used, it was overly used. Noob's X-Ray was pure shock factor, and above all made sense considering where the opponent was hit, but if someone is puking 5-10 times a match and the opponent is slipping and falling in it like a cartoon character, it loses the effect.

It's like if everything that made Johnny Cage stand out involved something to do with the opponent's groins getting hit. Or it's like if Sub-Zero had a move that involved 'yellow ice.' If he goes from that character with the cool moves and the yellow ice thing to "Oh, it's the yellow ice guy!" that's a problem. That was the issue with Bo, he became the vomit / fart guy. That was his main shtick, that was what he was known for and that style of humor just doesn't match with the rest of the humor, imo. It was literally to the point where I was surprised that they showed restraint by not having his Hara-Kiri be choking on his own vomit yet showed no restraint by having random fart noises all match long. I loved Bo' and played him every game he was in but every time I used him, I turned the volume down because it was borderline annoying.

Now, if they had used that stuff a little less and keeping only kept the farting to a fatality, then who knows, maybe people wouldn't have such a problem with it but where-as a lot of their other ideas were cool and interesting, it was literally like they all got Babalitied in the conference room when coming up with his character because it was all juvenile humor.

Who needs to use his special ten times per match? And I don't get how his humor doesn't match up with Mortal Kombat's humor where we literally have the ability to turn our opponents into babies. You can't necessarily say certain stuff can't be used in this series, pretty much anything can be thrown in and fit well.

I just feel people are way too sensitive. If you don't care for the character and what he or she does, don't play as them. Plain and simple. Even if they were to limit the usage of what he does to a fatality, he'd still be known as the character who farts.

People can fully well like a character and hate how they're portrayed. It's called having an opinion. If the humor works for you then cool, that's great. However, it doesn't fit with me and a lot of people, despite us liking the origins, the archetype of the character and his potential. Babalities and Friendships at least stemmed from the idea of giving the middle finger to your whiny opponents next to you in the arcade or at home and the media in general over the gore. The toilet humor for Bo' Rai Cho had no quirky relevancy other than just being thrown in to be gross on purpose. I'm pretty sure they've even admitted to that.

They just simply took the character one step too far and destroyed any credibility he had / could've had. They took the joke and instead of using it like they've used everything else (nut punch, selfie fatality, ect.) to a bare minimum, they repeatedly hit you over the head with it until it becomes annoying. It's like going to see a comic live and he tells a joke, and then proceeds to nudge you in the ribs over and over going "EH!? FUNNY, RIGHT!? RIGHT!?!?"
08/02/2015 10:58 AM (UTC)
Yes, i'd rather have Bo over Sareena's lame face.
About Me

"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

08/02/2015 12:24 PM (UTC)
SecondCitySaint Wrote:
Yes, i'd rather have Bo over Sareena's lame face.
this times 100. Sareena is seriously overrated. But I guess it's because she has something to do with noob who's also seriousl... You know what nvm. It all makes sense nowtongue
08/02/2015 01:33 PM (UTC)
Yawn, so many people in this thread asking for Bo Rai Cho's gross antics to be downplayed, if not done away with entirely. Why? All because of their simple, easily distracted minds.

"Wah, I couldn't take Bo Rai Cho seriously as a mentor because of all that barfing and farting! Wah!"

Similar to those complaints of guests, playable bosses or sexualized outfits ruining their immersion.

Funny, none of these things really are a problem for me.

Bo Rai Cho not being vulgar, is like Motaro without his hind legs, or Sub-Zero without his ice.
About Me


08/02/2015 02:51 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Yawn, so many people in this thread asking for Bo Rai Cho's gross antics to be downplayed, if not done away with entirely. Why? All because of their simple, easily distracted minds.

"Wah, I couldn't take Bo Rai Cho seriously as a mentor because of all that barfing and farting! Wah!"

ahhaha I really hope you're not serious.
08/02/2015 02:55 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Yawn, so many people in this thread asking for Bo Rai Cho's gross antics to be downplayed, if not done away with entirely. Why?

Because the franchise has changed. It's grown and matured. That type of humor just doesn't cut it anymore, not in the direction they're going anyway.

Brutalities were drastically altered to get away from their cartoonish nature, Animalities are gone, Babalities only returned once for their nostalgia factor and disappeared once more, Friendships are no where to been seen.

Simply put, times have changed. It was blatantly obvious by the fact that in his cameo he didn't burp, vomit or fart once, that alone shows NRS realize this because based on their previous history with the character, that alone was a shocker that they took him serious for even a minute and a half of his screentime.

This is not your 90's, early 2000's Mortal Kombat anymore. The franchise moved on. Nothing stays the same forever.

