Despite whats in or not in - This is the best MK ever
posted04/03/2015 07:50 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/12/2014 09:54 AM (UTC)
I know that I can't say it with surity until I have the disc in my PS4, but I think we can make an educated guess that MKX has the potential to be an incredible addition to the series. It feels bigger than that though.

The care NRS has taken in making the practice mode is astounding. Providing the capability to create set conditions that you might have difficulty overcoming in online play really allows each individual to get the most out of their fighting game experience. Special move & combo setup spammers can be dealt with by simply using a process of elimination approach during practice mode to discover the best answer to every problem. You can literally teach yourself to play as technically sound as you care to invest the time to do so. Add factions and the living tower to the mix and we've got the best online experience I could dream of. Wow.

I'll be the first to admit, I was awfully skeptical about variations. I felt it made the game more complicated and that characters I wanted in the game might get sacrificed for the resources to create multiple variations per fighter. But now I realize the variation system is an ingenious way to give us fans the most balanced experience possible. Some characters simply got owned by others in MK9 and variations are the solution to the balancing issue. Some fighters have variations that add a little more offensive/defensive depth, while others have a variation that gives them a whole new approach altogether. I think Kung Jin is a prime example of variations giving a fighter three very different skill sets. Wow.

The roster. Oh that GD roster. Do I want Fujin? Yes. Do I want Havik & Bo Rai Cho? Absolutely. But when I look at the returning characters, I love all of them and can't wait to experiment with everything they have to offer. Except maybe Jax and Sonya, and that's because their kids are in. But oh well; if I'm gonna be a baby over 2/25 with another 4 DLC while those 2 I don't care for are other fans' favorites...then I have control issues. The new additions to the roster are a diverse group and I'm looking forward to seeing how their personalities develop during story mode. Call me optimistic, but NRS has really worked on providing a longer lasting experience, and I'm hoping that might mean DLC support beyond the Kombat Pack. A big hopeful Wow.

I'll never forget seeing Sub-Zero rip Kano's head off in a little arcade in Arlington Heights, IL back in 1992. I was hooked. And then MKII introduced Kung Lao who split Reptile in half with his hat. Every new game has introduced new fighters that we've grown to love while walking that balance of bringing back enough of our favorites. Thank you Ed Boon & Co for creating a series that has been a part of growing up and continues to be a part of my life as a husband and parent of three kids. That's pretty cool to say that about a video game. Wow. glasses
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I will rock you.

03/28/2015 11:51 PM (UTC)
The game does look really awesome I can't wait to see some gameplay of it on youtube. I have to wait a year to play it which is a shame but atleast i get to see it on the web.wink
03/29/2015 12:14 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
The game does look really awesome I can't wait to see some gameplay of it on youtube. I have to wait a year to play it which is a shame but atleast i get to see it on the web.wink

But.. sad ..But..Whats the fun in that??
03/29/2015 12:20 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
The game does look really awesome I can't wait to see some gameplay of it on youtube. I have to wait a year to play it which is a shame but atleast i get to see it on the web.wink

Don't worry bro I'm in the same boat. Gots to pay the bills before i can buy an xbox one, and i am not going to buy a watered down last gen version. No way. So it'll be videos for me until next year. But yes, mkx, even though it doesn't have my favorite character as playable, Baraka, easily looks to be the best mk ever and nrs deserves all of the glory it will receive. Thank you Ed and team!
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/29/2015 12:22 AM (UTC)
I wholeheartedly agree.

I know I've posted my fair share of dramatics about things I wasn't pleased with (some I'm still sore about - post Trilogy), but upon stepping back and looking at everything this game is bringing to the table, I honestly think this will be the MK to topple all MKs. Keeping nostalgic favorites like MK2 out of mind, overall, this game is looking superbly epic in just about every aspect. Presentation, story, gameplay, new characters, finishers, other game modes, online experience, and more.

I mean, Erron Black's and Reptile's reveals ended up as worldwide fucking trends on Twitter. As well as the Kombat Kast itself. Has that ever even happened before? Even though I don't do Twitter, that seems like a big deal to me.

