07/18/2014 05:02 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I actually liked this look for Frost:

But other than that, she was just a female Subbie. That's what I didn't like. She can keep her ice powers, as long she don't have any of Subbie's moves and won't look like him one bit. Just because she has ice powers shouldn't mean that she will be like the other one with ice powers. That's just lazy character design.

As for Li Mei... I don't see what NRS could change about her to make me like her, but maybe I'll be surprised.

I liked the look as well... But I had a problem with it. Not because it's one of those "We need to have her show off more skin since her primary didn't," but just that for who she is... it didn't make sense. A student that has that.

Not that it was a major problem and I totally did not use it (in fact I think I used that more than her primary outfit because it showed her face), I just laughed that it was a weird costume to have for what her character is.

I actually wouldn't mind if she had a costume like that if she is to return, whenever that is.
07/18/2014 05:06 PM (UTC)
Lol @ sexy Frost...

I'd rather see her as a more tom-boy type of character with a very big ego. So I liked the non-naked version better.
07/18/2014 05:09 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Lol @ sexy Frost...

I'd rather see her as a more tom-boy type of character with a very big ego. So I liked the non-naked version better.

So you would rather she looks like a palette swap than having her original look? I don't think I'll ever understand you. You say you hate everything that is typical, yet when something is very atypical, you would rather have the typical... :/
07/18/2014 05:11 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Lol @ sexy Frost...

I'd rather see her as a more tom-boy type of character with a very big ego. So I liked the non-naked version better.

So you would rather she looks like a palette swap than having her original look? I don't think I'll ever understand you. You say you hate everything that is typical, yet when something is very atypical, you would rather have the typical... :/

No. no no! You don't understand it darling.

I just think the sexy-stuff doesn't suit Frost at all. And she's not a pallet swap, she's a female dressed as a guy, I like that. And it suits her storyline more.

I'm in for something new for Frost, but not a sexy road.
07/18/2014 05:25 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Lol @ sexy Frost...

I'd rather see her as a more tom-boy type of character with a very big ego. So I liked the non-naked version better.

So you would rather she looks like a palette swap than having her original look? I don't think I'll ever understand you. You say you hate everything that is typical, yet when something is very atypical, you would rather have the typical... :/

No. no no! You don't understand it darling.

I just think the sexy-stuff doesn't suit Frost at all. And she's not a pallet swap, she's a female dressed as a guy, I like that. And it suits her storyline more.

I'm in for something new for Frost, but not a sexy road.

Ah, fair enough. I still don't like Frost being clad like a female Subbie, but I wouldn't mind Frost having a more tomboyish demeanor and style, like Sonya.
07/18/2014 06:08 PM (UTC)
Keeping the Story of Li Mei is almost unbelievable easy. Shinnok and Quan Chi discovered the army of Onaga and dig the grave and enslave the Village summon a tournament and Li Mei wins, then it defeats Quan Chi.

There was the first draft that after Li Mei eventually removed, elements of Chinese magic, as explosive roles, manipulation of paint and stretch fabric. This could be availed.

Frost as the best we can do with it is turn it into Cyborg, and so she could gain powers beyond the ice, as the TX Terminator 3.
07/18/2014 06:23 PM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
Keeping the Story of Li Mei is almost unbelievable easy. Shinnok and Quan Chi discovered the army of Onaga and dig the grave and enslave the Village summon a tournament and Li Mei wins, then it defeats Quan Chi.

There was the first draft that after Li Mei eventually removed, elements of Chinese magic, as explosive roles, manipulation of paint and stretch fabric. This could be availed.

Frost as the best we can do with it is turn it into Cyborg, and so she could gain powers beyond the ice, as the TX Terminator 3.

Question is, would Frost be willing to become a cyborg? Because from the impression I got of her in MKDA-MKA, she wants power and control, not give it up to become a mindless slave.

As for your whole Li Mei story - Quan Chi learnt about the Dragon King army AFTER Shinnok's defeat. If Shinnok and Quan Chi are able to take over Outworld, then they might learn about the Dragon King army, but why would they want to use it? They already took over Outworld. Maybe they would want to use it to invade Earthrealm with, but why enslave a village and force them to make a temple when Shinnok could just pluck out souls from the Netherrealm and put them into the clay soldiers? You also have to remember that all the mighty fighters who died in MK9 are under Quan Chi's might now, so they don't really need the Dragon King army.

IF Li Mei was to return, I'd rather that Bo'Rai Cho was looking for fighters to build up a resistance against Shinnok and then fell upon Li Mei, or something like that. It's less complicated and makes more sense, imo.
07/18/2014 06:37 PM (UTC)
Characters of the last game I'm really curious about Sektor and Mileena (and be with Smoke if he comes back as a demon Ennera and Jade if she comes back possessed by that entity) because they changed their status, while others remain the same, by I'm not interested about them. Medallion with the Lin Kuei, Sektor has power and interest to convert the last Cryomancer the army of machines, but it is clear that his will may be greater than the schedule and she conspiring with Quan Chi to take the Lin Kuei for you.
07/18/2014 06:52 PM (UTC)
I actually really like Li Mei - I liked her story and armor appearance in MK:D and I really like the accrobatics in her moveset. I would love to see how they could reinvent her in MKX.

I've always been indifferent to Frost, but I really like the idea of her becoming a cyborg. Maybe the cyborg parts could be used to make her look a little big Borg-ish?

07/19/2014 12:49 AM (UTC)
Frost: Human or Cyborg, she should have Ice Teleports. Along the lines of Noobs from MK9 but with ice. She can also create an ice port behind her to break free and appear through another on the right side of the screen (vise versa). She can also create one in the air to jump forward into, then come up through another from the ground.
She can have Ice Clones,but, not throwable like Sub-Zeros. How about the Ground Freeze, where the opponent steps on it and slips repeatedly for a few seconds?

As for Li Mei, she is a great character with pity moves. She can become something good.
07/19/2014 04:05 AM (UTC)
Frost- reminds me of sub and she looks the mk way so she's cool. Never used her but wouldn't mind her if she was in. But would be weird due to variations she would be probably to smiliar to sub.

li mei- Get the FACK OUTTA HERE!!!!! Shit Character.
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