Add to those facts that no one outside of the fanbase liked the gross antics anyway and he's continuously on the 'Worst MK Characters' lists simply because of said antics, I'd say it's a step in the right direction.
08/02/2015 03:16 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Yawn, so many people in this thread asking for Bo Rai Cho's gross antics to be downplayed, if not done away with entirely. Why?

Because the franchise has changed. It's grown and matured. That type of humor just doesn't cut it anymore, not in the direction they're going anyway.

Brutalities were drastically altered to get away from their cartoonish nature, Animalities are gone, Babalities only returned once for their nostalgia factor and disappeared once more, Friendships are no where to been seen.

Simply put, times have changed. It was blatantly obvious by the fact that in his cameo he didn't burp, vomit or fart once, that alone shows NRS realize this because based on their previous history with the character, that alone was a shocker that they took him serious for even a minute and a half of his screentime.

This is not your 90's, early 2000's Mortal Kombat anymore. The franchise moved on. Nothing stays the same forever.

Add to those facts that no one outside of the fanbase liked the gross antics anyway and he's continuously on the 'Worst MK Characters' lists simply because of said antics, I'd say it's a step in the right direction.

I don't exactly see how the franchise has changed oh-so much. Before and after MK3, the MK feel has been pretty much the same. Only MK3 took the humor to extremes.

You truly think Bo not farting or puking in the story mode means he and the series have gotten much more serious? Please. Li Mei didn't use any of her special moves either, nor did Sareena or Frost. In short, that doesn't mean Bo won't puke or fart, if he ends up as DLC.

And like I care for some stupid lists of worst MK characters. Who the hell are these people making those lists anyway? Some constipated game critics? Yeah, because critics are always right (sarcasm). Can their opinions truly help or hinder a game's sales? Because if not, I don't see why they matter.
08/02/2015 03:49 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I don't exactly see how the franchise has changed oh-so much. Before and after MK3, the MK feel has been pretty much the same. Only MK3 took the humor to extremes.

You truly think Bo not farting or puking in the story mode means he and the series have gotten much more serious? Please. Li Mei didn't use any of her special moves either, nor did Sareena or Frost. In short, that doesn't mean Bo won't puke or fart, if he ends up as DLC.

And like I care for some stupid lists of worst MK characters. Who the hell are these people making those lists anyway? Some constipated game critics? Yeah, because critics are always right (sarcasm). Can their opinions truly help or hinder a game's sales? Because if not, I don't see why they matter.

If you don't see how the franchise has changed and matured then I truly can't help ya. I'm not gonna sit here and list every reason why especially when its plain to see in my eyes. Not just that but it'd take a while and I'd rather not waste the time and energy doing so.

As for special moves, never said there had to be special moves in Story Mode to show its tone. All I said was I was surprised they didn't make him a slob considering he farted continuously in his gameplay before yet he didn't do anything slobbish in his cameo which shows NRS apparently have now developed restraint where-as before they apparently had none. He did take a swig of a little something something which in turn he easily could've burped or some such nonsense, yet nothin'. Sareena and Li Mei didn't go around vomiting or queefing so them sitting there being normal wasn't exactly out of character for them. Bo' being normal, however, was out of character given his past interpretations.

As for whether or not you care about lists and polls, that's fine and dandy however considering Ed has used polls in the past to gather a general consensus on potential DLC, I can't exactly see how you can knock the precedence they make. However, the general public who take part in said lists and polls (not game critics) still generally hate poor Bo' purely for those reasons alone. That fact cannot be denied or argued with because it doesn't bother you as its the excuse everyone gives when they explain why Bo' is "lame." It doesn't affect you, that's great, but that doesn't change everyone elses perception of the character, I'm afraid. And yes, it does affect things hence why we usually always see the exact same Trilogy characters come back time and time again as well as the same 3D era characters. Not because they're fan favorites, because they're casual favorites.

So in a sense, yes, opinions on these things matter because it basically is a popularity contest in terms of who gets used and who doesn't since clearly story substance doesn't matter much in terms of roster picks these days because at the end of the day, their worst fear is a roster that won't appeal to the general public which would, in their eyes, possibly hinder sales and is a chance they (or WB) are not willing to take. If they weren't so fidgety about those things, Rain and Tanya would've been on the roster and people like Kitana and Reptile who didn't matter worth shit to the story would've been left out. If you're blind to that too, well, can't help ya there either.
08/02/2015 04:03 PM (UTC)

I do only if they don't bring him back as the immature embarrassing fart joke he was. Give the man some dignity and have him live up to his story.

Have him be this wise master but also have him be extremely laid back like the guy Yoda was pretending to be or Uncle Iroh or Oogway from Kung Fu Panda.

Someone who is a fierce wise combatant but has plenty of time simply just to enjoy his surroundings and indulge in the pleasures of life. Let him have his alcoholism but don't have him farting up a storm all the way through or having vomiting be his chi ability.
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
I don't exactly see how the franchise has changed oh-so much. Before and after MK3, the MK feel has been pretty much the same. Only MK3 took the humor to extremes.

