11/10/2014 02:50 AM (UTC)
I'd like to see Darrius made relevant, but I think there are too many other characters that have a place in line ahead of him for him to return in X.

Personally, I'd like to see the Chaos Realm and Order Realm ideas scrapped altogether. They never really seemed to have much relevance...even the Chaos Realmers seemed to not give a single fuck about the Order Realm.

I think Havik could be retconed as a cleric from the Nether Realm that just happens to have a thing for chaos, while Darrius could be made into a member of the Edenian resistance or the Black Dragon or something? I dunno....

Design wise and move wise, there has to be something to set him apart. Aside from being "that Black guy that isn't Jax," he really has nothing going for him.
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11/10/2014 04:16 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I don't think nrs will bring back someone whoever is it and make him lame as he was previously. Look at the character's movesets and design of the whole game and just shut up. If they bring Mokap back, he would look superb. There will be no more half ass shit in MK x. Just wait and see. Hope to see Noob Saibot soon. Can't imagine what they made him. Chherz!
11/10/2014 04:25 AM (UTC)
I sure don't. Darrius( and Dairou) are some of my least favorite characters in the MKU, along with a few more, but I remember having literally no interest in either of them at all, even on release day.
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11/10/2014 05:45 AM (UTC)
You know how people are always saying Hsu Hao's the worst character in MK? I think it's actually Darrius. Because every now and then Hsu Hao gets brought up, if for no other reason than people actually like to comment about how bad they thought he was, and then a few defenders pop up. He gets discussion, even if most of it's negative.

I think that maybe one Darrius topic shows up here every few years, if that. Next to nobody gives a shit about the character enough to even discuss him, and that's when you know you did something wrong.
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11/10/2014 08:04 AM (UTC)
MK3 and 4 were disasters character design wise. I mean really, Jarek, Reiko, the mk3 cyborgs, Sindel, mk3 Kano, Sheeva, Shinnok, mk4 Quan Chi were one plastic wrap away from being retarded G. I. Joe characters. Designed to be edgy, they came off as juvenile. Or nonsdescriptive in the case of Reiko: a man in Rain's outfit with Shang Tsung's facepaint who was a general, and apparently his goal was to walk through a portal.

MK4's most dangerous pedestrian, ladies and gentlemen.


The problem with MKd characters is twofold: in MKDA they went back to the Asian themed war/tournament thing, and for one thing, Kobra and Kira were characters that should have been introduced perhaps around MK1or 2. They would have worked perfectly in that enviroment.

Darrius would work fine as a background non-playable character, or they could have gone with the Red Dragon angleas originally intended. But then again, they had to write up a bullshit background for the Red Dragon because: Daegon and Armageddon

God, I hate the MK cosmology.

Also, the MK player community is homophobic, see Hsu Hao.
11/10/2014 09:02 AM (UTC)
Always a smart choice to just out of nowhere claim the entire MK community is homophobic.

Shut your damn mouth.
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11/10/2014 09:18 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Always a smart choice to just out of nowhere claim the entire MK community is homophobic.

Shut your damn mouth.

Harsh realities require harsh words.

But seriously, what is the ONE THING people bring up when referring to Hsu Hao? That he is a YMCA ripoff because:

get this. They share a policeman's hat. Well, sorta, military hat but they share the same form. Curiously enough, noone seems to mention how his alt looks nothing like that.
11/10/2014 10:24 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Always a smart choice to just out of nowhere claim the entire MK community is homophobic.

Shut your damn mouth.

I like how you blame people for trying to start shit with you in other threads, yet you're doing the same thing here. Hypocrite much?

On the topic of Darrius, he's a pretty lame character and I entirely disagree that he was better than characters designed in MK3-MK4. I guess if they did a complete revamp they might have something going, but I sincerely doubt we're gonna see him in this game.
11/10/2014 10:59 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Always a smart choice to just out of nowhere claim the entire MK community is homophobic.

Shut your damn mouth.

I like how you blame people for trying to start shit with you in other threads, yet you're doing the same thing here. Hypocrite much?

On the topic of Darrius, he's a pretty lame character and I entirely disagree that he was better than characters designed in MK3-MK4. I guess if they did a complete revamp they might have something going, but I sincerely doubt we're gonna see him in this game.

