Do people really wants Bo Rai Cho in MK again??¡
posted08/02/2015 06:49 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/01/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
Im asking this question because i remeber when everyone bashed Deadly Alliance for the lack of imagination in the fatality's and new characters, and Bo Rai Cho, was for me one of the big problems with the new 3D games of that era.

Even the game reviewers call him " one the most embarassing and stupid characters in all the MK games".And i strongly agree, when i see this character in MK DA i was 14 years old and even i feel ashamed of this stupid character. In a game that suposed to be gory and grimm, introducing a character who drinks and vomit, use his belly to stomp enemy's and use a lot of farts moves, (they even have the balls to give him a flamethrower fart for fuck sake) it make's me think this character is one of the worst ideas for a MK game so far .

I see a lot of the fans very hype to see this fat piece of shit in the new games, and the question is,why. Why do you want this useless, inmature idea in the games again. I prefer Mokap or Meat before this retard. I PREFER EVEN KHROME!!!
07/29/2015 10:54 PM (UTC)
Who wants to see Bo Rai' Cho in the game:

We do
07/29/2015 10:55 PM (UTC)
Deception redeemed Bo' Rai Cho. He was now integral to the plot and fought hard against Baraka's army. His character evolved beyond the drunken master cliche.
07/29/2015 11:03 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Deception redeemed Bo' Rai Cho. He was now integral to the plot and fought hard against Baraka's army. His character evolved beyond the drunken master cliche.

Deception redeemed Bo Rai Cho?, when?.. the last time i play that game he still have the stupid flamethrower fart and the drunk and vomit ability's....

this character cant be redeemed because everything about his fat ass it's a joke about he being drunk
07/29/2015 11:06 PM (UTC)
Yeah, people do. I want him in the story, but I don't have any interest in playing as him myself.
07/29/2015 11:07 PM (UTC)
You're really missing the point on the whole series if you think it's dark and don't understand the importance of Bo Rai' Cho as a character. He's not the only comedic character.
07/29/2015 11:16 PM (UTC)
Bo' Rai Cho is one of my favorite characters. I really like the idea of having a mentor type character that's not Raiden, and someone who was an integral part of Liu Kang's past. Not to mention that a drunken old master is pretty awesome.

Most people criticize him for the farting/puking and I'm completely fine with that, I don't necessarily care for it myself but it's not really a big deal honestly. It's clear that they intend to take a more realistic approach with the character in MKX, him using a flask instead of a giant ass jug. I think he has a lot of potential with his gameplay and story, and If he is in MK11 I would like to see him play a major part in defending Earthrealm with Fujin.

07/29/2015 11:17 PM (UTC)
Bongality Wrote:
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Deception redeemed Bo' Rai Cho. He was now integral to the plot and fought hard against Baraka's army. His character evolved beyond the drunken master cliche.

Deception redeemed Bo Rai Cho?, when?.. the last time i play that game he still have the stupid flamethrower fart and the drunk and vomit ability's....

this character cant be redeemed because everything about his fat ass it's a joke about he being drunk

I'm guessing you missed the point of his inclusion in MKX then because.....they prettty much already redeemed him. Everything you complained about he didn't do at all in his appearance. He didn't belly flop around the Sky Temple, he didn't fart, he didn't vomit. He took a swig of something and acted like he should've acted from the beginning; like a martial arts master, an ally of Raiden, a champion of good.

If they can deconstruct a character like Tremor and re-build him from the ground up then they can certainly do it to a character like Bo' Rai Cho and make it work. Just because he's a drunken master doesn't mean he'd be puking puddles onto the ground and farting his way back onto the screen. They can easily go back to basics.

So why do I want him back? Because Mortal Kombat's finest characters were built on cliches, stereotypes and archetypes. The Drunken Master is one of the most recognizable ones they could use and they fucked it up before. Now that everything's been rebooted, the real question is why not try again? Why not do it right? Why not potentially make this a great character instead of an embarrassing stain on the 3D era left to rot?
07/29/2015 11:19 PM (UTC)
I feel like those who hate a character, doesn't quite understand the purpose of said character.

