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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

07/25/2014 09:33 AM (UTC)
I'm among those that believe that the characters that died onscreen in MK9 will stay dead, and that the Sub-Zero in MKX is a new, third, Sub. Taking into account MK9 deaths, fan support, storyline motivations, and the timeline of MKX (as far as 25 years after MK9), here's my guess at the roster.

Of 30, I predict 16 returning and 14 new characters.

1. Sub-Zero - confirmed
2. Scorpion - confirmed
3. Raiden - confirmed

4. Tanya: She's easily the character with the most fan support for a return, and pretty much the only MK4 character other than Quan Chi to appear again outside of MKA. We like her, and NRS likes her.

5. Ermac: Again, an easy fan favorite that NRS would be silly to overlook. Add to the fact that he's got a great wealth of new story elements to keep him interesting.

6. Fujin: The third of a series of characters with very strong fan support for a return. He'd have a place in the story, especially if Raiden has gone dark or rogue.

7. Kai: If Liu Kang and Kung Lao are out, then MK has need for a new protagonist. For this game, I expect it will be Kai.

8. Quan Chi: He's an integral part of the post-MKT lore, and there's an obvious place for him in the story.

9. Mileena: Probably the most contentious choice. Of the surviving MK9 baddies, she has the strongest storyline reason to return (assuming Shao Kahn really is dead, she has a claim as heir to the throne of Outworld). Low popularity in MK9 is balanced by high casual player recognition and the fact that Boon seems to like her as a poster girl.

10. Reptile: He's the living MK9 baddie with probably the strongest fan support. He also has a lot of really interesting post-MKT story elements that weren't fully explored in MK9.

11. Kenshi: He's unique in that he didn't die in MK9, is from post-MK4, and remains a very popular fan favorite (though the poll right now shows him losing to Fujin). Also vital in that he is one of the very few returning good guys--it'd be weird to have the forces of good represented only by Raiden and an army of newcomers.

12. Noob Saibot: There's a lot of story to be squeezed out of the Bi-Han/Kuai Liang saga, and it's not precisely confirmed that Noob died in MK9. He's quite popular, and I expect he'll return.

13. Shinnok: They pushed him quite hard for a return in the MK9 story mode ending. I think he'll be a big enough element to be a playable character, but not the final boss.

14. Havik: If any character introduced in Deception deserves to return, it's Havik. I'm of the persuasion that Deception presented the worst new designs of MK history, but I trust the NRS team to make him incredibly badass. He's also got quite strong fan support.

15. Reiko: If Shao Kahn is really dead, there's room for NRS to really hammer home the Kahn/Reiko tension and continue to make Reiko an interesting character. I also believe that NRS will be drawing from MK4 quite a bit for this new game, so his inclusion makes sense to me.

16. Cyrax: He didn't die onscreen in MK9, and between him and Sektor, he probably pulls more fan favoritism. There's definite room for a cyborg, and he's the best candidate. Similarly to Reptile, he has a lot of really interesting post-MKT story elements that MK9 barely explored.

Other characters who could return: Bo Rai Cho, Rain, Kano, Ashrah, Li Mei, Frost, Nitara, Sareena, Baraka, Sektor. There is no reason that these characters couldn't return, in my view, but for the reasons above I don't think they'll be in the MKX roster. I also believe that Cassie Cage means that Sonya and Johnny won't be playable characters. There's obviously room for all of these characters appear in the story mode and/or as DLC.

Dead characters. Hurts my heart to say so, but Smoke, Stryker, Kabal, Nightwolf, Jax, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Shang Tsung, Kitana, Jade, Sindel, and Shao Kahn are dead as of MK9. I do not predict they will return as playable, non-DLC characters. (Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are also both dead, but I believe the Sub-Zero of MKX is a new Sub-Zero. Exceptions must be made for poster children.)

Characters I think are forgone: Shujinko, Dairou, Jarek, Darrius, Mavado, Hotaru, Mokap, Hsu Hao, Kira, Meat, Blaze, Kobra, Chameleon, Khameleon, Sheeva, and Drahmin show such little fan support or NRS love that I don't think we'll ever see them again. (Possible exceptions are Shujinko and Blaze, for storyline reasons, and Sheeva, for nostalgia reasons.) In any case, I think none of them will be in MKX.

The bosses and sub-bosses--Goro, Kintaro, Motaro, and Moloch--I don't expect to be playable, though they may have story mode cameos.

