03/30/2015 03:15 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
But MKX is may not be the best MK ever.
one simple reason for why, you still have not tried the game which means you can't judge yet.

Well since you're referring to gameplay...

1. They took everything that made MK9 great (X-rays, meter bars/enhanced specials, 2D roots, mechanics, ect.) and improved it in this game.

2. They took everything that made Injustice great (character model variety, interactables, even better mechanics/special animations, ect.) and improved it in this game.

3. Graphics and animations overall (including story mode cutscenes) have been improved upon dramatically. And NRS has mentioned plenty of times that they always aim to improve and outdo themselves from past games.

Casselman Wrote:
Technically speaking, the impressions are on a personal capacity. My brother, two friends and I went to play the game. The game is spectacular! Every character feels strong. I felt 100% natural since the first button I pushed.

Cannot....freaking.... wait.

This lovely member has indeed, actually played the game at FanExpo in Canada waaay back in August. So needless to say, that was even an early build and he was impressed. [His full impression of the game can be found on other MK forums] There are also plenty of other people out there who have actually played it and have come to a similar conclusion.

Also note that Casselman has been a quality poster here for a long while with plenty of merit, as well as being a respected member within the entire MK community as a whole.

Now, this doesn't in any way prove that it's the "best MK ever", but if you look at all this evidence, plus all the other fantastic things this game is bringing to the table...so far all signs are pointing to YES!

Even IF in terms of gameplay it's an improvement on MK9 it still doesn't make the game "the best MK ever". Gameplay is very important but it's not everything, look at Injustice, the gameplay was tight and awesome, In previews and videos before release the game looked amazing and seemed to be a lot of fun.

But when you actually got your hands on it, the game felt soulless, there was a lot less content than there was in MK9, the story was shorter and not as good. The game just felt dead and after months nobody played it on PS3 because I always played it online and at this point, there is just 10 people who play it and that's the MAX. MK9 on the other hand people still play it till today over 200 people I see everyday.

I'm not saying that's the fate of MKX, I'm just saying judging a book by it's cover is a big mistake. I think people should judge after trying out the game for themselves because some things sound amazing in theory but end up shitty.

The faction wars Idea is the best thing ever IMO, but I still am not sure if it'll be as good as it sounds. The living towers are amazing but I'm not sure yet if they'll be as good as they sounds.

What I'm trying to say is, judging something before trying it out is not really a good thing or a very objective thing. So changing the title to "I THINK this is the best MK ever" would be more of the true title :).
03/30/2015 03:42 AM (UTC)
I'd have to agree that in terms of quality, we are getting the best MK ever. Better character designs, better stages, better gameplay, better new characters, better story, better towers, better online integration, better EVERYTHING.

Seriously, I love the fuck out of this game despite never playing it. The intros before the fights are awesome. And the walk aways during the character select screen add personality to the fights.

The Variations give players options with how to play characters. This adds an extra layer to strategic value. Plus players aren't restricted to playing characters a certain way.

The new characters feel individual and fresh. I love that NRS is doing these new characters justice.

MK has never looked so good.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/30/2015 03:57 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Even IF in terms of gameplay it's an improvement on MK9 it still doesn't make the game "the best MK ever". Gameplay is very important but it's not everything

>implying gameplay isn't single-handedly the most important aspect of any fighting game

KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I'd have to agree that in terms of quality, we are getting the best MK ever. Better character designs, better stages, better gameplay, better new characters, better story, better towers, better online integration, better EVERYTHING.

About Me

03/30/2015 04:48 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:

Morgan Freeman should narrate the beginning of Story Mode.

Someone who does a good Morgan Freeman, please record yourself as him narrating the beginning of the Cage Family trailer and post it for us.
About Me

03/30/2015 07:10 AM (UTC)
The same thing will happen as with MK9.

Best game so far, lot of flash, story mode turns out to be nonsensically put together while we have decent acting, and so far the roster is one of the most schizophrenic ever.

For me it is Youtube storymode, and that's it,.
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

03/30/2015 11:02 AM (UTC)
Great thread!
I cannot believe how hyped I am for this game. It sure does look like it will be the best entry into the franchise yet.
The other night I was in bed, the clock ticked over midnight and I thought to myself "ooh 18 days till MKX..." No sleep for me that night I tell ya! ????

