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Where's Fujin?

07/30/2015 07:18 AM (UTC)
I would buy Fujin and Bo' Rai Cho. Loved their cameos and their potential.
Never understood the point of these type of posts. Do you really believe that people who are a fan of something will just magically change their minds due to a few paragraphs about your irrelevant gripes with said character? When has that ever happened in the history of anything?
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07/30/2015 08:01 AM (UTC)
Ed and co at NRS like the toilet humor. It should stay. Bo'Rai Cho should be DLC.
07/30/2015 08:43 AM (UTC)
Bongality Wrote:
Im asking this question because i remeber when everyone bashed Deadly Alliance for the lack of imagination in the fatality's and new characters, and Bo Rai Cho, was for me one of the big problems with the new 3D games of that era.

Even the game reviewers call him " one the most embarassing and stupid characters in all the MK games".And i strongly agree, when i see this character in MK DA i was 14 years old and even i feel ashamed of this stupid character. In a game that suposed to be gory and grimm, introducing a character who drinks and vomit, use his belly to stomp enemy's and use a lot of farts moves, (they even have the balls to give him a flamethrower fart for fuck sake) it make's me think this character is one of the worst ideas for a MK game so far .

I see a lot of the fans very hype to see this fat piece of shit in the new games, and the question is,why. Why do you want this useless, inmature idea in the games again. I prefer Mokap or Meat before this retard. I PREFER EVEN KHROME!!!

I agree with you 100% Bongality!! I`ve posted my thoughts on this piece of trash character before and i simply cannot fathom why anyone likes this atrocity..let`s forget this fat drunk and move on people!!
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

07/30/2015 12:22 PM (UTC)
Bongality Wrote:
Im asking this question because i remeber when everyone bashed Deadly Alliance for the lack of imagination in the fatality's and new characters, and Bo Rai Cho, was for me one of the big problems with the new 3D games of that era.

Even the game reviewers call him " one the most embarassing and stupid characters in all the MK games".And i strongly agree, when i see this character in MK DA i was 14 years old and even i feel ashamed of this stupid character. In a game that suposed to be gory and grimm, introducing a character who drinks and vomit, use his belly to stomp enemy's and use a lot of farts moves, (they even have the balls to give him a flamethrower fart for fuck sake) it make's me think this character is one of the worst ideas for a MK game so far .

I see a lot of the fans very hype to see this fat piece of shit in the new games, and the question is,why. Why do you want this useless, inmature idea in the games again. I prefer Mokap or Meat before this retard. I PREFER EVEN KHROME!!!
his old concept was bad . But if you think nrs wouldn't give him a 100% makeover and reimagine his move set, your either ignorant or dumb as shit. Based on last sentence it's A tough guess. Khrome? Really? A terminator that's not "the" terminator? Terrible.
07/30/2015 01:26 PM (UTC)
Yes, I'd like Bo Rai Cho to come back, more vulgar than ever.

I'm always amused by these snobs who look down on toilet humor as well as those who like it and act like that makes them so smart and sophisticated. Lol.

He needs a fart-based variant. And in honor of his vulgar nature, here's a fatality idea for him below:

Bo drinks until he falls on his opponent, then barfs on their face before passing out. The opponent gets suffocated by Bo's weight.

I also think he should get a red squirrel as a pet, that would factor in his gameplay.
07/30/2015 01:37 PM (UTC)
I'll admit, I was never really sold on Bo Rai' Cho. He was a fat drunk who farted and burped all the time. And while he had a good role in story, it was hard to take him seriously considering his trash moveset. But the entire 3D era is trash gameplay wise so he can't be held accountable.

I think Bo could be a lot of fun actually. Drunken Fist is a really unique style that could have tons of feints and tricks to use against opponents. So yeah I'd be down for his return. (Provided they clean him up a bit, which they already have in MKX)
07/30/2015 01:55 PM (UTC)
One thing people need to realize: The idea of scrapping Bo Rai Cho's puking (and farting) is vomit.

His vulgar nature has never undermined his role as a mentor to me, but then again, I've never been that easily distracted.
07/30/2015 02:08 PM (UTC)
Hell, even I defended Bo' Rai Cho and I wasn't sold on his moveset either. I hated the vomiting and farting too. I thought it was ridiculous. But I know there's an opportunity to build on that.