I was sticking up for the MK community. I hate when people make bullshit claims
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11/10/2014 11:05 AM (UTC)
There really is a problem, when people need to jump on someone's personal opinion.

I make no secret out of the fact that I utterly do not like the body of MK what the majority regards as some kind of golden age. My personal taste collides with MK3,4, so what?

The only thing not subjective is the actual HOW the overall thing is presented. The content is up for taste. To me MKDA and MKD are the point by which MK has somewhat got it's shit together when designing characters.

Granted Darrius is a low point even by those standards but I would much rather see him than others. And no sorry, Hsu Hao is disliked exactly because he in a sorry second of cultural fuckup resembles the YMCA dancer.

It speaks miles that the majority is not willing to move or care to move beyond that point and is content with a gay joke.

11/10/2014 01:43 PM (UTC)
I'll be honest I want every character from the Seido& Chaos Realm story back. Heavily redesigned of course but that was actually an interesting side plot.

If he were to return I would prefer they designed him so that he was cosmetically consistent with the rest of his realm because goggles and whatever the hell he was wearing made no sense when holding him next to the rest of the Order Realm.

How about they introduce him as he is just beginning to question the harsh laws of his realm and becoming disenchanted with it.

And you know then maybe make the two realms less black and white. Like perhaps explain why Seido demands absolute control over everything.

What if that's not even what the realm really is and down bellow it is a little more barbaric and the society which Hotaru ,Darrius and Dairou are a part of is actually just an extremist organisation that separated itself from the rest of the world (Bioshock)
11/10/2014 03:27 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
God, I hate the MK cosmology.

Then get lost and play Angry Birds.

MK story and characters are one of the biggest draw of the series and exactly what sets it apart from other fighting games, hating that it's just...why do you wanna be MK fan, again?

Oh, I forgot you are juvenille person who "is clinically unable to feel anything other than disdain for anything bar himself. He's only interested in his ideal MK and anything else is tawdry fan service."

Or in other words "typical oldschool fan, who is unable to cope with new reality and willing to put the blame on everyone and everything, believing, that constant stream of hate, elevates his self-importance in community and somehow can change approach of people developing games".
You are nothing new Chrome.
You are incredibly boring and dated.

Chrome Wrote:
Also, the MK player community is homophobic, see Hsu Hao.

Man, at this point, you officially went full retard.

Chrome Wrote:
Granted Darrius is a low point even by those standards but I would much rather see him than others. And no sorry, Hsu Hao is disliked exactly because he in a sorry second of cultural fuckup resembles the YMCA dancer. It speaks miles that the majority is not willing to move or care to move beyond that point and is content with a gay joke.

Or either you've become bored and decided to troll good people here with school-level insults. Seems you are either that bored or just went even more clinically insane.
Anyway, next time bring the better bait.

Chrome Wrote:
There really is a problem, when people need to jump on someone's personal opinion.

Opinions can be different.
Some so outlandish, that you can't help by try to figure out, how somebody could come up with such ideas. And some ideas can be downright offensive, which you have demonstrated. And no amount of childish "everyone have right to have an opinion" will protect you. Everyone have right to question your opinion, as well.
Live with that, kid.
11/10/2014 05:57 PM (UTC)
11/10/2014 06:26 PM (UTC)
If they revamped him I would probably enjoy him. I thought the whole "Resistance Leader" was an interesting take, but sadly NRS let him fall into oblivion.
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11/10/2014 07:33 PM (UTC)
Honestly, when I look back at them now, MK3 and MK4 probably had the weakest character designs (to me). Loved Kabal's design and Quan Chi got better in subsequent games, but that's about it for me. Not a huge fan of the rest, though I'm okay with a few like Fujin and Kai.

Still, I'd never say "that character should be banished forever" unless we're talking about a blatant joke like Mokap.

As for Hsu Hao, I think he's a weak design not just because of his appearance (don't care who he may or may not look like), but because of his moves (except for his clap, which I kind of enjoyed) and his story.

There just isn't a lot there to be redeemed in my eyes. I don't consider myself a homophobe, though I'm assuming your frustration led to the blanket statement.