I've also noticed that they focused the majority of their articles in foreign magazines. An attempt at expanding the game's influence as far and wide as possible.

The level of depth and detail in this game is unreal. The Faction introductory videos for one, blew me away. Not to mention the hourly and daily updated Towers.

I've heard numerous people I know or have come across, who, up until this game, didn't even take notice of or care about MK. Some gamers, some not.

All in all, I seriously can't believe we're just over two weeks out! The hype is literally getting real. I know there's things a lot of people still aren't too happy about, but I honestly do hope that everyone truly enjoys this game considering all it has to offer, not to mention the tremendous amount of effort that the team has put into it.

Once again, it's motherfuckin' KOMBAT TIME ya'll.

Ready. Yer. Bones. grin
03/29/2015 12:30 AM (UTC)
@unleash your tongue dude i'm the same exact way. 2 weeks away. I cannot fucking wait.

I haven't been this hype for a MK game in so fucking long. For months now the first thing I do is check MKO for new info lol. Two weeks away, it seems surreal that it's this close.

So fucking ready for MKX. It will be the best game in the franchise thus far for sure. Would I love for Fujin to be in? You're fucking right but if he's not, well that's too bad. I'll just wait for DLC, and enjoy the game for what it is.
03/29/2015 12:45 AM (UTC)
Seeing this thread and the comments makes me smile. I feel the same exact way you guys do... Thinking about every little morsel of content that is gonna be stuffed in the game... The graphics, the special effects, the sound, the music, the character models, variations, character intros, character speech during battle, all the modes, unlockables, DLC, mobile game, etc etc etc etc etc!!! I haven't been this excited about a game period in a long long time... And I also think this will be the best MK game hands down... Hopefully they keep making MK games for a long time... But at least we know that sooner then later we will be playing this gem of a game and bathing in all its glory!!!
03/29/2015 12:51 AM (UTC)
It does seem like it'll be the best I just wish there were more stages .
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/29/2015 01:28 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
@unleash your tongue dude i'm the same exact way. 2 weeks away. I cannot fucking wait.

I haven't been this hype for a MK game in so fucking long. For months now the first thing I do is check MKO for new info lol. Two weeks away, it seems surreal that it's this close.

Right? That fact alone has kept me in awe the past couple days. We're SO close!

The Gamestop release party will be torture. Standing around, seeing MKX on the TVs, seeing all the promotional posters, being teased with a couple quick tournament matches, hearing everyone talk about the series and express their excitement, all while I'm twirling my thumbs, tapping my foot, just panting to get my copy, run home, and pop that disc in.

03/29/2015 02:07 AM (UTC)
I agree smile
03/29/2015 02:16 AM (UTC)
Jarhead Wrote:
I know that I can't say it with surity until I have the disc in my PS4, but I think we can make an educated guess that MKX has the potential to be an incredible addition to the series. It feels bigger than that though.

The care NRS has taken in making the practice mode is astounding. Providing the capability to create set conditions that you might have difficulty overcoming in online play really allows each individual to get the most out of their fighting game experience. Special move & combo setup spammers can be dealt with by simply using a process of elimination approach during practice mode to discover the best answer to every problem. You can literally teach yourself to play as technically sound as you care to invest the time to do so. Add factions and the living tower to the mix and we've got the best online experience I could dream of. Wow.

I'll be the first to admit, I was awfully skeptical about variations. I felt it made the game more complicated and that characters I wanted in the game might get sacrificed for the resources to create multiple variations per fighter. But now I realize the variation system is an ingenious way to give us fans the most balanced experience possible. Some characters simply got owned by others in MK9 and variations are the solution to the balancing issue. Some fighters have variations that add a little more offensive/defensive depth, while others have a variation that gives them a whole new approach altogether. I think Kung Jin is a prime example of variations giving a fighter three very different skill sets. Wow.