Mortal Kombat has a bunch of its characters based on kung fu movie stereotypes. Bo Rai' Cho clearly shows us he's inspired from drunken masters. But because he HAS to have a role, they give him what appears to be one of the most important roles of the series.

But unfortunately, that's overlooked because of his silly moves. His moves are the only thing that gets talked about. Very rarely does his purpose gets told.

Why even bother making a thread asking people if they want to see a character return and then basically shut down anyone who says "yes" in a way?
07/29/2015 11:22 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
You're really missing the point on the whole series if you think it's dark and don't understand the importance of Bo Rai' Cho as a character. He's not the only comedic character.

No, there's no "comedic" characters in the rebooted MK games, theres' funny characters with sense of humor. A character using farts and vomit is a character who just belong in the new mk univerese as a mere joke
07/29/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
Bongality Wrote:
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
You're really missing the point on the whole series if you think it's dark and don't understand the importance of Bo Rai' Cho as a character. He's not the only comedic character.

No, there's no "comedic" characters in the rebooted MK games, theres' funny characters with sense of humor. A character using farts and vomit is a character who just belong in the new mk univerese as a mere joke

Cassie taking a selfie for a fatality isn't comedic?

Johnny screaming "Here's Johnny" in a mutilated torso isn't comedic?

Kano and Sub-Zero's interactions aren't funny?

I could go on but I don't think my point might get to you. Because your post made no sense at all.
07/29/2015 11:28 PM (UTC)
Bongality Wrote:
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
You're really missing the point on the whole series if you think it's dark and don't understand the importance of Bo Rai' Cho as a character. He's not the only comedic character.

No, there's no "comedic" characters in the rebooted MK games, theres' funny characters with sense of humor. A character using farts and vomit is a character who just belong in the new mk univerese as a mere joke

Thus being exactly the point. They already rebooted him, and quite successfully. His appearance garnered people to tweet NRS about him after they played the game. He was there in all his chubby glory, more realistically proportioned now, not wasted, not puking, not farting and he was shown (for albeit a brief period of time) as the way he should've been portrayed from the start so he's officially part of the rebooted canon and can be re-tooled in the gameplay department in the future, most likely without your "issues."

So, what's the deal? You act as if all of these things are pretty much given to return if they bring him back as a playable character yet look at the overhaul they did on Shinnok and Tanya. Any character can keep the bare bones basics but evolve at the same time. Honestly, a drunken master to me is no more outlandish than characters taking selfies and punching each other in the balls so that their heads pop off or their eyes pop out but to each their own.
07/29/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)
Bongality Wrote:
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
You're really missing the point on the whole series if you think it's dark and don't understand the importance of Bo Rai' Cho as a character. He's not the only comedic character.

No, there's no "comedic" characters in the rebooted MK games, theres' funny characters with sense of humor. A character using farts and vomit is a character who just belong in the new mk univerese as a mere joke

Johnny Cage and Cassie could just as easily be considered comedic characters.

You choose to ignore his appearance in MKX and continue to focus on his bad gameplay appearances in MK:DA and MKD. He had a sense of humor in MKX, at the same time being a serious character.
07/29/2015 11:33 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
Bongality Wrote:
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
You're really missing the point on the whole series if you think it's dark and don't understand the importance of Bo Rai' Cho as a character. He's not the only comedic character.

No, there's no "comedic" characters in the rebooted MK games, theres' funny characters with sense of humor. A character using farts and vomit is a character who just belong in the new mk univerese as a mere joke

Johnny Cage and Cassie could just as easily be considered comedic characters.

You choose to ignore his appearance in MKX and continue to focus on his bad gameplay appearances in MK:DA and MKD. He had a sense of humor in MKX, at the same time being a serious character.