In contrast, I see a lot of potential in Darrius as a character. To Shadaloo's point, I don't think that him getting largely overlooked by the fanbase is an open and shut case against him. There are a lot of 3D characters that get similarly overlooked. That doesn't mean they're entirely garbage or not worth seeing again with either a revamped mission or move list or whatever.

I think that Drahmin looks cool and has a cool background. Same goes for the concepts of Mavado, Nitara, Kira, Li Mei, Ashrah, Bo Rai Cho and a few other 3D characters.

The MK team did a much better job with crafting character concepts in the 3D era then they get credit for, due in no small part to the issues with the moves, looks and overall gameplay execution during that era.

Obviously those are large flaws, but I'd say that many sacred cow characters have problems of their own. For example, to me, Kira has a cool background and a decent look, but her move list is completely lifted from other characters, which is a big time flaw. Sindel has a cool, unique move set, but I dislike her look and I'm not a fan of her story.

Havik looks awesome, but I hate his moves and the whole order/chaos thing. I like the cyborg's moves, but I hate the idea of robots in MK, especially ones that looked like they were wearing painted catcher's chest protectors and black spandex pants.

Of course, Sindel and the robots both improved a little here and there, but I'm still not loving them at their base, conceptual level. On the other hand, I think that Havik, with the right moves and a new focus could turn in to an all time favorite for me.

Personally, I think that a lot of the newer characters get overlooked not just for their gameplay flaws (which is obviously significant in a fighting game) but because the last game that actually continued the story and didn't just focus on popular old characters came out several years ago.

It's kinda hard to generate a ton of Kobra or Bo Rai Cho talk when everything news related, whether game or Internet show(?) related focuses on trilogy characters plus Kenshi and Quan Chi. If the devs have seemingly moved on, then a majority of the fan base tends to as well.

The main reason why we have so much MK4 love right now on the board is because many fans expected the next game to head in that direction, so people speak out more on wanting to see Fujin and Reiko and Tanya etc again because now seems like the best chance. I just hope that other good concepts don't get left in the dust. Hell, I hope that THOSE concepts aren't left in the dust.

I love MK1 & 2 characters as much as the next guy, but I'd love to see more misfit toys like Darrius, Kira, Drahmin etc get another shot at capturing the hearts of fans before they're all abandoned in favor of another classic characters/new characters title like MKDA. That seems to be where we're going though.

11/10/2014 08:20 PM (UTC)
Maybe I was just too young to realize it but I never thought of Hsu Hao as being a homosexual or anything like that, I think I was about 10 years old around the time DA was released, I don't know but even as I got older I never saw him as a YMCA dude or whatever lol I always disliked him, but it had nothing to do with me thinking he was gay.
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11/10/2014 08:40 PM (UTC)
I have to disagree, I know I might get flamed for going against nostalgia, but characters designs from MK3 onwards have been interesting, is just that most of the characters had weak backgrounds and their signature moves didn't stand out, but at least they weren't rainbow palette swap ninjafest, anything is better than that. Old characters have been present in several games so they had more chances of getting noticed and developed, characters that appear only in one game will never get enough spotlight and are usually doomed from the start.

Every character has a chance of becoming interesting, not that NRS are forced to bring back every-character, but DA and Deception introduced some interesting concepts and fleshed out a lot of characters. I think trying to erase the whole PS2 era just because the gameplay dramatically changed is a waste.

Sure, they were hit and miss by trying to keep things fresh but, without that, MK would be no different from other fighters which pretty much have the same roster over and over again except with better graphics, zero story progression and flat characters.

Also, I believe Havik is liked because he had an interesting design and original moves that fans actually remember. I bet that if he was introduced in the early games he would be one of the untouchable sacred cows like scorpion.
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11/10/2014 09:22 PM (UTC)
One needs to keep in mind, that given the proper time and tools, any one of the characters can be reworked into marvels. Well, unless the flaw is such an intrinsical part of the character (Reiko being an all-the-case female name just bugs me a bit).

Most of the people, Razor, Sub-Zero-7th, Smoke-nc or perhaps even me if I gave it the proper time could come up with potentially more solid designs, gameplay ideas or whatever ticklesour fancy for any one character.

it is just that the sheer quantity is already at a point where it only becomes more cluttered or convoluted if we simultaneously keep everything and everyone going.

