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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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07/17/2014 09:18 AM (UTC)
Frost should never return as a playable character. She is nothing more than Sub-Zero with boobs gameplay wise. She offers nothing unique to the roster as long as there is (and always will be) Subbie. If they want to give her a cameo in story mode, then fine, makes no difference to me.

Li Mei I hope returns, she's super kawaii :)
07/17/2014 11:14 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
She is nothing more than Sub-Zero with boobs...

You say that like it's a bad thing. wink
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/17/2014 11:17 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Frost should never return as a playable character. She is nothing more than Sub-Zero with boobs gameplay wise. She offers nothing unique to the roster as long as there is (and always will be) Subbie. If they want to give her a cameo in story mode, then fine, makes no difference to me.

Li Mei I hope returns, she's super kawaii :)

07/17/2014 12:16 PM (UTC)
Well... It would be cooler if Sub-Zero and Cyber Sub-Zero was split into Sub-Zero and Frost in MK2011 instead.
07/17/2014 12:31 PM (UTC)
frost should return, get cyber initiated, killing three birds with one stone.

1. satisfy frost fans
2. satisfy cyber-sub fans
3. satisfy people wanting a female cyber-ninja
07/17/2014 12:41 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
frost should return, get cyber initiated, killing three birds with one stone.

1. satisfy frost fans
2. satisfy cyber-sub fans
3. satisfy people wanting a female cyber-ninja

Agree. But considering the variations, I believe the T1000 powers could be given to her. And Maybe Cyber​​-Smoke too. http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101104224301/terminator/images/e/e7/T-Xii.jpg This could be the Character Model, only with sinuses and blue.
07/17/2014 01:11 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
frost should return, get cyber initiated, killing three birds with one stone.

1. satisfy frost fans
2. satisfy cyber-sub fans
3. satisfy people wanting a female cyber-ninja

That, sir, is an excellent idea. I'd be down for a Cyber-Frost. That'd definitely differeniate her from Subby and has the potential to be pretty badass.

Well-played... glasses
About Me

07/17/2014 06:49 PM (UTC)
Frost is probably my favorite character in the entire series. It's just a shame that she'll always stand in the shadow of Sub-Zero, simply because their powers are basically the same. I would love to see her in this game, but I can just hear the outcries already of her stealing a spot for a more original character.

I think it would have been nicer, at least to me, if Sub-Zero wasn't in this one. Frost could easily take his spot in the story, I'm sure. Ah well, we'll see what happens. Ed Boon said that we shouldn't count anyone out simply because another character is in the game. I'm hoping he was talking about Frost there. smile
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07/18/2014 04:23 AM (UTC)
Frost has no potential, she's just a Sub-Zero rip-off made into an even shittier character. (Not that Sub-Zero is shitty.)

And Li Mei is fucking terrible.

07/18/2014 02:33 PM (UTC)
Quanchi9 Wrote:
Frost has no potential, she's just a Sub-Zero rip-off made into an even shittier character. (Not that Sub-Zero is shitty.)

And Li Mei is fucking terrible.


Honestly, I agree. Frost was just a female Sub-Zero and Li Mei was a Mileena turned into an "original" character gone bad and plain.

However, NRS could change the both of them to be something more and better. That said, neither of them have any reason to be in MKX.

Frost was recruited by Sub-Zero after he became the Lin Kuei Grandmaster in the original timeline... but that would mean the Subbie in MKX would be Kuai Liang, and so many people here are so sure it is Bi-Han. If it really is Bi-Han, why would NRS just give him Kuai Liang's story just for Frost to appear? That would be incredibly silly, imo. However, if this Subbie is Kuai Liang, then there's a chance for Frost to return.

As for Li Mei, she got into the story when Shang Tsung and Quan Chi teamed up and enslaved Li Mei's people, forcing them to build a temple... but Shang Tsung is dead, maybe gone forever, as his soul is fused with Sindel's. So Li Mei has absolutely no motivation to be in the story. But again, if NRS wanted her in, they would make up some excuse of course, but it would just be silly.
07/18/2014 02:37 PM (UTC)
Recurring characters can have new stories if it makes sense. There are plenty of ways to have Li Mei, Frost, Nitara and so on to come back in ways that are much more different than what they were before.

Give them a chance, instead of immediately blowing them off because of some gripe you have with them.
07/18/2014 02:44 PM (UTC)
Li Mei came to protect his village. She would come back with a different threat, Shinnok does this function attacking Outworld. Frost was recruited to the Lin Kuei when that lost their members, whereas Sektor must be alone he needs to mechanize other warriors.
07/18/2014 02:59 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Recurring characters can have new stories if it makes sense. There are plenty of ways to have Li Mei, Frost, Nitara and so on to come back in ways that are much more different than what they were before.