Hype is now building instores to. If anyone is in the U.K Bath area, we are doing a midnight launch and MKX tournament with the Kombat Pass as the prize! #ShamelessPromotion
03/30/2015 11:25 AM (UTC)
the roster is so shit it stops it from being the best mk ever, if it has a good roster it would be the best mk ever....

I love how derik just said in an interview "we dont wanna use the same characters over an over again..."

Game did nothing but use the same tired shit over an over again, in terms of roster
03/30/2015 12:23 PM (UTC)
I've already scheduled myself off for the 14th. I told my employees that my phone will be off, and I won't be answering emails. It feels like we've been waiting for this game forever! I'll be main-lining coffee and eating pizza all damn day while playing what I believe is the best damned MK game in history. My excitement level is off the charts!
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/30/2015 01:44 PM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:

Morgan Freeman should narrate the beginning of Story Mode.

Someone who does a good Morgan Freeman, please record yourself as him narrating the beginning of the Cage Family trailer and post it for us.

That's an instant win right there. Unfortunately though, I don't think I have that "milk and honey" voice we love oh so much.
03/30/2015 03:21 PM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
I've already scheduled myself off for the 14th. I told my employees that my phone will be off, and I won't be answering emails. It feels like we've been waiting for this game forever! I'll be main-lining coffee and eating pizza all damn day while playing what I believe is the best damned MK game in history. My excitement level is off the charts!

I'm taking off the 15th. My 4 y/o son and I get to ride to his school in a firetruck & then I'll play MKX all day. Can't wait.
03/30/2015 03:48 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Even IF in terms of gameplay it's an improvement on MK9 it still doesn't make the game "the best MK ever". Gameplay is very important but it's not everything

>implying gameplay isn't single-handedly the most important aspect of any fighting game

I just explained to you that no gameplay is not single-handedly the most important aspect of any fighting game.

Street fighter 4 has GREAT gameplay and yet it isn't as good as MK9, why? Because they have more depth in content and the game feels awesome, you know how I know MK9 was awesome? Because I tried it for myself.

I'm not saying MKX will suck but judging it before trying it is obviously not very smart.

Injustice had improved MK9 gameplay and yet that game died pretty fast now you only sometimes see it in tournaments and stuff like that but when it comes to online, unlike MK9, Injustice is dead.

Gameplay is important but it doesn't carry the game. And even if it does, it all remains subjective because I might think the game is cool and you might think it isn't, or the other way around.
About Me


03/30/2015 05:02 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
But MKX is may not be the best MK ever.
one simple reason for why, you still have not tried the game which means you can't judge yet.

Well since you're referring to gameplay...

1. They took everything that made MK9 great (X-rays, meter bars/enhanced specials, 2D roots, mechanics, ect.) and improved it in this game.

2. They took everything that made Injustice great (character model variety, interactables, even better mechanics/special animations, ect.) and improved it in this game.

3. Graphics and animations overall (including story mode cutscenes) have been improved upon dramatically. And NRS has mentioned plenty of times that they always aim to improve and outdo themselves from past games.

Casselman Wrote:
Technically speaking, the impressions are on a personal capacity. My brother, two friends and I went to play the game. The game is spectacular! Every character feels strong. I felt 100% natural since the first button I pushed.

Cannot....freaking.... wait.

This lovely member has indeed, actually played the game at FanExpo in Canada waaay back in August. So needless to say, that was even an early build and he was impressed. [His full impression of the game can be found on other MK forums] There are also plenty of other people out there who have actually played it and have come to a similar conclusion.

Also note that Casselman has been a quality poster here for a long while with plenty of merit, as well as being a respected member within the entire MK community as a whole.

Now, this doesn't in any way prove that it's the "best MK ever", but if you look at all this evidence, plus all the other fantastic things this game is bringing to the table...so far all signs are pointing to YES!

Even IF in terms of gameplay it's an improvement on MK9 it still doesn't make the game "the best MK ever". Gameplay is very important but it's not everything, look at Injustice, the gameplay was tight and awesome, In previews and videos before release the game looked amazing and seemed to be a lot of fun.

But when you actually got your hands on it, the game felt soulless, there was a lot less content than there was in MK9, the story was shorter and not as good. The game just felt dead and after months nobody played it on PS3 because I always played it online and at this point, there is just 10 people who play it and that's the MAX. MK9 on the other hand people still play it till today over 200 people I see everyday.