Bottom line is not wether we can rewamp the characters, but should we?

I am against reusing the MK4 characters as they had multiple times to shine, and the MKDA-MKD characters barely ever had a shot at anything. And since we had MK2 and 3 showed down our throats for the most part of th game line, I kinda began to hate them.

Good example is Quan Chi, who retroactively usurps everything, because the team think s he is cool.

He is a goddamn Mary Suein villain form.I really hope that whatever mess the story mode is going to be, at least we get to see a good Quan Chi owned scene.

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11/10/2014 09:34 PM (UTC)
I hope Quan-Chi didn't betray and kill Shinnok off-screen. That would be so lame.
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11/10/2014 10:09 PM (UTC)
Personally, I disliked most of the MKD newbies and thought they were the weakest in the series in story, design and moves...

If they were to bring back any for MKX, Darrius should be close to last on the list and I think most would agree. Besides, the clawed gauntlet thing is done with Ferra.
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11/10/2014 10:24 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Personally, I disliked most of the MKD newbies and thought they were the weakest in the series in story, design and moves...

If they were to bring back any for MKX, Darrius should be close to last on the list and I think most would agree. Besides, the clawed gauntlet thing is done with Ferra.

It is not even a claw. Whatever Darrius has is one impractical slab of metal.
11/10/2014 11:33 PM (UTC)
Of course, if given the time and opportunity, Darrius could come back with a better story, a decent appearance and a bunch of other things that could get reworked. The same can be said about Hsu Hao, Kira, Kobra, and a bunch of other hated characters.

However, by the look of various users here I have to agree, Darrius is not a character people want back, or at least not the character that would be immediately thought up of on bringing back.

Shadaloo said it the best, so I'm not going to drag it out any further. But I will say this: I think honestly, this is the first ever thread I have ever seen about Darrius in all my years on this site.
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11/11/2014 04:49 AM (UTC)
I dunno, I still don't think that people ignoring a character that appeared in one game ten years ago (happy belated 10th anniversary MKD! 10/4/04!) is really the indictment of that character that some of you seem to think it is.

I don't see a lot of threads for any 3D era characters. Havik has his fans, and he seems at least possible to return given him being referenced in Noobs ending. MK4 characters get talked about more because if there were ever a time for them to return, this would be it.

But Kenshi and Quan Chi really seem like the only ones that have actually made it out of the 3D era. Since Armageddon, we've had a Versus game with classic characters and MK9 was the first three games retold.

So at what point were people going to put threads up saying "do you think Ashrah's got a shot to be in this game?" Because the answer's pretty obvious. "Let's talk about what we want Hotaru to be like in the game that comes after MK9 releases next year." Don't see why anyone would make those threads.

But I don't think that this means Ashrah or Hotaru shouldn't return. That's the question, isn't it?

If they could fix the imperfections of Darrius or Drahmin or Mavado or Li Mei or Kira etc, should they? Sure, why not? They believed in these concepts at one point, and I see potential in all of them. A cool story or the makings of a cool move set or an interesting background etc.

I'd like to see Fujin return and challenge Raiden or Kai become the next Chosen One or Bo Rai Cho or many others. Maybe Drahmin's MKDA ending could happen and we finally see the result. I know, keep dreaming.

Is it better to salvage a flawed character, reuse a classic or make a new one? I'm not saying we can have it all, but would it be the worst thing to have some from columns A, B and C?
11/11/2014 05:52 AM (UTC)
To be honest, at this point, I really don't care who makes it in as a retuning. I have already stated it a bunch of times that they've won me over already with what they've released so far with X.

Despite that Darrius is not a character I am willing to be wanting to see more than, I don't know, let's say, Tanya, I would not be disappointed or upset if they decided to put him in this game. Every character that has gotten one chance can easily be redeemed if the creators simply ignore the whole popularity bullshit and just work on their characters.

I may greatly despise this character, but as I stated before, I am not going to be upset to see him in the roster. So hopefully, if they want to, and I hope they do, redo the 3D era characters and give them more of an opportunity to be liked.
11/11/2014 07:29 AM (UTC)
Darrius had some cool moves (backbreaker) and weapons (gauntlets), but yeah, he was quite forgettable. Still, I think he had an interesting backstory that warrants another look.
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