characters with great Potential: Frost, Li Mei, etc
posted07/19/2014 04:05 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/20/2011 12:25 AM (UTC)
I love the fact that Frost was female Sub Zero. And I really want her back. If they can bring Sub Zero back every time lets bring her back and make her a bad ass formidable opponent for Subbie. honestly I am sick of sub and scorp in every game, yes I know they are the favorites, but why create characters like Frost just to never hear from them again. I also like Li Mei her story had potential . I know our classic characters have a place in our hearts but I think its time for some of the later characters to shine now its 2014
07/16/2014 12:56 AM (UTC)
Potential doesn't push sales. You either make an impression or be left in the dust. Many, many characters have failed to do that.
07/16/2014 12:58 AM (UTC)
which characters do you think made the biggest impression? It doesn't seem like any of the post MK4 characters have at all except Tanya and Reiko, Havik
07/16/2014 01:07 AM (UTC)
leegary Wrote:
I love the fact that Frost was female Sub Zero. And I really want her back. If they can bring Sub Zero back every time lets bring her back and make her a bad ass formidable opponent for Subbie. honestly I am sick of sub and scorp in every game, yes I know they are the favorites, but why create characters like Frost just to never hear from them again. I also like Li Mei her story had potential . I know our classic characters have a place in our hearts but I think its time for some of the later characters to shine now its 2014

I hear ya, brother, and I could not agree more.

Frost and Li Mei in MKX, or we riot! grin
07/16/2014 02:12 AM (UTC)
leegary Wrote:
which characters do you think made the biggest impression? It doesn't seem like any of the post MK4 characters have at all except Tanya and Reiko, Havik

Tanya and Reiko were both in MK4. I'd say in post MK4 era, Kenshi made a pretty big impression and became a fan favorite. Havik seems to have a fairly big fan base on MKO, but not sure about the MK fan base as a whole.

I will say this; I think NRS has really hit their stride as a fighting game studio and could make any character in the franchise a total bad-ass, even the most hated ones. While I'm glad they're going to be introducing a ton of new characters in MKX to expand the series, I think it would be cool if they released some MKDA-MKA characters that didn't make the final roster as DLC. That way some of these obscure characters can get a second chance, and with DLC number tracking they can see just how popular they are. Not that I'm expecting to see many of them, but it's just a thought I had.
07/16/2014 02:24 AM (UTC)
"Frost" and "potential" aren't really synonymous with each other. She's really served no purpose in the series from the start other than satisfying the need for a female Sub-Zero.
Yeah, another fucking Cryomancer. Lots of potential for what, exactly? Not an interesting and varied moveset, that's for damn sure.

Let's not even talk about Li Mei.
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07/16/2014 03:00 AM (UTC)
Well Frost and Sub-Zero don't necessarily have to play the same way, they could make her stand out on her own. I'd welcome back Li Mei as well. I liked her Dragon soldier development, though I doubt they'd repeat that route with Raiden still alive and well.
07/16/2014 03:08 AM (UTC)
both Ermac & Kenshi have telekenisis and they fight different and are very popular
07/16/2014 04:01 AM (UTC)
leegary Wrote:
which characters do you think made the biggest impression? It doesn't seem like any of the post MK4 characters have at all except Tanya and Reiko, Havik

Only Quan Chi and Kenshi have really done that, and they're more or less a given for MKX.

Tanya, being one of the few characters past their MK4 debut to appear again outside of Armageddon, has a niche fanbase. This was proven when she and Rain were the top voted for MK9 DLC. Tanya is likely to be in MKX.

Reiko is not really a popular character. I'd say besides Tanya and Quan Chi no one from MK4 has carved a niche for themselves, although Fujin would be a distant third.

Bo Rai Cho seems to have left a negative impression. Despite appearing in the sequel to his debut game and the push by Boon et al. most people do not seem to like the character and his intricacies.

Hotaru was one of the very first new characters to be revealed for Deception but is not necessarily an impressionable character. He does have the advantage in that his lackluster Seido contemporaries in Dairou and Darrius make him stand out much, much more.

Havik's extremely odd way of fighting and appearance has given him a niche fanbase much like Tanya. I'd say the chances of Havik appearing in MKX are pretty good, since Boon and company also seem to like him.

Really, I'd say the amount of characters that "caught on" after their debut post MK4 could be counted on one hand. I wouldn't even name five. I'd say say only four are really applicable: Quan Chi, Tanya, Kenshi and Havik.
07/16/2014 04:14 AM (UTC)
Yes to Frost. I'd go more into depth about each character but I'm on my phone and I have a nasty headache causing me not to go too much, but at least here's where I stand.
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07/16/2014 04:38 AM (UTC)
Saying Li Mei had potential implies that her MKDA/MKD story wasn't already hella solid. Li Mei's coming back. I think people ought to accept that sooner than later.
07/16/2014 04:41 AM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
Potential doesn't push sales. You either make an impression or be left in the dust. Many, many characters have failed to do that.

