02/19/2015 06:14 PM (UTC)
I find it strange that when Ferra isn't on Torr she's just running around frantically like a junkie looking for a fix. It just looks weird. I'd rather she just stand there and hop on his back when he's near her.
02/19/2015 06:28 PM (UTC)
Unfortunatly, i got plenty...

* Kotal kahn's mustache,
Ever imagined what you get if you mix ogre & dudley? Kotal kahn.
* Ermac's animations,
his movements look too injustice-like.
* Color scheme,
Game lacks color, its just different shades
* sub's mask
just keep it simple
* reptile's force ball animation,
looks akward, older animation is best. thats reptile
* sub zero's freeze animation,
it has been changed since mk9. Old animation looked original and better.
* Music,
What happened too Dan Fordan?? since mk vs dc, its blend superheroes music.

* This is one that i find hard to explaine. it irritates me that certain moves, like a knee for example, make the opponent fly full screen. this happens almost in every x-ray. we get to see cracking skulls in X-ray vision and than we get that last knee that makes the opponent fly full screen. to me it takes off some impact from the previous attacks. I have the same thing with Kung lao's throw. when i first saw the ip man punches i was like wow! stunned. but than he ends it with something that makes the opponent fly full screen.
02/19/2015 08:21 PM (UTC)
I could of sworn Sub-Zero mask was breakable since his fight with Scorpion in the reveal trailer his mask was broken and off his face at the end of the trailer confused
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

02/19/2015 08:41 PM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
I could of sworn Sub-Zero mask was breakable since his fight with Scorpion in the reveal trailer his mask was broken and off his face at the end of the trailer confused

The reveal trailer is not gameplay footage. Not everything in it correlates to the game.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/19/2015 09:34 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I find it strange that when Ferra isn't on Torr she's just running around frantically like a junkie looking for a fix. It just looks weird. I'd rather she just stand there and hop on his back when he's near her.

Now that u mention it, that is alil wild. She should just stand back there cheering and booing.

Way Off subject... seeing This^ game mechanic makes me wish somebody has a "Pet" variation. Like a wolf for NightWolf for example.
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The MK Gods on dA

Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets

02/19/2015 10:25 PM (UTC)
Raiden's hat. It's... it's awful (except for his Storm Lord variation). I've always liked the simple sedge one he has, it would have looked even better with his current costume.

That's pretty much the only thing I'll nitpick from this game; I think everything else is spectacular so far and the designers really deserve way more credit than they get around here lately.
02/19/2015 10:37 PM (UTC)
MindStrikes Wrote:
Unfortunatly, i got plenty...

* Kotal kahn's mustache,
Ever imagined what you get if you mix ogre & dudley? Kotal kahn.

That's not a mustache man, it's a piercing.
02/19/2015 10:48 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
I could of sworn Sub-Zero mask was breakable since his fight with Scorpion in the reveal trailer his mask was broken and off his face at the end of the trailer confused

The reveal trailer is not gameplay footage. Not everything in it correlates to the game.

Oh ok

1. The buckle straps on his hood "eh"
2. Not really against the mask, but preferred MK9 one more
3. The overlapping loincloth of his vest.
4. the lack of a sleeveless shirt in the weist area.


1. His vest is plain. Wish is was more like MK1 or MK2 but with some off color trim.
2. Mask is plain... wish it had more detail in color. Maybe they should have went with gold


No complaints here... Just glad he doesn't look like MKvsDC


1. The revealing pants being saggy, i don't know. The earth tone boots are nice though.

Kung Lao

1. The jag-get buzz-saw hat, not a fan


No complaints here, i mean there are some small detail changes i would do, but im happy with this


1. Being short and skinny
2. The more revealing face. As creepy and cool that sounds.. i prefer the mystic ninja of mystery. Why i wish MK9 Ermac default or alt to make a come back as a dlc costume.
3. To floaty


No complaints


No complaints


No complaints


1. Miss his terminator eye."But this is okay"

Quan Chi

Just awsome... I hyrid between armored MK4 and MKDA

Kotal Kahn

No complaints
02/20/2015 12:12 AM (UTC)
I actually agree with Reptile's look being too conservative/similar to MK9. But when you think of it, it's kinda hypocritical since Scorpion/Sub-Zero/Raiden always look the same yet no one cares. Probably because when you're iconic people actually don't want you to stray too far in terms of design. Also, probably because we're used to seeing Reptile go through crazy changes over the years.

But what I have a really hard time with are his variations. If there's someone in the MK universe that you could create really distinct variations, it's Reptile. One that's human/ninja, focused on stealth and invisibility. An animal variation that's focused on crawling, biting, tongue lashes etc. And a Venom variations focused of several projectiles. But what do we get instead? Reptile making the screen glow green and stopping time...........really??

Oh and I'm glad someone brought up Sub Zero's forearm daggers? the hell is up with that?? Between those and Kano's pointless abdomen daggers, it just seems like daggers are the new spikes.
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Props to MINION
02/20/2015 12:19 AM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I find it strange that when Ferra isn't on Torr she's just running around frantically like a junkie looking for a fix. It just looks weird. I'd rather she just stand there and hop on his back when he's near her.

Now that u mention it, that is alil wild. She should just stand back there cheering and booing.

Way Off subject... seeing This^ game mechanic makes me wish somebody has a "Pet" variation. Like a wolf for NightWolf for example.

It's so she can quickly get on his back, if she didnt move and waited it would take her too long to get to him and the gameplay wouldn't be fluid

but yes it does look silly lol
02/20/2015 09:18 AM (UTC)
I am not digging Sub-Zero's whole head design. It just seems cheap and clunky, in my opinion. Almost like it would fit a Black Dragon lackey much more than a top Lin Kuei assassin and eventual grandmaster.
02/20/2015 11:37 AM (UTC)
Reptile's costume. I don't mind that he's an actual reptile again, but I'd prefer something more...ninja-y. Doesn't have to have him be human, just a more ninja like costume.

The spikes on Kung Lao's hat.

The fact that D'vorah is an insect and births insects, but she still has mammary glands.....Eh, I guess that's not THAT bad.
02/20/2015 09:43 PM (UTC)
I love Kitana's character, but I feel like they can never get her look right. Not loving her hair or all that extra armor. It's just too much.

I was cool with her MKII and UMK3 look. Now its just too much. Especially that hair. ugh! That is not the Kitana I know and love.

her gameplay is dope though...sad
02/20/2015 09:49 PM (UTC)
Assassin Coontana. The black eye makeup looks ugly, lol.

But nothing else otherwise.
02/20/2015 11:12 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
But when you think of it, it's kinda hypocritical since Scorpion/Sub-Zero/Raiden always look the same yet no one cares.

And these are the same folks who constantly pick on the 3D-era chars for being too bland.
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02/20/2015 11:22 PM (UTC)
I'm sorry, but I just plain don't understand it when people say that they prefer the MK1-MK3 outfits of characters. Of course everyone is entitled to their own preferences, but how people can prefer bland, detail-less leotards and plain ninja outfits when compared to MKX's extremely detailed character designs is beyond me. Can someone explain this to me? I just don't understand how MK1-MK3 outfits can be preferred. In my eyes it's like looking at a blank white wall and a Da Vinci painting and choosing the blank wall as being more creative. It just makes no sense to me! confused
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-sig by MINION

02/21/2015 04:45 AM (UTC)
JadedReign Wrote:
Please let this become a thing.
JadedReign Wrote:
Assassin Coontana. The black eye makeup looks ugly, lol.

But nothing else otherwise.

I could deal with the black makeup.. but the mask should have stayed blue.
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