Don't forget about Ferra.
07/29/2015 11:35 PM (UTC)
Total_Attraction Wrote:
redman Wrote:
Bongality Wrote:
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
You're really missing the point on the whole series if you think it's dark and don't understand the importance of Bo Rai' Cho as a character. He's not the only comedic character.

Don't forget about Ferra.

That's the best example, actually. Ferra hasn't had one line of serious dialogue, yet there's no comedic characters? lol
07/29/2015 11:53 PM (UTC)
I love Bo. He's the grand sensei character that explores a highly popular martial arts style while behaving in a completely unexpected manner. He's the Master Roshi of MK. Raiden can be uptight. Nightwolf can take every challenge seriously. Let Bo be the buffoon who is using it as a cover to hide the wise old man that he really is. I say keep the vomiting. It would throw even the most serious kombatants off. Keep the belly flopping. The sumo style would be loads of fun and is no more ridiculous than the bicycle kicks. The fart flamethrower and farting in general were a bit much. Maybe just have him fart in his victory screen to show off his personality. A personality that is much deeper than quite a few MK fighters.
07/30/2015 12:23 AM (UTC)
OP your basis for hating Bo seems misguided. You say MK is supposed to be gritty and grim but the game has always always always had a comical side. Look at friendships, or the Toasty guy, or Liu Kang's sound effects.

Bo Rai Cho is awesome, especially now that they've toned down his absurdity.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

07/30/2015 01:51 AM (UTC)
Bo Rai Cho could be awesome in MK11 or as DLC in MKX.

I vote hell yes!!!!

TS seems to only accept his own opinion. Take a midol/pamprin and relax. Not everyone has the same taste in characters as you do.
07/30/2015 02:14 AM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
Bo Rai Cho could be awesome in MK11 or as DLC in MKX.

I vote hell yes!!!!

TS seems to only accept his own opinion. Take a midol/pamprin and relax. Not everyone has the same taste in characters as you do.

Midols work only five minutes. I've tried them a few times. Boy do they suck.
07/30/2015 03:55 AM (UTC)
Bongality Wrote:
Im asking this question because i remeber when everyone bashed Deadly Alliance for the lack of imagination in the fatality's and new characters, and Bo Rai Cho, was for me one of the big problems with the new 3D games of that era.

Even the game reviewers call him " one the most embarassing and stupid characters in all the MK games".And i strongly agree, when i see this character in MK DA i was 14 years old and even i feel ashamed of this stupid character. In a game that suposed to be gory and grimm, introducing a character who drinks and vomit, use his belly to stomp enemy's and use a lot of farts moves, (they even have the balls to give him a flamethrower fart for fuck sake) it make's me think this character is one of the worst ideas for a MK game so far .

I see a lot of the fans very hype to see this fat piece of shit in the new games, and the question is,why. Why do you want this useless, inmature idea in the games again. I prefer Mokap or Meat before this retard. I PREFER EVEN KHROME!!!

It's not a big deal as long as he's an NPC.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/30/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster and redman summed it up wonderfully.

So, to reiterate...

Yes. As one of the best characters to come from the 3D era, we really do.
About Me


07/30/2015 04:36 AM (UTC)
I prefer him in a role like MKX where he just a npc. There's just nothing about the character that makes me want to play him. If enough people like and want him in though I wouldn't have a problem. He's still better than someone like Jacqui.
07/30/2015 05:01 AM (UTC)
Yeah I do. Maybe teach Kung Jin some moves. Or even help in de-evilifying his evil student who rules hell. You know, like what a true teacher would do in martial arts fiction.
07/30/2015 05:38 AM (UTC)
Do I really want to play as my favorite character from the 3D era?

YES, I do.
07/30/2015 06:18 AM (UTC)
No absolutely not! Good to see him as a NPC cameo but leave it at that there is so so so so many cooler characters with greater potential for a rebirth then him!
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