Design details that are already bugging you....
posted02/21/2015 07:27 AM (UTC)by
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01/03/2015 02:22 AM (UTC)
I mean, other than unmasked Ermac, which is a given.

I have to say that Scorpion and Subbie's masks are just not gelling with me, but then they've been re-designed so much over the years that I just don't care at this point.

Kung Lao's buzzsaw hat is just horrid. The blades look like sharpened rocks. Why couldn't they just go with literally a thin buzzsaw blade look?

Kitana also looks all wrong IMO. I like that they strayed away from the stripper look, but she just looks like a hot mess here.

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01/31/2015 02:54 AM (UTC)
I will still love this game....but....

The jagged Kung Lao hat and Kitana's look aren't working for me.

I like Ermac unmasked myself.

Quan Chi spikes back aren't good with me either.

everyone else is fine.

I think Sonya will be in the story mode only because her and Cassie (looking non-hoochie compared to mom in the past) would be TOO much alike. No good there for me.

Everyone else for me looks pretty rockin.
01/31/2015 03:00 AM (UTC)
I'm not a huge fan of the jagged Kung Lao hat either, though I am glad that its not universal to his design. By that I mean I'm pretty sure its just one of his variations that has it.

As I said in the other thread, Ermac's face being partially revealed bugs me a little for some reason but its not a huge deal.

I don't like Cassie's hair as it appears in-game, with the half shaven look. She looks better in the comic.
01/31/2015 03:03 AM (UTC)
If Cassie's neck hasn't been fixed, then that, I guess.

Reptile's fighting stance is awkward, but I'm not sure that counts for this thread.

Kitana's lower half will take some getting used to.

Sub-Zero's mask isn't super awesome.

Other than these minor details, which are nitpicks, honestly, everything is fantastic.
01/31/2015 03:03 AM (UTC)
None what so-ever. All of the returning characters designs are 10x better than what they were in MK9...just horrid.

How can anyone dislike Kung Lao's buzz-saw hat? It's totally awesome! Guess the ones that don't like it, won't play as that variation? Give me a Kit-Kat so I can have a BREAK! tongue
01/31/2015 03:07 AM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
If Cassie's neck hasn't been fixed, then that, I guess.

Reptile's fighting stance is awkward, but I'm not sure that counts for this thread.

Kitana's lower half will take some getting used to.

Sub-Zero's mask isn't super awesome.

Other than these minor details, which are nitpicks, honestly, everything is fantastic.

Yup, fighting stances do count. But honestly I much prefer Reptile's stance this time around to him flailing around like a retarded bird in MK9.Âa
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01/31/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
If Cassie's neck hasn't been fixed, then that, I guess.

Reptile's fighting stance is awkward, but I'm not sure that counts for this thread.

Kitana's lower half will take some getting used to.

Sub-Zero's mask isn't super awesome.

Other than these minor details, which are nitpicks, honestly, everything is fantastic.

Ya cassies neck better be fixed, also not a fan of kung laos buzzsaw hat but i love his tempest one

We also have to remember these could be their alts, and if so won't really matter.
01/31/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
Why do people put so much importance on characters having masks? I just don't get it. I really love what they've done with Ermac. Despite not having a mask he still looks a dark, sinister and mysterious entity. It was the same with Smoke having hair in MK9. I love how they are making these characters look more individual and interesting with each game. I hope they continue to make these great changes.

The only thing I didn't like was Cassie Cage during early development with her awkward neck and stance. But it seems like they've fixed that for the most part. Oh and also Reptile still looking very much bird like, but that's more amusing than anything.
01/31/2015 03:11 AM (UTC)
The fact that full on hoods are the newest thing for the ninjas

I thought it would stay a Noob thing
01/31/2015 03:14 AM (UTC)
somnambulist Wrote:
Why do people put so much importance on characters having masks? I just don't get it. I really love what they've done with Ermac. Despite not having a mask he still looks a dark, sinister and mysterious entity. It was the same with Smoke having hair in MK9. I love how they are making these characters look more individual and interesting with each game. I hope they continue to make these great changes.

The only thing I didn't like was Cassie Cage during early development with her awkward neck and stance. But it seems like they've fixed that for the most part.

I'm one of those poeple who has been criticizing the ninja run-amok abusiveness in this franchise since the 90's but having a fully cloaked Ermac with a singular tape across his face is just.......weird to me.
01/31/2015 03:19 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
The fact that full on hoods are the newest thing for the ninjas

I thought it would stay a Noob thing

Initially the inspiration of the hood Noob got in MK9 came from Havik's MKD alt.
01/31/2015 03:20 AM (UTC)
I like Kitana's design in this game way better than her design in MK 9. I don't like Kung Lao's hat, but I'm getting used to the new design
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Ermac's winpose though

01/31/2015 03:24 AM (UTC)
I still don't like some things about the select screen, but it does look better each time they update it.
01/31/2015 03:24 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
None what so-ever. All of the returning characters designs are 10x better than what they were in MK9...just horrid.