I'm not saying that's the fate of MKX, I'm just saying judging a book by it's cover is a big mistake. I think people should judge after trying out the game for themselves because some things sound amazing in theory but end up shitty.

The faction wars Idea is the best thing ever IMO, but I still am not sure if it'll be as good as it sounds. The living towers are amazing but I'm not sure yet if they'll be as good as they sounds.

What I'm trying to say is, judging something before trying it out is not really a good thing or a very objective thing. So changing the title to "I THINK this is the best MK ever" would be more of the true title :).

The gameplay was "soulless?" What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Mechanically it was better than both of its predecessors and where exactly did Injustice lack content? The story was exactly what it was supposed to be, the roster was great, The Star Labs missions were plentiful, hell the even the DLC characters got missions.

Implying that the fighting mechanics are not the most important aspect of a FIGHTING game is just plain ignorant. The story can be cool, it can look great aesthetically, but if the fighting mechanics are garbage than the entire package falls apart. No amount of fluff is going save the game from that. Take a look at Mortal Kombat Deception, one of the most broken messes of a fighting game ever released, did Konquest, Chess Kombat and Puzzle Kombat make up for how laughably bad the fighting engine was back then? Absolutely not.

Your posts like many other users reek of butthurt over the fact that your favorite character is not in the game... it's that simple. I was a big Cyrax player in the last game, am I crying over the fact he's apparently not in? No, I'm gonna find someone else to use and enjoy the game.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
03/30/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
Smoke ain't in. Don't care. Lookin' like best MK ever.
03/30/2015 05:14 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:

The gameplay was "soulless?" What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Mechanically it was better than both of its predecessors and where exactly did Injustice lack content? The story was exactly what it was supposed to be, the roster was great, The Star Labs missions were plentiful, hell the even the DLC characters got missions.

Implying that the fighting mechanics are not the most important aspect of a FIGHTING game is just plain ignorant. The story can be cool, it can look great aesthetically, but if the fighting mechanics are garbage than the entire package falls apart. No amount of fluff is going save the game from that. Take a look at Mortal Kombat Deception, one of the most broken messes of a fighting game ever released, did Konquest, Chess Kombat and Puzzle Kombat make up for how laughably bad the fighting engine was back then? Absolutely not.

Your posts like many other users reek of butthurt over the fact that your favorite character is not in the game... it's that simple. I was a big Cyrax player in the last game, am I crying over the fact he's apparently not in? No, I'm gonna find someone else to use and enjoy the game.

I don't mean to ruin your whole post but to start with, I have 5 of my favorites in this game, Kenshi,Quan Chi,Kung Lao,Sonya Blade and Shinnok.

I'm very excited for a lot of the new characters like Kung Jin,Cassie Cage,Kotal Kahn and D'vorah.

So saying I'm "butthurt" because my favorite character is not in the game is just pure ignorance because I like Kenshi and Quan Chi as much as I like Sektor.

What shows that you are even more ignorant is the fact that you still harp on the fact that gameplay is EVERYTHING which it isn't. Roster is just as important which I'm fine with the roster, it's a bit stupid but I got my favs.

Injustice was a dead game and I wasn't the only one who thought that, not a lot of people play it today while if you look at MK9 a lot of people play that game even till today, why? Because that game didn't feel dead. MK9 had about 8-9 extra content like Test your luck, test your strike, test your might, Krypt, Tag-team, Challenge tower etc... What did injustice have? Star labs? Story mode which is now important to NRS. Injustice lacked content and lacked any life, if it didn't, a lot of people would still be playing it just like they are playing MK9.

I never said ONCE that MKX will suck, I said why judge when you have not played the game for yourself? It's stupid to be honest, judging something without trying it is the stupidest thing ever.

I have faith in MKX but I'm not going to say where I'd rank it before trying the game out.
About Me


03/30/2015 05:29 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:

The gameplay was "soulless?" What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Mechanically it was better than both of its predecessors and where exactly did Injustice lack content? The story was exactly what it was supposed to be, the roster was great, The Star Labs missions were plentiful, hell the even the DLC characters got missions.