Taven and Daegon: The point of MK9 was that Armageddon was subverted, so I see no reason for these characters to return.
07/25/2014 09:59 AM (UTC)
I'm going to make a prediction of about 30 characters also. This is just a list of who I think might stand a chance - ideally I would include Smoke and Jade because they are my favourites, but I don't really see it happening.

1. Sub Zero
2. Scorpion
3. Raiden

4. Mileena
5. Ermac
6. Quan Chi
7. Cyrax
8. Kano or Noob (Kano for Cassie rivalry, not sure if Noob is dead or not)
9. Reptile

11. Fujin
12. Kai
13. Tanya
14. Reiko
15. Kenshi
16. Li Mei
17. Ashrah
18. Sareena
19. Havik

20. Ferra/Torr
21. D'Vorah
22. Cassie Cage
23. Kotal Kahn
24. NEW
25. NEW
26. NEW
27. NEW
28. NEW
29. NEW
30. NEW

I think we could also see Bo Rai Cho, but maybe overhauled a little bit, to fit with the seemingly darker tone of this game. I could see dead characters returning as DLC, particularly Liu Kang and Kitana.
07/25/2014 01:50 PM (UTC)
My Roster 28 kharacters being realistic,ppl expect over 30

Sub Zero
Quan Chi
Shang Tsung

Lei Mi

12 New kharacters

They need to add a bunch of DLC kharacters in this game. There's gonna be a TON of great kharacters left out that can be DLC and with this generation graphics,technoloy and new gore tech, everyone can be fun as hell to play as and everyone from MK9 deserves to be on this new tech. MK9 was great but if it was on this engine, it would of blown everyone away
07/25/2014 02:11 PM (UTC)
septillion Wrote:
I'm among those that believe that the characters that died onscreen in MK9 will stay dead, and that the Sub-Zero in MKX is a new, third, Sub. Taking into account MK9 deaths, fan support, storyline motivations, and the timeline of MKX (as far as 25 years after MK9), here's my guess at the roster.

Of 30, I predict 16 returning and 14 new characters.

1. Sub-Zero - confirmed
2. Scorpion - confirmed
3. Raiden - confirmed

4. Tanya: She's easily the character with the most fan support for a return, and pretty much the only MK4 character other than Quan Chi to appear again outside of MKA. We like her, and NRS likes her.

5. Ermac: Again, an easy fan favorite that NRS would be silly to overlook. Add to the fact that he's got a great wealth of new story elements to keep him interesting.

6. Fujin: The third of a series of characters with very strong fan support for a return. He'd have a place in the story, especially if Raiden has gone dark or rogue.

7. Kai: If Liu Kang and Kung Lao are out, then MK has need for a new protagonist. For this game, I expect it will be Kai.

8. Quan Chi: He's an integral part of the post-MKT lore, and there's an obvious place for him in the story.

9. Mileena: Probably the most contentious choice. Of the surviving MK9 baddies, she has the strongest storyline reason to return (assuming Shao Kahn really is dead, she has a claim as heir to the throne of Outworld). Low popularity in MK9 is balanced by high casual player recognition and the fact that Boon seems to like her as a poster girl.

10. Reptile: He's the living MK9 baddie with probably the strongest fan support. He also has a lot of really interesting post-MKT story elements that weren't fully explored in MK9.

11. Kenshi: He's unique in that he didn't die in MK9, is from post-MK4, and remains a very popular fan favorite (though the poll right now shows him losing to Fujin). Also vital in that he is one of the very few returning good guys--it'd be weird to have the forces of good represented only by Raiden and an army of newcomers.

12. Noob Saibot: There's a lot of story to be squeezed out of the Bi-Han/Kuai Liang saga, and it's not precisely confirmed that Noob died in MK9. He's quite popular, and I expect he'll return.

13. Shinnok: They pushed him quite hard for a return in the MK9 story mode ending. I think he'll be a big enough element to be a playable character, but not the final boss.

14. Havik: If any character introduced in Deception deserves to return, it's Havik. I'm of the persuasion that Deception presented the worst new designs of MK history, but I trust the NRS team to make him incredibly badass. He's also got quite strong fan support.

15. Reiko: If Shao Kahn is really dead, there's room for NRS to really hammer home the Kahn/Reiko tension and continue to make Reiko an interesting character. I also believe that NRS will be drawing from MK4 quite a bit for this new game, so his inclusion makes sense to me.

16. Cyrax: He didn't die onscreen in MK9, and between him and Sektor, he probably pulls more fan favoritism. There's definite room for a cyborg, and he's the best candidate. Similarly to Reptile, he has a lot of really interesting post-MKT story elements that MK9 barely explored.