The roster. Oh that GD roster. Do I want Fujin? Yes. Do I want Havik & Bo Rai Cho? Absolutely. But when I look at the returning characters, I love all of them and can't wait to experiment with everything they have to offer. Except maybe Jax and Sonya, and that's because their kids are in. But oh well; if I'm gonna be a baby over 2/25 with another 4 DLC while those 2 I don't care for are other fans' favorites...then I have control issues. The new additions to the roster are a diverse group and I'm looking forward to seeing how their personalities develop during story mode. Call me optimistic, but NRS has really worked on providing a longer lasting experience, and I'm hoping that might mean DLC support beyond the Kombat Pack. A big hopeful Wow.

I'll never forget seeing Sub-Zero rip Kano's head off in a little arcade in Arlington Heights, IL back in 1992. I was hooked. And then MKII introduced Kung Lao who split Reptile in half with his hat. Every new game has introduced new fighters that we've grown to love while walking that balance of bringing back enough of our favorites. Thank you Ed Boon & Co for creating a series that has been a part of growing up and continues to be a part of my life as a husband and parent of three kids. That's pretty cool to say that about a video game. Wow. glasses

Yep, I agree with pretty much everything here.

Lets also not forget that online buddy practice is coming back from Injustice and they even hinted that you can sit in and mess around in practice mode while awaiting a challenge online. Awesome stuff.
03/29/2015 03:24 AM (UTC)
The thing is, because this is the best MK ever, we want our favorite characters be a part of that. It won't be the best BECAUSE our favorite characters would be in the roster, but it's so awesome that everyone wants their favs to see how could they would be here.
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03/29/2015 03:35 AM (UTC)
MK: Special Forces is the best!
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/29/2015 03:41 AM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
The thing is, because this is the best MK ever, we want our favorite characters be a part of that. It won't be the best BECAUSE our favorite characters would be in the roster, but it's so awesome that everyone wants their favs to see how could they would be here.

I agree. A character like Reptile is pretty much already an "instant lock", but even without him I'd still be as hyped as I am now.

I have said before that I'd honestly sacrifice and exchange his primary roster spot for a DLC one if it meant giving one or two more of the post-Trilogy era characters a chance to join this fray. That's how bad I wanted to see some of them receive the right kind of revamp that they deserved.

But nonetheless, at least Shinnok looks fantastic all around, and I still can't get over Quan Chi's new design. And I'll need CPR if Fujin doesn't make the second wave of DLC though, or isn't already the unlockable. NRS knows all too well the multitude of requests for him. Excluding him at this point would be a travesty.

But back on topic here -

I'm so ready for this game! It's at that point now where April 14th will seriously be here before we know it...

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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/29/2015 03:43 AM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
The thing is, because this is the best MK ever, we want our favorite characters be a part of that. It won't be the best BECAUSE our favorite characters would be in the roster, but it's so awesome that everyone wants their favs to see how could they would be here.

THIS. So much this!

While my favorite character is Scorpion and he's pretty much always a shoe in from the get go, I love this freakin franchise as a WHOLE so I definitely feel for those whose favs won't make it into this awesome game that is MKX:(
03/29/2015 03:47 AM (UTC)
Not sure how I should feel that the roster is another Popularity Contest since it is pretty much DA's returning cast including Shinnok, Mileena, Liu Kang, and Ermac minus Cyrax and Shang Tsung as well as Baraka and Shao Kahn who were in MKvsDCU. I was expecting more new characters although Team Kotal really looks more interesting than Team Cassie, especially with their parents/significantly older relatives still being in the game.
03/29/2015 04:05 AM (UTC)
Totally agred whit this!!

They are adding so much into this game!! Not only for pro players who will smash all the game mechanics, but also for casual who just want to have a good time with their friends.

The development of the character is great!! thats why i would love to see more characters that never where developt properly, But even then This game is giving so much not only to the franchise, but also the gaming community.

So maybe i can not understand all the whys.

Why My character is not in??
Why this character is this way??
Why making things like this??

But i really think that all this was made with the only intention of making a good game, making fans as pleased as posible and making something that people in general can Enjoy.

So is this best MK game yet?? For me it is!! and as far as i saw, i really support the direction that this game has taken.