Implying that the fighting mechanics are not the most important aspect of a FIGHTING game is just plain ignorant. The story can be cool, it can look great aesthetically, but if the fighting mechanics are garbage than the entire package falls apart. No amount of fluff is going save the game from that. Take a look at Mortal Kombat Deception, one of the most broken messes of a fighting game ever released, did Konquest, Chess Kombat and Puzzle Kombat make up for how laughably bad the fighting engine was back then? Absolutely not.

Your posts like many other users reek of butthurt over the fact that your favorite character is not in the game... it's that simple. I was a big Cyrax player in the last game, am I crying over the fact he's apparently not in? No, I'm gonna find someone else to use and enjoy the game.

I don't mean to ruin your whole post but to start with, I have 5 of my favorites in this game, Kenshi,Quan Chi,Kung Lao,Sonya Blade and Shinnok.

I'm very excited for a lot of the new characters like Kung Jin,Cassie Cage,Kotal Kahn and D'vorah.

So saying I'm "butthurt" because my favorite character is not in the game is just pure ignorance because I like Kenshi and Quan Chi as much as I like Sektor.

What shows that you are even more ignorant is the fact that you still harp on the fact that gameplay is EVERYTHING which it isn't. Roster is just as important which I'm fine with the roster, it's a bit stupid but I got my favs.

Injustice was a dead game and I wasn't the only one who thought that, not a lot of people play it today while if you look at MK9 a lot of people play that game even till today, why? Because that game didn't feel dead. MK9 had about 8-9 extra content like Test your luck, test your strike, test your might, Krypt, Tag-team, Challenge tower etc... What did injustice have? Star labs? Story mode which is now important to NRS. Injustice lacked content and lacked any life, if it didn't, a lot of people would still be playing it just like they are playing MK9.

I never said ONCE that MKX will suck, I said why judge when you have not played the game for yourself? It's stupid to be honest, judging something without trying it is the stupidest thing ever.

I have faith in MKX but I'm not going to say where I'd rank it before trying the game out.

nowhere in this post did you explain how a game can be "soulless" mechanically.

Archives= The Krypt
Star Labs= Challenge Tower

Also Injustice had multiple ladder variations. As far as Injustice being dead, I have never had an issue finding a match online, not that online matters because NRS netcode is garbage in all of their titles and probably will continue to be garbage. Unless there are some serious game breaking flaws that go unfixed (see MK9 input bug). MKX is shaping up to be the best Mortal Kombat game to date.
03/30/2015 05:38 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:

MKX is shaping up to be the best Mortal Kombat game to date.

Exactly! I agree it's shaping up to be the best but you can't say it is the best until you try it and see how it ends up, right? How can you be sure that it won't be a broken game when it's the hands of people who will beat it down trying to find bugs and glitches?

I can't be sure it's the best game and neither can you or the OP.

Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:

nowhere in this post did you explain how a game can be "soulless" mechanically.

Archives= The Krypt
Star Labs= Challenge Tower

Also Injustice had multiple ladder variations. As far as Injustice being dead, I have never had an issue finding a match online, not that online matters because NRS netcode is garbage in all of their titles and probably will continue to be garbage. Unless there are some serious game breaking flaws that go unfixed (see MK9 input bug). MKX is shaping up to be the best Mortal Kombat game to date.

I'm not the right person to explain to you why I think Injustice is soulless because I'm going to be bias about it, I enjoyed injustice for like two days and then I didn't play it any more because of how depressed it made me, everything from the style of the game to the sound of the dead announcer chick, everything felt like it was trying to get you depressed. I get what they were trying to go for which is a darker DCU story but it just didn't work for me, I felt very depressed playing the game unlike when I played MK9 and I still play it.

And it's not just me who thought that game was depressing because while over 200 people still play MK9 even with all it's netcode problems, Injustice with an improved netcode only get 13 at max.

So to sum it up, I don't THINK MKX will suck and I have faith in the game, I just don't want to act stupid and judge it before I even had the chance to try it out for myself.
About Me


03/30/2015 06:04 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:

MKX is shaping up to be the best Mortal Kombat game to date.

Exactly! I agree it's shaping up to be the best but you can't say it is the best until you try it and see how it ends up, right? How can you be sure that it won't be a broken game when it's the hands of people who will beat it down trying to find bugs and glitches?

I can't be sure it's the best game and neither can you or the OP.

Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:

nowhere in this post did you explain how a game can be "soulless" mechanically.