Other characters who could return: Bo Rai Cho, Rain, Kano, Ashrah, Li Mei, Frost, Nitara, Sareena, Baraka, Sektor. There is no reason that these characters couldn't return, in my view, but for the reasons above I don't think they'll be in the MKX roster. I also believe that Cassie Cage means that Sonya and Johnny won't be playable characters. There's obviously room for all of these characters appear in the story mode and/or as DLC.

Dead characters. Hurts my heart to say so, but Smoke, Stryker, Kabal, Nightwolf, Jax, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Shang Tsung, Kitana, Jade, Sindel, and Shao Kahn are dead as of MK9. I do not predict they will return as playable, non-DLC characters. (Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are also both dead, but I believe the Sub-Zero of MKX is a new Sub-Zero. Exceptions must be made for poster children.)

Characters I think are forgone: Shujinko, Dairou, Jarek, Darrius, Mavado, Hotaru, Mokap, Hsu Hao, Kira, Meat, Blaze, Kobra, Chameleon, Khameleon, Sheeva, and Drahmin show such little fan support or NRS love that I don't think we'll ever see them again. (Possible exceptions are Shujinko and Blaze, for storyline reasons, and Sheeva, for nostalgia reasons.) In any case, I think none of them will be in MKX.

The bosses and sub-bosses--Goro, Kintaro, Motaro, and Moloch--I don't expect to be playable, though they may have story mode cameos.

Taven and Daegon: The point of MK9 was that Armageddon was subverted, so I see no reason for these characters to return.

Best list I've seen. I really see only one cyborg making it in and probably cyrax he's more popular. Also I see Hotaru not being a forgotten character because of the whole chaos and order thing he may make a return next game. But at least someone here recognizes fujin.
07/25/2014 02:12 PM (UTC)
Zero_Jade Wrote:
I'm going to make a prediction of about 30 characters also. This is just a list of who I think might stand a chance - ideally I would include Smoke and Jade because they are my favourites, but I don't really see it happening.

1. Sub Zero
2. Scorpion
3. Raiden

4. Mileena
5. Ermac
6. Quan Chi
7. Cyrax
8. Kano or Noob (Kano for Cassie rivalry, not sure if Noob is dead or not)
9. Reptile

11. Fujin
12. Kai
13. Tanya
14. Reiko
15. Kenshi
16. Li Mei
17. Ashrah
18. Sareena
19. Havik

20. Ferra/Torr
21. D'Vorah
22. Cassie Cage
23. Kotal Kahn
24. NEW
25. NEW
26. NEW
27. NEW
28. NEW
29. NEW
30. NEW

I think we could also see Bo Rai Cho, but maybe overhauled a little bit, to fit with the seemingly darker tone of this game. I could see dead characters returning as DLC, particularly Liu Kang and Kitana.

I see kitana being unlockable along with liu kang. But pretty solid list.
07/25/2014 06:00 PM (UTC)
septillion Wrote:
I'm among those that believe that the characters that died onscreen in MK9 will stay dead, and that the Sub-Zero in MKX is a new, third, Sub. Taking into account MK9 deaths, fan support, storyline motivations, and the timeline of MKX (as far as 25 years after MK9), here's my guess at the roster.

Of 30, I predict 16 returning and 14 new characters.

1. Sub-Zero - confirmed
2. Scorpion - confirmed
3. Raiden - confirmed

4. Tanya: She's easily the character with the most fan support for a return, and pretty much the only MK4 character other than Quan Chi to appear again outside of MKA. We like her, and NRS likes her.

5. Ermac: Again, an easy fan favorite that NRS would be silly to overlook. Add to the fact that he's got a great wealth of new story elements to keep him interesting.

6. Fujin: The third of a series of characters with very strong fan support for a return. He'd have a place in the story, especially if Raiden has gone dark or rogue.

7. Kai: If Liu Kang and Kung Lao are out, then MK has need for a new protagonist. For this game, I expect it will be Kai.

8. Quan Chi: He's an integral part of the post-MKT lore, and there's an obvious place for him in the story.

9. Mileena: Probably the most contentious choice. Of the surviving MK9 baddies, she has the strongest storyline reason to return (assuming Shao Kahn really is dead, she has a claim as heir to the throne of Outworld). Low popularity in MK9 is balanced by high casual player recognition and the fact that Boon seems to like her as a poster girl.

10. Reptile: He's the living MK9 baddie with probably the strongest fan support. He also has a lot of really interesting post-MKT story elements that weren't fully explored in MK9.