Sumo with Belly Flop, Punch Walk and a command grab
Drunken Master with cool parries and dodges
Bo for moves with his stick

Monkey Flip and Earthquake are universal moves.

Keep the throwing up and farts for his fatalities.
The farting every 2 seconds was unnecessary.

The drinking, and vomit made sense. Unlike the disgusting monkey, Chaos in Primal Rage, Bo`s vomit was used strategically, like MKII Sub-Zero`s ice puddle, to make the opponent slip.

It`s a potentially viable move for any of us who can vomit on command, depending on what`s in our stomache, and or how full it is.

07/30/2015 02:56 PM (UTC)
This gives me an idea for a Drunken Fist variation. He can drink from his flask up to 3 times to go from not drunk to very drunk. His Drunken Fist moves get stronger the drunker he gets but he can also get back to not being drunk by doing a vomit puddle move. The size of the puddle depends on how drunk he is.

Now that would be cool.
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07/30/2015 03:05 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Yes, I'd like Bo Rai Cho to come back, more vulgar than ever.

I'm always amused by these snobs who look down on toilet humor as well as those who like it and act like that makes them so smart and sophisticated. Lol.

He needs a fart-based variant. And in honor of his vulgar nature, here's a fatality idea for him below:

Bo drinks until he falls on his opponent, then barfs on their face before passing out. The opponent gets suffocated by Bo's weight.

I also think he should get a red squirrel as a pet, that would factor in his gameplay.

Lmao you sound exactly like one of the snobs you're amused by, "people don't like the same style of humor I do they are such snobs"
Drunken Fist would have parry moves, like a drunken taunt, action or stumble that would lead to a beating if hit while performing it.

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-sig by MINION

07/30/2015 04:53 PM (UTC)
I've always liked Bo as a character but the sophomoric constant farts were the worst. With were they are now design wise they could make him a great character.
07/30/2015 05:01 PM (UTC)
Tetra_Vega Wrote:
The drinking, and vomit made sense. Unlike the disgusting monkey, Chaos in Primal Rage

Chaos is the God of Decay. He's supposed to be disgusting and gross. Shooting vomit as a projectile is more than appropriate for him.
07/30/2015 05:43 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Tetra_Vega Wrote:
The drinking, and vomit made sense. Unlike the disgusting monkey, Chaos in Primal Rage

Chaos is the God of Decay. He's supposed to be disgusting and gross. Shooting vomit as a projectile is more than appropriate for him.

Don't forget that lovely fatality of his.
08/01/2015 06:48 AM (UTC)
Bo' Rai Cho over fucking Tremor any day. Hated how he was just tossed aside by NRS in the story mode.
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08/01/2015 08:22 AM (UTC)
Rather have him than one of the MK1-2 garbage again.
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

08/01/2015 02:24 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Rather have him than one of the MK1-2 garbage again.
lol because " chrome" is such a cool, original idea. I'd like to see bocho again but no need talking shit about what has made MK a staple in pop culture, which is the Trilogy characters. Only thing that's garbage is the idea of a grey colored ninja (already taken) who's abilities aren't at all 100% ripped off one of the most popular movie franchise/characters, and have some jackass try to claim it's their own original idea. Now that's garbage.
08/01/2015 03:33 PM (UTC)
b-rad007 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Rather have him than one of the MK1-2 garbage again.
lol because " chrome" is such a cool, original idea. I'd like to see bocho again but no need talking shit about what has made MK a staple in pop culture, which is the Trilogy characters. Only thing that's garbage is the idea of a grey colored ninja (already taken) who's abilities aren't at all 100% ripped off one of the most popular movie franchise/characters, and have some jackass try to claim it's their own original idea. Now that's garbage.

You do realize he's not the one pushing for that "character" to such an annoying degree, right? Besides, he has a point with the word "garbage" aside. The Trilogy cast (majority of them, anyway) ARE overused to a disgusting degree. Even popular characters sometimes need a break. Actually, no, I'll rephrase. A break is necessary. Even popular characters become stale and a good handful of them are.

Now, whether NRS does anything about that and actually gives them a break is yet to be seen so that the 3D era and the newbies / future newbies can have a game to shine. After all, that's why these descendants were introduced, right? If I were a betting man, I'd say that even with the kids present, the parents STILL won't go anyway because NRS don't have the backbone for anything risky in terms of roster anymore.