You truly think Bo not farting or puking in the story mode means he and the series have gotten much more serious? Please. Li Mei didn't use any of her special moves either, nor did Sareena or Frost. In short, that doesn't mean Bo won't puke or fart, if he ends up as DLC.

And like I care for some stupid lists of worst MK characters. Who the hell are these people making those lists anyway? Some constipated game critics? Yeah, because critics are always right (sarcasm). Can their opinions truly help or hinder a game's sales? Because if not, I don't see why they matter.

If you don't see how the franchise has changed and matured then I truly can't help ya. I'm not gonna sit here and list every reason why especially when its plain to see in my eyes. Not just that but it'd take a while and I'd rather not waste the time and energy doing so.

As for special moves, never said there had to be special moves in Story Mode to show its tone. All I said was I was surprised they didn't make him a slob considering he farted continuously in his gameplay before yet he didn't do anything slobbish in his cameo which shows NRS apparently have now developed restraint where-as before they apparently had none. He did take a swig of a little something something which in turn he easily could've burped or some such nonsense, yet nothin'. Sareena and Li Mei didn't go around vomiting or queefing so them sitting there being normal wasn't exactly out of character for them. Bo' being normal, however, was out of character given his past interpretations.

As for whether or not you care about lists and polls, that's fine and dandy however considering Ed has used polls in the past to gather a general consensus on potential DLC, I can't exactly see how you can knock the precedence they make. However, the general public who take part in said lists and polls (not game critics) still generally hate poor Bo' purely for those reasons alone. That fact cannot be denied or argued with because it doesn't bother you as its the excuse everyone gives when they explain why Bo' is "lame." It doesn't affect you, that's great, but that doesn't change everyone elses perception of the character, I'm afraid. And yes, it does affect things hence why we usually always see the exact same Trilogy characters come back time and time again as well as the same 3D era characters. Not because they're fan favorites, because they're casual favorites.

So in a sense, yes, opinions on these things matter because it basically is a popularity contest in terms of who gets used and who doesn't since clearly story substance doesn't matter much in terms of roster picks these days because at the end of the day, their worst fear is a roster that won't appeal to the general public which would, in their eyes, possibly hinder sales and is a chance they (or WB) are not willing to take. If they weren't so fidgety about those things, Rain and Tanya would've been on the roster and people like Kitana and King Lao who didn't matter worth shit to the story would've been left out. If you're blind to that too, well, can't help ya there either.

Excuse you tongue
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/02/2015 04:26 PM (UTC)
To the Li Mei fans: Let's not forget that without Bo, Li Mei wouldn't have lived long enough to grace us with her presence in Deception.

Or, you could even argue Liu Kang wouldn't have been able to defeat Shang Tsung if it weren't for Bo' Rai Cho's teachings. Still one of my favorite retcons of the series tbh. They played that superbly well.
08/02/2015 04:49 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
People can fully well like a character and hate how they're portrayed. It's called having an opinion. If the humor works for you then cool, that's great. However, it doesn't fit with me and a lot of people, despite us liking the origins, the archetype of the character and his potential. Babalities and Friendships at least stemmed from the idea of giving the middle finger to your whiny opponents next to you in the arcade or at home and the media in general over the gore. The toilet humor for Bo' Rai Cho had no quirky relevancy other than just being thrown in to be gross on purpose. I'm pretty sure they've even admitted to that.

They just simply took the character one step too far and destroyed any credibility he had / could've had. They took the joke and instead of using it like they've used everything else (nut punch, selfie fatality, ect.) to a bare minimum, they repeatedly hit you over the head with it until it becomes annoying. It's like going to see a comic live and he tells a joke, and then proceeds to nudge you in the ribs over and over going "EH!? FUNNY, RIGHT!? RIGHT!?!?"

Yes, I know how opinions work. I don't need a lecture on them, but thank you anyways.

I don't get though, how a joke character over extends the joke when they didn't. He didn't fart that much and you could easily avoid using the puddle move if it bothered you that much. I guess you can say, "That's how I'm looking at the character." But of course, clearly that's how YOU feel about the character, and no matter what I write here isn't going to change your mind. I guess it's one of those "agree to disagree" moments.