11. Kenshi: He's unique in that he didn't die in MK9, is from post-MK4, and remains a very popular fan favorite (though the poll right now shows him losing to Fujin). Also vital in that he is one of the very few returning good guys--it'd be weird to have the forces of good represented only by Raiden and an army of newcomers.

12. Noob Saibot: There's a lot of story to be squeezed out of the Bi-Han/Kuai Liang saga, and it's not precisely confirmed that Noob died in MK9. He's quite popular, and I expect he'll return.

13. Shinnok: They pushed him quite hard for a return in the MK9 story mode ending. I think he'll be a big enough element to be a playable character, but not the final boss.

14. Havik: If any character introduced in Deception deserves to return, it's Havik. I'm of the persuasion that Deception presented the worst new designs of MK history, but I trust the NRS team to make him incredibly badass. He's also got quite strong fan support.

15. Reiko: If Shao Kahn is really dead, there's room for NRS to really hammer home the Kahn/Reiko tension and continue to make Reiko an interesting character. I also believe that NRS will be drawing from MK4 quite a bit for this new game, so his inclusion makes sense to me.

16. Cyrax: He didn't die onscreen in MK9, and between him and Sektor, he probably pulls more fan favoritism. There's definite room for a cyborg, and he's the best candidate. Similarly to Reptile, he has a lot of really interesting post-MKT story elements that MK9 barely explored.

Other characters who could return: Bo Rai Cho, Rain, Kano, Ashrah, Li Mei, Frost, Nitara, Sareena, Baraka, Sektor. There is no reason that these characters couldn't return, in my view, but for the reasons above I don't think they'll be in the MKX roster. I also believe that Cassie Cage means that Sonya and Johnny won't be playable characters. There's obviously room for all of these characters appear in the story mode and/or as DLC.

Dead characters. Hurts my heart to say so, but Smoke, Stryker, Kabal, Nightwolf, Jax, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Shang Tsung, Kitana, Jade, Sindel, and Shao Kahn are dead as of MK9. I do not predict they will return as playable, non-DLC characters. (Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are also both dead, but I believe the Sub-Zero of MKX is a new Sub-Zero. Exceptions must be made for poster children.)

Characters I think are forgone: Shujinko, Dairou, Jarek, Darrius, Mavado, Hotaru, Mokap, Hsu Hao, Kira, Meat, Blaze, Kobra, Chameleon, Khameleon, Sheeva, and Drahmin show such little fan support or NRS love that I don't think we'll ever see them again. (Possible exceptions are Shujinko and Blaze, for storyline reasons, and Sheeva, for nostalgia reasons.) In any case, I think none of them will be in MKX.

The bosses and sub-bosses--Goro, Kintaro, Motaro, and Moloch--I don't expect to be playable, though they may have story mode cameos.

Taven and Daegon: The point of MK9 was that Armageddon was subverted, so I see no reason for these characters to return.

I loved your Roster.. however I would add Kano should be in ( as old character) and Sareena deserves a spot too..
07/25/2014 06:11 PM (UTC)
I don't really think Shang will make the initial cut. Would be sweet if he was DLC though.
07/25/2014 06:36 PM (UTC)
Best prediction I've seen here according to my personal taste. Crossing fingers the final roster will look like that.
07/25/2014 07:07 PM (UTC)
septillion Wrote:
I'm among those that believe that the characters that died onscreen in MK9 will stay dead, and that the Sub-Zero in MKX is a new, third, Sub. Taking into account MK9 deaths, fan support, storyline motivations, and the timeline of MKX (as far as 25 years after MK9), here's my guess at the roster.

Of 30, I predict 16 returning and 14 new characters.

1. Sub-Zero - confirmed
2. Scorpion - confirmed
3. Raiden - confirmed

4. Tanya: She's easily the character with the most fan support for a return, and pretty much the only MK4 character other than Quan Chi to appear again outside of MKA. We like her, and NRS likes her.

5. Ermac: Again, an easy fan favorite that NRS would be silly to overlook. Add to the fact that he's got a great wealth of new story elements to keep him interesting.

6. Fujin: The third of a series of characters with very strong fan support for a return. He'd have a place in the story, especially if Raiden has gone dark or rogue.

7. Kai: If Liu Kang and Kung Lao are out, then MK has need for a new protagonist. For this game, I expect it will be Kai.