But if I'm ever proven wrong, I'd happily eat crow.
08/01/2015 06:27 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
I've always liked Bo as a character but the sophomoric constant farts were the worst. With were they are now design wise they could make him a great character.

Agree, i considered the idea of the drunken master interesting, being something unique un the MK reboot roster. I only hope they don't put a fart variation or some of his stupid moves un DA or Deception. And i know, theres chracters who have linda silly moves or fatalitys, but the old Bo Rai Cho is not jusy silly is something only 12 years old or fucking stoner will love. Is not just silly is basiclly Cheech n Chong humor. (Irony right?)

I hope NRS take this character more seriously because surely if they make this serious moments like he being a wise master who.Raiden really respect and trust, i can't take this fat blob walking joke seriously if after that i see him farting around or vomiting in the floor to the other guy start trip in the vomit (is like a character made by Adam Sandler )
08/01/2015 07:07 PM (UTC)
Bongality Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
I've always liked Bo as a character but the sophomoric constant farts were the worst. With were they are now design wise they could make him a great character.

Agree, i considered the idea of the drunken master interesting, being something unique un the MK reboot roster. I only hope they don't put a fart variation or some of his stupid moves un DA or Deception. And i know, theres chracters who have linda silly moves or fatalitys, but the old Bo Rai Cho is not jusy silly is something only 12 years old or fucking stoner will love. Is not just silly is basiclly Cheech n Chong humor. (Irony right?)

I hope NRS take this character more seriously because surely if they make this serious moments like he being a wise master who.Raiden really respect and trust, i can't take this fat blob walking joke seriously if after that i see him farting around or vomiting in the floor to the other guy start trip in the vomit (is like a character made by Adam Sandler )

I've always envisioned that if they brought Bo' back, his three variations would've / could've been a drunken style, a sumo style and a staff style with his specials revolving around flip kicks and maybe something to do with his liquor jug like spilling it onto the floor to make the opponent slip. Completely leave out the farting. Vomit could work if downplayed as maybe like a component of a fatality or a throw or something quick but they'd need to take his appearance and gameplay very seriously.
08/01/2015 11:05 PM (UTC)
The vomiting is ok but the farting is really cringeworthy tbh. Even when I saw that when I was like 8 I though it was too much
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

08/01/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
b-rad007 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Rather have him than one of the MK1-2 garbage again.
lol because " chrome" is such a cool, original idea. I'd like to see bocho again but no need talking shit about what has made MK a staple in pop culture, which is the Trilogy characters. Only thing that's garbage is the idea of a grey colored ninja (already taken) who's abilities aren't at all 100% ripped off one of the most popular movie franchise/characters, and have some jackass try to claim it's their own original idea. Now that's garbage.

You do realize he's not the one pushing for that "character" to such an annoying degree, right? Besides, he has a point with the word "garbage" aside. The Trilogy cast (majority of them, anyway) ARE overused to a disgusting degree. Even popular characters sometimes need a break. Actually, no, I'll rephrase. A break is necessary. Even popular characters become stale and a good handful of them are.

Now, whether NRS does anything about that and actually gives them a break is yet to be seen so that the 3D era and the newbies / future newbies can have a game to shine. After all, that's why these descendants were introduced, right? If I were a betting man, I'd say that even with the kids present, the parents STILL won't go anyway because NRS don't have the backbone for anything risky in terms of roster anymore.

But if I'm ever proven wrong, I'd happily eat crow.
oh, I guess I'm an asshole then.it was easy to think he was cause of the username and Sig. Anyway I'd like to see bocho make a return. A variant where he can take a swig and increase damage would be pretty cool.
08/01/2015 11:45 PM (UTC)
I really don't understand what the big problem is with this character using toilet humor as a way to attacking. You're playing a game that has massive amounts of ways to dismember your opponent, literally showing guts to the audience. That's not disturbing? But bowel movements and chucking up puddles of vomit is? Okay, that makes sense. /sarcasm

The game has its goofy moments. What, is it because majority of us are all in our twenties, we're too "mature" for that kind of humor now? I don't see anyone crying over Noob's x-ray where he kicks you so hard your character pukes. I don't see anyone bitching about how Sonya and Kitana made their opponent vomit in their Deadly Alliance fatality.

And please don't respond to me, telling me that those scenarios I just listed are "different from Bo Rai' Cho's vomiting." It's still vomit either way so...?
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