Give them a chance, instead of immediately blowing them off because of some gripe you have with them.

You are doing pretty much the same to some other characters...
07/18/2014 03:47 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Quanchi9 Wrote:
Frost has no potential, she's just a Sub-Zero rip-off made into an even shittier character. (Not that Sub-Zero is shitty.)

And Li Mei is fucking terrible.


Honestly, I agree. Frost was just a female Sub-Zero and Li Mei was a Mileena turned into an "original" character gone bad and plain.

However, NRS could change the both of them to be something more and better. That said, neither of them have any reason to be in MKX.

Frost was recruited by Sub-Zero after he became the Lin Kuei Grandmaster in the original timeline... but that would mean the Subbie in MKX would be Kuai Liang, and so many people here are so sure it is Bi-Han. If it really is Bi-Han, why would NRS just give him Kuai Liang's story just for Frost to appear? That would be incredibly silly, imo. However, if this Subbie is Kuai Liang, then there's a chance for Frost to return.

As for Li Mei, she got into the story when Shang Tsung and Quan Chi teamed up and enslaved Li Mei's people, forcing them to build a temple... but Shang Tsung is dead, maybe gone forever, as his soul is fused with Sindel's. So Li Mei has absolutely no motivation to be in the story. But again, if NRS wanted her in, they would make up some excuse of course, but it would just be silly.

Of course any involvement from Li Mei in MKX would require NRS to make up some "silly" excuse according to you. It's not like we can give existing characters new storylines or anything like that. Nah, they're just supposed to do the exact same thing forever, and ever, and ever.

The fact that Li Mei's story might have to be completely different this time around could lead to various possibilities regarding her character. Without the events of MK:DA, Li Mei's character is almost a blank slate. They can pretty much start anew. That to me sounds exciting. Of course, lot of fans seem to hate excitement.

And why the hell would Frost need Kuai Liang to be part of the MK story anyway? Are you so unimaginative that you really couldn't think of a new way to fit her into the story? You almost made it sound like Frost's story was KL poofing her into existence.

"Neither have a reason to be involved in MKX". Whatever. Just give them a reason to be involved. Problem solved. I swear, people and this obsession with characters "fitting in" or "not fitting in". Makes me glad that few gamers ever become developers themselves, as they'd surely give us the most boring games, with the most boring and predictable storylines, in existence.
07/18/2014 03:48 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Recurring characters can have new stories if it makes sense. There are plenty of ways to have Li Mei, Frost, Nitara and so on to come back in ways that are much more different than what they were before.

Give them a chance, instead of immediately blowing them off because of some gripe you have with them.

You are doing pretty much the same to some other characters...

You missed the entire point of the post. My point was just because a character feels like a clone to another character should not be the single reason to dislike them and say "They shouldn't be in this game because they were this." That's blowing them off completely without giving a chance to realize they'll be completely different than what they were. As well as, people shouldn't automatically say that a character should not come back because their stories won't allow them to. That's not right at all.

Comparing that to me disliking a few characters... yeah because I have a gripe with a character like Rain, I'm immediately blowing him off and hoping he doesn't return... I never said that. If such characters that I don't really care for makes it in, I don't ignore them. Heck, I've actually played Rain a lot in 2011 because his gameplay was very fast pace. But I still didn't care for him because I didn't like some of the moves he had. I at least gave him a chance.
07/18/2014 04:00 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Recurring characters can have new stories if it makes sense. There are plenty of ways to have Li Mei, Frost, Nitara and so on to come back in ways that are much more different than what they were before.

Give them a chance, instead of immediately blowing them off because of some gripe you have with them.

You are doing pretty much the same to some other characters...

You missed the entire point of the post. My point was just because a character feels like a clone to another character should not be the single reason to dislike them and say "They shouldn't be in this game because they were this." That's blowing them off completely without giving a chance to realize they'll be completely different than what they were. As well as, people shouldn't automatically say that a character should not come back because their stories won't allow them to. That's not right at all.

Comparing that to me disliking a few characters... yeah because I have a gripe with a character like Rain, I'm immediately blowing him off and hoping he doesn't return... I never said that. If such characters that I don't really care for makes it in, I don't ignore them. Heck, I've actually played Rain a lot in 2011 because his gameplay was very fast pace. But I still didn't care for him because I didn't like some of the moves he had. I at least gave him a chance.

Frost and Li Mei were in 3 games (counting MK: Unchained as Frost's second appearance), and they were the same in all three games, Li Mei having minor character development to be made a bit more unique. However, I didn't like them in any of those games, both story, looks and gameplay.