This. Many, if not all the younger characters (MK4 to MKA) have potential. They weren't even exploited for 5 cents at the moment how could they not? And most of them have a fanbase, no matter how big or small it can be. The whole MK4 and MKDA newcomers had something up their sleeves to my eyes but Mokap and Blaze. Well, one's been a boss in a forgettable compilation. I clearly hope those 2 never make it back. But Frost, Li Mei and the whole MK4-MKDA rookies can still be ameliorated in the process of returning. Even Frost.:P And they aren't less interesting in terms of what they have to offer than, let' say... Kabal.

There are already a good amount of new chars for MKX so to everyone i wish your favorite post MK3 char makes it. I wish it better if your fav's Nitara.;)
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07/16/2014 04:46 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Saying Li Mei had potential implies that her MKDA/MKD story wasn't already hella solid. Li Mei's coming back. I think people ought to accept that sooner than later.
I'd sure hope so. I don't recall a fan base ever throwing a tantrum for her inclusion though, but I'm only on MKO so I wouldn't know every other MKFansite's hierarchy status.
07/16/2014 04:59 AM (UTC)
'Potential' is a bad word here because it's way overused especially with characters not that notable or significant. If they have potential it's really because their story is vague enough to take them anywhere or they weren't fully fleshed out.

In that case, let's give Meat a chance. I'm sure he'd be good...fleshed out... see what I did there.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Yes the joke is stale, just like most characters with 'potential' oop
07/16/2014 05:30 AM (UTC)
Li Mei has more potential than Fost.

I think Sareena has a lot of potential.
07/16/2014 07:44 AM (UTC)
Well Ermac and Kenshi works because Kenshi uses his sword with telekinetic in many special moves.

So NRS could for sure implement Frost in MKX BUT!!! there is one reason why I'm for 100% sure that Frost won't be in. The same reason why we don't see Ermac AND Kenshi together in MKX: The variations!

In MK9 both had four til five special moves. But in MKX they would have mostly ten or more, adding three different styles based on telekinetic or ice and make sure they didn't lack on varities.

No, we won't see Frost in this game. I'm 100% sure about it. It wouldn't make much sense.
07/16/2014 01:22 PM (UTC)
Not sure why people think Li Mei is such a given. She's never been particularly popular even amidst MK circles.

Napalm1980 Wrote:

The same reason why we don't see Ermac AND Kenshi together in MKX: The variations!

This is an interesting conundrum. Ermac and Kenshi are similar enough to where one could easily have the moveset of the other through the new variation system. While I wouldn't be surprised if they both made it in, I'm somewhat expecting only one of the two are getting into MKX.
07/16/2014 01:30 PM (UTC)
Li Mei - Never cared for her, I hate Tekken, so I hate her as she really reminds me of a Tekken Character for some mysterious reasons, probably the clothes from DA.

Frost I hated as well, but I found out Frost is actually the arrogant female character of the series, pretty vain and full of herself. I would love to see her back, and she could resolve around icicle attacks, blizzard attacks and ice clones (as Subbie has an ice-shield now)

I would really love to see Frost freeze to death again because she grabs the amulet that gives power again, but instead of dying she turns into a horrible ice-freak-monster, that could probably be her third fightning style as well.
07/16/2014 02:12 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
leegary Wrote:
I love the fact that Frost was female Sub Zero. And I really want her back. If they can bring Sub Zero back every time lets bring her back and make her a bad ass formidable opponent for Subbie. honestly I am sick of sub and scorp in every game, yes I know they are the favorites, but why create characters like Frost just to never hear from them again. I also like Li Mei her story had potential . I know our classic characters have a place in our hearts but I think its time for some of the later characters to shine now its 2014

I hear ya, brother, and I could not agree more.

Frost and Li Mei in MKX, or we riot! grin

Hear! Hear! smile
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07/16/2014 02:19 PM (UTC)
I think we need Ashrah in this game even though she has powers of Raiden and Fujin I think she could make it in the roster or DLC.
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07/16/2014 02:36 PM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
Bo Rai Cho seems to have left a negative impression. Despite appearing in the sequel to his debut game and the push by Boon et al. most people do not seem to like the character and his intricacies.

Time has changed that. A little while ago there was some thread that had a surprising amount of support for him. Folks just want his character refined a bit.
07/16/2014 10:26 PM (UTC)
Le mei is ass.
07/17/2014 01:42 AM (UTC)
Frost: I can see her being overhauled by design(s), new array of specials and of course fatalities.
For her variations she can have the ability of Snow (blizzards, storms, hail), Icicles and Teleports.

Li Mei was pretty cool back in the day, especially in MKD. I would like to see her return.

Another character that I thought had potential is Dairou. He was a cool character and I could just imagine him in MKX.

Yes to Bo too!
07/17/2014 02:19 AM (UTC)
The only two characters with great potential I wish to see are Tanya and Reiko. ^^
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