MY opinion doesn't see that. MY opinion has it where I think people are being way too sensitive over something so minuscule. He's a stereotype and the developers thought to add a little bit more toilet humor to the character to make him, more or so, odd. A drunk could act like that and at the time, that was their way of showing us a drunken fighter. Did they successfully pull him off? Eh, I'd get them a B+ for effort. Could have been better, but overall, he was a decent character.
08/02/2015 04:50 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Excuse you tongue

LOL Just pointing out the facts. However, going on a 'criminally misused characters' rant would be another thing all together. Another argument for another day but both Reptile and Bo' fit in that category perfectly well.
08/02/2015 05:59 PM (UTC)
Total_Attraction Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
People can fully well like a character and hate how they're portrayed. It's called having an opinion. If the humor works for you then cool, that's great. However, it doesn't fit with me and a lot of people, despite us liking the origins, the archetype of the character and his potential. Babalities and Friendships at least stemmed from the idea of giving the middle finger to your whiny opponents next to you in the arcade or at home and the media in general over the gore. The toilet humor for Bo' Rai Cho had no quirky relevancy other than just being thrown in to be gross on purpose. I'm pretty sure they've even admitted to that.

They just simply took the character one step too far and destroyed any credibility he had / could've had. They took the joke and instead of using it like they've used everything else (nut punch, selfie fatality, ect.) to a bare minimum, they repeatedly hit you over the head with it until it becomes annoying. It's like going to see a comic live and he tells a joke, and then proceeds to nudge you in the ribs over and over going "EH!? FUNNY, RIGHT!? RIGHT!?!?"

Yes, I know how opinions work. I don't need a lecture on them, but thank you anyways.

I don't get though, how a joke character over extends the joke when they didn't. He didn't fart that much and you could easily avoid using the puddle move if it bothered you that much. I guess you can say, "That's how I'm looking at the character." But of course, clearly that's how YOU feel about the character, and no matter what I write here isn't going to change your mind. I guess it's one of those "agree to disagree" moments.

MY opinion doesn't see that. MY opinion has it where I think people are being way too sensitive over something so minuscule. He's a stereotype and the developers thought to add a little bit more toilet humor to the character to make him, more or so, odd. A drunk could act like that and at the time, that was their way of showing us a drunken fighter. Did they successfully pull him off? Eh, I'd get them a B+ for effort. Could have been better, but overall, he was a decent character.

There's a big difference between how a drunk guy behaves and how a master of the Zi Quan or a " drunk shaolin master" should behave, i don't understand why if he's an odd character needs to have toilet humor, maybe it was ok with the over exaggerated and stupid MK 3D games before the reboots, but this is a new development of the franchise, why come back to the old cartoon gore and old early 2000's humor ?.
I really hope they use this reboot to fix this stupid character, this looks more like the idea of a stupid stoner who thinks a drunken master should be odd in a gross and inmature way. There's no reasons to maintain a character who belongs more in a clay fighters game, not in the new Mortal Kombat.

i give this character a D because it can be done better, but if you're gonna keep it with the same childish and unfunny style, it ́s gonna transformed a good reboot into the old ridiculous and lame MK 3D game again.
08/02/2015 06:14 PM (UTC)
Bongality Wrote:
I really hope they use this reboot to fix this stupid character, this looks more like the idea of a stupid stoner who thinks a drunken master should be odd in a gross and inmature way. There's no reasons to maintain a character who belongs more in a clay fighters game, not in the new Mortal Kombat.

i give this character a D because it can be done better, but if you're gonna keep it with the same childish and unfunny style, it ́s gonna transformed a good reboot into the old ridiculous and lame MK 3D game again.

Oh, so there's supposed to be a correct way a drunk needs to act? It doesn't matter what the guy can do when he's sober, a drunk is a drunk no matter what.
08/02/2015 06:49 PM (UTC)
Total_Attraction Wrote:
Bongality Wrote:
I really hope they use this reboot to fix this stupid character, this looks more like the idea of a stupid stoner who thinks a drunken master should be odd in a gross and inmature way. There's no reasons to maintain a character who belongs more in a clay fighters game, not in the new Mortal Kombat.

i give this character a D because it can be done better, but if you're gonna keep it with the same childish and unfunny style, it ́s gonna transformed a good reboot into the old ridiculous and lame MK 3D game again.

Oh, so there's supposed to be a correct way a drunk needs to act? It doesn't matter what the guy can do when he's sober, a drunk is a drunk no matter what.

did you read the rest of the argument ?, a Zui Quan, master of the Drunk Monkey technique, can act like a sloth, uncaring dude, who acts very indifferent even in front of the most dangerous situations.
And yeah he can have a little bit of humor in his fatalitys or comedic moments.
But why go again into toilet humor, i might understand why they put that in the mid or early 2000 when that kind of thing in movies and the media at that times was funny.

But why now?, nobody want a guy farting around when no other characters have that kind of humor.
Look if you like that type of comedy ok, theres a lot of Adam Sandler movies you can watch and laugh at that kind of thing.
But i hope they don't bring back the trash humor again to mk. there's silly moments with other characters? yeah, of course but nobody in the reboots have this really stupid toilet humor and i think it doesn't bring nothing interesting to a game who is much better than the old MK 3D ones
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