If NRS were to completely revamp the two to make them appear in MKX, then they might as well have made completely new characters. They wouldn't be the Frost and Li Mei we knew from MKDA-MKA.

However, if NRS aren't going to revamp them, then that means I will most likely not like them in MKX either, and thus I'd rather they didn't appear at all.
07/18/2014 04:09 PM (UTC)
They could revamp their stories but keep it as close as they can to their original. I've thrown out the whole Frost story before on how she's already a Lin Kuei student rather than being in Sub-Zero's newly founded Lin Kuei.

Li Mei could have some other threat attack her village rather than the Deadly Alliance.

I wouldn't want to immediately jump the gun and hope they don't come back (and it's not because they're characters I like), I'd rather have them be worked on to where they could have a chance to be liked since again, everyone's got a chance, even characters like Drahmin and Darrius... characters that are very well not liked by the community at all.

But of course, everyone's got their reasons, and not everyone is gonna be on the same page even if both sides of the problem are throwing out every bit of information on how their side can work. tongue
07/18/2014 04:16 PM (UTC)
Evil Frost = grinsmilegrin

Good Frost = furiousconfusedsadconfusedsleep
07/18/2014 04:16 PM (UTC)
I actually liked this look for Frost:

But other than that, she was just a female Subbie. That's what I didn't like. She can keep her ice powers, as long she don't have any of Subbie's moves and won't look like him one bit. Just because she has ice powers shouldn't mean that she will be like the other one with ice powers. That's just lazy character design.

As for Li Mei... I don't see what NRS could change about her to make me like her, but maybe I'll be surprised.
07/18/2014 04:29 PM (UTC)
I'd rather Li Mei's story not involve her village being attacked again, if she returns. Sure, she might not be "recognizable" as a character, but come on, we still don't know that much about her as a character anyway. She didn't yet get the chance to appear in a story mode, where she'd have dialogue, and interact with other characters. All we really know about her, as a person, is that she's brave and would defend her people at all cost. Everything else is still vague.

The "village defender" storyline makes her sound like some generic protagonist in a old NES game that didn't flesh out said protagonist much beyond being the saviour (meaning it'd make her seem interchangeable with another brave villager, if that was always her story). I want to know what she'd be doing if her village wasn't under threat. The uncertainty of her character's purpose in the story is what could make her return exciting.

That, and I liked her design and moveset. Why let these go to waste? Because they couldn't think of a new storyline for her? Sadly, that wouldn't surprise me.
07/18/2014 04:37 PM (UTC)
Is it bad of me to hope that Li Mei will never be used again? Only as guest character in Tekken where she belongs?

Iek, so much hate is going to come my way now!
07/18/2014 04:40 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Is it bad of me to hope that Li Mei will never used again? Only as quest character in Tekken where she belongs?

Iek, so much hate is going to come my way now!

What's a quest character?
07/18/2014 04:41 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Is it bad of me to hope that Li Mei will never used again? Only as quest character in Tekken where she belongs?

Iek, so much hate is going to come my way now!

What's a quest character?

Lol, I meant guest.
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07/18/2014 04:42 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Is it bad of me to hope that Li Mei will never used again? Only as quest character in Tekken where she belongs?

Iek, so much hate is going to come my way now!

Personally I never figured out why people are so fascinated by her. I never liked her and didn't care for her in MKD when she returned.
Out of all the females introduced post MK3. She is my least favorite. Even compared to Kira, who many people disliked.
07/18/2014 04:47 PM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Is it bad of me to hope that Li Mei will never used again? Only as quest character in Tekken where she belongs?

Iek, so much hate is going to come my way now!

Personally I never figured out why people are so fascinated by her. I never liked her and didn't care for her in MKD when she returned.
Out of all the females introduced post MK3. She is my least favorite. Even compared to Kira, who many people disliked.

I actually loved Kira very much, I only hated her move-set. That appearance and the red hair are just so cool, and i'm obsessed by the Black Dragon for some mysterious reason.

Li Mei strikes me as Tekken fighter in her Mortal Kombat DA form, and really of all mortal kombat games I hate DA most of all, really disliked that game.

Li Mei is also my least favorite girl, she stole Mileena's weapons and felt as a cheap replacer back then, even tho she didn't shared any moves with her... the colors and weapons just made it bad.

I liked her more in deception, but still she reminded me of that horrid DA version of herself and the game I hate most in my entire life, Tekken.

That will never be erased... so Li mei is a victim of tekken, just because she's an Asian women with some typical-tekken clothes on... I feel game-racist now... but I can't help it sorry... Even that name reminds me of characters of Tekken. (If I remember correctly, there are multiple Asian females in Tekken with names like Li Mei, but I could be wrong, I never watched it again after seeing it once)
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