8. Quan Chi: He's an integral part of the post-MKT lore, and there's an obvious place for him in the story.

9. Mileena: Probably the most contentious choice. Of the surviving MK9 baddies, she has the strongest storyline reason to return (assuming Shao Kahn really is dead, she has a claim as heir to the throne of Outworld). Low popularity in MK9 is balanced by high casual player recognition and the fact that Boon seems to like her as a poster girl.

10. Reptile: He's the living MK9 baddie with probably the strongest fan support. He also has a lot of really interesting post-MKT story elements that weren't fully explored in MK9.

11. Kenshi: He's unique in that he didn't die in MK9, is from post-MK4, and remains a very popular fan favorite (though the poll right now shows him losing to Fujin). Also vital in that he is one of the very few returning good guys--it'd be weird to have the forces of good represented only by Raiden and an army of newcomers.

12. Noob Saibot: There's a lot of story to be squeezed out of the Bi-Han/Kuai Liang saga, and it's not precisely confirmed that Noob died in MK9. He's quite popular, and I expect he'll return.

13. Shinnok: They pushed him quite hard for a return in the MK9 story mode ending. I think he'll be a big enough element to be a playable character, but not the final boss.

14. Havik: If any character introduced in Deception deserves to return, it's Havik. I'm of the persuasion that Deception presented the worst new designs of MK history, but I trust the NRS team to make him incredibly badass. He's also got quite strong fan support.

15. Reiko: If Shao Kahn is really dead, there's room for NRS to really hammer home the Kahn/Reiko tension and continue to make Reiko an interesting character. I also believe that NRS will be drawing from MK4 quite a bit for this new game, so his inclusion makes sense to me.

16. Cyrax: He didn't die onscreen in MK9, and between him and Sektor, he probably pulls more fan favoritism. There's definite room for a cyborg, and he's the best candidate. Similarly to Reptile, he has a lot of really interesting post-MKT story elements that MK9 barely explored.

Other characters who could return: Bo Rai Cho, Rain, Kano, Ashrah, Li Mei, Frost, Nitara, Sareena, Baraka, Sektor. There is no reason that these characters couldn't return, in my view, but for the reasons above I don't think they'll be in the MKX roster. I also believe that Cassie Cage means that Sonya and Johnny won't be playable characters. There's obviously room for all of these characters appear in the story mode and/or as DLC.

Dead characters. Hurts my heart to say so, but Smoke, Stryker, Kabal, Nightwolf, Jax, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Shang Tsung, Kitana, Jade, Sindel, and Shao Kahn are dead as of MK9. I do not predict they will return as playable, non-DLC characters. (Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are also both dead, but I believe the Sub-Zero of MKX is a new Sub-Zero. Exceptions must be made for poster children.)

Characters I think are forgone: Shujinko, Dairou, Jarek, Darrius, Mavado, Hotaru, Mokap, Hsu Hao, Kira, Meat, Blaze, Kobra, Chameleon, Khameleon, Sheeva, and Drahmin show such little fan support or NRS love that I don't think we'll ever see them again. (Possible exceptions are Shujinko and Blaze, for storyline reasons, and Sheeva, for nostalgia reasons.) In any case, I think none of them will be in MKX.

The bosses and sub-bosses--Goro, Kintaro, Motaro, and Moloch--I don't expect to be playable, though they may have story mode cameos.

Taven and Daegon: The point of MK9 was that Armageddon was subverted, so I see no reason for these characters to return.

This is the best list I have seen so far. I like the inclusion of Noob; because I think him getting sucked in the soulnado furthered his story line rather than ending it.

It was only after I read your list that I considered Hotaru not making the cut when Havik does. I always figured those two to be tied together. But If havik is in NRS could make one of the new characters a Seidan Guard, rather than bringing Hotaru Back. Which honestly I would rather see.
07/25/2014 08:02 PM (UTC)
In reply to septillions list.

There are two spots for cyborgs, so we could get both Sektor and Cyrax. If we only get one of the two, I won't mind. As for the second spot, I would like to have Cyborg Smoke or a new never before seen cyborg. It could also be Kano.

Havik is a cool character that I would love to see return. If he was to return, yes...I can see Hotaru or a new Seido character being included. I would like to have Johnny Cages MK9 ending to be canon. It's doubtful though.

Overall it is a great list.
07/25/2014 08:12 PM (UTC)
DarkenedSoul Wrote:
There are two spots for cyborgs,.

How do you know this?
07/25/2014 08:15 PM (UTC)
Dellombie Wrote:
I loved your Roster.. however I would add Kano should be in ( as old character) and Sareena deserves a spot too..

Who would you take out then? Or do you see there being 32 playable characters?
Pages: 4
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