How can anyone dislike Kung Lao's buzz-saw hat? It's totally awesome! Guess the ones that don't like it, won't play as that variation? Give me a Kit-Kat so I can have a BREAK! tongue

It just seems to me like it was something designed by a 5 year old, thats all.

Like Kung Lao's hat is already fucking sharp, it doesn't need the razor's sticking out of it tongue
01/31/2015 03:32 AM (UTC)
You really want to hear nitpicking? How about this. I loved Subs new stance, especially his slightly downward slanted head. So guess what was the first thing Ive noticed they've changed in newer vids. The angle of his head! It's much more upright now and looks very unnatural. It's just as annoying to me as Cassie's weird neck. There is a slight chance the new angle is because he's looking upwards at Ermac who floats pretty high, but he also does it against Kano who is his height. Just pisses me off because I loved how he looked in earlier vids. This and the ninja chins are my only pet peeves, otherwise I'm actually expecting this to be my fav MK ever. Overall I'm more than thoroughly impressed.
01/31/2015 03:37 AM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
None what so-ever. All of the returning characters designs are 10x better than what they were in MK9...just horrid.

How can anyone dislike Kung Lao's buzz-saw hat? It's totally awesome! Guess the ones that don't like it, won't play as that variation? Give me a Kit-Kat so I can have a BREAK! tongue

It just seems to me like it was something designed by a 5 year old, thats all.

Like Kung Lao's hat is already fucking sharp, it doesn't need the razor's sticking out of it tongue


Didn't Scorpion's spear became three-headed at some point (Decepetion, I think) because I remember thinking: "Dude! This thing has been penetrating people's flesh for over a doesn't 3 heads to convince us of that"

This franchise has a bad habit of using overkill in their details to the point where it becomes more tacky than anything. Spikes for one thing. "Yes, he's a bad guy......he doesn't need spikes all over his costume to accentuate that. He's not Legion Of Doom.

Or Cage having his own name tattooed onto his chest and wearing shades the entire match. We get it, he's way into himself. You call pull off his self-absorbed personality without going overboard with those detail designs.
01/31/2015 03:40 AM (UTC)
I love most of what I have seen at this point but there are a few extremely minor things that somewhat bug me.

The obvious one, Ermac's face. I have said it a few times already, its not that I dislike his face being shown, but I do think he looks better with his face concealed. I am pretty happy with the rest though, ever since I saw his MK9 alt I have been hoping that would be the basis for his next appearance so im happy about that.

Sub-Zero's face mask in Unbreakable bugs the hell out of me, probably more than anything else so far. It doesn't look right to me at all.

Scorpion has always been a little toned and/or ripped (especially since Deadly Alliance) but my dude's arms look massive lol I think they could tone down his buffness just a TINY bit, to look a little more like he did in the initial MKX CGI trailer.

Reptile, I like him but I am one of those nostalgia tards who prefers his more human look so obviously its not my favorite design but ive come to terms with the idea that he probably wont have a human form again outside of extra costumes or something so I can work with it, not to mention I think its better than his MK9 costume, so im happy about that. I do hope they release a human skin for him as DLC though.

I'm not bitching/complaining about the things ive listed though, I realize this game nor its characters were made specifically to please me. These are just some random little nitpicks since that seems what this thread is for lol

Still amazed with the game though and will be purchasing on day 1 :)
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01/31/2015 03:40 AM (UTC)
I think Ermac without the mask is badass and menacing. I don't hate any of the designs myself.
01/31/2015 03:51 AM (UTC)
Reptile's energy balls look awful compared to the MK9 ones.

I also don't think it makes sense that Kotal cuts the opponent's chest in his fatality and then punches a hole in it. Totally pointless and useless. I think it'd look better if he took the heart out from the hole he already created.
01/31/2015 03:52 AM (UTC)
Kitana's overall design doesn't impress me.

I don't mind so much Ermac without the mask, but his design looks very similar to MK9. Not that it's bad, it just would've been nice if they changed it up some.
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01/31/2015 03:53 AM (UTC)
SZ's new look and Kung Lao's new hat design.
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01/31/2015 04:01 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
I think Ermac without the mask is badass and menacing. I don't hate any of the designs myself.

This smile
01/31/2015 04:02 AM (UTC)
People wanting Reptile to look as human as possible has been bugging me for ages because..........well, he's called Reptile! What's the point of having a character named as such who is just a human spitting acid? We have enough ninja palette swaps as it is and Reptile is the one for who can distance himself the easiest from that.That being said, his MK4 and DA appearances looked awful, so I kinda get the criticism. I think MK9 and X did the best job of making his two sides co-exist without going overboard, but it still bugs me that he looks practically the same in both games.
01/31/2015 04:05 AM (UTC)
I don't think anyone wants him to be a human spitting acid. He never was that anyway, he was a Reptile disguised as a human who could spit acid tongue
01/31/2015 04:08 AM (UTC)
The giraffe necks Kitana and Cassie have
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