For those who hate certain things, its alright, you have all the right to have your own opinion. But I hope that when this game cames out, WE ALL CAN ENJOY IT not only like MK FANS, but as a GAMING COMMUNITY.
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

03/29/2015 06:37 AM (UTC)
I knew this was going to be the best MK ever after I saw Johnny kick Scorpion's ass.glasses
03/29/2015 02:17 PM (UTC)
This game def looks awesome. A lil upset about the lack of stages but they r so detailed so im good with it,but i def think they should support this game beyond the kombat pack. U offer fans another kombat pack with 4 klassics n no guest,ppl will jump all over that. Id like to see more than just kharacters though for DLC. Another stage would be cool n to add more to online i think puzzle kombat would be a great addition. I can only imagine how awesome that would look in this game but the ONLY way we get more DLC is ppl need to buy the kombat pack. If that doesnt sell to their expectations then we wont see anymore DLC n thats a shame.

Either way im buying all of it cuz i support NRS n the job they've done since they've taken over. They continue to put out a quality product with a ton of extra kontent for ppl to play.
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03/29/2015 03:05 PM (UTC)
Im aire that at least well hace two new stages: sub boss and final boss arenas. Other han that I agree this isla the best MK ever
03/29/2015 05:32 PM (UTC)
As far as the stage thing goes, I hope they just add a few more in the game or include them in patch updates or something, ill pay for DLC characters and skins but unless its a classic stage I don't see myself buying one as DLC.
03/29/2015 06:37 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
As far as the stage thing goes, I hope they just add a few more in the game or include them in patch updates or something, ill pay for DLC characters and skins but unless its a classic stage I don't see myself buying one as DLC.

I'd pay for stage DLC, even if it meant people online that don't have it getting to play on it. I'd see it plenty offline too.
About Me

03/30/2015 12:37 AM (UTC)
Thank you for this thread and for your positivity.

It makes me happy to see another fan thoroughly enjoying what we have been shown, and doing nothing but showing appreciation and anticipation. I share your excitement in every aspect, from the variations, to the mechanics, to the new graphics, and the roster.

I really feel like I lucked out; that I am getting everything I could possibly want in an MK game. If I were to design it myself, contribute to its process with my ideas, I daresay the final product would be very much the same, with minimal tweaks. I wasn't this hype even for MK9, which is saying a lot. We're reached a brand new high with this iteration, as fans.

These two weeks can't go by fast enough.
03/30/2015 12:42 AM (UTC)
I don't want to burst anybody's bubble, although that's what usually ends up happening :(. But MKX is may not be the best MK ever.

one simple reason for why, you still have not tried the game which means you can't judge yet.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/30/2015 02:44 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
But MKX is may not be the best MK ever.
one simple reason for why, you still have not tried the game which means you can't judge yet.

Well since you're referring to gameplay...

1. They took everything that made MK9 great (X-rays, meter bars/enhanced specials, 2D roots, mechanics, ect.) and improved it in this game.

2. They took everything that made Injustice great (character model variety, interactables, even better mechanics/special animations, ect.) and improved it in this game.

3. Graphics and animations overall (including story mode cutscenes) have been improved upon dramatically. And NRS has mentioned plenty of times that they always aim to improve and outdo themselves from past games.

Casselman Wrote:
Technically speaking, the impressions are on a personal capacity. My brother, two friends and I went to play the game. The game is spectacular! Every character feels strong. I felt 100% natural since the first button I pushed.

Cannot....freaking.... wait.

This lovely member has indeed, actually played the game at FanExpo in Canada waaay back in August. So needless to say, that was even an early build and he was impressed. [His full impression of the game can be found on other MK forums] There are also plenty of other people out there who have actually played it and have come to a similar conclusion.

Also note that Casselman has been a quality poster here for a long while with plenty of merit, as well as being a respected member within the entire MK community as a whole.

Now, this doesn't in any way prove that it's the "best MK ever", but if you look at all this evidence, plus all the other fantastic things this game is bringing to the far all signs are pointing to YES!
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