Archives= The Krypt
Star Labs= Challenge Tower

Also Injustice had multiple ladder variations. As far as Injustice being dead, I have never had an issue finding a match online, not that online matters because NRS netcode is garbage in all of their titles and probably will continue to be garbage. Unless there are some serious game breaking flaws that go unfixed (see MK9 input bug). MKX is shaping up to be the best Mortal Kombat game to date.

I'm not the right person to explain to you why I think Injustice is soulless because I'm going to be bias about it, I enjoyed injustice for like two days and then I didn't play it any more because of how depressed it made me, everything from the style of the game to the sound of the dead announcer chick, everything felt like it was trying to get you depressed. I get what they were trying to go for which is a darker DCU story but it just didn't work for me, I felt very depressed playing the game unlike when I played MK9 and I still play it.

And it's not just me who thought that game was depressing because while over 200 people still play MK9 even with all it's netcode problems, Injustice with an improved netcode only get 13 at max.

So to sum it up, I don't THINK MKX will suck and I have faith in the game, I just don't want to act stupid and judge it before I even had the chance to try it out for myself.

So you only played Injustice for "like two days"? A few days is not enough time to formulate any kind of informed opinion on a fighting game, it takes months, if not years which is a big reason why mainstream reviews for fighting games are a joke, but that is another rant for another day.

I understand where you are coming from not wanting to judge a game before you've played it, but I think NRS has proven themselves with their last two titles, they definitely have proven they have a competent understanding of fighting game concepts and mechanics which is something they didn't have 10 years ago.
03/30/2015 06:09 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
the roster is so shit it stops it from being the best mk ever, if it has a good roster it would be the best mk ever....

I love how derik just said in an interview "we dont wanna use the same characters over an over again..."

Game did nothing but use the same tired shit over an over again, in terms of roster

So tell NRS to stop listening to fans from demanding their favorite characters to be in the game, than maybe it will different next time
03/30/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
He's 13, Joe
03/30/2015 07:39 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:

So you only played Injustice for "like two days"? A few days is not enough time to formulate any kind of informed opinion on a fighting game, it takes months, if not years which is a big reason why mainstream reviews for fighting games are a joke, but that is another rant for another day.

I understand where you are coming from not wanting to judge a game before you've played it, but I think NRS has proven themselves with their last two titles, they definitely have proven they have a competent understanding of fighting game concepts and mechanics which is something they didn't have 10 years ago.

Sure they have an understanding and that's why I said "I have faith in MKX" but I can't judge something which I have not tried, that's why I didn't say MKX will suck and I am not going to say MKX is the best until I get my hands on it.

I can judge a game when I try it, I tried injustice and it wasn't as good as MK9, you know how I know that? because I still play MK9 and I don't play injustice. I understand what you mean by "A few days is not enough time to formulate any kind of informed opinion on a fighting game" but I am not a reviewer, I'm a consumer and I can tell you from a consumer stand point MK9 > Injustice, MKX might be better than both but we still can't know.

Injustice had AMAZING fighting mechanics but the game just felt soulless, I really don't know how to explain it, but the game just didn't sit right with me and from the looks of it, it didn't sit right with a lot of other people.

Injustice in previews seemed great and so does MKX but when you actually get your hands on it, it's sometimes different than what you see.

All I'm trying to say is, we should all just wait before we make the "BEST GAME EVEARRR" Thread. :)

Spider804 Wrote:
He's 13, Joe

Oh look it's captain obvious here to save the day...
03/30/2015 07:41 PM (UTC)
I'm not a captain, I'm a spider

Badass sig, BTW
03/30/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
I'm not a captain, I'm a spider

Badass sig, BTW

It's not the sig that's badass it's SHINNOK! HELL YEAH! I have a feeling the only reason I'll use Shinnok is just for that bitch-slap, lol. :p.

BTW, I think you are lying, I have a feeling you are Scorpion and not a spider, call it a hunch.
03/30/2015 07:48 PM (UTC)
Or maybe I'm Scorpion AND a spider

Never can tell
03/30/2015 08:50 PM (UTC)
I believe in our day and age anything is possible, so you could be Scorpion, a spider AND a secret hidden character, all at the same time!
03/30/2015 08:54 PM (UTC)
Well unless my fatalities involve force feeding my opponents pie, I think people are gonna be very disappointed.
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